9/25/24 CACAGNY Wins Appeal against Summary Dismissal in Specialized High School Case (Ruling)
9/26/24 Epoch Times 紐約同源會贏得針對特殊高中擴招計畫之上訴案
9/26/24 Pacific Legal Foundation Victory in NYC lawsuit on Specialized High School admissions
9/26/24 Reason Second Circuit Rules Intent To Racially Balance NY High Schools Is Unconstitutional
9/26/24 Sing Tao (Print) 特殊高中「發現項目」案_同源會贏上訴庭審繼續
9/24 World Journal 華人告紐約市特殊高中項目歧視 發回重審
9/24/24 Education Week Court Revives Asian-American Groups’ Challenge to NYC Selective Admissions
7/29/24 CACAGNY Says NO to Prop One on the ballot this November!
8/1/24 Epoch Times 紐約共和黨上訴受挫 《平等權利修正案》將於11月公投
7/30/24 Epoch Times 「公平權利修正案」修訂紐約州憲章 引擔憂
7/30/24 Sing Tao 州修憲公投一號 紐約同源會憂影響SHSAT
7/28/24 New York Post NY’s faux ‘abortion amendment’ is a sneak attack on parents’ rights and free speech
5/20/24 CACAGNY Supports Boston Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief (Brief)
5/1/24 CACAGNY Joins Coalition Against Biden Administration's Illegal Re-Interpretation of Title IX
2/6/24 CACAGNY Opposes Governor Hochul’s 10% Scheme for SUNY, CUNY
2/9/24 World Journal 紐約客談/亞裔學生不是種族平衡的犧牲品
2/7/24 Epoch Times 高中前10%畢業生直升州立大學 紐約同源會:對亞裔不利
2/6/24 New York Post Hochul’s SUNY/CUNY admission scheme is simply more unfair racial discrimination
1/17/24 CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Racial Discrimination in Education Program
3/11 Instruction Discussion STEP Discrimination
2/ 9 World Journal 紐約客談/亞裔學生不是種族平衡的犧牲品
1/23 QNS Whitestone mom leads lawsuit alleging discrimination in state science program
1/22 Lion Lion New York STEM education grants favor certain races, lawsuit claims
1/19 AsAm News Asian parents file lawsuit against New York over alleged discrimination
1/19 Gothamist Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program
1/19 Patabook News Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program
1/18 Brooklyn Eagle New lawsuit targets program to diversity NYS STEM students
1/18 Campus Reform Asian parents sue New York over program that favors Blacks, Hispanics
1/18 Connecticut Centinel CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Education Program
1/18 Conservative Daily News Asian parents sue NY STEM program for discrimination
1/18 Daily Wire Asian Parents File Lawsuit Claiming NY STEM Program Discriminates
1/18 New York Post End this openly anti-Asian New York education policy NOW
1/18 Sing Tao 華裔告州府STEP項目
1/18 World Journal 紐約州弱勢生STEP補助遭控歧視 亞裔維權提告
1/17 BNN Asian Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program
1/17 Chalkbeat New lawsuit targets program to diversify NY’s college STEM majors
1/17 China Press STEP招生歧視性指導方針遭起訴
1/17 Legal Insurrection Asian Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program
1/17 New York Post Asian parents claim NY STEM program discriminates against their kids: suit
1/17 Pacific Legal Foundation Federal lawsuit challenges racial discrimination in school grant program
1/17 Pacific Legal Foundation Chu et. al. v. Rosa
12/6/23 CACAGNY Holds Webinar with Success Academy Charter Schools
9/22/23 CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief (Brief)
9/27 Sing Tao 籲高院審理傑斐遜高中招生案
9/25 Epoch Times 紐約市多個家長組織聲援TJ高中反歧視訴訟
9/25 World Journal 傑佛遜高中招生涉歧視 同源會聲援維權組織上訴
9/23 New York Post How the Supremes can head off back-door racial favoritism by US colleges
6/29/23 CACAGNY Issues Statement on SFFA v Harvard
7/ 1 Epoch Times 美華社領袖陳慧華:種族偏好之戰還沒結束
6/30 China Press 紐約多家教育倡導組織發聲明表贊同
6/30 Daily Caller Most Asian Americans Oppose Race-Based Admissions. Why DIdn't Their Advocacy Groups?
