

News -- 2023 & 2022   (  Lawsuit Updates  12/6/23  )

     News -- 2022

   News -- 2021

   News -- 2020

   News -- 2019

   News -- 2018

       7/26 College Fix  House GOP launches Merit Caucus to combat DEI in education, advance ‘American dream’

       7/26 Fordham Institute ADVANCE  Are AP exams getting easier?

       7/25 College Fix  Democrats dominate donations by top university presidents

       7/22 College Fix  DEI, critical race theory pervades military trainings: report

       7/20 New York Post  NYC school staffers claim they’re forced out of jobs after making antisemitism complaints

       7/17 New York Post  NYC hits charter school cap, can’t open any more without state approval: regulator

       7/16 New York Post  NYC schools chief battles state mandate, says parents don’t care about class size

       7/16 New York Post  Success Academy’s Regents results again prove charters are a win for kids

       7/16 New York Post  Teachers union to vote on proposals to end US aid to Israel, protect Hamas protesters

       7/12 Fordham Institute ADVANCE  The Great Recalibration of AP exams - by John Moscatiello (substack.com)

       7/  5 Wall Street Journal  How DEI Becomes Discrimination

       7/  4 Epoch TImes 暑期SAT考生增加 考場供不應求 考生到外州考試

       7/  3 Daily Wire  Loudoun School Honcho Linked To Social Media Attacks: “Little D–k” “White People”

       7/  1 Daily Wire  Teachers Union Tasks Anti-Israel Activist To Create Curriculum About Israel

       6/29 New York Post Top CUNY official gets eye-popping 16% pay bump, bringing salary to over $320K
       6/27 NAS  Constitutional Problems Found in DEI Policies at 12 University of Maryland Campuses

       6/25 Tablet  The Child Soldiers of Ethnic Studies

       6/24 Minding the Campus Can Harvard Faculty and Students Trust a Dean Who Wants to Punish Speech?

       6/24 NAS  Title IX: Victory and Hope as Multiple Courts Rule Against Biden

       6/24 New York Post NYC launching new learning tool to help kids conquer ‘fear of math’

       6/18 New York Post Fauci finally reverses course: keeping schools closed during COVID was ‘mistake’

       6/18 Washington Examiner Scientific American: Federal government should regulate homeschooling

       6/17 College Fix University of Oklahoma discriminates against white students: federal lawsuit
       6/16 New York Post Parents of Westchester County kids against ‘preferred pronouns’ sue school district

       6/15 New York Post Schoolboard meeting erupts in chaos as trans activists’ protest sports resolution

       6/13 New York Post Trashing Regents exams erodes schools, hurts students—in the name of ‘equity’
       6/12 Free Press How Public Schools Became Ideological Boot Camps

       6/12 New York Post New York is about to make its high school diplomas worse than useless
       6/11 City Journal  Casting Evidence Aside

       6/11 New York Post NY high school students no longer need to pass Regents exams to graduate
       6/11 World Journal 州教育廳提案 高中畢業或不用州會考

       6/10 Sing Tao 州教育廳擬取消高中畢業會考要求

       6/ 8 Epoch Times 關注教育與治安 紐約州參議會華裔參選人朱雅婷訪大紀元
       6/ 8 New York Post 21 attorneys general fight race-based criteria from American Bar Association
       6/ 8 New York Post Antisemitic hate thrives at prestigious Brooklyn Tech, Stuyvesant, Bronx Science
       6/ 8 NTD TV 紐約州參議員候選人朱雅婷 談競選理念

       6/ 7 Stanford Daily Stanford will resume standardized test requirement for undergraduate admission

       6/ 6 City Journal DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care”

       6/ 5 City Journal In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten

       6/ 4 College Fix  Title IX changes may force professors to be ‘complicit’ in abortion: lawsuit
       6/ 4 New York Post NYC parent group: ‘devastating impact’ migrant burdens onto schools
       6/ 3 City Journal  “Indoctrinate” New Hires

       6/ 3 College Fix  Math professor fired after criticizing slavery reparations continues legal battle

       5/31 City Journal The Biden Administration’s DEI Bind

       5/30 College Fix ASU still asks for DEI commitments in hiring despite directive prohibiting it
       5/30 World Journal 紐約市長:表現優異學校無需縮班

       5/29 CIty Journal A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters?

       5/29 Daily Wire DOJ ‘Hate’ Unit Tracked Moms For Liberty Alongside KKK, Secret Emails Show
       5/29 New York Post Don’t be fooled: Harvard’s neutrality pledge is just lefty butt-covering
       5/29 New York Post NYC schools could use gyms to comply with class-size mandate: ‘disaster in the making’
       5/27 College Fix Conservative college professor investigated for racism after accusing black student of plagiarism
       5/23 College Fix Cornell’s weeds out overqualified, older, white STEM professor applicants: group alleges

       5/23 Free Press Yale Tells Hopeful Scientists: You Must Commit to DEI

       5/23 Washington Free Beacon How Racial Preferences, Outlawed in California, Persists at UCLA

       5/22 College Fix MIT makes slight edits to ‘women of color’ program after federal complaint

       5/22 College Fix Illinois recommends bonuses to colleges for black, Hispanic students

       5/21 City Journal And We Do Classes, Too!

       5/21 City Journal DEI at UVA

       5/21 New York Post Cornell using DEI to reject faculty candidates for not ‘conforming'
       5/21 Sing Tao 波士頓拉丁學校新招生政策被告上法庭

       5/20 CACAGNY Supports Boston Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief  (Brief)
       5/20 College Fix Stanford now has 177 DEI employees, research finds

       5/20 Daly Caller Meet The College Student Whose Life Was Destroyed By A Hate Crime Hoax

       5/19 New York Post New York City school spending has gone insane

       5/18 New York Post Why young people become woker and woker: A cultural emergency

       5/17 Connecticut Centinal Greenwich Educators Will Be Judged On Equity And Social Justice

       5/17 Wall Street Journal Test Scores Down, GPAs Up: The New Angst Over Grade Inflation
       5/15 New York Post NYC public school system got billions more in funding despite shrinking enrollment

       5/10 New York Post Woke NYS Board of Regents forces biological boys into girls’ sports
       5/10 New York Post Teen suspended for using term ‘illegal aliens’ sues high school
       5/10 Sing Tao 朱雅婷對壘史塔文斯基

       5/10 World Journal 允跨性別學生如廁自由 華裔憂
       5/ 9 City Journal Hysterics for Hamas: Why are young women so prominent in campus chaos?

       5/ 9 College Fix Employers more skeptical of hiring Ivy League grads, survey finds
       5/ 9 College Fix Polytechnic university rolls out DEI initiatives for 20 campus divisions
       5/ 9 Daily Wire Teachers Put Through ‘Coaching’ Sessions On Gender And Sexuality At Illinois Math Academy

       5/ 9 Wall Street Journal America Has Too Many Schools

       5/ 7 College Fix Rhode Island School of Design students seize building, barricade themselves
       5/ 6 City Journal Hiding the Ball: University board in Sweden suppressing research on immigrant income

       5/ 6 College Fix Pro-Palestinian GWU student ‘tribunal’ calls for top administrators to be beheaded
       5/ 6 College Fix UC San Diego police in riot gear arrest 64 pro-Palestinian encampment activists

       5/ 6 Wall Street Journal D.C. for Disorder: George Washington University called cops. They won’t come

       5/ 5 New York Post Chicago Teachers Union’s demands include abortions, migrant accommodations

       5/ 5 Unherd MIT becomes first elite university to ban diversity statements

       5/ 5 Wall Street Journal The Committee That Felled University Presidents Turns to High Schools

       5/ 4 College Fix Columbia Law students want exams canceled due to police crackdown
       5/ 4 College Fix Rutgers administration buckles to anti-Israel activists’ demands
       5/ 3 Chalkbeat NYC to restore a controversial admissions boost for Manhattan students

       5/ 3 College Fix Professor among 90 arrested at Dartmouth protest, calls police ‘brutal’
       5/ 3 Wall Street Journal Illinois’s Plan to Fund Public Universities on the Basis of Race
       5/ 2 City Journal Surrender and Its Costs: Northwestern capitulates to mob of anti-Israel students

       5/ 2 College Fix UChicago administrators meet with encampment organizers as protest enters day 4
       5/ 2 Free Press Abigail Shrier: There Are Two Sets of Rules for Speech

       5/ 1 CACAGNY Joins Coalition Against Biden Administration's Illegal Re-Interpretation of Title IX

       5/ 1 City Journal Sham Science: “Inclusive scholarship” is latest justification for failed diversity efforts

       5/ 1 New York Post Jewish student against antisemitism at Princeton: here’s why I won’t back down
      4/30 College Fix Tents ‘can always be put back up’: Northwestern reaches deal with protesters
       4/30 College Fix UCLA becomes hotbed of anti-Israel hate

       4/30 College Fix  Virginia Tech protesters vow to stay, insist rally ‘peaceful’ after 82 arrests
       4/30 New York Post Middle schoolers who protested trans athlete are banned from competitions
       4/30 RealClear Education The New LSAT Is Bad for America

       4/29 City Journal That Which Does Not Cull Us -- Is diversity really “critical” to national security?

       4/29 City Journal DEI Conquers Stanford: at least 177 bureaucrats dedicated to left-wing racialism

       4/29 Washington Free Beacon Biden's Taxpayer-Funded Climate Corps Hiring Anti-Racist Gardeners
       4/28 College Fix Yale anti-Israel activists form human chain, block access to campus green
       4/28 New York Post Harvard protesters fly Palestinian flag in spot reserved for Stars & Stripes
       4/27 New York Post NYC to pay $2.1M in race discrimination settlement with three educators
       4/26 Daily Caller Glenn Youngkin, Virginia Universities In Bitter Battle Over DEI On Campuses

       4/26 Daily Caller Schools Face Civil Rights Complaints Over Racially-Organized ‘Affinity Groups’

       4/26 New York Post Columbia’s 'ultra-liberal' board packed with big Dem lefty donors

       4/26 New York Post Signs of ‘foreign assistance’ emerge in Columbia, NYU anti-Israeli unrest

       4/26 New York Post Columbia prez misled Congress about required DEI orientation

       4/26 New York Post GWU protester carries sign with Nazi ‘final solution’ call for extermination of Jews

       4/25 New York Post UCLA medical school ‘Structural Racism and Health Equity’ course: weight loss is ‘useless’

       4/24 Newsweek Corporate Diversity Programs Treat Minority Employees As Tokens, Not People

       4/24 Washington Free Beacon Inside UCLA Medical School’s Mandatory ‘Health Equity’ Class

       4/23 Epoch Times 支持家長權 莫美倫槓上進步派 紐約市教委資格恐遭移除

       4/22 City Journal Academic Dishonesty at UCLA

       4/22 College Fix DOE gives universities $25 million to foster ‘diversity’ in STEM fields

       4/22 Minding the Campus Closing DEI Offices Is Not Enough

       4/22 New York Post Anti-Israel hunger-strikers at Yale decry capitalism — with sushi and salsa dancing

       4/21 Wall Street Journal If You Give a College Student a Cookie . . .

