
​  5/10/23  Epoch Times 亞裔團體告紐約市歧視亞裔學生案 巡迴法庭開審
  5/  5/23  CACAGNY's Discovery Expansion Lawsuit against New York City Reaches Court of Appeals
  1/ 17/23  時隔五年 律師團再戰紐約特殊高中探索項目

  9/19/22  CACAGNY Provides Update on Discovery Expansion Lawsuit

10/  8/20 CACAGNY's Lawsuit Featured in Documentary   "Dream Factories"   China Press

 10/  1/20  Pacific Legal Foundation  It’s unconstitutional for Fairfax County to discriminate

  9/   1/20  Pacific Legal Foundation  AFEF v. Montgomery County Public Schools

  7/ 25/20 Epoch Times  特殊高中改革立法提案再遭挫败
  7/ 24/20 World Journal  特殊高中錄取改革提案 州議會封殺

  7/ 23/20 China Press  废SHSAT案州议会再败

  7/ 23/20 New York Post  Racial obsessions make it impossible for NYC schools to treat parents, kids as people

  7/ 23/20 Sing Tao  參院法案遭挫敗 SHSAT今年保住了

  7/ 23/20 Sinovision  反SHSAT法案再擱淺但下次還能順利阻止嗎?

  7/ 23/20 World Journal  紐約市特殊高中入學標準改革提案 州議會今年再攔
  7/ 22/20 Kings County Politics  SHSAT Bill Remians Unresolved As Legislative Session Ends This Week
  7/ 21/20 World Journal  「黑人的命也是命」燒到校園 廢SHSAT呼聲再起
  7/ 20/20 Epoch Times  中華公所發信 捍衛亞裔生平等權
  7/ 20/20 World Journal  州議員再提廢SHSAT 中華公所反對

  7/ 12/20 World Journal  州議會擬改革特殊高中 同源會阻擋   (NYC Email Campaign)

  7/ 11/20 Epoch Times  紐約州議員再提案 要求特高招生標準交市府決定   (NYC Email Campaign)
  7/  9/20 Chalkbeat  New bill to repeal specialized high schools admissions
  7/  9/20 New York Daily News  New effort to repeal specialized high school law
  6/20/20  New York Post  Officials tell Carranza that parents want schools with competitive admissions

  5/   2/20 New York Post  DOE could end screening for top NYC schools after coronavirus pandemic
  5/   2/20 Sing Tao  紐約市教育局或趁新冠疫情 終結重點中學選拔招生
  5/   1/20 Chalkbeat  Controversial specialized high schools program continues to enroll few black, Hispanic students

  3/20/20 Epoch Times  特殊高中錄取放榜 亞裔表現比去年更出色
  3/20/20 PLACE NYC  NYC DOE Fails to Improve Specialized High School
  3/20/20 World Journal  紐約市特殊高中放榜 亞裔仍過半 史岱文森錄取10非裔
  3/19/20 Chalkbeat  Efforts to integrate NYC’s specialized high schools flounder
  3/19/20 China Press  特殊高中录取放榜 亚裔学生再次占主导地位
  3/19/20 Sing Tao  特殊高中收生 亞裔佔比超去年
  3/18/20 Chalkbeat  As families fight over access to NYC’s specialized high schools, some seats go unfilled

  3/  7/20 ctpost  Opinion: State must end race-based school quotas

  3/  3/20 China Press  第24学委会办里民会卡兰纳再轰特殊高中考试
  3/  3/20 Sinovision  纽约市教育局长再轰SHSAT “没有研究表明它是对的”

  3/  3/20 World Journal  卡蘭扎堅持一試錄取不合理 華人家長批歧視 促市長解雇   (Video)

  2/25/20 CACAGNY CACAGNY Joins Amicus Brief Against Anti-Asian Discrimination in Harvard Lawsuit

  2/25/20 Chalkbeat  New York City can move forward with specialized high school changes