6/30 Epoch Times 最高法裁決大學招生不看種族 華人團體慶祝
6/30 World Journal 高院裁決哈佛案違憲 華裔家長叫好
5/5/23 CACAGNY's Discovery Expansion Lawsuit against New York City Reaches Court of Appeals
5/10 Epoch Times 亞裔團體告紐約市歧視亞裔學生案 巡迴法庭開審
4/16/23 CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Forum On SFFA v Harvard Lawsuit
4/17 China Press 趙宇空分享哈佛歧視亞裔案維權經曆
4/17 Epoch Times 哈佛排亞訴訟未休 美國亞裔教育維權不停止
4/17 Sing Tao 哈佛大學招生案裁決在即 華人籌謀勝利之後下一步
4/17 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視案將裁決 亞裔教盟樂觀
3/10/23 AWA, CACAGNY, NYCRA, NYPG Rally to Lift Chapter Cap
2/5/23 CACAGNY, AWA and NYCRA Support Lifting NYC Charter Cap
2/26 New York Post Free the charters: The right choice for New York’s families is obvious
2/26 New York Post Republicans will help pass Hochul’s charter-school plan — it’s a no-brainer (Rob Ortt)
2/25 New York Post Nearly half of NYC DOE grads at CUNY need remedial classes
2/25 Sing Tao 高中教育被批嚴重摻水 近半社區大學生須補課
2/24 Epoch Times 反對特許學校卻送子女上私立 部分民主黨州議員惹議
2/24 Sing Tao 反對特許學校民主黨人 被揭送子女讀昂貴私校
2/22 Fox Business Risk of Chinese education outpacing American’s
2/19 New York Post China’s spy balloon should be a wake-up call — about US schools
2/17 Fox News Eric Adams refusing to support funding for NYC charter school
2/15 Manhattan Institute Parents Want Charters Because Schools Are for Kids, Not Unions (New York Post)
2/ 6 Epoch Times 華人社團支持紐約州長取消特許學校數量上限
10/30/22 CACAGNY Co-Sponsors Rally at Supreme Court on Harvard/UNC Lawsuits
9/21/22 CACAGNY Repeats Warning on Social Emotional School Surveys
9/19/22 CACAGNY Provides Update on Discovery Expansion Lawsuit
7/6/22 CACAGNY Introduces Vertex Charter High School to Chinese Families
6/21/22 CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Amicus Brief (Brief)
6/21 Asra Investigates Chinese, Hindu, Jewish groups file brief supporting TJ families
6/23 Epoch Times 反對搞種族平衡 紐約同源會支持TJ家長
5/25/22 CACAGNY congratulates Parents Defending Education
6/ 3 World Journal 撤銷資優班已駁回 同源會慶抗議成功
5/26 Epoch Times 曼哈頓高院法官 駁回尋求取消天才班的訴訟
5/26 Sing Tao 取消天才班訴訟 遭州高院法官駁回
5/25 Daily Caller Dem-Appointed Judge Unravels Liberal Plot To Racialize Schools With Four Sentences
5/25 New York Post Judge dismisses suit seeking to end NYC’s Gifted & Talented programs
5/24/22 CACAGNY Invites Members and Friends to Support Campaign to Lift Charter Cap
5/26 Epoch Times 紐約同源會籲州議會增加特許學校
5/1/22 CACAGNY: The New G&T and Mayoral Control
5/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約同源會為天才班提建言 修正制度兩缺陷
4/29 New York Post Thank Mayor Adams for expanding G&T — but, alas, the plan has some big flaws
4/15 Sing Tao 市府擴展天才班家長民代叫好 錄取細節尚未明了喜中有憂
4/21/2 CACAGNY Officer Participates in Harvard Admission Lawsuit Forum