       4/20 New York Post Star student denied admission to schools by NYC’s ‘subjective’ lottery system
       4/20 New York Post NYC school chief’s husband is DOE mentorship vendor selling $650 suits for kids
       4/20 New York Post NYC parents face retaliation after voting for DOE review of trans athletes in girls’ sports
       4/20 New York Post NYC school soccer game canceled after 30 migrants refuse to leave field
       4/18 New York Post Columbia must end the double standard and stop tolerating campus antisemitism
       4/17 College Fix Breast cancer surgeons must submit DEI statement for UC Davis job
       4/17 College Fix Oklahoma State U. to shut down bias response team to settle free speech lawsuit
       4/17 New York Post Outrage as student is suspended just for using ‘illegal alien’ in class discussion

       4/17 New York Post Liberals have made our schools less safe and turned teachers into targets

       4/17 New YorkPost Connecticut mayor sparks controversy for comments about special needs students
       4/17 New York Post Here are the Columbia University anti-Israel , pro-Palestinian professors

       4/17 World Journal 反對小班制 班級規模公平聯盟成立
       4/16 New York Post NYC parents give failing grade to class size law that could see 12K new teachers

       4/13 New York Post Schools are teaching kids to ‘feel’ antisemitic
       4/12 City Journal California’s Broken Diversity Promise

       4/11 College Fix Quinnipiac Law scholarship excludes heterosexual males, faces Title IX complaint

       4/11 New York Post Two-thirds of US colleges, universities require DEI classes to graduate: report

       4/ 6 World Journal 高中教育反饋餐會 華人關心小班制落實
       4/ 5 New York Post Protect kids: Break the grip of transgender extremism
       4/ 4 New York Post Manhattan borough president slams parents who want to protect girls’ sports as MAGA
       4/ 3 College Fix Universities signing over students’ private FERPA data to voter data companies
       4/ 2 Free Beacon UCLA Med School Speaker Demands Prayer for ‘Mama Earth,’ Leads Chants of ‘Free Palestine.’
       4/ 2 National Review UCLA Medical School Cancels Lecture Blaming ‘Whiteness’ for Opioid Crisis
       3/31 College Fix Engineering student: Princeton introductory STEM courses ‘unfair’ to the ill-prepared
       3/31 College Fix U. Oregon professor to lecture on ‘surplus’ white nationalism and its ‘climate obstruction’
       3/31 Glenn Loury The Nature of Nurture

       3/31 Sing Tao 獲班克斯提拔牽頭改革 教育局新官涉副業受查

       3/30 New York Post NYC kindergarteners learning about penises, vulvas through HIV/AIDS curriculum
       3/30 New York Post David Banks promotes educrat under probe for side hustle

       3/29 New York Post How Brown University spreads antisemitism even to high schoolers
       3/29 New York Post Once-coveted Harvard degrees have been cheapened -- applicationd down

       3/28 College Fix Professors get $1 million to apply ‘critical race studies’ to the classics

       3/28 Epoch Times 不滿言論自由遭打壓 保守派家長提告

       3/28 The Hill US Census changes how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity
       3/27 College Fix  NSF paid universities to develop AI censorship tools for social media

       3/26 Wall Street Journal A Lesson in DEI Failure From Britain
       3/25 Alpha News School district wants administrator who can 'examine' the presence of 'Whiteness'

       3/25 New York Post Boston reparations lobbyists call on ‘white churches’ to pay billions for low-income housing

       3/23 New York Post The Supreme Court has banned Affirmative Action — Congress must follow

       3/22 New York Post DEI math-ed prof who helped get algebra banned in ‘Frisco is accused of faulty research

       3/22 New York Post High-schoolers worried about antisemitism, SATs apply to as many colleges as possible

       3/22 Wall Street Journal Education Department Botches College Financial Aid. Again.

       3/21 New York Post Potential transgender school sports ban would be a big win for athletes — and sanity
       3/21 Wall Street Journal Almost all the Harlem school district’s improvement in scores comes from charters
       3/21 Washington Free Beacon Complaint: University of Wisconsin DEI Czar Has History of Research Misconduct

       3/20 Chronicle of Higher Education Stanford Math-Education Expert Has ‘Reckless Disregard for Accuracy'
       3/20 College Fix UW-Madison answers DEI criticisms with PR campaign

       3/20 College Fix Conservative professor sues ASU over its mandatory DEI training

       3/20 Epoch Times Elon Musk Warns of DEI in Medical Schools: ‘People Will Die’

       3/20 New York Post NYC’s largest school board approves resolution to ban transgender athletes from women’s sports

       3/20 New York Post UCLA medical student says left-wing ideology ‘laced through all four years’ of school

       3/20 Washington Free Beacon Professor Cited To End 8th Grade Algebra Had 'Reckless Disregard for Accuracy'

       3/19 Free Press  Google’s Woke AI Wasn’t a Mistake

       3/19 Minding the Campus The Myth of Housing Disparities and Residential Segregation

       3/18 City Journal Dismantling Leftist Indoctrination on Campus

       3/18 Medium Why Waking Up Early Is Rooted in White Supremacy

       3/18 Sing Tao 指康奈爾大學縱容反以 猶太組織呼籲不要入讀

       3/18 Wall Street Journal Ban DEI Quackery in Medical Schools

       3/18 Washington Post  Colleges are realizing they can’t ignore the truth, even if it hurts

       3/17 New York Post Jewish students urged not to apply to Cornell University after antisemitic incidents

       3/17 PsyPost “Woke” attitudes linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness

       3/16 Chronicle Bar exam will no longer be required to become attorney in Washington state

       3/15 College Fix  World-renowned epidemiologist fired from Harvard after refusing COVID vaccine

       3/15 College Fix  Marriage promotes ‘white supremacy’: George Mason professor

       3/15 New York Post Kaylee Gain’s school pushed DEI, has ‘enormous culpability’ in teen’s vicious beating

       3/13 New York Post Maryland hires ‘racial equity’ leader who incites violence, promotes revolution

       3/13 New York Post Unions want full control of schools and our kids — we can’t let Albany allow it

       3/13 Reason UT Austin Brings Back the SAT After Scoreless Kids Underperform

       3/12 College Fix  Academics embrace ‘deficit framing’ concept to justify unprepared students

       3/12 Wall Street Journal  The NIH Sacrifices Scientific Rigor for DEI

       3/12 Wall Street Journal The SAT’s Comeback Is Good News for Minority Students
       3/ 11 College Fix  More than half of recent college grads work in jobs that don’t require bachelor’s degree

       3/ 11 Fox News What's going on with America's public schools?

       3/ 11 Instruction Discussion  STEM Discrimination

       3/ 11 Texas Tribune UT-Austin reverts to requiring standardized test scores for admissions

       3/  9 Epoch Times  陳慧華警告:批判種族理論危害孩子
       3/  9 New York Post ‘1619 Project’ Nikole Hannah-Jones lectures city public school kids about ‘antiracism’

       3/  8 College Fix  Harvard funds racial healing greenhouse ‘to compost grief and germinate healing’
       3/  8 Daily Mail California's math curriculum may not require children to memorize times tables
       3/  8 Epoch Times 紐約市高中錄取放榜 專家稱「候補名單」機會小

       3/  8 College Fix  Qatar keeps close ties to American universities

       3/  8 The Hill  DEI killed the CHIPS Act

       3/  7 College Fix  World’s smartest students believe some topics too dangerous to discuss

       3/  7 Epoch Times 曼哈頓研究所舉行教育研討會 看看家長怎麼說

       3/  7 Free Press  Public Schoolers Are Paid $1,400 a Pop to Become Social Justice Warriors

       3/  7 New York Post  The College Board is dumbing down its SAT test again — doing no one any favors

       3/  7 Wall Street Journal  Israel Takes the E Out of DEI

       3/  6 The 74 Million San Francisco Voters Overwhelmingly Support Algebra’s Return to 8th Grade

       3/  5 Minding the Campus  The Takeover

       3/  4 ABC News  Maryland district's 'teacher diversity' program slammed as 'overtly discriminatory'

       3/  4 MLive Race-card player steps down as chair of MSU Board in the wake of ethics violations allegations

       3/  4 Wall Street Journal  Why Teachers Are Still Leaving the Profession

       3/  6 New York Post  Critical Race Theory is the new segregation across schools nationwide
       2/29 Daily Wire Denver ‘Ethnic Studies’ Course Teaches 9th Graders Racial Equity, Gender Ideology

       2/29 College Fix  Minnesota universities tout land acknowledgments that distort history

       2/29 College Fix  Columbia med DEI chief plagiarized from Wikipedia, other scholars

       2/29 Fox News  Intel agency DEI training features the 'gender unicorn' and 'transgender terminology'

       2/28 Parents Defending Education  PDE Files FOIA Request Suit vs Department of Education
       2/26 College Fix UChicago to host ‘kink and consent’ rope bondage workshop

       2/24 Epoch Times Nearly Half of US College Graduates Working High-School Level Jobs

       2/24 New York Post Stuyvesant HS newspaper accuses Israel of ‘genocide’, whitewashes Hamas’ massacre
       2/23 Washington Post Smithsonian Latino museum sued over internship’s ‘pro-Latino discrimination’
       2/22 Yale Daily News  Yale reinstates standardized testing requirement, allows AP and IB scores

       2/21 Epoch Times 弗州TJ高中招生政策歧視亞裔案 最高法院拒審

       2/21 New York Post SCOTUS’s skittishness on race-based admissions suggests the left’s intimidation is working
       2/21 Wall Street Journal  DEI Invades Community Colleges Too

       2/21 Washington Examiner Black Harvard alumnae demand DEI pledge for hiring and admissions

       2/21 World Journal TJ高中招生歧視案/亞裔家長:最高院失去終結種族招生契機

       2/21 World Journal TJ高中招生歧視案/2保守派大法官:下級法院判決「非常危險」

       2/21 World Journal 維州TJ高中涉歧視亞裔案 最高院不受理 2大法官異議

       2/20 College Fix DOJ funds $953K university project on ‘dis/misinformation campaigns’

       2/20 Daiy Caller Alito Blasts Supreme Court For Declining Review Of Racial Admissions Case

       2/20 Epoch Times Supreme Court Declines Challenge of VA School’s Allegedly Discriminatory Admissions

       2/20 New York Post Supreme Court passes on elite Virginia school discrimination case

       2/20 New York Post 100+ Yale professors sign up to protect free speech

       2/20 World Journal 維州TJ高中歧視亞裔案 最高法院裁決:招生政策合憲

       2/19 College Fix Yale issues formal apology for ties to slavery

       2/19 College Fix Viewpoint diversity concerns as report shows 98% of Yale faculty donated to Democrats

       2/19 Daily Caller Blue City School Asks Governor To Send In National Guard for Student Violence, Drug Use

       2/19 Yale Daily News Faculty group calls on Yale to make teaching ‘distinct from activism’

       2/18 New York Post Reparations are the new affirmative action — and even more racist and divisive

       2/18 New York Post NYC students will be turned away from good schools under call to cut class sizes

       2/17 Daily Caller Portland Schools Face Civil Rights Complaint For Disciplinary Policy That Factors In Race

       2/17 New York Post Universities using Israel-Hamas war as excuse to crack down on free speech

       2/17 PM Parental rights group files complaint for discrimination against Portland school district

       2/16 New York Post NYT finally admits: Schools are teaching kids divisive critical race theory

       2/15 Imprimis Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization

       2/15 New York Post Proposed NYC ‘trans’/‘queer’ school to encourage 9-year-olds to ‘explore their gender’

       2/12 Chicago Maroon University Faculty Aren’t Neutral When It Comes to Political Donations

       2/​12 College Fix ‘Whites are psychopaths’ guest lecture at UCSF draws outrage

       2/11 USA Today Using the SAT, ACT in college admissions isn't 'racist.' What else has the left got wrong?

       2/ 9 World Journal 紐約客談/亞裔學生不是種族平衡的犧牲品
       2/ 8 Fox News  Christian teachers file lawsuit, say they were forced to lie to parents about kids' gender

       2/ 8 Free Press  The DEI Rollback Hasn’t Made It to Nebraska

       2/ 7 CIty AM  Academics publishing pointless papers is another sign of dire crisis in universities

       2/ 7 Epoch Times 高中前10%畢業生直升州立大學 紐約同源會:對亞裔不利

       2/ 7 New York Post  ‘Woke Kindergarten’ leader wants US, Israel destroyed: ‘We’ve been trying to end y’all’

       2/ 7 USA Today Big changes are coming to the SAT, and not everyone is happy

       2/ 6 CACAGNY Opposes Governor Hochul’s 10% Scheme for SUNY, CUNY

       2/ 6 College Fix  Med schools push flawed race-matching, watchdog warns

       2/ 6 New York Post  Hochul’s SUNY/CUNY admission scheme is simply more unfair racial discrimination

       2/ 5 Bloomberg  Dartmouth Reinstates Standardized Testing for College Applicants

       2/ 5 Daily Signal  Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling May Be Bigger Than You Think

       2/ 5 New York Post  Dartmouth is right to bring back SATs — it’s the test that gives everyone the same chance

       2/ 5 Wall Street Journal  Dartmouth Sees the Value of the SAT

       2/ 5 Wall Street Journal Dartmouth Reinstates SAT Requirement in First for Ivy League

       2/ 4 San Francisco Chronicle Poor performing Bay Area school district spent $250,000 on Woke program

       2/ 4 Wall Street Journal  In the Battle Over Early Algebra, Parents Are Winning

       2/ 2 Fox News  'Merit-based hiring' might be 'unfair': American Psychological Association

       2/ 2 Wall Street Journal  Colleges Dropped the SAT and ACT. Here’s Why Many High Schools Didn’t.

