
Past Events

Education Updates



May 20  CACAGNY Supports Boston Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief  (Brief)

May 1  CACAGNY Joins Coalition Against Biden Administration's Illegal Re-Interpretation of Title IX

    May 10 World Journal  允跨性別學生如廁自由 華裔憂

March 2  CACAGNY Holds Essay Contest  (Registration Form)

​    February 27 Epoch Times  2024年同源會作文比賽 3月1日報名截止

February 6  CACAGNY Opposes Governor Hochul’s 10% Scheme for SUNY, CUNY

​    February 9 World Journal 紐約客談/亞裔學生不是種族平衡的犧牲品

    February 7 Epoch Times 高中前10%畢業生直升州立大學 紐約同源會:對亞裔不利

    February 6  New York Post  Hochul’s SUNY admission scheme is simply more racial discrimination

January 22  CACAGNY to City Councilmembers: Don't Override Mayor's Veto

    January 13  Epoch Times 紐約市長否決攔檢報告法遭推翻 華社:非常失望

   January 24 Epoch Times 移民與警察議題難同調 紐約民主黨派系對立升溫

   January 24 Sing Tao 華人團體要求市議會 勿推翻「欄截次數法案」否決

   January 23 Epoch Times  訴求執法透明 紐約市議會將推翻市長挺警結果
   January 23 World Journal 「給罪犯鬆綁、給警察戴手銬」 華人團體支持否決攔檢法

January 17  CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Racial Discrimination in Education Program

​   March 11 Instruction Discussion STEP Discrimination

   February 9 World Journal 紐約客談/亞裔學生不是種族平衡的犧牲品
   January 23 QNS Whitestone mom leads lawsuit alleging discrimination in state science program
   January 22 Lion New York STEM education grants favor certain races, lawsuit claims

   January 19 AsAm News AsAm News  Asian parents file lawsuit against New York over alleged discrimination
   January 19 Gothamist  Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program

   January 19 Patabook News Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program

   January 18 Brooklyn Eagle  New lawsuit targets program to diversity NYS STEM students

   January 18 Campus Reform Asian parents sue New York over program that favors Blacks, Hispanics

   January 18 Connecticut Centinel  CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Education Program

   January 18 Conservative Daily News Asian parents sue NY STEM program for discrimination

   January 18 New York Post End this openly anti-Asian New York education policy NOW
   January 18 Daily Wire  Asian Parents File Lawsuit Claiming NY STEM Program Discriminates

   January 18 Sing Tao  華裔告州府STEP項目

   January 18 World Journal  紐約州弱勢生STEP補助遭控歧視 亞裔維權提告

   January 17 BNN  Asian Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program

   January 17 Chalkbeat  New lawsuit targets program to diversify NY’s college STEM majors
   January 17 China Press  STEP招生歧視性指導方針遭起訴

    January 17 Legal Insurrection  Asian Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program 

   January 17 New York Post  Asian parents claim NY STEM program discriminates against their kids: suit
   January 17 Pacific Legal Foundation  Federal lawsuit challenges racial discrimination in school grant program

   January 17 Pacific Legal Foundation  Chu et. al. v. Rosa


​​December 6  CACAGNY Holds Webinar with Success Academy Charter Schools​

November 5  CACAGNY Condemns Antisemitic Attacks

October 30  CACAGNY Wants All Charges Against Chinese Father Dismissed

October 11  WWII Soldier, Identification Spurred by CACA Congressional Gold Medal Project, Laid to Rest

   October 13 Epoch Times  二戰華裔士兵遺骸送葬 紐約親屬和社區致敬

   October 11 Sing Tao 波士頓英雄廣場將記錄譚阿勇生平

September 22  CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief  (Brief)
    September 27 Sing Tao 籲高院審理傑斐遜高中招生案

   September 25 Epoch Times 紐約市多個家長組織聲援TJ高中反歧視訴訟

   September 25 World Journal 傑佛遜高中招生涉歧視 同源會聲援維權組織上訴

   September 23 New York Post How the Supremes can head off back-door racial favoritism by US colleges

August 17  CACAGNY Testifes Against So-Called "Congestion Pricing"  (Video of Entire Hearing)

   Aug 18  China Press 市議會擁堵費聽證 華社齊聲反對

   Aug 18  Epoch Times  紐約華社力爭堵車稅優惠 MTA挨批「無能」又「低效」
​   Aug 18  Sing Tao  市議會舉行入城費公聽會  華人發言踴躍強烈反對

  Aug 18  World Journal  市議會公聽堵車費計畫 華社強烈反對

June 29  CACAGNY issues Statement on SFFA v Harvard

   July    1  Epoch Times 美華社領袖陳慧華:種族偏好之戰還沒結束
  June 30 China Press 紐約多家教育倡導組織發聲明表贊同
  June 30 Daily Caller Most Asian Americans Oppose Race-Based Admissions. Why DIdn't Their Advocacy Groups?
  June 30 Epoch Times 最高法裁決大學招生不看種族 華人團體慶祝
  June 30 World Journal  高院裁決哈佛案違憲 華裔家長叫好

   June 29 Sing Tao  精英教育團體歡呼雀躍'

June 23  CACAGNY Joins Anti-Semitism Fight

May 10 CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Rally for Safe Shelter Laws  (Video)

May 5  CACAGNY's Discovery Expansion Lawsuit against New York City Reaches Court of Appeals

  5/10 Epoch Times 亞裔團體告紐約市歧視亞裔學生案 巡迴法庭開審

April 19  CACAGNY Co-Signs Letter to Defend Women's Rights Under Title IX

   4/24  Fox News Education groups send letter to DOE on proposed Title IX transgender athletes rule

April 16  CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Presentation on College Financial Aid