4/28 Manhattan Institute Litigating Affirmative Action: The Road to SCOTUS (video)
4/23 Epoch Times 從哈佛排亞訴訟案 一窺美國高等教育平權政策疏漏
4/22 Sing Tao 哈佛大學歧視華人學生訴訟案 成敗深遠影響亞裔在美地位
4/22 World Journal 曼哈頓研究所探討哈佛大學招生歧視案
4/6/22 CACAGNY Hosts SFFA for Harvard Lawsuit Update, Urges Students to Join SFFA (SFFA Website)
5/26 CNBC How Asian Americans became the center of the affirmative action debate
4/18 Sing Tao 哈佛招生涉歧視亞裔案或10月終審 布魯姆:需華裔支持
4/ 7 Epoch Times 哈佛大學招生案 原告籲更多亞裔生說經歷
4/ 7 Sing Tao 高院將審哈佛招生歧視案 原告代表籲亞裔學生家長加盟
4/ 7 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視亞裔案 估10月辯論明春宣判
3/24/22 CACAGNY Introduces Success Academy Charter Schools to Chinese Parents!
12/14/21 CACAGNY Asks Supreme Court to Fix Past Errors, Restore Equal RIghts in Admissions
2/ 7 Epoch Times Supreme Court May End Affirmative Action in College Admissions, Experts Say
1/31 Epoch Times 加州CFER籲高院糾正哈佛和UNC招生政策
1/28 New York Times It’s Time to End Race-Based Affirmative Action
1/27 Washington Free Beacon Mini-Doc on Harvard Case Marks Step Forward for Affirmative-Action Critics
1/26 Breitbart Larry Tribe Tells Harvard to Evade Supreme Court on Racial Preferences
1/26 Minding the Campus Harvard, UNC Cases Give SCOTUS Chance to End Racial Preferences for Good
1/25 City Journal An Affirmative Action Endgame?
1/25 Epoch Times 美最高法院聽審哈佛招生歧視案 亞裔團體歡迎
1/25 Epoch Times 歧視亞裔?美最高法院將聽取哈佛大學招生案
1/25 Harvard Crimson ‘Bad News for Harvard’: Affirmative Action in Doubt as Court Takes Up Cases
1/25 National Review Harvard President’s Dodgy Defense of Discrimination Against Asian Americans
1/25 Sing Tao 種族應否列錄取考慮因素 高院受理哈佛招生歧視案
1/25 Wall Street Journal A Chance to Remove Race From College Admissions
1/25 World Journal 哈佛、北卡大招生歧視亞裔?最高法院受理…名校遇最大挑戰
1/24 Epoch Times Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Colleges Using Race in Admissions
1/24 Harvard Crimson Supreme Court to Take Up Harvard, UNC Affirmative Action Case
1/24 Wall Street Journal Race, Harvard and the Supreme Court
1/24 Wall Street Journal Supreme Court to Review Race-Conscious Admissions Policies at Harvard, UNC
1/24 Washington Examiner White House touts 'equity' as Supreme Court takes up race-based admissions
12/15 Epoch Times 大學招生歧視案 紐約多團體籲複審 紐約同源會向美國最高法院提交法庭之友摘要
12/15 Sing Tao 同源會等機構提交法庭意見書 挺北卡大學招生歧視亞裔案原告
11/26/21 City Journal Article Reflects on SHSAT Fight
10/24/21 CACAGNY President Listed in "PoliticsNY Power Players in Education"
10/20/21 CACAGNY Holds City Council District 1 Candidates Forum
10/21 Epoch Times 華埠市議員選舉論壇 馬泰缺席成箭靶
10/21 Sing Tao 民主黨候選人馬泰拒絕出席 成莫美倫杜波魯夫攻擊目標
10/21 World Journal 市議會第1選區候選人論壇 馬泰缺
10/19 Epoch Times 市議會第一選區候選人論壇 紐約同源會20日舉辦
10/19/21 CACAGNY EMERGENCY ALERT to Parents: Opt Out of Social Emotional Surveys in Schools!