       2/ 1 College Fix  Iowa college trustees tried to force president to undergo DEI ‘re-education’

       2/ 1 Jonathan Turley  California’s New Reparations Legislation Would Restore Affirmative Action

       2/  1 Sing Tao 隨著對哈佛的憤怒與日俱增 學生和校友尋找新方法改變大學課程

       1/31 College Fix  UConn seeks engineering ‘inclusion’ professor

       1/31 Minding the Campus  The Tyranny of Research

       1/31 Politico  California introduces first-in-nation slavery reparations package

       1/3o CNN  Harvard megadonor halts donations, says elite schools produce ‘whiny snowflakes’

       1/30 College Fix  Oregon State University gets $1 million to train ‘diverse’ agricultural workforce

       1/30 Fox News  Illinois medical school hit with complaint over race, gender-based scholarship

       1/30 Washington Free Beacon  Not Just Claudine Gay: Harvard's Chief Diversity Officer Plagiarized

       1/27 Epoch Times 雷傑納隆科學獎決賽名單揭曉 紐約華裔學生學術表現優異

       1/25 Epoch Times 紐約擇校日 家長向議員呼籲更多優質學校

       1/25 New York Post De Blasio-era ‘whiteout’ case will cost city millions —but Blas won’t pay

       1/25 Parents Defending Education School District supports disrupting “Western nuclear family”, BLM, Hamas

       1/25 Sing Tao 亨特中學考試 亞裔生佔多數

       1/25 Sing Tao 市教育局種族歧視案 法官裁定事主可興訟

       1/24 College Fix Major Cornell donor yanks funding over DEI, demands President Pollack resign

       1/24 Manhattan Institute The Harvard DEI Complex Is Stronger than Ever

       1/24 Minding the Campus The Decline in American Universities, 2011-2024

       1/24 New York Post Teachers seeking to ‘dismantle’ whiteness want to turn your kids into race activists

       1/24 New York Post University of Wisconsin seminar tells students ‘there are no exceptional white people’

       1/24 Wall Street Journal Is Cornell Next? School’s Wealthy Donors Call for President’s Ouster

       1/24 WSAU  UW Law Students Forced To Attend Orientation to Denounce “Whiteness” & “Colorblindness”

       1/23 College Fix  ‘People of color’ can’t be racist against whites, UW-Madison teaches law students

       1/23 QNS Whitestone mom leads lawsuit alleging discrimination in state science program

       1/23 City Journal  The Harvard DEI Complex Is Stronger than Ever

       1/22 Lion New York STEM education grants favor certain races, lawsuit claims

       1/19 AsAm News AsAm News  Asian parents file lawsuit against New York over alleged discrimination
       1/19 City Journal Lying About Learning Loss

       1/19 College Fix New ‘Afrochemistry’ course panned as identity politics, dumbing down

       1/19 College Fix Penn faculty upset about ‘viewpoint diversity’ proposal, say could mean more GOP hires

       1/19 Gothamist  Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program
       1/19 Patabook News Asian parents allege racial discrimination in New York’s STEM program

       1/19 Washington Examiner California just can’t quit racial preferences

       1/18 Brooklyn Eagle  New lawsuit targets program to diversity NYS STEM students
       1/18 College Fix  
Scholars call for ‘social justice’ in civil engineering courses

       1/18 Campus Reform Asian parents sue New York over program that favors Blacks, Hispanics

       1/18 Connecticut Centinel  CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Education Program
       1/18 Conservative Daily News Asian parents sue NY STEM program for discrimination

       1/18 Daily Wire  Asian Parents File Lawsuit Claiming NY STEM Program Discriminates

       1/18 Sing Tao  華裔告州府STEP項目
       1/18 Free Press  What Books Are Really Getting Banned?

       1/18 New York Post End this openly anti-Asian New York education policy NOW

       1/18 New York Post State schools could give THOUSANDS of students full rides if they closed DEI

       1/18 World Journal  紐約州弱勢生STEP補助遭控歧視 亞裔維權提告
       1/17 AMNY Charter school students demonstrate significant growth in scores

       1/17 BNN  Asian  Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program
       1/17 California Globe  EdSource Article Promoting Racial Preferences Cheapens Higher Ed

       1/17 Chalkbeat  New lawsuit targets program to diversify NY’s college STEM majors
       1/17 China Press  STEP招生歧視性指導方針遭起訴
       1/17 Legal Insurrection  Asian Parents Sue New York State Over Alleged Discrimination in STEM Program 
       1/17 New Criterion DEI boomerang

       1/17 New York Post  Asian parents claim NY STEM program discriminates against their kids: suit

       1/17 Pacific Legal Foundation  Federal lawsuit challenges racial discrimination in school grant program
       1/17 Pacific Legal Foundation  Chu et. al. v. Rosa

       1/17  CACAGNY Sues New York State Over Racial Discrimination in Education Program

       1/16 Gallup Post-Affirmative Action, Views on Admissions Differ by Race

       1/15 College Fix Georgia universities rebrand, rename diversity efforts in wake of new anti-DEI regulations

       1/11 New York Post How one college spends more than $30M on 241 DEI staffers

       1/11 New York Post Johns Hopkins’ diversity chief labels whites, males and Christians as ‘privileged’

       1/11 Wall Street Journal The New Segregation on Campus

       1/10 College Fix Group to sue MIT, alleges it rejects male applicants for less-qualified female ones

       1/  9 College Fix UMich now has more than 500 jobs dedicated to DEI, payroll costs exceed $30 million

       1/  9 Fox News Hartford teacher suing school district over free speech rights rips CRT

       1/  9 New York Post Fauci ‘not convinced’ kids suffered learning loss due to pandemic school closures

       1/  9 Wall Street Journal Who Hates AP Tests?

       1/  8 Just the News Feds prod businesses to use race in hiring, promotion as DEI regimes crumble

       1/  7 New York Post We should fight for a color-blind society — not one separated by race

       1/  7 Wall Street Journal Claudine Gay and the Cheating Crisis on Campus

       1/  6 Fox News Many college grads struggle to land jobs due to a lack of preparedness

       1/  5 City Journal Deviancy Far and Wide

       1/  5 Fox News Teacher sues after being disciplined for criticizing 'identity, privilege' training

       1/  5 Wall Street Journal Alan Sokal’s Joke Is on Us as Postmodernism Comes to Science

       1/  4 City Journal Unrepentant DEI at MIT

       1/  4 City Journal Claudine Gay’s Data Problem

       1/  4 College Fix Gay doubles down on plagiarism, antisemitism in New York Times op-ed

       1/  4 New York Post Pritzker family under fire as members are key players in Harvard, Epstein scandals

       1/  4 New York Post Harvard Corporation under fire for keeping secrets to protect Claudine Gay

       1/  4 New York Post Claudine Gay accused of ‘lying’ about ‘promptly requesting corrections’ in plagiarism

       1/  4 New York Post Moronic Al Sharpton defense of Claudine Gay is pure race hustle

       1/  4 Newsweek How Major University Discriminated Against White And Asian Candidates

       1/  4 Wall Street Journal How the Push for Diversity at Colleges and Companies Came Under Siege

       1/  4 Wall Street Journal Claudine Gay and America’s Institutions

       1/  3 Free Press Bill Ackman: How to Fix Harvard

       1/  3 New York Post Harvard stands by board chair Penny Pritzker despite growing calls resignation

       1/  3 New York Post Acclaimed black scholar sics lawyers on Harvard board for remedies on plagiarism

       1/  3 New York Post Sorry, lefties: Claudine Gay’s ouster had nothing to do with ‘racism’

       1/  3 New York Post Claudine Gay plays the victim as she avoids accountability for her fraud

       1/  2 City Journal Onward with Inclusiveness

       1/  2 City Journal The Real Problem Remains

       1/  2 New York Post Claudine Gay’s resignation ‘just the beginning of reckoning’ : Stefanik
       1/  2 New York Post The Harvard board that covered for Claudine Gay must go, too

       1/  2 New York Post Harvard’s Claudine Gay plays race card, showing exactly why she had to go

       1/  2 New York Post Claudine Gay to keep $900K annual salary despite resigning as university president
       1/  2 New York Post Harvard prez Claudine Gay’s exit is just the first step in saving our universities

       1/  2 New York Post Harvard president Claudine Gay resigns after plagiarism, antisemitism scandals

       1/  2 New York Post Harvard president Claudine Gay faces 6 new plagiarism charges, total over two dozen
       1/   1 Wall Street Journal Making Discrimination OK Again

       1./  1 Washington Examiner Harvard students call for Claudine Gay's resignation

     12/31 Bergen County Record Education Law Center joins lawsuit alleging segregation in NJ's public schools

     12/31 Financial World The Harvard Brand Under Scrutiny: Leadership and Reputation at Stake

     12/31 Harvard Crimson Dissent: For Harvard’s Sake, It’s Time to Let Gay Go

     12/31 Harvard Crimson I Vote on Plagiarism Cases at Harvard College. Gay’s Getting off Easy

     12/31 New York Post Almost 200K students boycotted NY state standardized tests

     12/31 New York Post Harvard student newspaper backs Claudine Gay but admits she plagiarized

     12/30 College Fix 78 times campus cancel culture succeeded in censorship in 2023

     12/30 College Fix Bates College faculty fearful of challenging students due to far-left DEI office

     12/30 New York Post Harvard students blast Claudine Gay over plagiarism, call for her to step down

     12/30 New York Post Test scores prove charter schools win again: Time to lift the cap

     12/29 Daily Caller Why Is Congress Funding Campus Antisemitism?

     12/29 New York Post Ex-law prof: Harvard's Claudine Gay made a career out of attacking black scholars

     12/29 Wall Street Journal  Behind the Campaign to Take Down Harvard’s Claudine Gay

     12/29 Wall Street Journal  Education Activists Want to Revive School Integration. Just Don’t Call It Busing

     12/29 Wall Street Journal  How ‘Antiracism’ Becomes Antisemitism

     12/28 College Fix  UT San Antonio reworks DEI to ‘belonging’ as new law banning DEI takes effect

     12/27 City Journal Funding for Failure

     12/27 New York Post Democratic elites hate charter schools BECAUSE they perform better

     12/27 Wall Street Journal Claudine Gay and Why Academic Honesty Matters

     12/26 Bloomberg Students Fighting Antisemitism Use Legal Tool That Tests Power at US Colleges

     12/26 College Fix  Professors: U.S. a genocidal ‘settler colonial state’ that needs to be ‘dismantled’

     12/26 National Review Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: Claudine Gay, DEI 'Have to Go'

     12/26 New York Post Harvard president Claudine Gay wouldn’t share research when questioned

     12/26 State of the Union Lawmaker Rips Harvard: They Have ‘Put In Place Someone Based On Color’

     12/26 The Hill Harvard under growing pressure over plagiarism allegations

     12/26 Wall Street Journal The DEI Rollback of 2023

     12/25 Daily Caller This Gov’t Program May Be Next After SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling

     12/25 New York Post Harvard’s board facing pressure to resign as university reputation takes ‘substantial hit’

     12/25 New York Post A can-do attitude is more important than race or social class

     12/25 Wall Street Journal As Pressure on Harvard President Increases, Board Feels Squeeze

     12/25 Wall Street Journal Charter Schools Keep Winning Students From Union Schools

     12/24 Harvard Crimson Law Firm Denied Gay Plagiarism Allegations. Then She Submitted Corrections

     12/24 New York Post Here’s why Obama stepped in to save Harvard prez Claudine Gay

     12/24 New York Post Harvard slammed for threatening The Post to keep Claudine Gay plagiarism secret

     12/24 New York Post NYC charter school students outscore public school peers on state exams

     12/23 New York Post Harvard must admit it ‘made a bad choice of leader’: Bill Ackman

     12/23 New York Post Harvard's Claudine Gay needs to be removed after antisemitism, plagiarism

     12/23 New York Post DEI has always been about toeing an ideological line — not meaningful change

     12/23 New York Post Minnesota professor calls on people to ‘go as hard as possible’ to ‘dismantle’ US

     12/23 Powerline GAY SHAMBOLISM

     12/23 Washington Post Harvard’s Claudine Gay should resign

     12/22 Alpha News U of M professor: ‘I hope you seek to dismantle the United States’

     12/22 National Review  Yale Is Giving Up on the Free Exchange of Ideas

     12/22 New York Post Obama secretly pushed Harvard to keep president Claudine Gay

     12/22 New York Post Revealed: Harvard cleared Claudine Gay of plagiarism BEFORE investigating her

     12/22 New York Post Harvard drops standards and chases woke cred by covering for Claudine Gay

     12/22 Wall Street Journal Harvard Should Pay Its Fair Share

     12/21 Bloomberg Harvard Financial Pain Grows as Blavatnik Joins Donor Revolt

     12/21 College Fix Top business schools push CRT and other progressive ideas, report finds

     12/21 New York Post Professor whom Claudine Gay copied calls for her to be fired

     12/21 New York Post Republicans probe Claudine Gay’s plagiarism, ‘shameful’ suppression of NY Post

     12/21 New York Post The Harvard Crimson refuses to publish my letter critical of president Claudine Gay

     12/20 City Journal “Words Matter,” Except When They Don’t

     12/20 CIty Journal Why Universities Target Jews

     12/20 Daily Caller Biden Doles Out $600 Million To Activist Groups, Universities For ‘Environmental Justice’

     12/20 New York Post Harvard president Claudine Gay accused of 40 acts of plagiarism in new complaint
     12/20 Real Clear Politics Harvard’s Board Takes Us for Fools

     12/20 Wall Street Journal Why Is the Press Attacking Home Schoolers?