   4/17  China Press  四機構聯合主辦大學助學金申請輔導講座

   4/17  World Journal  學費飆漲 申請大學助學金 專家支招

April 16  CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Student Projects on Bail Reform

   4/17  Epoch Times  紐約亞裔學生親聆資深檢察官分析保釋改革

   4/17  World Journal  蘋果核計畫 華生演講聚焦保釋法改革

April 16  CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Forum On SFFA v Harvard Lawsuit

   4/17  China Press  趙宇空分享哈佛歧視亞裔案維權經曆

   4/17  Epoch Times  哈佛排亞訴訟未休 美國亞裔教育維權不停止

   4/17  Sing Tao  哈佛大學招生案裁決在即 華人籌謀勝利之後下一步

   4/17  World Journal  哈佛招生歧視案將裁決 亞裔教盟樂觀

March 10  AWA, CACAGNY, NYCRA, NYPG Rally to Lift Charter Cap

February 15 CACAGNY Opposes Re-Redistricting of AD-47 and AD-49

​   2/16 Epoch Times 選區重劃 紐約布碌崙第47選區人口超標

​   2/16 World Journal  選區重畫公聽 布碌崙華社抵制分割

February 11  CACAGNY Joins NYC School Safety Coalition Summit and Fair in Harlem

February 5  CACAGNY, AWA and NYCRA Support Lifting NYC Charter Cap

   2/26 New York Post  Free the charters: The right choice for New York’s families is obvious
   2/26 New York Post  Republicans will help pass Hochul’s charter-school plan — it’s a no-brainer (Rob Ortt)

   2/25 New York Post  Nearly half of NYC DOE grads at CUNY need remedial classes

   2/25 Sing Tao 高中教育被批嚴重摻水 近半社區大學生須補課
   2/24 Epoch Times 反對特許學校卻送子女上私立 部分民主黨州議員惹議
   2/24 Sing Tao 反對特許學校民主黨人 被揭送子女讀昂貴私校

    2/22 Fox Business  Risk of Chinese education outpacing American’s

   2/19 New York Post  China’s spy balloon should be a wake-up call — about US schools
   2/17 Fox News Eric Adams refusing to support funding for NYC charter school

   2/15 Manhattan Institute Parents Want Charters Because Schools Are for Kids, Not Unions (New York Post)

   2/ 6 Epoch Times  華人社團支持紐約州長取消特許學校數量上限


December 12  CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Panel on Hate with Jewish Institute of Liberal Values

October 31 CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Rally at Supreme Court on Harvard/UNC Lawsuits

October 27  CACAGNY Recommends Voting NO on all NYC Ballot Proposals

​    11/   3 Sing Tao  多個團體認為對亞裔不利 對大選4提案建議「投反對票」
    10/28 Epoch Times 紐約同源會籲會員對四公投選「NO」

September 21 ​ CACAGNY Repeats Warning on Social Emotional School Surveys

September 19  CACAGNY Provides Update on Discovery Expansion Lawsuit

September 14  Epoch Times 紐約同源會、居民聯盟中秋作文比賽 傳承中華文化

July 20 AWA, CACAGNY, NYCRA Hold Candidate Forum

    7/22 China Press  第十選區政見論壇 議題聚焦經濟與教育

   7/22 World Journal  國會議員六參選人 布碌崙華社答問

   7/21 Epoch Times 紐約第十選區國會議員論壇 議題聚焦教育與經濟
​   7/19 Epoch Times  週三登場 紐約國會第10選區參選人論壇擴大舉辦

July 6  CACAGNY Introduces Vertex Charter High School to Chinese Families

July 1  CACAGNY Joins Rally to Demand Restoration of Law and Order in New York City

June 26  CACAGNY Joins Rally to Denounce DOE's Absurd Lottery Admissions

  6/27 Sing Tao 華人家長哭訴孩子沒學上 團體籲教育局重做高中錄取
  6/27 World Journal 高中抽籤錄取 紐約華人要求按成績重分配
  6/26 China Press  抗議高中錄取抽簽政策 百餘名家長學生集會

​  6/26 Sinovision 紐約家長學生教育局前抗議高中抽籤錄取:努力學習是為了什麼?

June 21  CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Amicus Brief  (Brief)

  6/21 Asra Investigates  Chinese, Hindu, Jewish groups file brief supporting TJ families

  6/23 Epoch Times  反對搞種族平衡 紐約同源會支持TJ家長

May 25  CACAGNY congratulates Parents Defending Education

   6/  3 World Journal  撤銷資優班已駁回 同源會慶抗議成功
  5/26 Epoch Times  曼哈頓高院法官 駁回尋求取消天才班的訴訟

  5/26 Sing Tao  取消天才班訴訟 遭州高院法官駁回

  5/25 Daily Caller Dem-Appointed Judge Unravels Liberal Plot To Racialize Schools With Four Sentences
  5/25 New York Post  Judge dismisses suit seeking to end NYC’s Gifted & Talented programs

May 24  CACAGNY Invites Members and Friends to Support Campaign to Lift Charter Cap 
  5/26 Epoch Times  紐約同源會籲州議會增加特許學校

May 5  CACAGNY Supports Asian Applicants against Harvard in Supreme Court Amicus Brief

  5/9 Epoch Times  紐約同源會加入哈佛與UNC訴訟案的「法庭之友」

  5/9 Sing Tao  哈佛案華人遞法庭意見書 籲關注族裔因素深遠影響

May 1 CACAGNY:  The New G&T and Mayoral Control
   5/  3 Epoch Times  紐約同源會為天才班提建言 修正制度兩缺陷
   4/29 New York Post  Thank Mayor Adams for expanding G&T — but, alas, the plan has some big flaws
   4/15  Sing Tao  市府擴展天才班家長民代叫好 錄取細節尚未明了喜中有憂

April 26 CACAGNY to Albany Legislators:  Protect Your Citizens from Criminals! (Flyer)