  2/21/20 Epoch Times  森林小丘里民會 市長為市教育總監辯護

  2/20/20 ABC 14 News  De Blasio Booed, Heckled At Contentious Queens Town Hall
  2/20/20 Epoch Times  第28学区“多元化计划”方案 再推迟到12月出炉
  2/20/20 New York Post  De Blasio booed, heckled at contentious Queens town hall
  2/20/20 World Journal  森林小丘里民會 白思豪堅持建社區監獄、廢SHSAT
  2/19/20  China Press  父母择校看重教学质量 而非学校种族结构
  2/19/20  Sing Tao  皇后區學校多元化計劃 教局推遲半年化解爭議

  2/19/20  The Hill  Ending racial quotas in Hartford's magnet schools is a big step for equality

  2/15/20  World Journal  亞裔家長示威如影隨形 教育局會議移出華埠
  2/14/20  China Press  教育局社区会议不变 仍在华埠举行
  2/14/20  Epoch Times  市教局要求第二学区里民会 从华埠改至雀儿喜召开

  2/13/20  China Press  教育局拟将华埠社区会议移至切尔西
  2/13/20  New York Post  DOE pulls bid to relocate Chinatown parent meeting with Carranza after Post story
  2/13/20  New York Post  DOE wants to move Carranza town hall meeting from Chinatown to Chelsea
  2/12/20  China Press  对待亚裔纽约客不公 刘醇逸炮轰卡兰纳  /  紐約同源會聲明  /  Video
  2/12/20  World Journal  卡蘭扎赴州議會 再提廢SHSAT 劉醇逸面斥忽視亞裔  /  紐約同源會聲明  /  Video
  2/11/20  New York Post  Sen Liu clashes with Carranza over treatment of Asians  /  CACAGNY Statement  /  Video
  2/11/20  Sing Tao 劉醇逸狂轟教育總監卡蘭薩 斥無心修補與亞裔社區裂痕  /  紐約同源會聲明  /  Video
  2/ 8/20  World Journal  華裔家長抗議卡蘭扎遭拒 教局:未禁止入場
  2/  7/20  China Press  参加学区会遭歧视性拦阻 维权团体发动示威
  2/  7/20  Epoch Times  市议员霍顿要求调查阻拦华裔家长进入学区会一事
  2/  7/20  World Journal  帶標語禁入卡蘭札社區會議 維權團體:歧視華裔   /  Video
  2/  5/20  China Press  家长抗议卡兰纳引冲突
  2/  5/20  New York Post  Asian protesters temporarily barred from Carranza town hall (with Video)
  2/  4/20  Sing Tao  攜反對卡蘭扎標語遭拒入場 華裔家長與外族裔家長爭論

12/ 23/19  Epoch Times  禁特殊高中「探索項目」擴招上訴被駁回 原訴訟繼續
12/ 12/19  China Press  扩“探索计划”损害华生利益
12/ 12/19  China Press  状告特殊高中改革 华裔挤爆法庭

12/ 12/19  Epoch Times  「探索項目」 禁令案上訴開庭 原告:改招生規則歧視亞裔   (Video)
12/ 12/19  Sinovision  纽约SHSAT探索项目扩展法庭听证 律师:这伤害亚裔 我们能赢

12/ 12/19  World Journal   40年來第一宗 亞裔民權案首獲聯邦上訴法院審理 申請禁擴「探索項目」
12/ 12/19  World Journal   禁止擴大探索項目 若敗訴將上訴至最高法院

11/ 12/19  World Journal  為上特殊高中參加「探索」項目 亞裔學生仍過半

10/23/19  New York Post  De Blasio hasn’t remotely abandoned his war on the city’s top schools

10/23/19  PLF  NYC Education Chancellor Carranza’s policies of racial discrimination are causing growing concern

