July 31, 2019:  CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally

                         Confronting Carranza Face-to-Face

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Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

Parents' Statement      Eyewitness Account of Fracas     "Cultural Responsiveness"


 8/  3   Epoch Times  中华总商会第二次致函市长:开除教育局总监
 8/  2   AsAm News  NYC Scrambled for Chinese Translators at Meeting on Culturally Responsive Curriculum
 8/  2   Fox News  D'Souza: 'Culturally responsive' education limits job choices to Antifa, Black Lives Matter

 8/  2   China Press  文化响应持续教育项目通过 华裔家长抗议未征询其意见

 8/  2   New York Post  DOE panel approves diversity policy at raucous Chinatown meeting

 8/  1   China Press  百名家长要求解雇卡兰纳
 8/  1   Epoch Times  华人集会 质疑卡兰萨以种族为中心推公校多元文化教学
 8/  1   Epoch Times   “文化响应持续教育”项目11:2通过
 8/  1   New York Daily News  NYC education panel agrees to "diversify" curriculum after contentious meeting

 8/  1   NY1  Schools Chancellor Criticized at Curriculum Meeting in Chinatown

 8/  1   Sing Tao  卡蘭扎近距離領教華人家長火力

 8/  1   Sinovision  纽约教育局长推多元化教学获通过 华裔民众:又是针对我们

 8/  1   Wall Street Journal   New York City Adopts ‘Culturally Responsive’ Education in Schools 

 8/  1   World Journal 卡蘭扎華埠會議 西語發言引激烈抗議 等中文翻譯到場再繼續  (video)

 7/31   Sing Tao  卡蘭扎力推「文化響應持續教育」 數十華人家長怒吼抗議

 7/29  China Press  公校多元文化教學明投票 華裔擬孫逸仙中學門前示威



         Hey hey, ho ho, Carranza's Got to Go!  (with eyewitness account of fracas)


         Compilation by Residents Alliance RANYC
