Parents' Statement      Eyewitness Account of Fracas     "Cultural Responsiveness"


 8/  3   Epoch Times  中华总商会第二次致函市长:开除教育局总监
 8/  2   AsAm News  NYC Scrambled for Chinese Translators at Meeting on Culturally Responsive Curriculum
 8/  2   Fox News  D'Souza: 'Culturally responsive' education limits job choices to Antifa, Black Lives Matter

 8/  2   China Press  文化响应持续教育项目通过 华裔家长抗议未征询其意见

 8/  2   New York Post  DOE panel approves diversity policy at raucous Chinatown meeting

 8/  1   China Press  百名家长要求解雇卡兰纳
 8/  1   Epoch Times  华人集会 质疑卡兰萨以种族为中心推公校多元文化教学
 8/  1   Epoch Times   “文化响应持续教育”项目11:2通过
 8/  1   New York Daily News  NYC education panel agrees to "diversify" curriculum after contentious meeting

 8/  1   NY1  Schools Chancellor Criticized at Curriculum Meeting in Chinatown

 8/  1   Sing Tao  卡蘭扎近距離領教華人家長火力

 8/  1   Sinovision  纽约教育局长推多元化教学获通过 华裔民众:又是针对我们

 8/  1   Wall Street Journal   New York City Adopts ‘Culturally Responsive’ Education in Schools 

 8/  1   World Journal 卡蘭扎華埠會議 西語發言引激烈抗議 等中文翻譯到場再繼續  (video)

 7/31   Sing Tao  卡蘭扎力推「文化響應持續教育」 數十華人家長怒吼抗議

 7/29  China Press  公校多元文化教學明投票 華裔擬孫逸仙中學門前示威



         Hey hey, ho ho, Carranza's Got to Go!  (with eyewitness account of fracas)


         Compilation by Residents Alliance RANYC


Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

July 31, 2019:  CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally

                         Confronting Carranza Face-to-Face

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