    4/27 Epoch Times  同源會、居民聯盟赴州府請願 要求糾正保釋法
    4/27 Sing Tao  迎接西裔老兵步行7日抵州府 數十人奧本尼籲修正保釋法

    4/26 Sun Community News  Public safety reform rally held in Albany

April 21  CACAGNY Officer Participates in Harvard Admission Lawsuit Forum

    4/28 Manhattan Institute Litigating Affirmative Action: The Road to SCOTUS (video)
    4/23 Epoch Times 從哈佛排亞訴訟案 一窺美國高等教育平權政策疏漏
    4/22 Sing Tao 哈佛大學歧視華人學生訴訟案 成敗深遠影響亞裔在美地位
    4/22 World Journal  曼哈頓研究所探討哈佛大學招生歧視案

April 6  CACAGNY Hosts SFFA for Harvard Lawsuit Update, Urges Students to Join SFFA  (SFFA Website)

     5/26 CNBC How Asian Americans became the center of the affirmative action debate
     4/18 Sing Tao  哈佛招生涉歧視亞裔案或10月終審 布魯姆:需華裔支持
     4/ 7 Epoch Times  哈佛大學招生案 原告籲更多亞裔生說經歷
     4/ 7 Sing Tao  高院將審哈佛招生歧視案 原告代表籲亞裔學生家長加盟
     4/ 7 World Journal  哈佛招生歧視亞裔案 估10月辯論明春宣判

​March 24  CACAGNY Introduces Success Academy Charter Schools to Chinese Families

February 26  CACAGNY Congratulates Coalition for TJ, PLF for Victory in Discrimination Lawsuit  

  2/27 World Journal 法官判定歧視亞裔 TJ高中須終止招生新制
  2/26 Epoch Times  聯邦法官裁定維州精英高中招生改革 構成歧視亞裔 
  2/25 Daily Caller Top High School In US Discriminated Against Asian-American Students In Admissions
  2/25 National Review Parent Coalition Wins Asian-Discrimination Lawsuit against Fairfax Public Schools

  2/25 South China Morning Post Admissions rules at US high school discriminate against Asian-Americans
  2/25 Washington Post Judge calls Thomas Jefferson High admissions changes illegal
  2/25 WTOP Judge: New admissions policies at elite school discriminate
  2/25 Unherd Anti-racism betrays Asian students

February 19  CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Rally Against Soft-on-Crime Policies

February 2   CACAGNY Joins Letter Opposing ADL's Racist Redefintion of "Racism"   (Joint Letter)

January 27  CACAGNY Calls Out Failed, Misdirected Policies Causing City Crime Wave

​   2/19  Sing Tao  同源會創會長「紐約郵報」撰文 李尤娜案讓每個族裔均感恐懼

   2/17  Epoch Times  治安惡化罪魁禍首是「遊民收容所」還是「保釋法」?社區:兩者都是

   2/17  New York Post   Asian murders like Christina Yuna Lee’s should terrify NYers of every race

   2/16  New York Post  Christina Yuna Lee’s blood is on the hands of Democrats

   2/16  New York Post  Lawyer for Thai model injured in NYC subway attack rips bail reform

   2/15  New York Post  Psaki pins anti-Asian crime on COVID ‘rhetoric’ after Chinatown slay

   2/15  Sing Tao  議員勿再空談 修正保釋法漏洞

   2/14  New York Post  43% of people let go with no bail on a serious charge in NYC were rearrested

   2/14  New York Post  AOC blames crime surge on child tax credit ending

   1/27  Epoch Times  為受害者發聲 共和黨譴責紐約親罪犯政策

   1/28  Sing Tao  共和黨民代聯手華人集會 呼籲州府取消保釋金改革

   1/28  World Journal  共和黨人集會 譴責保釋法和仇恨犯罪

January 16: New York Post  Chinese New Yorkers ‘disgusted’ by surge in violence, empty Democrat promises

    1/18  Epoch Times  紐約遊民隨機犯罪添冤魂 輿論籲市長收緊管制

​    1/17  World Journal  紐約治安差、生活品質下降 亞裔社區對民主黨不滿日增


December 24:  CACAGNY, Others Denounce Governor Hochul Over Census Disaggregation

                          CACAGNY Statement of November 7, 2021

   12/25 Epoch Times  亞裔細分法通過 紐約華社擬與州府談判

   12/25 Epoch Times  紐約州長簽署亞裔細分法 各方反應迥異

   12/25 Sing Tao  3區華人代表反對亞裔細分法 釀成立組織收集意見與州府交涉

​   12/25 World Journal  反對亞裔細分 紐約華裔團體緊急發聲

   12/24 Sing Tao  州長簽署亞裔細分法 華人社區開會急尋應對

   12/24 World Journal  霍楚簽法亞裔細分 紐約華社意見兩極

December 18:  CACAGNY Holds Bronze Star and Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony  (Photos to Come)

                          Ceremony Program        Video (Session 1) / Video (Session 2) / Video (Session 3)

​   12/23 Next Shark  Chinese American WWII veterans receive long-overdue medals for their service

   12/21 Epoch Times  紐約華埠舉辦銅星勛章頒獎典禮 華人老兵獲獎

   12/21 NTD TV   傳承歷史 二戰華裔老兵國會金獎鼓勵後人

   12/20 NTD  Chinese American World War II Veterans Formally Recognized
   12/19 AsAm News  NYC Chinatown Honors Chinese American WWII Veterans

​   12/19  Sing Tao  同源會向華裔二戰老兵致敬 頒發銅星勛章及國會金質獎章

​   12/19 World Journal  紐約同源會表彰華裔老兵 頒國會金、銅勳章

​   12/18  New York Post  Chinese-American veterans get long-awaited medals for WWII service

