
​​  2/16/20  New York Post  Yet another sign Team de Blasio can’t be bothered to keep schools safe
  2/15/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza builds himself big new office in DOE headquarters
  2/ 8/20  New York Post  Principal to hand out Valentine’s Day lollipops at violence-plagued middle school
  2/ 7/20   Chief  School Bully Indulged At Her Victim's Expense
  1/​31/20   AM New York  Carranza apologizes to parents of sexually abused Marie Curie Middle School student
  1/​​31/20   Epoch Times  卡兰萨向第26学区家长道歉 承诺安排见面
  1/30/20  China Press  卡兰纳向26学区两家长道歉 家长:太迟了不接受

  1/30/20  Epoch Times  卡兰萨称抱怨家长是“安排好的” 遭孟昭文张晟反击
  1/30/20  Epoch Times  又一学生被殴没人管 父亲被迫转学

  1/30/20  Gothamist  Schools Chancellor Apologizes To Parents Of Alleged Assault Victims

  1/30/20  New York Post  DOE sitting down with Queens politicians to mend Carranza rift

  1/30/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza finally apologizes to Queens parents after walkout

  1/30/20  Queens Chronicle  Carranza remains silent after fiasco

  1/30/20  Reason  N.Y. Schools Chief Richard Carranza Can't Quit Calling Parents 'Racist'

  1/30/20  Wall Street Journal  NYC Schools Chancellor Apologizes After Heated Exchanges 

  1/29/20  CBS New York  Former NYC School Chancellors On Carranza Playing Race Card: ‘Put On Your Big Boy Pants’

  1/29/20  China Press  卡兰纳称26学区家长是一群种族主义者
  1/29/20  CIty & State  Richard Carranza’s rough new year

  1/29/20  New York Post  Carranza spars with Rep. Grace Meng on Twitter: ‘No more politics’
  1/29/20  New York Post  What will it take for de Blasio to fire radioactive Richard Carranza?

  1/29/20  New York Post  Queens dad pulls daughter from school after videoed playground attack
  1/29/20  Sing Tao  教育政策例會前抗議 家長提出5點訴求
  1/29/20  Sing Tao  抨擊卡蘭扎罔顧家長聲音 多民選官員舌戰教育總監 

  1/29/20  World Journal  卡蘭扎回應教理會離席風波 稱遭設局

  1/28/20  New York Daily News  NYC schools chancellor slams critics over abrupt ending to town hall, calling it a ‘set up’
  1/28/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza blames everybody but himself after ditching Queens meeting
  1/28/20  NY1  Schools Chancellor Defends Walking Out of School Meeting in Queens Amid Jeers

  1/28/20  NYC Rubber Room Reporter  NYC ALERT: Do Not Criticize Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza
  1/27/20  QNS  This week on the QNS Podcast: Carranza abruptly ends an education town hall

  1/26/20  New York Post  Flipping off rightly-angry parents should be the last straw for Richard Carranza
  1/25/20  Epoch Times  皇后区学校混乱秩序 市长议长批评教育局
  1/24/20  New York Post  De Blasio calls disciplinary situation at embattled Queens middle school ‘troubling’

  1/23/20  NY1  Parents Look for Answers on School Safety Following Carranza’s Walkout on Meeting
  1/23/20  New York Post  Corey Johnson rips DOE over discipline woes at Queens school

  1/23/20  Queens Chronicle  The resignation letter schools chief Carranza should write
  1/23/20  Queens Chronicle  Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza

  1/22/20  New York Post  Would-be mayors need to start calling out Chancellor Richard Carranza
  1/22/20  New York Post  Parents demand answers from principal of embattled Queens MS 158

  1/​​21/20  China Press  里民会不欢而散 26学区各方互怨
  1/21/20  Epoch Times  教育總監里民會中途離場 第26學區發聲明表達失望
  1/21/20  QNS  Queens officials demand Carranza schedule school safety meeting for parents

  1/21/20  Sinovision  “我是教育局长我有理!”华人家长彻底怒了...“下台”
  1/21/20  World Journal  卡蘭扎因安全疑慮倉促結束里民大會 忽略學生安全挨轟

  1/20/20  New York Post  Teachers at troubled Queens school no fans of embattled principal
  1/20/20  Queens Chronicle  Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza
  1/ 18/20  New York Post  Carranza slams ‘grandstanding’ at meeting, further infuriating Queens parents
  1/ 18/20  Sing Tao  皇后區中學生毆鬥 老師竟袖手旁觀

  1/ 17/20  1010 WINS  Angry parents jeer NYC schools chancellor off stage at Queens schools safety meeting

  1/ 17/20  AM New York  Queens parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes

  1/ 17/20  BaysideLiveTV  Community Education Council District 26 Town Hall Shut Down
  1/ 17/20  CBS New York  Queens School Parents Demand Answers About Reports Of Violent Brawl, Sexual Harassment

  1/ 17/20  CBS New York  Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting
  1/ 17/20  China Press  26学区里民会 家长要卡兰纳下台
  1/ 17/20  China Press  女儿遭骚扰校方无视 议员吁彻查
  1/ 17/20  MSN  Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting

  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza needs to listen to parents and restore order in NYC schools
  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Queens mom slams DOE head Richard Carranza for bolting out of town hall
  1/ 17/20  New York Post  New video shows extent of Queens middle school beatdown

  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Outraged parents jeer Richard Carranza off the stage at Queens town hall meeting
  1/ 17/20  NY1  Angry Parents Blast Chancellor Over Alleged Assaults at Bayside Middle School

  1/ 17/20  Patch  Schools Chancellor Heckled Off The Stage At NE Queens Town Hall
  1/ 17/20  QNS  Bayside parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes
  1/ 17/20  World Journal  26學區里民會火藥味濃 教育總監遭家長狂噓
  1/ 16/20  Fox News 5   Protesters call for NYC Schools Chancellor to be fired
  1/ 16/20  New York Daily News  School town hall ended when sex assault victim’s father clashes with chancellor

  1/ 16/20  Sing Tao  26學區舉行教育里民會 華人家長痛斥教育總監



January 29, 2020:  Carranza Pretends to Apologize to Parents

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                                 ( To 1/16/20  CEC Can't Silence Aggrieved Parents; Carranza Hightails )

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