10/14/19  Epoch Times  第28學區選出白人家長 入「多元化小組」立場不左傾 華人家長對結果滿意

10/  1/19  New York Post  Fourth white DOE executive sues over racial discrimination

 9/30/19  New York Post  Carranza accused of ‘pitting parents against each other’ along racial lines

 9/30/19  Sing Tao  稱亞裔為黃種人朋友 華裔社區教委不滿

 9/25/19  New York Post  Bill de Blasio suddenly changes tune on testing for elite high schools

 9/24/19  Chalkbeat  Mayor’s plan to "diversify" specialized high school could raise admissions standards elsewhere

 9/23/19  New York Post DOE’s curricular diversity overhaul slated to begin this year

 9/18/19  The 74 Milllion  NYC Wants to "Integrate" Its Schools. Great. Now, Let's Talk About Why Kids Aren’t Learning?
 9/ 9/19  AM New York  Misguided effort to diversify NYC schools

 9/ 6/19  The 74 Million  De Blasio: How to Make Every School Good ‘Has Not Been the Essence of the Conversation’ 

 9/ 4/19   National Review  In New York City, an Attack on Programs for Gifted Students

 9/ 4/19   New York Daily News  De Blasio’s diversity advisory group didn’t want to hear from many parents

 9/ 4/19   New York Post  Carranza doesn’t even get the point of Gifted & Talented programs

 9/ 4/19   SI Live  Island officials to city: Don’t eliminate Gifted & Talented programs

 9/ 3/19   New York Post  De Blasio and Carranza should heed the wisdom of ‘Dear White Teacher’
 9/ 3/19   New York Post  New NYC teachers given book with essay titled ‘Dear White Teacher’

 9/ 2/19   Epoch Times  New York’s School Desegregation Plan Raises Concern Of Identity Politics

 8/31/19  Epoch Times  “探索”扩招致失学额? 七生申诉受挫  (对联邦诉讼没有影响)

 8/31/19  World Journal  「探索」擠占特殊高中學位?7生投訴遭駁回  (對聯邦訴訟沒有影響)

 8/30/19  Chalkbeat  State rejects claims students were unfairly denied admission to NYC elite high schools

 8/30/19  Sing Tao 指擴展「探索項目」違法 7學生上訴被州教育廳駁回  (對聯邦訴訟沒有影響)

 8/29/19  Queens Chronicle  SHSAT: Who has the answers?

 5/31/19   AM New York  City in a muddle over 'anti-racist' thinking

 5/31/19   China Press   教育局长遭起诉索赔9000万美元 白思豪出面力挺斥荒谬

 5/31/19   Epoch Times  政论家:纽约市极端“平等”政策就是“种族主义”

 5/31/19   New York Post  De Blasio defends Carranza against ‘outrageous’ anti-white bias lawsuit

 5/30/19  ABC New York  Senior New York City education executives file discrimination lawsuit against DOE

 5/30/19  CBS New York  Lawyer For Women Suing Dept. Of Education Speaks Out

 5/30/19  Federalist  NYC’s Racist Dept. Of Ed. Shows The Perils Of Privilege Theory

 5/30/19  Fox News  New York City's radical push for 'equity' in schools is the very definition of racism

 5/30/19  New York Post  $90M lawsuit aims to nail Carranza for false denials of anti-white bias

 5/30/19  New York Post  Flame-throwing is no way to lead the schools

 5/30/19  World Journal  張晟挺亞裔學生:未受益白人特權

 5/29/19  CBS New York  Carranza Denies Claims Of Toxic Work Environment For Whites In $90 Million Lawsuit

 5/29/19  Blaze  $90 million lawsuit: 'Toxic' whiteness purge at NYC education department / 'Get on board ... or leave'