10/30 Epoch Times 美國家長團體:販賣「覺醒」是一門大生意
10/24 Legal Insurrection Chinese American Group Calls On Parents To Opt Out Of Social Emotional Surveys
10/21 Epoch Times 紐約同源會籲家長抵制教育局「社會情感」測評
10/21 Sing Tao 紐約同源會籲家長抵制 德弗羅學生實力評估篩查
10/12/21 CACAGNY Joins Rally to Bring Back G&T: Flyers, Statement, Photo
10/18 New York Post The top issues for NYC’s next mayor ahead of the candidates’ first debate
10/16 Epoch Times 29選區市議員候選人邁克 獲紐約市居民聯盟背書
10/15 World Journal 抗議廢除資優班 家長示威籲亞當斯扭轉政策
10/13 China Press 近百家長及民代集會抗議取消資優班 顧雅明批市府并未公平分配項目資源
10/13 New York Post Eric Adams signals support for a Gifted and Talented admissions exam
10/13 NTD NYC Parents Rally for the Gifted and Talented Program
10/13 Sing Tao 逾百不同族裔家長示威 嚴厲批評市長教育政策
10/13 Sinovision 美国华人圈 近百纽约家长抗议市长“天才班”决定:不该取消 反而应增多
10/13 World Journal 紐約市將取消資優班 華裔家長抗議籲保留更應擴大
10/12 CBS NY De Blasio’s Plan To Overhaul NYC’s Gifted And Talented Program
10/12 Epoch Times 9歲童想借錢唸私校 民選官與家長籲保留天才班
10/12 eStar TV KEEP G&T保卫天才班!我们会在52 Chambers Street市教育局抗议示威!
10/12 New York Post Protesters call on de Blasio to expand Gifted and Talented program
10/12 NTD NYC Parents Rally for the G&T Program
10/12 NY1 Some parents question how much input they'll get in gifted and talented plans
10/12 World Journal 華裔家長市教育局前抗議 要求市府保留並擴大資優班
10/11 Epoch Times 紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號
10/10/21 CACAGNY Denounces De Blasio's Decision to Ax G&T With No Educational Justification
Coalition for TJ 10/15 Statement of Support
Legal Insurrection 10/24 Chinese American Group Calls On Parents To Opt Out Of Social Emotional Surveys
Epoch Times 10/11 紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號
QNS 10/11 Outrage and action following Gifted & Talented announcement
10/9/21 CACAGNY Joins Rally to Bring Back G&T
Sing Tao 10/10 白思豪取消天才班計劃引反彈 數十家長及公職候選人舉牌抗議
World Journal 10/10 支持紐約保留資優班 家長上東城抗議
New York Post 10/9 Don’t count NYC’s Gifted and Talented programs out yet: Adams rep
6/15/21 Manhattan Institute Holds Education Roundtable with CACAGNY
NTD 6/16 NYC Parents Voice Concerns Over Education
5/24/21 CACAGNY Urges Assembly Members to Reject Anti-Asian SHSAT Bill
PLACE NYC: Oppose New York State Assembly A7510 to Repeal Hecht-Calandra
NYCRA Urges Assembly Members to Oppose Assembly Bill A7510
World Journal 5/25 特殊高中錄取權轉紐約市 州眾議會再提案
5/9/21 CACAGNY Requests Meetings with State Senators on Anti-Asian SHSAT Bill
NYCRA Request Meetings with State Senators on Anti-Asian SHSAT Bill
PLACE NYC Opposes Anti-Asian Senate Bill to Destroy Specialized High Schools