     12/19 New York Post How DSA educators spread far-left ‘poison’ in America’s schools

     12/19 State of the Union Harvard Applications Fall Sharply After Public Display of Antisemitism

     12/19 State of the Union Harvard Scrubs Webpage For Identity Group Celebrations

     12/19 Wall Street Journal Why Harvard Can’t Fire Claudine Gay

     12/19 Washington Free Beacon Fresh Allegations of Plagiarism Unearthed Against Claudine Gay

     12/18 City Journal Claudine Gay’s DEI Empire

     12/18 New York Post Students rejecting Harvard early acceptance as antisemitism plagues institution

     12/18 New York Post Harvard won’t condemn Claudine Gay because she’s a ‘high pedigree’ minority

     12/18 Wall Street Journal The Equality of Failure in Chicago: the city wants to cancel selective schools

     12/17 Wall Street Journal Claudine Gay and My Scholarship

     12/17 Wall Street Journal Donors, Alumni Took Down Ivy President. Is This a Moment or a Movement?

     12/16 Fox News Harvard identity-based graduations excluded Jews

     12/16 New York Post Why is Harvard giving Claudine Gay ‘plagiarism privilege’?

     12/16 New York Post It’s time for a ‘broken windows’ policy for schools

     12/16 State of the Union Court Backs Teacher Fired For Not Using Student’s Preferred Pronouns

     12/15 KOCO Executive order eliminating DEI programs could risk federal funding, accreditation

     12/14 City Journal The Academy at the Crossroads, Part Two

     12/14 College Fix  Trans athlete to become first male recipient of women’s Division 1 scholarship

     12/14 Daily Mail Chicago's Mayor plans to ax high-achieving selective-enrollment high schools to boost 'equity'

     12/14 Epoch Times 小班制最終方案敲定 紐約市公校家長提案反駁

     12/14 Fox News Oklahoma governor signs executive order banning DEI bureaucracy in state institutions

     12/14 New York Post Michelle Wu’s segregated Christmas party exposes the left’s regressive views on race

     12/14 Newsweek Claudine Gay Must Be Removed From Harvard

     12/14 Real Clear Politics How To Save Harvard From Itself

     12/14 WISN UW regents approve deal to limit diversity positions on campuses

     12/14 World Journal 不顧2000名家長請願…紐約市小班案卡資優班 恐犧牲華人學生

     12/14 WRIC VA Supreme Court reinstates lawsuit by former teacher who refused to use student pronouns

     12/13 City Journal The Academy at the Crossroads

     12/13 College Fix Of course Harvard’s president is a diversity hire

     12/13 Heterodox STEM  Harvard's double standard for Gay

     12/13 New York Post MIT blasted for failing to act as ‘bounties’ are offered for Jewish students' IDs

     12/13 New York Post Princeton punished me for fighting to fix DEI and antisemitism on campus

     12/13 Telegraph The DEI delusion will never serve American Jews

     12/13 Zero Hedge IBM Slapped With Federal Civil Rights Complaint After CEO's Hiring Practices Leak

     12/12 City Journal Intimidation Is Not Free Speech

     12/12 College Fix Music education ‘remains inherently racist,’ scholars say

     12/12 College Fix Southern college accreditors resist mandatory DEI statements

     12/12 Free Press Claudine Gay Is Why I Never Checked the ‘Black’ Box

     12/12 Minding the Campus Campus DEI Fuels Anti-Semitism and Reinforces Racial Stereotypes

     12/12 National Association of Scholars Harvard Corporation Betrays Harvard by David Randall

     12/12 Wall Street Journal Harvard's Claudine Gay survives as president thanks to double standard.

     12/12 Wall Street Journal America Gets a Harvard Education

     12/11 Boston Club A five-point plan to save Harvard from itself

     12/11 City Journal Right Deed, Wrong Reason

     12/11 College Fix Med schools redo ‘diversity’ programs after federal complaints

     12/11 National Association of Scholars Claudine Gay Should Go

     12/11 New York Post Harvard’s Claudine Gay uses ‘free speech’ as a defense after a history of squelching it

     12/11 RealClear Politics Universities Should Abandon "Misadventure Into Politics," Focus On "Research And Learning"

     12/11 The Hill Why top colleges’ professors are giving up and just giving everybody an A

     12/11 Unherd Even Democrats are waking up to America's campus crisis

     12/11 Wall Street Journal Higher Education’s Slide From ‘Veritas’ to ‘My Truth’

     12/11 Washington Free Beacon Harvard President Gay Copied Entire Paragraphs and Claimed Them as Her Own

     12/10 Los Angeles Time The closing of the teenage mind is almost complete

     12/10 New York Post Firing Ivy League presidents should only be the beginning

     12/ 9 Free Press  Why Two Parents Are the Ultimate Privilege

     12/ 9 New York Post UPenn President Liz Magill, board of trustees chair Scott Bok resign

     12/ 9 New York Post NYC chancellor adds ‘chief of school leadership development’ amid budget cuts

     12/ 9 Wall Street Journal The Politics of Campus Free Speech Draw Scrutiny

     12/ 8 City Journal  Advanced Petty Black Studies

     12/ 8 City Journal  Unfit for General Education

     12/ 8 College Fix  Ohio’s Kent State U. rebrands DEI efforts as lawmakers debate bill to outlaw it

     12/ 8 JNS  The problem is bigger than three college presidents

     12/ 8 Manhattan Institute Questioning College: Is Higher Ed Worth It?

     12/ 8 Washington Examiner Until DEI offices are closed, don't expect better college presidents

     12/ 7 College Fix  NIU hosts seminar on ending ‘White Linguistic Hegemony’

     12/ 7 Daily Wire Schools Push Kids To Chatrooms Where They Can Talk With LGBTQ Adults

     12/ 7 Fox News UPenn donor withdraws $100M after president's congressional testimony on antisemitism

     12/ 7 Fox News Billionaire and Harvard grad Ackman suggests Harvard president was a DEI pick

     12/ 7 Fox News Education Secretary Cardona rips Iowa's parental rights law as 'overreach'

     12/ 7 Harvard Crimson Rabbi Steps Down from Harvard Antisemitism Advisory Group After Gay’s Testimony

     12/ 7 Newsmax 'Critically Conscious' Instruction Radicalizing Kids

     12/ 7 Wall Street Journal Harvard Bans ‘Cisheterosexism’ but Shrugs at Antisemitism

     12/ 7 World Journal 特許學校「成功學院」辦招生說明

     12/ 6 CACAGNY Holds Webinar with Success Academy Charter Schools

     12/ 6 City Journal No White Faculty Allowed

     12/ 6 City Journal The Big University Fail

     12/ 6 City Journal The Rationalizer

     12/ 6 Wall Street Journal  DEI Drives Campus Antisemitism

     12/ 6 Wall Street Journal ‘The Peer Effect’ Review: Trying to Find a Key to Success

     12/ 5 City Journal The Latest Teachers’ Union Scam

     12/ 5 Fox News Harvard, MIT, UPenn presidents pressed on 'race-based ideology at antisemitism hearing

     12/ 5 Issues & Insights Virginia High School Racial Discrimination Case Deserves Supreme Court Hearing

     12/ 5 JNS At University of Pittsburgh, Jews and Muslims bond, matzah-ball soup included

     12/ 4 American Thinker A Plague of College Student Dishonesty

     12/ 4 City Journal An Education in Double Standards

     12/ 4 New York Post Class-size cap proves the UFT couldn’t care less about students

     12/ 4 Wall Street Journal Higher Ed Has Become a Threat to America

     12/ 4 Wall Street Journal Government Unions Love Democrats

     12/ 3 New York Post Class size reduction law problematic, reduces ‘equity’ for NYC’s neediest kids

     12/ 3 Wall Street Journal Vouchers Helping Families Already in Private School

     12/ 3 World Journal 紐約初中名校 爆學生霸凌事件

     12/ 2 New York Post Harvard Alumni are taking antisemitism into their own hands

     12/ 2 New York Post Bullies post TikTok videos of vicious beatdown of girl, 11, at gifted and talented school

     12/ 2 Washington Free Beacon Portland Schools Must Consider Race, Gender Identity When Disciplining

     12/ 1 Minding the Campus Nearly 80% of Yale grades were A’s

     12/ 1 Sing Tao 劉醇逸:勿聽教育局藉口

     11/30 Epoch Times 特許學校「成功學院」小學招生 12·6舉辦說明會

     11/30 Epoch Times 紐約家長憂「小班制」影響 呼籲修正法案

     11/30 College Fix HBCU fired professor for complaining about inflated grades

     11/29 Jerusalem Strategic Tribune College Campus as a Long-term Strategic Threat to Israel

     11/29 Sing Tao 特許學校漸受華人青睞 同源會舉辦入學說明會

     11/28 Empire Center NY 2nd in the Nation for Homeschooling Growth

     11/28 Minding the Campus Curbing DEI in Ohio

     11/28 WHAM Resource asks California middle schoolers whether they are 'privileged' or 'oppressed'

     11/27 Free Press Where Free Speech Ends and Lawbreaking Begins

     11/27 Heartlander Denver schools adopt ‘language justice’ policy to support native languages

     11/27 Minding the Campus The Motives Fallacy and 1619

     11/27 New York Post The DOE’s student discipline code is to blame for Hillcrest HS problems

     11/27 New York Post Wealthy Jewish families are rejecting the Ivy League for ‘Plan B’ schools

     11/27 Newsmax  If Lawmakers Fail, Get Board of Regents to Send DEI Packing

     11/27 Wall Street Journal Harvard’s Hamas Confusion

     11/26 Wall Street Journal To Shrink Learning Gap, This District Offers Classes Separated by Race

     11/26 Washington Examiner National PTA’s messaging has ominous implications for families and teachers

     11/25 New York Post Pro-Israel teacher hides in Queens high school as ‘radicalized’ students riot

     11/23 Minding the Campus Thankful to Western Civilization

     11/22 National Review Do English Teachers Still Care about Teaching English?

