Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York
Rally Flyers: Chinese / English
10/15 Coalition for TJ Statment of Support
10/11 Epoch Times 紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號
Press -- Rally
10/18 New York Post The top issues for NYC’s next mayor ahead of the candidates’ first debate (Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/16 Epoch Times 29選區市議員候選人邁克 獲紐約市居民聯盟背書 (Mike Conigliaro)
10/15 World Journal 抗議廢除資優班 家長示威籲亞當斯扭轉政策 (William Colton, Robert Holden, John Liu)
10/13 China Press 近百家長及民代集會抗議取消資優班 顧雅明批市府并未公平分配項目資源
(William Colton, Peter Koo)
10/13 New York Post Eric Adams signals support for a Gifted and Talented program admissions exam
(Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/13 NTD NYC Parents Rally for the Gifted and Talented Program (Willliam Colton)
10/13 Sing Tao 逾百不同族裔家長示威 嚴厲批評市長教育政策 (William Colton, Peter Koo)
10/13 Sinovision 美国华人圈 近百纽约家长抗议市长“天才班”决定:不该取消 反而应增多 (William Colton, Peter Koo)
10/13 World Journal 紐約市將取消資優班 華裔家長抗議籲保留更應擴大 (William Colton, Peter Koo)
10/12 CBS NY Sliwa, Adams Against De Blasio’s Plan To Overhaul NYC’s Gifted And Talented Program
10/12 Epoch Times 9歲童想借錢唸私校 民選官與家長籲保留天才班
(William Colton, Peter Koo, Maud Maron, Vickie Paladino, Eric Frankel)
10/12 eStar TV KEEP G&T保卫天才班!我们会在52 Chambers Street市教育局抗议示威!
10/12 New York Post Protesters call on de Blasio to expand Gifted and Talented program
(Maud Maron, Robert Cornegy)
10/12 NY1 Some parents question how much input they'll get in gifted and talented plans (Eric Adams)
10/12 World Journal 華裔家長市教育局前抗議 要求市府保留並擴大資優班
Press -- Other G&T
10/24 Legal Insurrection Chinese American Group Calls On Parents To Opt Out Of Social Emotional Surveys
10/18 New York School Talk NYC Cuts Gifted Programs: New Approach Proven To Fail Poor & Minority Students
10/17 Sing Tao 高中收生安排混亂 家長責教育局拖延 (Maud Maron)
10/16 China Press 皇後區民代家長集會反對取消資優班 黃敏儀與李琳達召集
(Grace Meng, Toby Ann Stavisky, John Liu, Edward Braunstein, David Weprin, Barry Grodenchik)
10/16 Epoch Times 紐約民選官員抗議取消天才班計畫
(Grace Meng, Toby Ann Stavisky, John Liu, Ed Braunstein, David Weprin, Nily Rozic, Barry Grodenchik)
10/16 New York Post NYC Catholic school enrollment rising amid end of Gifted and Talented program
10/16 Sing Tao 亞當斯承諾上任後 將保留天才班計劃 (Eric Adams)
10/16 Sing Tao 孟昭文劉醇逸斥市長玩政治遊戲 希望亞當斯若當選能撥亂反正
(Grace Meng, John Liu, Toby Stavisky, Ed Braunstein, David Weprin, Barry Grodenchik)
10/16 World Journal 取消資優班 皇后區民代怒嗆白思豪
(Grace Meng, John Liu, Toby Ann Stavisky, Edward Braunstein, David Weprin, Barry Grodenchik)
10/15 Chalkbeat NYC school "segregation" legal battle continues despite proposed changes to gifted test
10/15 Conservative Beaver NYC parents: Keep Gifted and Talented classes
10/15 Epoch Times 紐約各族裔家長憤怒 走上街頭抗議取消天才班 (William Colton, Robert Holden, Curtis Sliwa, Eric Adams)
10/15 Forest Hills Post Queens Council Nominees and Elected Officials Protest Elimination of G&T Program
(Grace Meng, Toby Stavisky, John Liu, Ed Braunstein, David Weprin, Nily Rozic, Barry Grodenchik, Peter Koo)
10/15 NTD TV 紐約市天才班項目被取消 市民集會再抗議
10/15 QNS Queens lawmakers and parents protest elimination of G&T program (Grace Meng, John Liu, Barry Grodenchik)
10/15 Sing Tao 再有200多中外家長示威 抗議白思豪取消天才班 (William Colton, John Liu)
10/15 Sing Tao 雙方一度出現對峙 3位西非裔唱對台戲
10/14 China Press 家長民代集會抗議市府取消資優班 (William Colton, Eric Adams)
10/14 New York Post Gifted and Talented program backers rally at DOE headquarters
10/14 Queens Chronicle Protests and debate over G&T (John Liu, Joe Addabbo Jr, Ed Braunstein, Grace Meng)
10/14 Wall Street Journal Education Horror Show, Continued
