Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

Januay 16, 2020:  CEC26 Can't Silence Aggrieved Parents; Carranza Hightails

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Open Letter to Richard Carranza

      from  US Representative Grace Meng

                State Senator John Liu

                Assembly Members Nily Rozic, Ed Braunstein

                City Councilmen Paul Vallone, Barry Grodenchik, Peter Koo

CEC 26 Statement

Carranaza's Pretend Apology


  9/ 1/20   New York Post  DOE removes principal from embattled Queens MS 158
  6/11/20  World Journal  貝賽初中冷處理霸凌案 家長索賠1000萬元

  6/10/20  Patch  Mom To Sue City Over Bayside School's Handling Of Bullying Claims

  3/27/20  New York School Talk  Parent Responds to Queens D28 Integration ‘Daily News’ Editorial
  2/16/20  New York Post  Yet another sign Team de Blasio can’t be bothered to keep schools safe
  2/15/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza builds himself big new office in DOE headquarters
  2/13/20  Queens Chronicle  1,000 expected for Carranza town hall
  2/ 8/20  New York Post  Principal to hand out Valentine’s Day lollipops at violence-plagued middle school
  2/ 7/20  Chief  School Bully Indulged At Her Victim's Expense
  2/ 6/20  Queens Chronicle  Beating at Marie Curie shows crisis in schools
  1/​31/20  AM New York  Carranza apologizes to parents of sexually abused Marie Curie Middle School student
  1/31/20  Epoch Times  卡兰萨向第26学区家长道歉 承诺安排见面
  1/30/20  China Press  卡兰纳向26学区两家长道歉 家长:太迟了不接受

  1/​​30/20  Epoch Times  卡兰萨称抱怨家长是“安排好的” 遭孟昭文张晟反击
  1/30/20  Epoch Times  又一学生被殴没人管 父亲被迫转学

  1/30/20  Gothamist  Schools Chancellor Apologizes To Parents Of Alleged Assault Victims
  1/30/20  New York Post  DOE sitting down with Queens politicians to mend Carranza rift

  1/30/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza finally apologizes to Queens parents after walkout

  1/30/20  Queens Chronicle  Carranza remains silent after fiasco

  1/30/20  Reason  N.Y. Schools Chief Richard Carranza Can't Quit Calling Parents 'Racist'

  1/30/20  Wall Street Journal  NYC Schools Chancellor Apologizes After Heated Exchanges 

  1/29/20  CBS New York  Former NYC School Chancellors On Carranza Playing Race Card: ‘Put On Your Big Boy Pants’

  1/29/20  China Press  卡兰纳称26学区家长是一群种族主义者
  1/29/20  CIty & State  Richard Carranza’s rough new year

  1/29/20  Epoch Times  联邦准备调查纽约公校考试作弊问题
  1/29/20  New York Post  Carranza spars with Rep. Grace Meng on Twitter: ‘No more politics’
  1/29/20  New York Post  What will it take for de Blasio to fire radioactive Richard Carranza?
  1/29/20  New York Post  Queens dad pulls daughter from school after videoed playground attack
  1/29/20  Sing Tao  教育政策例會前抗議 家長提出5點訴求
  1/29/20  Sing Tao  抨擊卡蘭扎罔顧家長聲音 多民選官員舌戰教育總監

  1/29/20  World Journal  卡蘭扎回應教理會離席風波 稱遭設局

  1/28/20  New York Daily News  NYC schools chancellor slams critics over abrupt ending to town hall, calling it a ‘set up’
  1/28/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza blames everybody but himself after ditching Queens meeting
  1/28/20  NY1  Schools Chancellor Defends Walking Out of School Meeting in Queens Amid Jeers
  1/28/20  WPIX  City officials respond to allegations of grade fraud, teacher intimidation at schools

  1/27/20  AM New York  Queens lawmaker wants to limit school suspensions
  1/27/20  QNS  This week on the QNS Podcast: Carranza abruptly ends an education town hall

  1/26/20  BaysideLiveTV  And intimate discussion with Scott and Rob, parents of 158 students
  1/26/20  New York Post  Flipping off rightly-angry parents should be the last straw for Richard Carranza
  1/25/20  Epoch Times  皇后区学校混乱秩序 市长议长批评教育局
  1/24/20  New York Post  De Blasio calls disciplinary situation at embattled Queens middle school ‘troubling’