     11/21 National Review ‘DEI’ Is an Enemy of Free Speech, Not a Friend

     11/21 State of the Union Employers Are Fed Up With College ‘Waste’

     11/21 Western Journal Massachusetts School Cancels Student-Created 'USA Day': Too ‘Politicized’

     11/20 AEI Zuckerberg’s Millions Boost CRT for Standardized Tests

     11/20 City Journal Office of Wokeness Enforcement

     11/20 College Fix Ohio State University prioritized DEI over merit in hiring, documents show

     11/20 Empire Center The Teachers' Union Takeover of NY School Districts

     11/20 Wall Street Journal Inside Ohio State’s DEI Factory

     11/ 16 Harvard Crimson Recruit Athletes' SAT Scores Trail Others' by 160 Points

     11/ 16 New York Post Mayor Adams’ crazy scheme to have parents be school security guards

     11/ 16 Stanford Review The 2020 Stanford Blacklist

     11/ 16 Washington Post Oregon’s new bar-exam alternative is the first of its kind

     11/ 15 College Fix Police escort Jewish students from ASU meeting after rocks thrown

     11/ 14 Connecticut Centinel Social Emotional Learning… The Path To Socialism

     11/ 14 Sing Tao 州教育廳研議取消州會考

     11/ 14 New York Post New York’s educrats can’t educate — now they want to hide it by ditching Regents

     11/ 14 World Journal 紐約高中「州會考」地位擬降低 州府審查改革計畫

     11/ 13 Wall Street Journal America Needs Real School Choice

     11/ 12 Dialy Caller NJ Teachers Union Calls For Ending Basic Skills Test Requirement

     11/ 12 Wall Street Journal California’s New Old Math

     11/ 11 Blaze Meida MIT student launches anti-Israel rant during math lecture

     11/ 10 College Fix Oklahoma universities under scrutiny after spending $83.4 million on DEI

     11/ 10 Fox News University of Washington discovers race was wrongly considered in faculty hire

     11/ 10 Free Press Law Students for Hamas

     11/ 10 Insider We moved to Sweden. After-school was basically free, but my kid barely learned any math

     11/ 10 Washinton Examiner Illinois Democrats kill school choice for 9,000 low-income students

     11/   9 Daily Wire Federal Agency Played Role In School Club To Gender-Transition Students

     11/   9 Fordham Institute Grading standards and student effort: Short-run versus long-run effects

     11/   9 Free Press Bari Weiss: End DEI

     11/   9 New York Post What’s really at the root of anti-Jewish hate on college campuses

     11/   8 Daily Pennsylvanian Wharton dean: Penn has duty to repair donor relations after damage to reputation

     11/   8 Fox News San Francisco may lower prestigious schools' admission standards 'to improve student outcomes'

     11/   8 Pacific Legal Foundation Lawsuit challenges Tennessee racial quotas for state boards and commissions

     11/   8 The 74 Million Does Your State Use Weak Teacher Reading Tests? A Majority Do

     11/   8 Washington Examiner The death of merit in science

     11/   7 Daily Wire NJ District Partnered With Group That Provides ‘Tucking’ Underwear, Chest Binders Kits

     11/   7 Free Press The Roots of Campus Hatred

     11/   7 Wall Street Journal The Black Left’s Allies From Stalin to Hamas

     11/   6 National Association of Scholars The Diversity Debacle

     11/   5 Sing Tao 得獎幼園老師涉向兒童宣揚反以

     11/   4 College Fix Progressive teachers want ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ banished from curriculum

     11/   4 New York Post NYU hires Israel-hating professor to lead new ‘indigenous studies’ center

     11/   4 New York Post NYC pre-K teacher pushes lessons about ‘land theft, displacement, ethnic cleansing’

     11/   3 College Fix Ohio State doubled DEI staff in five years, payroll costs almost tripled

     11/   2 Business Insider Law firms criticize law schools for failing to address antisemitism on campuses

     11/   2 City Journal  How DEI Inspires Jew Hatred

     11/   2 College Fix U. Maryland to host weeklong series of health events only ‘for Black students’

     11/   2 Epoch Times 庇護客湧入 紐約市無家可歸學生破紀錄

​     11/   2 Fox News Yale student says newspaper's censorship of her column part of wider campus problem

     11/   2 New York Post Will universities clean house of antisemitic profs? Don’t bet on it

     11/   2 Not the Bee Could education BE more left-wing? Check out this "geography" question on an AP test!

     11/   2 The Hill Oregon drops all graduation standards, failing all its students in the name of ‘equity’

     11/   1 Messenger Pittsburgh Public Schools Hire Consultants to Replace ‘White Supremacy’ in Math Classes

     10/31 College Fix Med school accreditor requires ‘commitment’ to DEI in mission statements

     10/31 Fox News White House: people making 'violent antisemitic threats' not 'domestic terrorists'

     10/31 National Association of Scholars University of Washington Violated Non-Discrimination Policy

     10/30 Center Square Oakland teachers union calls Israel 'apartheid' and 'genocidal'

     10/30 New York Post 100+ Columbia professors sign letter defending students who supported Hamas

     10/30 The 74 Million Schooling vs. Learning: How Lax Standards Hurt the Lowest-Performing Students

     10/29 City Journal Harvard’s Double Standard on Free Speech

     10/29 Fox News  Teachers on students failing to meet grade level standards: ‘Never seen anything like it’

     10/28 New York Post Apollo CEO Marc Rowan hits back at UPenn after antisemitism on campus

     10/28 The Hill Biden Education Secretary reminds students: ‘Your identity matters’

     10/28 Washington Examiner Will the Supreme Court reaffirm its decision to end race-based admissions?

     10/27 Sing Tao 學校安全人員培訓班 250人上課前突取消

     10/26 Free Press Why My Generation Hates Jews

     10/25 New York Post City Hall imposes budget cuts for NYC schools with declining student enrollment

     10/24 College Fix Harvard has 2,600 more administrators than undergrads

     10/23 College Fix SFSU seeks math professor who uses ‘anti-racist teaching strategies’

     10/23 New York Times If Everyone Gets an A, No One Gets an A

     10/23 Wall Street Journal How Campus Politicization Fed Today’s Hatred

     10/21 Chalkboard Public Teachers Send Their Own Children to Private Schools

     10/21 National Review We’re Making Teaching Miserable for Teachers

     10/21 New York Post Powerful NYC principals’ union to get 16.7% pay increase in new 5-year pact
     10/21 PostMillennial CA students stage pro-Hamas walkouts after using anti-Israel, pro-jihad textbooks

     10/20 Fox News Hidden camera: law firm advises teachers how to 'circumvent' CRT ban

     10/19 Chalkbeat New federal program puts $12 million toward school integration in a dozen states

     10/19 College Fix Fired scholar’s disputed race research totals more than 3,000 citations

     10/19 Epoch Times 紐約市報告:六成學生讀公校 亞裔生成績較好

     10/19 Parents Defending Education School District requires student activism and political engagement

     10/19 San Francisco Standard Hundreds of San Francisco High School Kids Walk Out in Support of Gaza

     10/18 College Fix VCU med school sought to ‘work around’ affirmative action ban

     10/18 New York Post I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitism

     10/17 The 74 Million Four Things to Know About Lowest ACT Scores in More Than Three Decades

     10/13 The 74 Million New Jersey School Segregation Lawsuit Ruling Upsets Plaintiffs, Activists

     10/11 Chalkbeat As NYC middle school applications open, selective programs surge in one Brooklyn district

     10/11 Fox 10 News  ACT test scores for US students drop to new 30-year lows

     10/11 Wall Street Journal ACT Scores Fell for Class of 2023, Sixth Consecutive Decline

     10/10 College Fix ‘Harvard is a national disgrace’: philosophy professor

     10/ 9 Daily Caller School District Split Over Cutting Honors Classes For ‘Racial Equity’

     10/ 9 Wall Street Journal  Schools Cut Honors Classes to Address Racial Equity. It Isn’t a Quick Fix.

     10/ 7 Hechinger Report The research evidence for sex ed remains thin

     10/ 7 New York Post NYC pays $200K to girl sexually abused in HS that fueled ‘dangerous environment’

     10/ 7 Sing Tao 曼哈頓4所中學恢復篩選錄取

     10/ 6 China Press 華人家長聯署簽名 籲資優班不受小班制影響

     10/ 6 Sing Tao 1400多名家長連署 為小班制實施提意見

     10/ 5 Chalkbeat Selective middle school admissions return to one Manhattan district after fierce debate

     10/ 4 Chalkbeat NYC's framing of proficiency test scores results "nonsensical': David Blookfield

     10/ 4 Families For New York The Flaws in New York’s Class Size Law

     10/ 4 Messenger ‘Woke’ Training Manuals Litter Recycling Center After Governor Forces Top Official Out

     10/ 4 World Journal  全美最佳高中 史島科技高中名列11

     10/ 3 Epoch Times 紐約市高中申請和特殊高中報名 10月3日開始

     10/ 3 Newsweek College Kids Are Abandoning American Values. It's Going to Destroy Our Democracy

     10/ 3 Sing Tao 後平權法案時代招生建議

     10/ 3 World Journal  亞裔民權組織:平權措施不應被推翻

     10/ 2 Atlantic California’s Math Misadventure Is About to Go National

     10/ 2 College Fix Science education journal seeks articles on ‘systemic oppression’ in biology

     10/ 1 Daily News Class size cap just won’t work: NYC schools will suffer from Albany mandate

     10/ 1 World Journal 華人家長疾呼 資優班不受小班案影響

      9/30 New York Post Serious crime at NYC schools spikes 16% due to burglary, larceny surges

      9/29 Fox News Ibram Kendi assailed by left as 'huckster', 'charlatan'

      9/29 World Journal 紐約市高中申請10/3啟動 特殊高中10/27截止

      9/28 New York Daily News NYC selective high schools will not consider test scores in admissions

      9/28 Washington Examiner Colleges are using DEI criteria to discriminate

      9/27 Sing Tao 籲高院審理傑斐遜高中招生案
      9/27 Washington Examiner DEI rakes in millions at universities to turn students into activist drones

      9/26 City Journal How Red-State Universities Evade DEI Restrictions

      9/26 Wall Street Journal Princeton Offers a Tuition Break

      9/25 Epoch Times 紐約市多個家長組織聲援TJ高中反歧視訴訟

      9/25 Washington Examiner Universities are teaching college students to behave like children

      9/25 Washington Examiner Groups ask Supreme Court to take up case challenging bias response teams

      9/25 Washington Examiner California legislature passes measures to reduce school board power

      9/25 World Journal 傑佛遜高中招生涉歧視 同源會聲援維權組織上訴

      9/24 Wall Street Journal Florida Takes the Classic Learning Test

      9/23 New York Post How the Supremes can head off back-door racial favoritism by US colleges

      9/22 CACAGNY Supports TJ Parents with Supreme Court Amicus Brief (Brief)
      9/22 College Fix Heather Mac Donald challenges BLM protesters in tense talk at Berkeley Law

      9/22 Do No Harm Medical Institutions Are Scheming Their Way Around Ban On Affirmative Action

      9/21 Washington Examiner Ibram Kendi's 'antiracist center' was a multi-million dollar grift all along

      9/19 Fox News University slapped with civil rights lawsuit over racially 'discriminatory' scholarships

      9/19 WLBT3 West Point sued over using race as an admissions factor

      9/17 New York Post Columbia quietly walks away from Teachers College project that ruined countless lives

      9/16 National Association of Scholars Diversity Statement, Then Dossier

      9/15 New York Post Union boss Weingarten thinks you’re a racist if you want good schools for your kids

      9/14 USA Today Supreme Court affirmative action ban should be enforced, GOP senators warn Cardona

      9/12 College Fix Harvard research blames ‘white supremacy,’ ‘capitalism’ for black moms’ health problems

      9/12 Harvard Crimson Let’s Talk About Harvard’s Brand New College Application

      9/12 Washington Examiner Education Department turns blind eye to universities' continued racial discrimination

      9/11 New York Post The NYC migrant surge is a disaster for learning — for ALL kids

      9/11 World Accreditors approve historic shortened bachelor’s degrees in the US
      9/11 World Journal  阻生源外流 民代將提案 擬補貼私校生學費

      9/  9 College Fix Columbia professor wants more than $2 trillion in education reparations for blacks

      9/  9 College Fix Dept. of Education investigates conservative scholar’s ‘misgendering’ of DEI official

      9/  9 New York Post NYC school to drop ‘math’ from name as student arithmetic scores tank

      9/  9 New York Post Teachers must now embrace DEI principles to get hired at many public schools
      9/  8 Yale Daily News University announces policy changes following SCOTUS affirmative action ruling

      9/  6 Washington Free Beacon Law Firm Sued Over Diversity Fellowship Folds

      9/  5 Wall Street Journal The Racial Achievement Gap and the War on Meritocracy

      9/  4 College Fix Wisc. universities keep DEI positions despite GOP gutting budget by $32 million

      9/  2 College Fix Teachers union to teachers: Destroy evidence of student gender identity surveys

      9/  2 Fox News DEI hiring in K-12 requires teachers to show commitment to left-wing ideology

      9/  1 Epoch Times 只等教育局點頭 布碌崙第20學區要擴大成績入學制

      9/  1 New York Post State test-scores delay is meant to keep parents in the dark

      9/  1 New York Post A lesson in why small class sizes don’t matter

      9/  1 Washington Examiner School administrators admit to using Newsela to bypass CRT bans

      8/31 Epoch Times 紐約市高中申請10月3日開放 11月8日SHSAT考試

      8/31 Fox News College students are struggling with basic math, many stuck at 9th grade level

      8/31 Messenger Caltech Drops Calculus, Chemistry, Physics Requirements for High School Students

      8/31 Newsnation Med schools de-emphasizing MCATs may lead to less diversity

      8/30 Wall Street Journal Reviving Racial Preferences in California

      8/29 Washington Examiner Elite Virginia high school sees national ranking drop amid racial equality fight

      8/28 College Fix Another hoax: Third UVA hate crime falls apart in past year

      8/28 Fox News Marxist teacher who called for 'forceful cultural revolution' lands seat on state legislature

      8/27 New York Post Don’t buy Cornell’s PR baloney that it wants to ‘elevate’ free speech

      8/23 New York Post Wokeness, antisemitism forced us to pull our kids from their city school

      8/22 College Fix UNC Chapel Hill, which led fight for race-based admissions, now works to abolish it

      8/22 Daiy Caller Supreme Court Asked to Consider Top High School's 'Racial Balancing' Admissions Policy

      8/22 Daily Princetonian Princeton to change essay question, study further admissions changes

      8/22 Harvard Crimson After Affirmative Action Falls, Students, Counselors, and Schools Seek New Roadmap

      8/21 Empire Center Where are New York’s Test Results?