PoliticsNY 5/25 DSAer Salazar Chided for Proposed Legislation being Anti-Asian
Sing Tao 5/12 廢SHSAT法案再提 亞裔家長組織反擊
Epoch Times 5/11 紐約州參議員再提廢除SHSAT 民團展開攻防
World Journal 5/11 特殊高中錄取改革提案捲土重來 劉醇逸:不會通過
PoliticsNY 5/10 Chinese community group continues support of SHSAT
5/7/21 CACAGNY Joins Tweed Hall SHSAT Rally
Fox News 6/28 Eli Steele: De Blasio's shameful racial profiling of Asian students
Epoch Times 5/13 紐約高中生組織反SHSAT 背後有「大人」指導
NTD TV 5/9 紐約家長要求教育局長下台 停止歧視亞裔孩子Play
Epoch Times 5/8 紐約家長籲市府修復教育系統 停止歧視亞裔生
4/30/21 CACAGNY Sends Unique Message to Students Receiving Specialized High School Offers
Fox News 6/28 Eli Steele: De Blasio's shameful racial profiling of Asian students
Epoch Times 5/5 紐約教育局長廢SHSAT言論 亞裔社區批駁
Sing Tao 5/4 教育總監稱SHSAT不公平 多華裔團體不滿嗆聲反擊
Epoch Times 5/1 同源會賀亞裔生:永不為學習好而道歉
New York Post 5/1 NYC DOE official called parents who support specialized high school tests ‘bigots’
New York Post 4/29 NYC schools chancellor calls for end to elite school test as Asians dominate
4/23/21 Manhattan Institute: An Education Playbook for the Next Mayor
3/30/21 CACAGNY Asks Supreme Court to Stop Racial Discrimination in College Admissions
CACAGNY Amicus Brief 3/30 Epoch Times 3/31 Sing Tao 3/31
3/22/21 CACAGNY Support Parents’ Intervention in IntegrateNYC’s Absurd Lawsuit
3/10/21 CACAGNY Stands with TJ Parents to Fight Anti-Asian Racism
Epoch Times 3/12 Sing Tao 3/11
2/23/21 CACAGNY Denounces Critical Race Theory as Hateful Fraud (For mobile: HTML)
11/ 11/21 The City
10/24/21 Legal Insurrection
6/22/21 Epoch Times (English)
6/ 12/21 NTD TV
5/ 21/21 PJ Media
5/ 8/21 Citizens Journal
5/ 6/21 Texas Pubic Policy, Granite Grock
4/30/21 Epoch Times (English)
4/27/21 Epoch Times (English)
3/25/21 Epoch Times
3/23/21 OANN
3/21/21 Dinesh D'Souza
3/17/21 NTD
3/15/21 Federalist
3/ 7/21 Epoch Times (English)
3/ 5/21 MNBC, Washington Times
3/ 3/21 Asian Dawn, Pandemic Warroom
3/ 2/21 GraniteGrock
3/ 1/21 America's Citizen Press, DailyFriend
2/28/21 NTD TV
2/27/21 石山角度, Epoch Times, PJ Media, RT
2/26/21 Epoch Times, Fox News @ Night, Ingraham Report, Legal Insurrection
2/25/21 Daily Wire, Epoch Times (English), Fox News, India Times Post, KCUE,
News Wars, RT, South Asian Express, WCSI
2/24/21 ArabNews24, Asra Investigates, Bacon's Rebellion, ENM News,
Investment Watch, Twitchy, Washington Examiner
1/16/21 CACAGNY urges more electeds and candidates to defend Gifted & Talented Programs
World Journal 1/21 World Journal 1/19 World Journal 1/18
12/19/20 CACAGNY Statement to De Blasio: the Problem is not Screened Schools!