 5/29/19  China Press  市教育局3白人女高管被降职 卡兰纳遭起诉索赔9000万

 5/28/19  China Press  支持市教育局组织称 亚裔生受益种族特权

 5/28/19  City Journal  Diversity Over Quality

 5/28/19  Epoch Times  市教育局反种族主义培训 称亚裔受惠于白人特权

 5/28/19  New York Post  Bombshell suit claims Carranza’s ‘toxic’ whiteness purge cost DOE execs their jobs

 5/28/19  New York Post  Richard Carranza’s prejudicial race politics have gone too far

 5/28/19  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩「白人有毒」文化 3女高層提9000萬訴訟

 5/28/19  World Journal  稱亞裔生從白人至上獲益 受教局贊助機構挨轟

 5/27/19  Sing Tao  「亞裔生受益白人優勢」 反歧視組織說法惹不滿

 5/26/19  New York Post  DOE-sponsored group said Asians benefit from white privilege: parent

 5/26/19  Sing Tao  市教育局反歧視培訓 偏重非裔似矯枉過正

 5/25/19  New York Post  Teachers allegedly told to favor black students in ‘racial equity’ training

 5/22/19  Breitbart  NYC Department of Education: ‘Individualism’ Is ‘White Supremacy Culture’

 5/21/19  China Press  卡兰纳重组教育局被指种族歧视

 5/21/19  New York Post  This ‘white-supremacy culture’ training is far worse than nonsense

 5/20/19  CBS New York  NYC May Face Lawsuit Over Carranza’s Reorganization Of Department Of Education

 5/20/19  Epoch Times  卡兰萨被指歧视白人 教育局四高层拟诉市府

 5/20/19  New York Post  Richard Carranza held ‘white-supremacy culture’ training for school admins

 5/19/19  New York Post  Carranza’s lunatic war on ‘toxic whiteness’

 5/18/19  New York Post  Richard Carranza accused of demoting admins because they were white

 5/18/19  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩被指歧視白人 4名高層擬興訟市府

 5/10/19  Epoch Times  特殊高中招生诉讼 家长挺原告上诉

 5/  7/19   Amicus Curiae Filed on Behalf of Middle School Parents' Associations

 4/22/19   Epoch Times  不满“探索计划”扩招 7学生追特殊高中学额

 4/22/19   World Journal  「探索」項目擴大致落榜 7學生請願要入學

 4/20/19   Wall Street Journal  Seven NYC Students Didn’t Get Seats in Elite Schools, So They Asked State for Help

                                                     CACAGNY Statement of Support

 3/30/19   Epoch Times  特殊高中诉讼 非西裔团体欲介入撑市长

 3/29/19   Chalkbeat  Organizations join battle to "integrate" specialized high schools 

                                    (skip article, read comments)

 3/29/19   City Journal  Discriminating By Race

 3/26/19   Youtube  Middle School PTO Sues New York's Mayor and Schools Chancellor

 3/ 21/19   Chalkbeat  Lawmakers call for forums to ‘hear every single voice’

 3/ 12/19   Sing Tao  同源會長陳慧華批市長教育總監 取消特殊高中入學試涉種族歧視

 3/  6/19   Epoch Times  同源会会长撰文 批市长改革SHSAT涉歧视违宪

 3/  6/19   Epoch Times  今年纽约市高中录取发榜推迟

 3/  6/19   The 74 Million  NYC’ Plan to Diversify High Schools Becomes Fodder for Advocates
 ​3/  5/19   China Press  取消SHSAT 陈慧华纽约邮报撰文批违宪

 3/  4/19   Chalkbeat  DOE uses lawsuit as excuse for delay on SHSAT results; fools Chalkbeat (see comments)

 3/  4/19   China Press   非法和种族歧视!纽约同源会会长撰文痛批白思豪废除SHSAT 计划...