      8/17 Chalkbeat New York’s top education official raises equity concerns over class size law

      8/17 City Journal Standing in the Schoolhouse Door

      8/17 New York Post Ending medical-school affirmative action will be a plus for patients

      8/16 Daily Caller Biden Admin Guidance On Race-Based College Admissions Raises Legal Questions

      8/16 Epoch Times 陳慧華提醒家長:特殊高中入學考試或再受攻擊

      8/16 Sing Tao 取消SHSAT聲浪再起 同源會陳慧華撰文駁斥

      8/14 Daily Caller Biden Admin Urges Colleges to Continue to Racially Discriminate 

      8/13 Fox News Princeton class teaches Blacks should be considered handicapped due to systemic racism

      8/13 New York Post Parents, beware: NYC specialized high schools are coming under attack again

      8/13 Washington Examiner Jordan Peterson: ‘woke’ education leaves students unmotivated and directionless

      8/12 Daily Mail Teacher QUITS over CRT lessons, accuses board of pushing 'highly-politicized agendas

      8/12 Fox News California bill would punish parents who speak out at school board meetings

      8/12 Rare ‘Systemic Racism Guru’ Professor Busted For Fake Data, Has Six Studies Retracted

      8/ 9 College Fix Arizona’s public universities drop use of DEI statements in job applications

      8/ 9 Fox News Chicago professor dismisses meritocracy as myth, advocates for CRT

      8/ 8 New York Post UNC will no longer consider race, including in essays, during admissions

      8/ 8 New York Post Legacy admissions are unfair, but it’s not the City Council’s business

      8/ 8 New York Post Plunging enrollment highlights what’s driving kids out of NYC schools

      8/ 8 Newsweek I Was an Asian 'Hurt' by Affirmative Action

      8/ 8 Washington Examiner New York medical school hit with civil rights complaint for race discrimination

      8/ 7 College Fix Emory researchers blame ‘structural racism’ for Type 2 diabetes in black people

      8/ 7 Daily Caller Teachers Union Doubles Down on Killing Graduation Test

      8/ 7 Minding the Campus California’s “Equity Math” Showdown

      8/ 7 Washington Examiner Race-exclusive residency program earns University civil rights complaint

      8/ 6 Wall Street Journal A Challenge to Racial Politics in Medicine

      8/ 5 New York Post Kindergarten among highest enrollment declines as families flee DOE

      8/ 5 New York Post Audio captures anti-racism instructor attacking principal’s before he killed himself

      8/ 4 College Fix ‘Zero educational value’: Princeton courses promote prostitution, ‘hate’ of Israel

      8/ 4 College Fix California scholars issue reparations report demanding cash payouts, free tuition

      8/ 4 College Fix Fired Christian biology professor files religious discrimination complaint

      8/ 4 Fox News I’m a Black doctor suing California for its racist medical mandate

      8/ 4 Washington Examiner Bid to end race preferences at military academies blocked, censored

      8/ 3 Harvard Crimson Harvard Overhauls College Application in Wake of Affirmative Action Decision

      8/ 2 China Press 州衆議會:未考慮改變特殊高中入學考試

      8/ 2 College Fix Penn State agrees to protect free association rights of students

      8/ 2 Fox News One Supreme Court decision, two different responses reveal who really respects the law

      8/ 2 Washington Examiner Are elite universities trying to continue racial preferences through other means?

      8/ 2 Washington Examiner California sued by doctors over 'implicit bias' DEI training requirements

      8/ 2 Washington Examiner Principals blast school board's no-opt-out policy in newly released documents

      8/ 2 World Journal 紐約州眾議長:不會廢SHSAT…華社安心

      8/ 1 AMS  Leaving the AMS

      8/ 1 College Fix Three Kansas professors accused of falsely claiming Native American ancestry

      8/ 1 Fox News California school board president received death threats for supporting parents

      8/ 1 National Review Columbia Claims "Error" When Caught Circumventing Affirmative-Action Ban

      8/ 1 Pacific Legal Foundation California’s implicit bias training promotes distrust and resentment in medical care

      8/ 1 RealClear Policy After Supreme Court Colorblind Ruling, Reparations Fight Lives On as 'Not Race-Based'

      8/ 1 Reuters US colleges refashion student essay prompts after ban on affirmative action

      8/ 1 Sing Tao 州眾院議長: SHSAT不變 李榮恩: 增加教育機會

      8/ 1 Wall Street Journal Next Up, Race Preferences in Contracting

      7/31 College Fix UMich, NIH to spend nearly $80 million as part of ‘DEI 2.0’

      7/31 Fox News Tennessee school staff trained on how White Christians are privileged

      7/31 Sing Tao 赫爾梅林籲廢除SHSAT惹華裔抨擊

      7/31 New York Post DEI is failing because it ‘promotes division instead of unity’

      7/31 Washington Examiner Why companies are souring on DEI
      7/31 World Journal 華社教育人士:取消SHSAT考試 就是「反亞裔」歧視

      7/31 World Journal 布碌崙民主黨主席再提廢SHSAT考試 第43區3市議員候選人同聲反對

      7/30 Breitbart Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Passed State Math Test in 3 Years

      7/30 China Press 華社:廢特殊高中入學考試主張反亞裔

      7/30 New York Post Even with fewer kids in NYC schools, spending keeps rising

      7/29 New York Post How big tech and big money made our schools go woke

      7/28 American Thinker California's new Marxist math

      7/28 National Review UNC Bans Consideration of Race in Hiring, Application Essays

      7/27 City Journal The Loophole That Wasn’t

      7/27 Harvard Crimson "Experts" Divided Over Whether Ed Blum’s Letter Adheres to SCOTUS Ruling

      7/27 Stock Dork Supreme Court Decision Threatens DEI Programs in Corporate America

      7/26 College Fix Some universities appear to cut DEI — but quietly keep it

      7/26 Daily Caller Colleges Plot to Discriminate After Supreme Court Strikes Down Race-Based Admissions

      7/26 Fox News Medical school hit with civil rights complaint over program that prefers non-Whites

      7/26 Free Press California’s War on Math

      7/26 New York Times Affirmative Action Ruling Shakes Universities Over More Than Race

      7/26 Wall Street Journal How Colleges Plan to Factor In Race Without Asking About Race

      7/26 Washington Examiner Congressional Democrats introduce bill to end legacy admissions

      7/26 Washington Examiner Kentucky nursing board threatened licenses to push 'racism' training

      7/25 Harvard Crimson DOE Opens Investigation Into Harvard’s Donor, Legacy Admissions Preferences

      7/25 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action in Contracting Faces Legal Peril

      7/25 Wall Street Journal A Medical School Treatment for DEI

      7/24 Journal of Free Black Thought The End of Affirmative Action is an Opportunity

      7/24 New York Post Liberal profs urge Biden to defy ‘mistaken’ rulings by ‘MAGA’ Supreme Court

      7/24 Washington Examiner Math for Marxism

      7/22 Daily Wire Nurses In Kentucky Mandated To Take Training That Says ‘White Silence’ Is Racist

      7/22 Free Press Rethinking Higher Ed with Harvard’s Former President

      7/21 Fox News Houston schools to cut more than 2300 staff positions amid plummeting enrollment

      7/21 Newsweek Following Affirmative Action's Demise, Slay the DEI Leviathan

      7/21 Wall Street Journal ‘Antiracists’ vs. Academic Freedom

      7/21 Washington Examiner University that helped censor misinformation admits to spreading it

      7/21 Washington Examiner Harvard Law professor forgets why judicial review exists

      7/29 American Mind DEI and the End of the Constitutional Order

      7/20 College Fix Free speech, academic freedom watchdogs alarmed after court rules against professor
      7/20 Education Week Students Want STEM, But Schools Are Doing a ‘Poor Job’ Preparing Them

      7/20 Fox News Biden 'weaponizing' agency to block parents from removing 'pornography' from schools

      7/20 Minding the Campus The Tenacious Absurdity of Anti-racism

      7/20 New York Post Ivy League LGBTQ+ numbers soar and students point to identity politics

      7/20 Washington Examiner Stanford diversity dean who berated federal judge resigns

+    7/19 College Fix Arizona lawmakers learn sordid details on cancelation of ASU's conservative program
      7/19 Daily Princetonian How do Princeton’s legacy students stack up to their peers?

      7/29 Daily Princetonian Legacy at Princeton up in air as Department of Education opens investigation

      7/19 Fox News University of Minnesota drops affirmative action for race and legacy admissions

      7/19 The Hill Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision closes door on race-based reparations

      7/18 City Journal Closing the Credentials Gap

      7/18 The 74 Million After Havard Ruling, Will Admissions Policies at Elite K-12 Schools Be Next?

      7/17 Newsweek DEI College Director Fired for Not Being 'Right Kind of Black Person'

      7/17 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action Bred Hypocrisy and Victimhood

      7/17 Washington Examiner Some Supreme Court justices have a slippery handle on facts
      7/16 Daily Caller Supreme Court Could End Race-Based Admissions At Elite US High Schools
      7/16 Internetwcast Outrage as woke school board axes advanced math classes for being too white, Asian

      7/16 New York Post Follow Supremes’ merit-based lead: Affirmative action in hiring must end, too

      7/15 New York Post Black, Hispanic NYers who failed teacher’s test strike $1.8B in NYC settlement

      7/14 City Journal Our Failing Schools Are a National Crisis

      7/14 College Fix Berkeley law dean caught telling class he’d lie in deposition now says he was joking

      7/14 College Fix Ohio college employees could be ‘personally liable’ for violating affirmative action ban
      7/14 National Review For University of California Faculty, It’s DEI or Die

      7/14 Real Clear Politics Ten Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

      7/14 Wall Street Journal Republican Attorneys General Warn Top U.S. Businesses Over ‘Discrimination’

      7/14 Washington Examiner The real college scandal: Affirmative action and legacies are red herrings

      7/13 Daily Caller California School District Slapped with Complaint Over 'Black Student Achievement Plan'

      7/13 Fox News Racial, religious minorities slam media narratives that they are fueling White supremacy

      7/13 Fox News California approves math guidelines that encourage 'teaching toward social justice'

      7/13 Hot Air Elie Mystal's latest take on affirmative action is really something

      7/13 Wall Street Journal A Warning to the C-Suite on Racial Preferences

      7/13 Wall Street Journal Affirmative-Action Plaintiff Warns of Consequences if Schools Defy Supreme Court

      7/13 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action Meets Real Life

      7/13 Washington Examiner Watchdog group rips Ohio State medical school for expansive DEI initiatives

      7/12 Fox News Asian-American mom responds to 'White supremacy' accusation after end to race-based admissions

      7/12 Minding the Campus Destroying the Racial Preference Industrial Complex

      7/11 Chron Race-based college admissions banned, but Texas schools still have ways to ensure diversity

      7/11 Daily Caller Elite Univeristy Holds 'Anti-Racist" Seminars for White Parents Only

      7/11 Fox News Education advocate responds to attacks on her tweet celebrating affirmative action ruling

      7/11 Fox News Asian Americans shred Democrat AG over his angry response to affirmative action ruling

      7/11 Fox News Student fakes being Black to get into med school

      7/11 Fox News University of South Carolina education courses centered on 'social justice, anti-racism'

      7/11 Harvard Crimson Senator Vance Accuses Harvard of Planning to Defy Supreme Court on Affirmative Action

      7/11 National Association of Scholars Admissions: How the Harvard Case Will (and Won’t) Change Higher Education
      7/11 New York Post What that Brown LBGTQ+ poll really says about academia today