December 14: CACAGNY Asks Supreme Court to Fix Past Errors, Restore Equal RIghts in Admissions

                          Amicus Brief

     2/ 7 Epoch Times Supreme Court May End Affirmative Action in College Admissions, Experts Say
    1/31 Epoch Times  加州CFER籲高院糾正哈佛和UNC招生政策
    1/28 New York Times   It’s Time to End Race-Based Affirmative Action
​    1/27 Washington Free Beacon   Mini-Doc on Harvard Case Marks Step Forward for Affirmative-Action Critics
    1/26 Breitbart   Larry Tribe Tells Harvard to Evade Supreme Court on Racial Preferences

    1/26 Minding the Campus    Harvard, UNC Cases Give SCOTUS Chance to End Racial Preferences for Good

    1/25 City Journal   An Affirmative Action Endgame?
    1/25 Epoch Times 歧視亞裔?美最高法院將聽取哈佛大學招生案
    1/25 Epoch Times 美最高法院聽審哈佛招生歧視案 亞裔團體歡迎

    1/25 Harvard Crimson  ‘Bad News for Harvard’: Affirmative Action in Doubt as Court Takes Up Cases
    1/25 National Review   Harvard President’s Dodgy Defense of Discrimination Against Asian Americans

    1/25 Sing Tao  種族應否列錄取考慮因素 高院受理哈佛招生歧視案
    1/25 Wall Street Journal   A Chance to Remove Race From College Admissions

    1/25 World Journal  哈佛、北卡大招生歧視亞裔?最高法院受理…名校遇最大挑戰
    1/24 Epoch Times   Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Colleges Using Race in Admissions

​    1/24 Harvard Crimson   Supreme Court to Take Up Harvard, UNC Affirmative Action Case
    1/24 Wall Street Journal   Race, Harvard and the Supreme Court
    1/24 Wall Street Journal   Supreme Court to Review Race-Conscious Admissions Policies at Harvard, UNC

    1/24 Washington Examiner   White House touts 'equity' as Supreme Court takes up race-based admissions

​ ​ 12/15 Epoch Times  大學招生歧視案 紐約多團體籲複審 紐約同源會向美國最高法院提交法庭之友摘要

  12/15 Sing Tao  同源會等機構提交法庭意見書 挺北卡大學招生歧視亞裔案原告

November 26: City Journal Article Reflects on SHSAT Fight

November 7:  CACAGNY Asks Governor Hochul to Veto Asian Disaggregation Bill

                               CACAGNY Statement

   11/15  China Press  居民聯盟促州長否決亞裔細分案

​   11/12  NBC New York  Chinese Voters Came Out in Force for the GOP in NYC, Shaking Up Politics

   11/11  Sinovision   亚裔细分法案或在纽约立法 是利是弊?华社看法不一
   11/ 9  PoliticsNY   Asian-American groups battle over state diversity data collection bill

   11/ 9  Sing Tao  多亞裔機構發聲明 籲州長否決亞裔細分法

   11/ 8  Epoch Times  紐約華社兩團體激烈反對「亞裔細分」中華公所和同源會質疑:疑為取消SHSAT鋪路

October 27:  CACAGNY Joins Rally Against Proposed Brooklyn Chinatown Vagrant Shelter (Video)

   11/11   City  Chinese Voters Came Out in Force for the GOP in NYC, Shaking Up Politics

   10/28  China Press  八大道建收容所 社區委員會11/4線上例會讨論交流

   10/28  China Press  反興建收容所 八大道千人示威大遊行

   10/28  Epoch Times  八大道建遊民所 華社怒吼「抗爭到底」

   10/28  Sing Tao  華人聯合會組織逾千人遊行  反對8大道遊民收容所計劃

   10/28  World Journal  反8大道遊民所建案 華社示威 上千人上街「保衛家園」

   10/27  Sing Tao  8大道擬建遊民收容所 紐約華人聯合會今抗議

   10/27  Sinovision  华人区中心建游民所 纽约上千人集会抗议市府计划

   10/23  China Press  八大道拟建遊民收容所引民憤 華社籌備10/27抗議示威

   10/23  Sing Tao  8大道擬建遊民收容所計劃 社區將發動全僑抗議行動

   10/23  World Journal  8大道反建遊民所 促市長候選人表態

October 24:  CACAGNY President Listed in "PoliticsNY Power Players in Education"

October 20: CACAGNY Holds City Council District 1 Candidates Forum

                           Candidates Forum Flyer

   10/21  Epoch Times  華埠市議員選舉論壇 馬泰缺席成箭靶

   10/21  Sing Tao  民主黨候選人馬泰拒絕出席 成莫美倫杜波魯夫攻擊目標

   10/21  World Journal  市議會第1選區候選人論壇 馬泰缺

​   10/19  Epoch Times  市議會第一選區候選人論壇 紐約同源會20日舉辦

October 19: CACAGNY EMERGENCY ALERT to Parents: Opt Out of Social Emotional Surveys in Schools!