  1/23/20  NY1  Parents Look for Answers on School Safety Following Carranza’s Walkout on Meeting
  1/23/20  New York Post  Corey Johnson rips DOE over discipline woes at Queens school

  1/23/20  Queens Chronicle  The resignation letter schools chief Carranza should write
  1/23/20  Queens Chronicle  Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza

  1/22/20  New York Post  Would-be mayors need to start calling out Chancellor Richard Carranza
  1/22/20  New York Post  Parents demand answers from principal of embattled Queens MS 158

  1/21/20  China Press  里民会不欢而散 26学区各方互怨
  1/21/20  Epoch Times  教育總監里民會中途離場 第26學區發聲明表達失望
  1/21/20  QNS  Queens officials demand Carranza schedule school safety meeting for parents

  1/21/20  Sinovision  “我是教育局长我有理!”华人家长彻底怒了...“下台”

  1/21/20  World Journal  卡蘭扎因安全疑慮倉促結束里民大會 忽略學生安全挨轟

  1/20/20  New York Post  Teachers at troubled Queens school no fans of embattled principal
  1/20/20  Queens Chronicle  Angry D26 parents drive out Carranza
  1/ 18/20  New York Post  Carranza slams ‘grandstanding’ at meeting, further infuriating Queens parents
  1/ 18/20  Sing Tao  皇后區中學生毆鬥 老師竟袖手旁觀

  1/ 17/20  1010 WINS  Angry parents jeer NYC schools chancellor off stage at Queens schools safety meeting
  1/ 17/20  AM New York  Queens parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes

  1/ 17/20  BaysideLiveTV  Community Education Council District 26 Town Hall Shut Down
  1/ 17/20  CBS New York  Queens School Parents Demand Answers About Reports Of Violent Brawl, Sexual Harassment

  1/ 17/20  CBS New York  Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting
  1 /17/20  China Press  26学区里民会 家长要卡兰纳下台
  1/ 17/20  China Press  女儿遭骚扰校方无视 议员吁彻查
  1/ 15/20  Epoch Times  158初中受欺学生母亲呛声 26学区会议卡兰萨提前离场

  1/ 17/20  MSN  Parents Outraged After NYC Schools Chancellor Walks Away From Public Meeting
  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Richard Carranza needs to listen to parents and restore order in NYC schools
  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Queens mom slams DOE head Richard Carranza for bolting out of town hall
  1/ 17/20  New York Post  New video shows extent of Queens middle school beatdown

  1/ 17/20  New York Post  Outraged parents jeer Richard Carranza off the stage at Queens town hall meeting
  1/ 17/20  NY1  Angry Parents Blast Chancellor Over Alleged Assaults at Bayside Middle School

  1/ 17/20  Patch  Schools Chancellor Heckled Off The Stage At NE Queens Town Hall
  1/ 17/20  QNS  Bayside parents blast Carranza over school sex assault and other woes
  1/ 17/20  World Journal  26學區里民會火藥味濃 教育總監遭家長狂噓
  1/ 16/20  Fox News 5   Protesters call for NYC Schools Chancellor to be fired
  1/ 16/20  New York Daily News  School town hall ended when sex assault victim’s father clashes with chancellor

  1/ 16/20  Sing Tao  26學區舉行教育里民會 華人家長痛斥教育總監
  1/ 16/20  Sinovision  “休想掩盖失败的公立教育系统” 纽约家长集会抗议

  1/ 15/20  New York Post  Officials at troubled Queens school didn’t punish student for sex assault
  1/ 14/20  Epoch Times  贝赛158初中女生打架 老师不敢管
  1/ 13/20  New York Post  Video shows vicious lunchroom beating at troubled Queens middle school

​ 12/13/19  QNS  Student allegedly suffered months of sexual harassment by classmate at M.S. 158 in Bayside

  ​1/21/20   Sinovision

  1/17/20   BaysideLiveTV

  1/17/20   New York Post

  1/17/20   RANYC -- New York City Residents Alliance