China Press 12/20 Sing Tao 12/20
PLACE Statement 12/19
12/ 2/20 CACAGNY Urges Participation in Alumni Petition to Governor Cuomo on SHSAT
China Press Epoch Times World Journal
12/ 1/20 CACAGNY Urges Participation in Assemblyman William Colton's Petition
Assemblyman William Colton's Petition
11/12/20 CACAGNY and NYCRA Rally for the SHSAT
10/23/20 CACAGNY Participates in Rally for G&T Programs, Screened Schools, and SHSAT
10/9/20 CACAGNY Joins Letter to De Blasio and Carranza on SHSAT Administration
China Press Epoch Times Epoch Times Sinovision
World Journal World Journal World Journal
10/8/20 CACAGNY's Lawsuit Featured in Documentary ("Dream Factories")
9/24/20 CACAGNY Co-sponsors Education Forum with Leading Queens Borough Pesident Candidate
CACAGNY Announcement PLACE Website
Epoch Times 10/28 Epoch Times 10/30 Sing Tao 10/29
7/11/20 CACAGNY & NYCRA launch NYC campaign to elected representatives to save SHSAT
NYC Email Campaign / NYC Phone Campaign
Instructions for: Email Campaign / Phone Campaign (for help: cacagny.tools@gmail.com)
Suggested Text for EMAIL / Suggestions for CALL (Text of Mosley Bill A10731)
China Press 7/15 Epoch TImes 7/11 Kings County Politics 7/22 Sinovision 7/23
World Journal 7/12 World Journal 7/20 World Journal 7/21 World Journal 7/24
CACAGNY Thanks SHSAT Supporters 7/24 Epoch Times 7/25
7/1/20 CACAGNY Stands with Unjustly Smeared Parent Leader
China Press Epoch Times Epoch Times
5/28/20 - 6/8/20 CACAGNY Parents to DOE: Keep Screened Schools!
Parents: Chien Kwok Vito LaBella
Melanie Liu Melanie Liu Melanie Liu
Charles Vavruska Phil Wong Derek Zhang
DOE Josh Wallak: SHSAT (Two Questions) Formal Testing
6/5/20 US News Express 要反對種族歧視,有很多正當方法爭取權益,而不是去街上使用暴力
5/27/20 CACAGNY Opposes Return to Racial Spoils in California
5/23/20 CACAGNY Outraged at Carranza's Latest Racial Antics
Chinese-American group rips Carranza over anti-Asian bias training
Carranza resumes anti-bias workshops remotely, citing anti-Asian bigotry
5/22/20 CACAGNY to DOE: Don't Use Lockdown as Excuse to Dismantle Selective Admissions
China Press Epoch Times Sing Tao
5/20/20 CACAGNY Calls Out DOE for Anti-Asian Racism and Wasteful Spending
Videos: Phil Wong Yiatin Chu Chien Kwok
5/15/20 CACAGNY Applauds Councilman Robert Holden's New York Post Op-Ed
Carranza is NYC’s most overpaid nonessential worker
5/12/20 CACAGNY Urges State Oversight of NYC DOE in Sen. Liu Town Hall
China Press 24学区和同源会等远程会议炮轰教育局评分政策
Sing Tao 紐約市教育里民大會 新評分標準引關注
Videos: Wai Wah Chin Phil Wong Melanie Liu
Lucas Liu Vito LaBella Chien Kwok Yiatin Chu Amy Tse George Lee
4/27/20 CACAGNY Endorses "Do No Harm" Grading; Condemns Attacks on Standards
Sing Tao 教育局遠程教學成績計法 同源會反對怒斥崔馬克
Sinovision “太荒唐了” 华裔家长批纽约公校因疫情评分“一刀切”
AM New York Epoch Times QNS Sing Tao TribecaTrib
4/25/20 CACAGNY Issues Statement Upon DOE Announcement of Gifted & Talented Exam Results
Kings County Politics Queens County Politics
3/2/20 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally
2/26/20 Carranza Hides from Angry Parents at PEP Meeting
2/19/20 DeBlasio detains, ejects CACAGNY members from Town Hall, still gets booed, heckled
2/4/20 Carranza's DOE Blocks Chinese at Schoolhouse Door
1/29/20 Carranza Pretends to Apologize
1/16/20 CEC Can't Silence Aggrieved Parents; Carranza Hightails