​   11/10  Epoch Times  紐約市將8千萬救濟金用於「社會情感」學習

   11/  9  Epoch Times  四家長組織籲停「社會情感」測評

   10/30 Epoch Times   美國家長團體:販賣「覺醒」是一門大生意
   10/24 Legal Insurrection  Chinese American Group Calls On Parents To Opt Out Of Social Emotional Surveys

   10/21 Epoch Times  紐約同源會籲家長抵制教育局「社會情感」測評

   10/21 Sing Tao  紐約同源會籲家長抵制 德弗羅學生實力評估篩查

October 12:  CACAGNY Joins Rally to Bring Back G&T:  Flyers, Statement, Photos

    ​10/18 New York Post  The top issues for NYC’s next mayor ahead of the candidates’ first debate
    ​10/16 Epoch Times  29選區市議員候選人邁克 獲紐約市居民聯盟背書
    10/15 World Journal  抗議廢除資優班 家長示威籲亞當斯扭轉政策
    10/13 China Press  近百家長及民代集會抗議取消資優班 顧雅明批市府并未公平分配項目資源
    10/13 New York Post Eric Adams signals support for a Gifted and Talented program admissions exam

    10/13 NTD  NYC Parents Rally for the Gifted and Talented Program  (Willliam Colton)
    10/13 Sing Tao  逾百不同族裔家長示威 嚴厲批評市長教育政策

    10/13  Sinovision 美国华人圈   近百纽约家长抗议市长“天才班”决定:不该取消 反而应增多
    10/13 World Journal  紐約市將取消資優班 華裔家長抗議籲保留更應擴大

​    10/12 CBS NY  De Blasio’s Plan To Overhaul NYC’s Gifted And Talented Program
    10/12 Epoch Times  9歲童想借錢唸私校 民選官與家長籲保留天才班

    10/12 eStar TV KEEP G&T保卫天才班!我们会在52 Chambers Street市教育局抗议示威!
    10/12 New York Post Protesters call on de Blasio to expand Gifted and Talented program
    10/12 NY1  Some parents question how much input they'll get in gifted and talented plans

    10/12 World Journal  華裔家長市教育局前抗議 要求市府保留並擴大資優班
    10/11 Epoch Times  紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號

October 10: CACAGNY Denounces De Blasio's Decision to Ax G&T With No Educational Justification

                      Coalition for TJ  10/15   Statement of Support

    Legal Insurrection  10/24 Chinese American Group Calls On Parents To Opt Out Of Social Emotional Surveys
    Epoch Times 10/11  紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號

    QNS  10/11  Outrage and action following Gifted & Talented announcement 

October 9: CACAGNY Joins Rally to Bring Back G&T

    Sing Tao 10/10 白思豪取消天才班計劃引反彈 數十家長及公職候選人舉牌抗議

​    World Journal 10/10 支持紐約保留資優班 家長上東城抗議

    New York Post 10/9  Don’t count NYC’s Gifted and Talented programs out yet: Adams rep

October 3: CACAGNY Co-Hosts City Council District 29 Candate Forum

​    Epoch Times 10/4  29選區市議員候選人邁克:將致力提高居民生活質量

    World Journal 10/4  紐約居民聯盟聯合同源會 辦市議員候選人論壇

October 1: CACAGNY Joins PDE to Denounce NSBA's Brazen Power-Grab to Suppress Disagreement

                   Parents Defending Education Joint Letter to NSBA  (PDE Website)

    Epoch Times 10/30  美國家長團體:販賣「覺醒」是一門大生意
    Fox News 10/5  Parents to DOJ, school boards' statements: 'I am what a domestic terrorist looks like?'

​    Epoch Times 10/2  美國學校董事會成「戰場」 和家長衝突加劇

September 10: CACAGNY Stands with Parents Who Demand Rigorous Remote Learning Option

    China Press 9/10  約市公校開學在即 本學期不再提供網課選項 近百華裔家長市教育局門前抗議

    Epoch Times 9/11  紐約華人家長集會 要求100%保留網課

    Sing Tao 9/11  華裔家長教育局前示威 爭取選擇權籲保留網課

August 28: CACAGNY Joins American Dream Affirmation on Anniversary of MLK's "I Have a Dream" Speech

    Epoch Times  8/30  馬丁路德演講58周年 美國人分享夢想

August 6: CACAGNY, NYCRA Rally Against Queens Mega-Jail  (Flyer)

    Epoch Times  8/7   秋園監獄動土建停車場 社區集會抗議

    Sing Tao  8/7  「秋園監獄」6/25正式啟動建造 維權人士皇后區公所前示威抗議

    World Journal  8/7   市府強推秋園建監獄 華人組織抗議:罔顧民意

    CBS New York  8/6  Queens Residents Demand City Halt Construction Of Kew Gardens Jail

    QNS  8/6   Community leaders and residents protest Kew Gardens community-based jail

    Queens Daily Eagle 8/6   Group rallies to stop borough-based jail in Kew Gardens

    Sinovision 8/6  “保留雷克岛 停建社区监狱” 示威者抗议建立纽约秋园监狱

    Epoch Times 8/2  皇后區秋園社區監獄動工 社區8月6日再抗議

July 26  CACAGNY Thanks Assemblyman Abbate, Asks Other Friends to Support Brooklyn Chinatown

    Epoch Times 8/9  八大道車道變單車道 紐約同源會:我們不需要

    World Journal 8/8  布碌崙8大道設單車道 華人斥貴族妄想

    New York Post  8/7  Bike paths planned for Chinatown are the latest clueless move from elites

    World Journal 8/5  8大道模擬改單行 數分鐘大塞車 證明交通局計畫不可行

    Epoch Times 7/27  八大道改道暫停90天 同源會籲民代發力

June 24  CACAGNY Congratulates Pacific Legal Foundation on Another Supreme Court Victory

June 21  CACAGNY joins Rally Against Department of Transportation Brooklyn Traffic Plans

​    Epoch TImes  7/9  八大道民眾:越改道越擁擠 將毀社區 成紐約市自行車優先區、改道計畫與當地需求不匹配


    China Press  6/22  反对布碌仑七、八大道改成单行道计划 美国亚总会等DOT举行抗议活动并递交请愿书

    Epoch Times  6/22  不滿八大道單向道 布碌崙居民遞請願信 在曼哈頓下城的交通局外示威

​    World Journal 6/21  反對布碌崙7、8大道單行道計畫 華人市交通局總部示威

June 15  Manhattan Institute Holds Education Roundtable with CACAGNY

     NTD  6/16   NYC Parents Voice Concerns Over Education

June 10  CACAGNY Opposes CRT Indoctrination in California Schools

    Californians for Equal Rights Open Letter

    Washington Times  7/1  Conservatives aren’t the only ones opposing critical race theory
    Epoch Times 6/12  美華人家長和組織 要求否決「種族教育」提案 紐約同源會與26個家長團體發公開信