      7/11 Tablet How False History Is Used to Justify Discrimination Against Asian Americans

      7/11 Unherd Blame cancel culture for declining trust in universities

      7/11 Wall Street Journal Earl Warren and Affirmative Action

      7/11 Washington Examiner Trust in higher education is plummeting for good reason

      7/10 Chalkbeat NYC’s graduation rates bucked national trends. A grading policy holds clues

      7/10 National Desk NYC third-graders encouraged to read book about transgender child this summer

      7/10 New York Post ‘Adversity scores’ for medical school diversity would ‘ignore’ patients’ best interests

      7/10 New York Post National Education Association’s summer reading aim to indoctrinate kids, not educate

      7/10 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action Bred 50 Years of ‘Mismatch’

      7/10 Washington Examiner After Supreme Court win, Californians for Equal Rights promises to keep fighting

      7/ 9 Fox News White House accuses SCOTUS of taking away 'important constitutional rights' in affirmative action

      7/ 9 New York Post I got into medical school by pretending to be black: must enforce Supremes’ ruling

      7/ 9 New York Post Liberal Supreme Court justice comes out in favor of segregation

      7/ 9 Washington Post Admissions case furor overlooks gains in getting kids ready for college

      7/ 8 Fox News Ketanji Jackson's faulty claim in affirmative action case takes another hit

      7/ 8 New York Post Why the end of affirmative action is good for black science students

      7/ 8 Raw Story Legal activist who blew up affirmative action has a new target: report

      7/ 8 Stock Dork Liberal Media’s Outrageous Attack on Asian Americans

      7/ 7 CIty Journal The Affirmative Action Illusion

      7/ 7 Minding the Campus WU: Legalizing Discrimination in California—Take Two

      7/ 7 RealClear Politics SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision Ignores Elephant in the Room

      7/ 7 The Hill Justice Thomas champions our colorblind Constitution

      7/ 7 Washington Examiner Most of public, including blacks, support Supreme Court affirmative action decision

      7/ 7 Washington Examiner 'Diversity' house of cards collapses

      7/ 7 Washington Post Who’s okay with the affirmative action decision? Many Black Americans.

      7/ 6 City Journal AAMC cherry-picks data supporting “racial concordance” in patient treatment
      7/ 6 Fox News Florida ditched affirmative action years ago; here's how it worked out

      7/ 6 Fox News Supreme Court struck down affirmative action, but that won't stop Harvard

      7/ 6 Fox News Progressives attack Asian Americans as White Supremacists: Yiatin Chu

      7/ 6 New York Post The REAL bigots: Leftist elites attacking me, other Asians over affirmative-action ruling

      7/ 6 The Hill Justice Thomas champions our colorblind Constitution

      7/ 6 USA Today No longer suffering in silence: Asian Americans denied tech leadership roles go to court

      7/ 6 Wall Street Journal Affirmative Action Battle Moves to Race-Based College Scholarships

      7/ 6 Washington Examiner Medical schools issued warning following affirmative action ruling

      7/ 6 Washington Examiner Using adversity scores in medical school admissions is a terrible idea

      7/ 5 Bloomberg Harvard Legacy Admissions Targeted by Massachusetts Lawmakers

      7/ 5 City Journal Hollow Words in Law Schools After SFFA

      7/ 5 Fox News Nation's largest teachers union faces backlash for 'unprecedented' summer reading list

      7/ 5 Fox News Pennsylvania's Democrat governor caves on school choice program he staunchly backed

      7/ 5 Fox News DEI is ‘destroying’ productivity and joy in the workplace

      7/ 5 Fox News Liberals attack Asian Americans as pawns, White supremacists after affirmative action defeat

      7/ 5 Fox News Supreme Court affirmative action decision reveals Democrat hypocrisy

      7/ 5 Guardian How civil rights activists are preparing for a post-affirmative action college landscape

      7/ 5 New York Post Supremes’ ban on racial favoritism applies to companies too

      7/ 5 RealClear Politics  The Muddled Mindset of Progressivism

      7/ 5 Sing Tao 捐贈人校友優先錄取受質疑

      7/ 5 The Hill The affirmative action ruling has exposed Democrats’ failure on education

      7/ 5 The Hill Asian American students were victims of racial discrimination

      7/ 5 Washington Examiner Supreme Court rejects liberal arguments based on lies

      7/ 4 Epoch Times SCOTUS Decision on Affirmative Action Will Spark More Lawsuits, Experts Say  

      7/ 4 New York Post San Francisco reparations panelist calls straight white men are ‘serial killers’

      7/ 4 New York Post Harvard sued over ‘overwhelmingly white’ legacy admissions

      7/ 3 AlphaNews Affirmative action is dead, but the war is far from over, stakeholders say

      7/ 3 Fox News DEI programs could crumble under weight of SCOTUS ruling: experts

      7/ 3 Fox News HBO’s Soledad O’Brien blasted as racist for attacking Asian American activist after SCOTUS

      7/ 3 Fox News  NPR report dismisses Asians as tools of Whites in affirmative action case

      7/ 3 Minding the Campus WU: The Beginning of the End for Racial Preferences

      7/ 3 Thy Black Man Black Community: Affirmative Action in College Admissions — Why it doesn’t matter!

      7/ 3 Wall Street Journal Who Says Justice Thomas Benefited From Affirmative Action?

      7/ 2 Fox News Jemele Hill accuses Asians of 'carrying the water for white supremacy' on affirmative action

      7/ 2 Fox News Communist China survivor warns Americans affirmative action mimics Maoist system

      7/ 2 New York Post Firm majority of Americans back SCOTUS on affirmative action decision

      7/ 2 New York Post Success Academy smashes Regents AND lefty lies on standardized testing

      7/ 2 Newser School's Formula Offers Affirmative Action Alternative

      7/ 2 Washington Examiner Race-based admission to medical schools was dangerous. Good riddance

      7/  1 Epoch Times 美華社領袖陳慧華:種族偏好之戰還沒結束

      7/  1 Free Beacon Biden Wants To Crack Down on 'Privilege' But Called UPenn President For Granddaughter

      7/  1 Independent Conservatives: liberals are implying BLACK people “not SMART enough”

      7/  1 New York Post NYC school ‘falsifies’ English credits with Dungeons & Dragons ‘class’

      7/  1 New York Post What SCOTUS’ ruling could mean for DEI and the business of corporate wokeness

      7/  1 Skeptical Inquirer The Ideological Subversion of Biology

      7/  1 Washington Examiner School board ignores 84% of parents on sex-ed and 'gender identity'

      6/30 ABC News 'Race must now constitute a merit': Michael Eric Dyson on Supreme Court ruling

      6/30 AP Supreme Court’s ruling leaves colleges looking for new ways to promote diversity

      6/30 Bloomberg Defiant Harvard Hunts New Model to Keep Diversity After Defeat

      6/30 Chalkbeat New Brooklyn high school aims to create social justice-focused design professionals

      6/30 China Press 紐約多家教育倡導組織發聲明表贊同

      6/30 China Press 部分亞裔反對最高法院推翻平權法案 稱亞裔被當成“棋子”

      6/30 China Press 曆史性裁決後,大學招生會發生什麽變化?

      6/30 China Press 關于平權行動裁決 兩名非裔大法官的意見針鋒相對

      6/30 China Press 被指歧視亞裔學生 兩大名校招生案經曆漫長鬥争

      6/30 China Press 最高法院推翻大學招生平權措施

      6/30 City Journal The End of the Beginning

      6/30 City Journal Moving Past the Culture of Grievance

      6/30 City Journal Unpopular, Polarizing, and Ineffective

      6/30 Daily Caller Most Asian Americans Oppose Race-Based Admissions. Why DIdn't Their Advocacy Groups?

      6/30 Epoch Times 華裔歡聚最高法院 慶祝哈佛招生案歷史性勝利

      6/30 Epoch Times 最高法裁決大學招生不看種族 華人團體慶祝

      6/30 Epoch Times 華人家長:正義雖遲到但不缺席

      6/30 Epoch Times 紐約州長市長發聲明反對最高法院判決

      6/30 Epoch Times 哈佛北卡稱遵守最高法院對平權行動的裁決

      6/30 Fox News Dean: Berkeley Law uses 'unstated affirmative action', 'I'm going to deny I said this'

      6/30 Fox News This Asian American success story applauds Supreme Court affirmative action ruling

      6/30 NTDTV 哈佛 北卡大學平權招生政策判違憲 亞裔學界慶祝

      6/30 National Interest After Affirmative Action, shrinking the achievement gap is the best response

      6/30 National Review Liberal Supreme Court Justices Rely on False Claims about Racism

      6/30 New York Post College odds are better without affirmative action: Asian American students

      6/30 New Yorker Why the Champions of Affirmative Action Had to Leave Asian Americans Behind

      6/30 Newsweek Supreme Court Ends the Last Vestige of 'Systemic Racism' in America

      6/30 Wall Street Journal Notable & Quotable: Harvard and Asian Americans

      6/30 Wall Street Journal Randi Weingarten and Racial Disparities in Education

      6/30 World Journal 高院裁決哈佛案違憲 華裔家長叫好

      6/29 AP Students for Fair Admissions praise Supreme Court affirmative action ruling (video)

      6/29 CACAGNY Issues Statement on SFFA v Harvard 

      6/29 China Press 美最高院駁回大學招生平權行動:種族不能成為一個因素 拜登“強烈”不認同

      6/29 China Press 最高法院推翻大學招生平權措施

      6/29 City Journal The Next Battle Over Racial Preferences

      6/29 Daily Caller ‘Unwelcome And Disappointing’: Colleges React To Supreme Court Decision

      6/29 Epoch Times 哈佛等招生涉種族因素 最高法院裁定違憲

      6/29 Federalist Ending Affirmative Action Won’t Stop Racist Admissions Practices

      6/29 Fox News Supreme Court didn't strike down diversity, it struck down discrimination

      6/29 Fox News SUNY Buffalo law school accused of excluding White applicants from prep course

      6/29 Inside Higher Ed Let’s Talk About Race and Academic Integrity

      6/29 Mediaite CNN Ends Interview After Guest Tells Her ‘Standard Is Lowered’ For Black Applicants

      6/29 Minding the Campus Affirmative Action and Ethnic Reality

      6/29 NTD Asian Americans Rally for Historic US Supreme Court Decision

      6/29 New York Post Why I helped strike down Harvard affirmative action in the Supreme Court

      6/29 New York Post At last! Supremes strike down college-admissions racism that’s never helped the poor

      6/29 New York Post Affirmative action was an injustice to people of all races

      6/29 New York Post Supreme Court stands up for justice on affirmative action, religious freedom

      6/29 New York Post Supreme Court outlaws affirmative action in college admissions in landmark decision

      6/29 New York Post Supreme Court affirmative action case showed ‘astonishing’ racial gaps

      6/29 Real Clear Politics Why I’m Suing Penn State

      6/29 Sing Tao 精英教育團體歡呼雀躍

      6/29 Sing Tao 高院平權法案裁決 進步派失望誓推其他項目彌補

      6/29 The Hill Biden urges ‘new path forward’ that factors in adversity after affirmative action ruling

      6/29 Wall Street Journal The End of Affirmative Action and the Long Road to Racial Equality Under the Law

      6/29 Wall Street Journal A Landmark for Racial Equality at the Supreme Court

      6/29 Washington Examiner Affirmative action defenders mouth ‘diversity’ but argue for reparations

      6/28 Greensboro News & Record The dubious case for 'diversity' in admissions

      6/28 James Martin Medical Education Is Infected with DEI

      6/26 Daily Mail California school district sued after administrators abused DEI opposers

      6/26 Daily News Why so few Black kids at Stuyvesant: Private schools and charter schools

      6/26 Fox News What the shocking Nation’s Report Card scores reveal about Catholic schools

      6/26 Fox News CA school admin sued after saying he wants to bring conservatives 'to the slaughterhouse'

      6/26 Free Presss Part II: At High School Debates, Watch What You Say

      6/23 New York Post When will America put out the three-alarm fire in its public schools?

      6/22 Daily Signal Reading, Math Scores Plummet as Racial and Sexual Activism Replace Academics

      6/22 National Association of Scholars Accreditation? A Woke, Good-Cop-Bad-Cop Scam

      6/22 New York Post Private school sicced FBI on us when we protested critical race theory

      6/20 Minding the Campus Science is Rotting from the Top

      6/20 Wall Street Journal The Man Behind the Supreme Court Case Seeking to End Affirmative Action

      6/19 College Fix  UC Berkeley only hired professors who had enough DEI points: documents

      6/19 Daily Caller Parents Running Against Race-Based Admissions Sweep NYC School Board Races

      6/19 Daily Caller Are Universities Using Application Essays To Racially Discriminate?