 3/  2/19   New York Post  The mayor’s new scheme for top NYC schools is illegal and racist

 2/26/19   CACAGNY Statement

 2/26/19   China Press  纽约市推进特殊高中改革 将在3月中下发入学通知

 2/26/19   Epoch Times  特殊高中诉讼案 法官否决禁令“探索计划”扩招

 2/26/19   World Journal  特殊高中「探索」項目 法官允市府擴大

 2/25/19   Chalkbeat  New York City can move forward with specialized high school changes

 1/20/19   World Journal  白思豪特殊高中改革被訟 市府律師回應:非歧視亞裔

 1/19/19   Epoch Times  特殊高中招生歧视案 纽约市教育局回应

 1/18/19   Epoch Times  特殊高中官司 或致高中放榜延迟

 1/18/19   Sing Tao  特殊高中入學試爭議 市府辯稱非歧視亞裔

 1/18/19   Wall Street Journal  De Blasio Lawyers Say Change Isn’t Biased Against Asian-Americans

 1/16/19   Chalkbeat  Lawsuit could delay admissions decisions, New York City says

Lawsuit Coverage

​1010 Wins  Asian-American families sue de Blasio over plan to diversify elite schools

AP  Parents Sue to Stop New York’s Attempted Discrimination Against Asian-American Students

Chalkbeat  Lawsuit seeks to halt program to increase integration at City’s specialized high schools

China Press  多机构就改革SHSAT提起诉讼


Epoch Times  华人家长及亚裔团体 联合状告市府

Epoch Times  华人家长告市长 诉讼案胜算多大?律师解析

Kings County Politics  Specialized High School Lawsuit Could Wake Asian Voters In PA Race

NBC News  Advocates allege NYC school plan discriminates against Asian Americans

NY Daily News  NYC families join suit to halt Mayor de Blasio's school desegregation plan

NY Daily News  De Blasio's attempt to reduce Asian-Americans in Discovery Program is unconstitutional

New York Post  Parents hate de Blasio’s racist plans for the city’s top schools

New York Post  Asian-American civil rights groups, parents sue over school diversification plan

New York Times  De Blasio's plan on the Specialized High School faces new obstacle

NTD TV 【2018紐約十大新聞】市長改革特殊高中考試 遭家長提告

NTD TV  紐約家長提告市長 改革特殊高中考試 亞裔生受限

NY1  Asian-American Parents File Lawsuit Against the City

Our Time Press  Why Not Have a REAL NYC Specialized High School Integration Plan?

Patch  City 'Gerrymandered' Elite High School Program, Lawsuit Says

Queens Chronicle  Suit to halt SHSAT shift in its tracks

Queens County Politics   Ron Kim: City "scapegoating one test while vilifying an entire racial group"

Sing Tao  教育團體家長聯名提訴訟 指市長特殊高中改革違憲

Sinovision  白思豪力挺SHSAT改革 纽约亚裔家长告市长违宪

Sinovision  Parents sue City over SHSAT reform/白思豪力挺SHSAT改革 纽约亚裔家长告市长违宪

US News & World Rport  Asian-Americans Sue New York City Over School Desegregation Plan

Voices of New York  Asian Americans Sue City Over Specialized High School Reform

​Wall Street Journal   De Blasio Sees Too Many Asians

Wall Street Journal   Parents Sue New York City Over Mayor’s Plan to Diversify Elite High Schools

​​​Washington Post  NYC plan to diversify elite high schools challenged in court

World Journal  市議長張晟 對就控告市府一案表示: 建立更多特殊高中 才是解決問題根本之道

World Journal  反特殊高中招生改革 亞裔團體告市府 3華裔家長參與

WPIX  Parents suing Dept. of Education over changes to admission policy for specialized high schools


Pacific Legal Foundation

        Christa McAuliffe Intermediate School PTO

        Asian American Coalition for Education


A Quick Introduction to the SHSAT:   Dream Factories   (Documentary Short)

                                                                                                    Hecht-Calandra Text


December 13, 2018:  CACAGNY Joins Lawsuit to stop

       Discrimination against Asians in Specialized High Schools

(Back to Main Education Updates Page)

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