    Daily Caller 6/11  Meet The Opponents Of Critical Race Theory The Media Does Not Want You To See

June 6  CACAGNY Joins Rally on School Safety Agents -- Brooklyn

     Epoch Times  9/21          China Press  6/6          Epoch Times   6/7            News 12   6/6

     Sing Tao  6/7                   World Journal  6/7

May 24 CACAGNY Urges Assembly Members to Reject Anti-Asian SHSAT Bill

      PLACE NYC:  Oppose New York State Assembly Bill A7510 to Repeal Hecht-Calandra

     NYCRA Urges Assembly Members to Oppose Assembly Bill A7510

         World Journal 5/25  特殊高中錄取權轉紐約市 州眾議會再提案

May 22  CACAGNY, CAWW2 Congressional Gold Medal Presentation for Greater New York Veterans

May 19  CACAGNY Joins Letter to Secretary of Education on Proposed "Civics Education"

    Epoch Times  5/20  22組織連署反對教育部資助課程將CRT引入公校

May 9  CACAGNY Requests Meetings with State Senators on SHSAT Bill

    NYCRA Requests Meetings with State Senators on SHSAT Bill

    PLACE NYC Opposes Anti-Asian Senate Bill to Destroy Specialized High Schools

​          PoliticsNY  5/25   DSAer Salazar Chided for Proposed Legislation being Anti-Asian

            Sing Tao  5/12   廢SHSAT法案再提 亞裔家長組織反擊

          Epoch Times  5/11  紐約州參議員再提廢除SHSAT 民團展開攻防

          World Journal  5/11   特殊高中錄取改革提案捲土重來 劉醇逸:不會通過

    ​      PoliticsNY 5/10  Chinese community group continues support of SHSAT

May 8  CACAGNY Joins Rally on School Safety Agents -- Queens

      China Press  5/9                Epoch Times  5/10                      Forest Hills Post  5/7

      Sing Tao  5/9​                      World Journal  5/9

​May 7  CACAGNY Joins Tweed Hall SHSAT Rally

​       Fox News 6/28  Eli Steele: De Blasio's shameful racial profiling of Asian students

         Epoch Times 5/13   紐約高中生組織反SHSAT 背後有「大人」指導

        NTD TV  5/9  紐約家長要求教育局長下台 停止歧視亞裔孩子

         Epoch Times 5/8  紐約家長籲市府修復教育系統 停止歧視亞裔生

April 30 CACAGNY Sends Unique Message to Students Receiving Specialized High School Offers

​       Fox News 6/28  Eli Steele: De Blasio's shameful racial profiling of Asian students
​      Epoch Times  5/5   紐約教育局長廢SHSAT言論 亞裔社區批駁

      Sing Tao  5/4  教育總監稱SHSAT不公平 多華裔團體不滿嗆聲反擊

      Epoch Times 5/1  同源會賀亞裔生:永不為學習好而道歉

       New York Post 5/1  NYC DOE official called parents who support specialized high school tests ‘bigots’

      New York Post  4/29  NYC schools chancellor calls for end to elite school test as Asians dominate

April 5  CACAGNY Holds Rally at Court Hearing

      CACAGNY Statement

      Message from Consul General of the Philippines

      New York Post Op-Ed on Crimes Against Asians 4/10  Epoch Times  政客在提升治安上無作為  4/12

      School Safety Officer Rally:   Local 237 Video     Sing Tao  4/12    China Press 4/11

    纽约,纽约!  4/7              NTD TV  4/7                Epoch Times  4/6      Sing Tao  4/6

    World Journal  4/6      ABC News 7  4/5        CBS New York   4/5   China Press   4/5

    大紐約新聞   4/5           NBC New York  4/5   纽约,纽约!  4/5              New York Post  4/5

    NY1  4/5                        NY Press News  4/5   Reuters  4/5                 Sinovision  4/5

    Straits Times  4/5        

March 30  CACAGNY Asks Supreme Court to Stop Racial Discrimination in College Admissions

       CACAGNY Amicus Brief  3/30                  Epoch Times   3/31               Sing Tao  3/31

March 22  CACAGNY Support Parents’ Intervention in IntegrateNYC’s Absurd Lawsuit

       Epoch Times  3/24

March 20  Asians to Politicians: Make New York City Safe Again!

        Epoch Times  3/22                   Epoch Times  3/20

​March 10: CACAGNY Stands with TJ Parents to Fight Anti-Asian Racism

       Epoch Times  3/12                Sing Tao  3/11

​March 4: CACAGNY Calls for Reinstatement of Gifted and Talented Test   (Epoch Times 3/6  3/6)

​February 27: CACAGNY, CAWW2 Congressional Gold Medal Presentation for Greater New York Veterans

      Epoch Times  3/2                   World Journal 2/28                Sing Tao  2/27

      Recording of Presentation

February 23: CACAGNY Denounces Critical Race Theory as Hateful Fraud  (For mobile: HTML)

  Epoch Times (English) 6/22   NTD TV  6/12                   PJ Media  5/21                         Epoch Times (English) 4/30 

  OANN  3/23                              Federalist  3/15                Newsweek  3/9                      Epoch Times (English) 3/7

  MBNC News  3/5                    Washington Times  3/5  Asian Dawn  3/3                      DailyFriend  3/1

  石山角度  2/27                         Epoch Times 2/27           Epoch Times 2/26                  Fox News @ Night  2/26

  Ingraham Report 2/26           Daily Wire 2/25                Epoch Times (English) 2/25  Fox News 2/25