1/7/20 CACAGNY Member, Long-time Education Activist, Elected CEC President
1/7/20 Jackie Cody suspended; Carranza still not fired
1/2/20 CACAGNY Joins Protest Against Secretive Planning to Bus Students
12/17/19 Holden is Honored; Carranza Hightails
12/16/19 CACAGNY Calls for State Control of NYC Public Schools in NYS Assembly Hearing
12/11/19 Court of Appeals Hears Discovery Lawsuit Injunction
11/17/19 CACAGNY deplores Cody slur, blames Carranza for hostile, racist environment
10/19/19 CACAGNY Urges Rejection of Referendum 88 in Washington State
9/16/19 Russ Salzberg: Cheating the Elite
9/4/19 CACAGNY Supports Gifted & Talented Programs in Multiple Rallies
8/30/19 WABC: Russ Salzberg interviews Wai Wah Chin
8/28/19 Cats At Night with John Catsimatidis (starts at 12:50)
8/6/19 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally: Carranza Mows Down Protesters
7/31/19 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally Confronting Carranza Face-to-Face
7/18/19 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally
6/26/19 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally (Main Page for "Fire Carranza!" Rallies)
6/24/19 CACAGNY Participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in Staten Island
6/18/19 CACAGNY Participates in "Fire Carranza!" Rally
6/13/19 CACAGNY Not Invited to De Blasio's Sham Meeting with "Asians"; Joins Protest Outside
Chalkbeat Chalkbeat China Press
Epoch Times Epoch Times New York Post
6/7/19 CACAGNY Participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in South Brooklyn
Brooklyn Eagle China Press Sing Tao World Journal
6/1/19 CACAGNY Participates in Assemblyman William Colton's SHSAT and G&T Forum
5/23/19 CACAGNY Participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in Manhattan
5/20/19 CACAGNY Participates in AACE Conference
5/17/19 CACAGNY Participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in the Bronx
5/10/19 CACAGNY Participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in North Brooklyn
5/10/19 CACAGNY Holds Rally & Testifies in NY Assembly Hearing, with ***surprise***visitor!
5/4/19 In Community Meeting with CAACR, CoalitionEdu, KeepSHSAT, and SMF
China Press Epoch Times Sing Tao World Journal
5/1/19 CACAGNY Participates in City Hall Rally and Hearing
4/30/19 CACAGNY participates in Albany Lobby Day for SHSAT
Scholastic Merit Fund (SMF): Strategies for Increasing Access to the Specialized HIgh Schools
Epoch Times 华人家长到州府发声 抵制取消SHSAT
(William Colton, Peter Abbate, Harry Bronson)
Epoch Times 为捍卫SHSAT而走出来的纽约华人
Sing Tao 反對取消特殊高中入學考試 近200華人奧本尼集會遊說
(John Liu, Peter Abbate, Toby Stavisky, William Colton, Yuh-Line Niou)
Sinovision 首次州府游说 逾150纽约民众挺SHSAT
(John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Peter Abbate, but Kimberly Jean-Pierre is agains us)
Sinovision 华人这样游说非裔议员 这段辩论你挺谁?
(Kimberly Jean-Pierre: against us)
World Journal 呼籲保留SHSAT 華人家長赴州府請願
(Peter Abbate, Andrew Gounardes, Toby Stavisky, William Colton)
4/11/19 CACAGNY participates in Sen. John Liu's SHSAT Forum in Queens
4/2/19 Joining April 30 Rally at Albany to support SHSAT
China Press Epoch Times Sing Tao World Journal
3/2/19 CACAGNY Explains Discovery Expansion Lawsuit
2/21/19 At the Manhattan Institute Forum
Diversity By Decree: Is NYC's New Policy For Elite High Schools Constitutional?