10/14 WPIX Parents continue to fight for elementary school gifted and talented reform (Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/13 Epoch Times 白思豪取消天才班 亞當斯:保留決定權利 (Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/13 Shorefront News Assemblyman Colton Calling On Parents To Oppose Mayor’s Abolishing G&T (William Colton)
10/13 SILive NYC’s plan to scrap Gifted & Talented program is ‘outrageous,’ say some Staten Island officials
(Michael Tannousis, Nicole Malliotakis, Joe Borelli, Michael Reilly, Andrew Lanza)
10/13 Sing Tao 馬泰責白思豪沒徵詢家長意見 莫美倫指馬泰認同市長教育方針 (Maud Maron, Chris Marte)
10/13 The Hill Achieving equity through mediocrity: Why elimination of gifted programs should worry us all
10/13 World Journal 廢除資優班 亞當斯或反轉 (Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/12 China Press 史島衆多民代舉行記者會反對取消資優班
(Michael Tannousis, Nicole Malliotakis, Andrew Lanza, Michael Reilly, Joe Borelli)
10/12 China Press 州衆議院少數黨領袖巴克萊發聲反對取消資優班 (William Barclay)
10/12 Fox News NYC parent rips de Blasio for replacing gifted school program, says it’s ‘nonsense'
10/12 New York Post Eric Adams: Expand opportunities for gifted learners, not cut them
10/12 PIX 11 Parents, pols push back against plan to eliminate NYC G&T programs
(Joe Borelli, Michael Tannousis, Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/11 Epoch Times 紐約同源會:取消天才班是CRT接管學校的信號
10/11 New York Post Chasing mediocrity: The left’s war on excellence threatens the American Dream
10/11 New York Post De Blasio’s attack on gifted education was the capstone to his dismal reign
10/11 QNS Lawmakers criticize city’s plan to replace Gifted and Talented Program with ‘Brilliant NYC’
(Joseph Addabbo Jr., John Liu, Grace Meng, Alicia Hyndman, Ron Kim and Edward C. Braunstein)
10/11 QNS Outrage and action following Gifted & Talented announcement
(Joseph Addabbo Jr., Edward C. Braunstein, Grace Meng)
10/11 Sing Tao 天才班立場轉向? 莫美倫槓馬泰 (Maud Maron, Chris Marte)
10/10 Fox News Former gifted student advocates for program, de Blasio 'limiting opportunities'
10/10 Sing Tao 白思豪取消天才班計劃引反彈 數十家長及公職候選人舉牌抗議 (Curtis Sliwa)
10/10 World Jouranl 支持紐約保留資優班 家長上東城抗議 (Curtis Sliwa, Eric Adams)
10/ 9 China Press 紐約市長白思豪宣布取消資優班 華社再掀反對聲浪
(Grace Meng, Peter Koo, Sandra Ung, Nily Rozic, Edward C. Braunstein, William Clton)
10/ 9 Epoch Times 民團下週二在市教育局抗議 捍衛天才班 (Maud Maron)
10/ 9 Epoch Times 州眾議員寇頓 籲全體家長反對取消天才班 (William Colton)
10/ 9 Epoch Times NYC to Cancel Accelerated Learning Program for Gifted Kids
(Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa, John Liu)
10/ 9 New York Post Don’t count NYC’s Gifted and Talented programs out yet: Adams rep
(Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/ 9 New York Post De Blasio’s final ‘gift’ to New York City is ruining its schools: Goodwin (Curtis Sliwa, Eric Adams)
10/ 9 Sing Tao 孟昭文劉醇逸顧雅明等 強烈反對取消天才班 (Grace Meng, John Liu, Peter Koo, Nily Rozic)
10/ 9 World Journal 紐約市將取消資優班 集體加速學習 (Grace Meng, John Liu, Eric Adams)
10/ 8 CBS New York New York City Unveils Plan To Phase Out Gifted And Talented Program
10/ 8 China Press 寇頓促市府停止擅改資優班項目 (William Colton)
10/ 8 New York Daily News NYC will phase out Gifted and Talented program
10/ 8 New York Post G&T programs helped me and my family — de Blasio is taking away hope
10/ 8 New York Post Parents rip de Blasio for ‘abominable’ plan to end Gifted and Talented program
10/ 8 New York Post De Blasio’s bid to kill Gifted & Talented programs must not stand
10/ 8 New York Post NYC to phase out Gifted and Talented program (John Liu, Eric Adams, Curtis Sliwa)
10/ 8 Reason NYC Scrapping Gifted and Talented Program Is a Triumph of Redefining Language
10/ 8 Sing Tao 二學區教委炮轟白思豪波特不守諾 天才班項目改革未充分讓社區參與
10/ 8 wall Street Journal Bill de Blasio’s Parting Gift