  India Times Post 2/25            KCUE 2/25                        RT 2/25                                     South Asian Express 2/25

  ArabNews24  2/24                 Bacon's Rebellion 2/24  Twitchy 2/24                            Washington Examiner  2/24

February 21: CACAGNY Calls for End of Catch-and-Release Amidst Attacks on Chinese Americans

​             China Press   2/22            World Journal   2/22                       Epoch Times   2/22

             Fox 5 New York   2/23

​February 12: CACAGNY President Phil Wong on Curtis Sliwa Chinese New Year Show

​February 6: Primary Registration Deadline Coming Up – A CACAGNY Reminder

             QPU Letter                        Epoch Times 2/9

February 1: CACAGNY President in City & State's "2021 Education Power 100"

             Epoch Times 2/3:  2021教育100強 黃友興上榜 

             Sing Tao 2/2:  黃友興入選2021教育100強 「讓政界聽到亞裔聲音」

January 17: CACAGNY Invites Members, Friends to City Council Candidates Forums

             World Journal   1/21       World Journal 1/19

January 16: CACAGNY urges more electeds and candidates to defend Gifted & Talented Programs

            World Journal 1/18:  反對取消資優班 紐約同源會:應擴大

January 9:  CACAGNY Screens Rick Quan’s “Y.C. Hong” and Updates On Congressional Gold Medal


December 19 CACAGNY Statement to De Blasio: the Problem is not Screened Schools!

           Epoch TImes 12/21                       China Press 12/20                     Sing Tao 12/20               

           PLACE Statement 12/19

December 1 and 2:  CACAGNY Urges Participation in Petitions to Keep SHSAT

​          Epoch Times 12/1       China Press 12/3       Epoch Times 12/3      World Journal 12/3

          Assemblyman William Colton Petition

​          Coalition of NYC Specialized High Schools Alumni Associations Petition

November 29 CACAGNY Invites Members, Friends to Congressional Gold Medal Virtual Ceremony

          Web Page                      YouTube

November 12  CACAGNY and NYCRA Rally for the SHSAT

October 28  CACAGNY, NYCRA Host Queens Borough President Candidates Forum

          Epoch TImes 10/28           Epoch Times 10/29            Epoch Times 10/30           Sing Tao 10/29

October 26  CACAGNY Joins Lawsuit Against DOE, Carranza, NYC, de Blasio, Others

         Wall Street Journal  4/14/21            China Press 10/27/20              Epoch Times  10/30/20

         New York Daily News  10/27/20     World Journal 10/28/20         World Journal 10/27/20

         Actual Event of 2/4/20 at James Madison High School

October 23 CACAGNY Participates in Rally for G&T Programs, Screened Schools, and SHSAT

October 9  CACAGNY Joins Letter to De Blasio and Carranza on SHSAT Administration

         China Press                Epoch Times                Epoch Times                 Sinovision 

        World Journal            World Journal               World Journal

October 8 CACAGNY's 12/13/18 Lawsuit Featured in Documentary  "Dream Factories"   China Press

September 28 CACAGNY Congratulates NUBC on Lawsuit Victory   (Chinatown Jail Page)

September 24 CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Education Forum with Leading Borough President Candidate

           CACAGNY Announcement                     PLACE Webpage

August 22  CACAGNY Holds Essay Contest Award Ceremony     (March 7 Essay Contest)

August 14 CACAGNY Applauds DOJ Finding that Yale Discriminates against Asians

         美司法部:耶魯招生歧視亞裔 違反民權法 / 同源會指 優先考慮「結果平等」違背正義

August 6  CACAGNY to DeBlasio & Legislators: Provide Basic Street Safety to your Citizens!

July 11 CACAGNY & NYCRA launch NYC campaign to elected representatives to save SHSAT
         NYC Email Campaign  /  NYC Phone Campaign  /  CACAGNY Thanks SHSAT Supporters

         China Press     Epoch Times      Epoch Times       World Journal       World Journal

June 8 CACAGNY Parents to DOE: Keep Screened Schools!  (Videos 5/28/20 - 6/8/20)

June 3 CACAGNY Supports Protests; Demands Real Action to End Looting 

         Epoch Times           World Journal            AppleDaily

May 27  CACAGNY Opposes Return to Racial Spoils in California  (Victory!)
May 23 CACAGNY Outraged at Carranza's Latest Racial Antics

May 22 CACAGNY to DOE: Don't Use Shutdown as Excuse to Dismantle Selective Admissions

May 20 CACAGNY Calls Out DOE for Anti-Asian Racism and Wasteful Spending  (Videos 5/20/20)
May 12 CACAGNY Urges State Oversight of NYC DOE in Sen. Liu Town Hall (Statement, Videos 5/12/20)

April 27 CACAGNY Endorses "Do No Harm" Grading, Condemns Attacks on Standards  (Statement 4/29/20)

April 27 CACAGNY Supports Small Businesses with Useful Information

April 25 CACAGNY Issues Statement Upon DOE Announcement of Gifted & Talented Exam Results

March 7 CACAGNY Holds Essay Contest     (Awards Ceremony)

March 2  CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally

February 26  Carranza Hides from Angry Parents at PEP Meeting

February 25 CACAGNY Joins Amicus Brief Against Anti-Asian Discrimination in Harvard Lawsuit

February 19 DeBlasio detains, ejects CACAGNY members from Town Hall, still gets booed, heckled
February 4 Carranza's DOE Blocks Chinese at Schoolhouse Door

January 29 Carranza Pretends to Apolgozie

January 16 CEC Can't Silence Aggrieved Parents; Carranza HIghtails

January 7 CACAGNY Member, Long-time Education Activist, Elected CEC President

January 7  Jackie Cody suspended; Carranza still not fired

January 2  CACAGNY Joins Protest Against Secretive Planning to Bus Students


December 16:  CACAGNY Calls for State Control of NYC Public Schools  (Sing TaoWorld Journal)

December 11: Court of Appeals Hears CACAGNY's 12/13/18 Discovery Lawsuit Injunction

December 5: Dinner Gala Celebrates CACAGNY's 3rd Anniversary

November 17: CACAGNY Deplores Cody Slur, Blames Carranza for Hostile, Racist Environment

November 15: CACAGNY Supports NUBC's Lawsuit Against New Jail (Continuing Story)

            CACAGNY Congratulates NUBC 9/22/20

October 26: CACAGNY Hosts Third Mid-Autumn Film Festival

October 19:  CACAGNY Urges Rejection of Referendum 88 and Racial Quotas in Washington State (Victory!)

