September 21, 2019: Major General Bill Chen

                        and past CACA President Edmund Gor


                        review status of Congressional Gold Medal award


                        for Chinese American World War II veterans

(Main CGM Page: January 29, 2019 Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony at White House)

Press Statement


Chinese American WWII Veterans Recognition Project:



Epoch Times   美国国会明春为华裔二战老兵颁金章

New York Post   Gen. Chen visits Chinatown to talk medals for Chinese-American vets

SIng Tao   尋找華裔二戰老兵 領取國會金質獎章

World Journal   國會金質獎章 將授予2000華裔老兵 明春華府舉行頒授儀式


Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York