November 19, 2017:  CACAGNY and American Legion

Recognize Students for Honoring Chinese American WW II


(Main CGM Page: January 29, 2019 Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony at White House)


January 29, 2019: Chinese American WWII Veterans Honored in Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

November 16, 2018:  Students Phone Congressmen for Chinese American WWII Vets Gold Medal  

On November 19, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater N.Y. (CACAGNY) and the American Legion Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291 recognized CACAGNY high school volunteers for honoring the many Chinese Americans who served patriotically during World War II.

The students, from NYC high schools including Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, and Hunter College HS, along with other CACAGNY volunteers, helped CACAGNY gather over 1,200 signatures in support of the Chinese-American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act (S.1050 and HR 2358).

American Legion Post 1291 invited CACAGNY and its student volunteers to join the Post's Thanksgiving Feast on November 19. The students had the privilege to meet Post Commander Kenneth Wong, prior Post Commander Mimi Wang, and Commander of Sons of American Legion Corky Lee, the well-known photographer and himself a CACAGNY member. The students had the very special honor to meet Post Chairman and WWII Flying Tigers Veteran Peter Woo.

At the Thanksgiving Feast, CACAGNY and Post 1291 recognized the students in the project, and CACAGNY and its volunteers gratefully thanked the Chinese Americans who served with such inspiring patriotism in WW II. 

​Press Release

Link to CACAGNY Urges Congressional Gold Medal for Chinese American WW II Veterans


Sinovision 美國紐約華裔退伍軍人會慶祝感恩節 (Video)
EpochTimes 華裔退伍軍人感恩餐會 法案徵簽學生獲表彰
Sing Tao Daily 籲國會通過法案褒揚退伍華兵 華裔高中生收集簽名獲發感謝狀


Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York