October 19:  CACAGNY Honored by OCA Long Island Chapter

October 17:  CACAGNY Demands City Council to Vote No on New Jails
October 6: CACAGNY Protests Against New Jails in Chinatown
September 21: Maj. General Chen, Past CACA President Update Veterans on Congressional Gold Medal

September 4: CACAGNY Supports Gifted & Talented Programs in Multiple Rallies

August 6: CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally; Carranza Mows Down Protesters

July 31: CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally Confronting Carranza Face-to-Face

July 18: CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally

June 26: CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Caranza!" Rally

June 18: CACARGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally

June 15: CACAGNY Awards Prizes to 2019 Essay Contest Winnters

May 20: CACAGNY Participates in AACE Conference

March 30: CACAGNY Participates in Khan's Tutorial Education Workshop

March 2: CACAGNY Explains Discovery Expansion Lawsuit

February 9: CACAGNY Celebrates Chinese New Year in Flushing Parade

January 29: Chinese American WWII Veterans Honored in White House Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

January 25: CACAGNY, IS 187 PTO Host Assembly Member Malliotakis on SHSAT,  G&T Programs


December 13: CACAGNY Joins Lawsuit to Stop Discrimination Against Asian Americans in Education

December 10: CACAGNY's Proposed Resolution Commemorates Repeal of Chinese Exclusion Act

December 1: Dinner Gala Celebrates CACAGNY's 2nd Anniversary

November 16:  Students Phone Congressmen for Chinese American WWII Vets Gold Medal

October 13: CACAGNY Officer Honored at Boston Rally for 2007 Education Discrimination Lawsuit v NYC

September 29: CACAGNY Hosts Second Mid-Autumn Film Festival

September 26: Candidate Marc Molinari tours Chinatown, supports SHSAT, opposes jails

August 17: CACAGNY & Friends Welcome Mayor Allan Fung, the Next Governor of Rhode Island!

July 31:  CACAGNY Supports G&T Bills that Improve Education for ALL

June 23:  CACAGNY Awards Prizes to Essay Contest Winners and Explains SHSAT

June 14:  CACAGNY Presents in Brooklyn College Workshop

June 4: CACAGNY Calls out DeBlasio for Scapegoating Asian Kids over his Educational Failures

May 24: CACAGNY Member Wins CEC 24 Election to Fight for SHSAT

May 20:  CACAGNY Holds College Admissions Seminar in Chinese

April 28: CACAGNY Rallies in City Hall for SHSAT

April 14: CACAGNY Speaks for the SHSAT, Congressional Gold Medal, and Other Agenda Items at Forum

April 6: Julie Killian, Candidate for NY Senate, Supports Chinese Americans on Education, Small Business

March 16: CACAGNY Receives Shirley Chisholm Civic Leadership Award from State Senator Jesse Hamilton III

March 11: CACAGNY Explains SHSAT on Radio

March 3: CACAGNY Holds Essay Contest  (Awards June 23, 2018)

February 19: CACAGNY and BRACE Commemorate Peter Liang and Honor Peter Wang

February 17: CACAGNY Celebrates Chinese New Year in Flushing Parade

January 21: CACAGNY and CUMC Screen SHSAT Documentary Tested and Hold Q&A


December 2: CACAGNY Dinner Gala Celebrates First Anniversary

November 19: CACAGNY and American Legion Recognize Students Honoring Chinese American WW II Veterans

November 3: CACAGNY, BRACE, City Council Candidate Hikind Jointly Denounce Anti-Chinese Cemetery Vandalism

October 26: New York Times Interviews CACAGNY on SHSAT

October 12: CACAGNY Hosts Nicole Malliotakis, NYC Mayoral Candidate, on Chinatown Tour
September 30: CACAGNY Holds First Mid-Autumn Film Festival
September 1: CACAGNY Press Conference on City Council Candidate SHSAT Positions -- City Wide
August 28: CACAGNY Press Conference on City Council Candidate SHSAT Positions -- Flushing (CD 20)
August 10: CACAGNY Co-Sponsors City Council Candidate Forum, Brooklyn CD 38
August 5: CACAGNY Supports DOJ Investigation of Discriminatory Admissions Policies at Harvard (Updated 8/5/18)
June 24: CACAGNY Supports Elmhurst United Pan Am Shelter Rally
June 14: CACAGNY Urges Congressional Gold Medal for Chinese American WWII Veterans
June 6: CACAGNY Holds Crime & Safety Forum
March 4: CACAGNY Holds Essay Contest (Awards June 17, 2017)
January 21: CACAGNY Participates in Education Seminar at Khan's Tutorial with Sen. Jesse Hamilton III


December 11: CACAGNY Holds College Admissions Talk with United Chinese Association of Brooklyn
December 3: Celebrates Inauguration
October 17: CACAGNY Holds Protest Against YG's Racist Lyrics
June 5: C.A.C.A. Boston Holds "George Frisbie Hoar Award" Gala
June 4: CACAGNY Holds First NY Meeting

Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York