2/17/19 At BRACE's Chinese American Civil Rights Forum
2/13/19 At CEC 2 Public Hearing in Upper West Side
Resolution Urging De Blasio to Address Issues with His SHSAT Proposals
1/31/19 At CEC 26 Public Hearing in Bayside
China Press Epoch Times Queens Chronicle Sing Tao
Video: Elected Officials Neighboring CEC Members Concerned Parents
1/25/19 CACAGNY, IS 187 PTO Host Assembly Member Malliotakis on SHSAT, G&T Programs
1/16/19 At CEC 2 Meeting in PS 340
Epoch Times (Jan 15 / Jan 17) New York Post World Journal
1/16/19 At CEC 15 Meeting in MS 51
China Press Epoch Times NY1 Patch
12/13/18 CACAGNY Joins Lawsuit to Stop Discrimination Against Asian Americans in Education
12/11/18 CACAGNY Explains SHSAT in CEC 3 / MS 54 Meeting
12/7/18 With Korean American Parents Association of Greater New York
12/3/18 At CEC 2 Public Hearing near Union Square, Manhattan
Chalkbeat China Press New York Post World Journal WSJ
Print: New York Post Front Page/Story
Video: CACAGNY President IS 187 PTO President
11/27/18 At CEC 1 Public Hearing in Lower East Side, Manhattan
11/19/18 At CEC 30 Public Hearing in Astoria, Queens
10/23/18 At CEC 24 Public Hearing in Elmhurst, Queens
World Journal A Parent Speaks Question on Discovery Expansion
Intimidation Scandal: New York Daily News Ridgewood Post Times Ledger
10/17/18 At CEC 20 in Dyker Heights, Brooklyn
China Press Epoch Times New York Post World Journal
Video: CEC Speaks Politicians Speak Parents Speak
10/3/18 At CEC 25 Public Hearing in Flushing, Queens
China Press Sing Tao World Journal
9/26/18 Candidate Marc Molinaro tours Chinatown, supports SHSAT, opposes jails
9/9/18 CACAGNY Sponsors Pre-Primary SHSAT Rally with CoalitionEdu and CAACR
8/3/18 On Sinovision, on expanding Gifted & Talented Programs to every district
7/31/18 CACAGNY Supports Bills that Improve Education for ALL
7/12/18 CACAGNY Supports More Gifted and Talented Programs in New York City
City Councilman Robert Holden's Resolution Sing Tao World Journal
CACAGNY City Hall Rally on July 31
7/8/18 With CoalitionEDU/Stuyvesant Alumni Association on NY1's "Inside City Hall"
7/8/18 At CEC 26 in Bayside, Queens
6/24/18 With the South Asian community in Queens Borough Hall
6/21/18 Save the Specialized High Schools - CEC26 Bayside
China Press Epoch Times Queens Chronicle Sing Tao Sinovision World Journal
6/21/18 With Square Deal Committee - CEC 24 Bayside (Another Video)
6/16/18 Assemblyman Colton & others on SHSAT: treat the problem, not the symptom!
6/15/18 Students rally at City Hall to keep SHSAT (Video)
6/13/18 With the Korean community in Murray Hill, Queens
6/10/18 5,000 demonstrate at City Hall; Keep the Test or Vote them Out!
6/10/18 On WPIX, explaining the SHSAT
6/8/18 On fighting to preserve the SHSAT
6/6/18 Eric Adams can't answer how getting rid of the SHSAT helps Blacks educationally
6/5/18 Hundreds protest at City Hall against DeBlasio's Proposals on SHSAT
6/4/18 Community leaders denounce De Blasio proposal against SHSAT
6/4/18 CACAGNY is interviewed by CBS New York
Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York