      6/18 Glenn Loury Racial Preferences May End, but the Fight Will Continue

      6/18 New York Post Parents who back merit, higher standards dominate NYC school council elections

      6/18 Telegraph ‘Affirmative action is not fair – we cannot cure the racism of the past with new racism’

      6/17 City Journal School Choice Rising

      6/17 Daily Caller ‘LGBT Education Specialist’: Teachers Should ‘Explain Nonbinary Identities’ To Preschoolers

      6/17 New York Post Why scrapping standardized tests is bad for college applicant

      6/17 New York Post NYC parents demand fair, democratic admissions on school applications

      6/16 City Journal New York State’s Directive to Schools: Lie to Parents

      6/15 Atlantic Universities Shouldn’t Be Ideological Churches

      6/15 Hot Air FOIA Berkeley documents show faculty hiring was based on commitment to DEI

      6/15 Wall Street Journal Charter Schools: New Evidence of Student Success

      6/15 Washington Examiner Get ready for the lies about affirmative action

      6/14 Fox News Educational publishing giant's 'anti-racism' pledge pushes teaching CRT in schools

      6/14 New York Post Even as our students fail, NYC teachers rewarded with generous contract

      6/13 Discourse Individualism Is a Social Justice Issue

      6/13 Epoch TImes 新研究:全美特許學校教學成果優於公校

      6/13 Minding the Campus Thorny Trade-Offs After the Harvard and UNC Rulings

      6/13 Wall Street Journal Reparations for Slavery? California’s Bad Idea Catches On

      6/12 City Journal  Shell Games and Manufactured Outcomes

      6/12 City Journal The Other CRT

      6/12 Daily Caller ‘They’re Being Punished For Hard Work’: Leo Terrell Sounds Off On Affirmative Action

      6/12 Sing Tao 紐市特許學校表現遠勝公校

      6/12 Sing Tao SUNY實習計劃只准非裔申請涉歧視

      6/11 China Press  紐約州立大學奧本尼分校被訴種族歧視

      6/11 New York Post Charter schools outperform public schools in US, with NY ‘among the best in country’

      6/11 New York Post SUNY Albany faces federal race-discrimination complaint over black-only internships

      6/10 College Fix  Universities brace for Supreme Court affirmative action decision; more litigation awaits

      6/10 Fox News Asian American student on affirmative action: 'Deck is stacked against kids like me'

      6/10 College Fix  Universities brace for SCOTUS affirmative action decision; more litigation awaits
      6/ 9 Epoch Times 一華裔學生SAT近滿分 卻遭美六所名校拒收

      6/ 9 Fox News Schools use racist ‘Reparations Math’ to indoctrinate Black students with victimization

      6/ 9 Wall Street Journal The Deception of ‘Affirmative Action’

      6/ 8 BBC Affirmative action: Why this teen says he was rejected by top US colleges

      6/ 8 Fox News Asian-American student with near-perfect SAT score rejected by six elite universities

      6/ 8 Manhattan Institute After Affirmative Action, Meritocracy?

      6/ 8 Washington Examiner Democrats are out of touch with American opinion on affirmative action

      6/ 7 Minding the Campus Affirmative Action Forever

      6/ 7 New York National Study Shows Charters Outperform Traditional Schools

      6/ 6 City Journal New York City’s Specialized High Schools Work

      6/ 6 College Fix  1619 Project releases new ‘reparations math’ curriculum for high school students
      6/ 6 Fox News 1619 Project 'reparations math' unit to students focused on basis for payments

      6/ 6 Tablet  The Last Holdouts of American Meritocracy

      6/ 5 Families for New York When The New Is Old: Sovietization of American Education

      6/ 5 Fox News California educational leaders push CRT that praise Marxist who looked up to bin Laden

      6/ 5 Fox News MSU hit with civil rights complaint alleging school discriminated against white males

      6/ 5 Washington Examiner  Fairfax trained teachers to disregard objections to 'equity grading'

      6/ 4 Manhattan Asian Americans Dominate Specialized Schools Because Their Parents Aren't Woke

      6/ 4 Wall Street Journal Dropping DEI in Texas Schools

      6/ 2 James Martin A Devastating Exposé of America’s Colleges

      6/ 2 Manhattan Institute University of Houston’s DEI Bureaucracy Has This Unbelievably Radical Take On ‘Diversity’

      6/ 2 New York Post Why this African-born surgeon helped defeat ‘unfair’ DEI at top medical school

      6/ 2 Wall Street Journal North Carolina Upbraids a College Accreditor

      6/ 2 Washington Examiner Biden’s Education Department tells schools to go back to race-based discipline
      6/ 1 Daily Caller GOP Senators Introduce Bill Banning Accreditors From Considering ‘Diversity’ Initiatives

      5/31 New York Post CUNY prof sounds alarm on ‘far-left lunatics’ running school

      5/31 Wall Street Journal  Racial Preferences Won’t Go Easily

      5/30 Fox News Psychologist wants to ‘expose and shame’ professors giving Black students lower grades

      5/30 New York Post Cornell wants to ‘express itself’ but ‘diversity, equity, inclusion’ are in the way

      5/30 Tablet How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education

      5/29 Capitol Press Room New York’s shifting education standards

      5/29 New York Post Critics rip CUNY's ‘hate-filled’ commencement speech, demand tax dollars be stripped

      5/29 Wall Street Journal The Empire of Racial Preferences Strikes Back

      5/28 Business Insider NYC teachers say students are increasingly coming to school high

      5/28 Fox News North Dakota parents rage at school board for defying law on kids’ gender identities

      5/27 Distractify School's "No Zero" Policy Blasted After Teacher Fired for Failing Lazy Students

      5/27 Fox News Taxpayers owe Randi Weingarten a pension because of government's deals with unions

      5/27 New York Post UWS school so overcrowded with migrants it can't provide popular programs

      5/26 New York Post Woke judges say there are topics high school kids CAN’T debate

      5/25 Free Press At High School Debates, Debate Is No Longer Allowed

      5/24 China Press 上訴法院裁定托馬斯傑弗遜中學未在招生中歧視亞裔

      5/24 Minding the Campus Our Forefathers’ “Sins”

      5/24 New York Post Parents paying $10K to get kids ‘published’ is just more college admissions BS

      5/24 Telegraph Oxford and Cambridge are locked in death spiral of competitive intolerance

      5/23 Minding the Campus In Defense of Merit: Is it too late?

      5/23 New York Post Virginia school’s admissions don’t discriminate against Asian-Americans: appeals court
      5/22 Bloomberg Parents Sue Elite Schools for ‘Indoctrinating’ Their Kids With Anti-Racist Policies

      5/22 City Journal Flunking the Equity Test

      5/21 Fox News University of Minnesota faces backlash over research program restricted to non-whites

      5/21 New York Post Democrats to parents everywhere: Your kids belong to US, not you!

      5/20 New York Post The DEI industry really isn’t about diversity, equity OR inclusion

      5/18 Daily Caller School District Violated Civil Rights Act By Hosting Race, Sex Based Student Group

      5/18 Fox News Cincinnati schools to report child abuse if parents unsupportive of child’s gender identity

      5/17 City Journal Have You Looked Inside Any of These Books?

      5/17 Daily Caller Here’s How Universities Plan To Skirt The Court's Likely Ban On Race-Based Admissions

      5/16 City Journal Sex-Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital

      5/14 The 74 Million NYC’s New Gifted & Talented Admissions Brings Chaos — and Disregards Research

      5/12 Wall Street Journal Racial-Affinity Calculus

      5/10 City Journal DEI Swallows Texas A&M

      5/10 Epoch Times 亞裔團體告紐約市歧視亞裔學生案 巡迴法庭開審

      5/10 Fox News Virginia parents threatened for opposing LGBT teaching in schools: ‘I would shoot him’

      5/10 Wall Street Journal CA graduate says ethnic studies class teaching minorities they can never be 'successful'

      5/  9 College Fix Northwestern U. College Republicans defunded after hosting CRT critic
      5/  9 Wall Street Journal DEI Brings Kafka to My Law School

      5/  9 Wall Street Journal Oakland Teachers Strike for Climate Justice

      5/  8 College Fix MIT’s LGBTQ student government president faces recall for hate-crime hoax

      5/  7 Daily Caller School District Shells Out Thousands On Controversial Survey With Ties To Merrick Garland

      5/  7 Manhattan Institute ‘Social Justice’ and ‘Social Change’ Dominate the University in Conservative State 

      5/  7 Wall Street Journal Another School System Erodes the Principle of Merit

      5/  5 CACAGNY's Discovery Expansion Lawsuit against New York City Reaches Court of Appeals
      5/  5 New York Post Violence against school teachers soars, but woke schools still won’t discipline bullies

      5/  5 Wall Street Journal Miguel Cardona, Miseducation Secretary

      5/  5 Washington Examiner College Republicans denied funding after hosting conservative speaker

      5/  5 Washington Examiner School districts embrace 'equitable grading,' setting up students for failure

      5/  4 City Journal California’s Public School Exodus

      5/  4 Fox News Teachers union passes resolution declaring capitalism 'inherently exploits children'

      5/  4 Washington Examiner Top public high school hit with civil rights complaint for race-based program

      5/  3 Fox News Teachers sound alarm on problems in schools, say colleagues are 'leaving in droves'

      5/  3 Wall Street Journal Eighth-Graders’ History, Civics Test Scores Hit Record Low

      5/  2 City Journal Public Education’s Days of Reckoning

      5/  2 City Journal A CRT Mandate?

      5/  2 Fox News Medical journal slammed for paper saying med students should be racially segregated

      5/  2 Fox News Teacher rips diversity training amid teacher shortage: ‘Repeated white shaming'

      5/  2 Free Press How America’s Obsession with DEI Is Sabotaging Our Medical Schools

      5/  2 Unherd Universities are losing the battle on free speech

      5/  1 City Journal San Francisco’s Algebra War

      5/  1 Daily Caller School Accused Of Race-Segregated Math Classes Slapped With Civil Rights Complaint

      4/30 New York Post New York’s education ‘leaders’ take another step against excellence

      4/30 Wall Street Journal Randi Weingarten’s Incredible Covid Memory Loss

      4/28 Wall Street Journal San Francisco Can’t Do the Math

      4/27 Queens Chronicle Admissions a top parent focus: study

      4/27 New York Post State pols reach deal with Gov. Kathy Hochul to open 14 new charter schools in NYC

      4/27 Wall Street Journal The ‘Hurtful’ Idea of Scientific Merit: Ideology now dominates research in U.S.

      4/26 Fox News Democratic lawmakers caught on hot mic mocking parental rights as 'garbage,' 'stupid'

      4/26 Fox News 673 university professors sign letter opposing courses on America's founding, Constitution

      4/26 New York Post Over 100 Harvard professors form council in fight for free speech amid ‘crisis’

      4/24 Fox News Education groups send letter to DOE on proposed Title IX transgender athlete rule

      4/23 Human Events  The radicalization of American medicine: Do No Harm's Dr Stanley Goldfarb

      4/22 Daily Caller ‘Dangerous Trend’: Medical Schools Ditching Standardized Tests In The Name Of ‘Diversity’

      4/21 Chief Leader Record number of school employee misconduct complaints

      4/21 Daily Caller RYAN: The School-To-Activist Pipeline Is In Full Swing

      4/21 New York Post  Union banks on ties to key legislators in budget fight over NYC charter schools

      4/20 City Journal  Fear of a Liberal Arts Education

      4/19 CACAGNY Co-Signs Letter to Defend Women's Rights Under Title IX

      4/19 Minding the Campus  The Affirmative Action Failure Machine

      4/19 New York Post  A sudden Albany push to poison charter schools

      4/17 China Press   趙宇空分享哈佛歧視亞裔案維權經曆

      4/17 Epoch Times 哈佛排亞訴訟未休 美國亞裔教育維權不停止

      4/17 Sing Tao 哈佛大學招生案裁決在即 華人籌謀勝利之後下一步

      4/17 World Journal  哈佛招生歧視案將裁決 亞裔教盟樂觀

      4/17 Minding the Campus  Anti-White Racism Harms Us All

      4/17 Next Shark  2 published books, 4.2 GPA and 1560 SAT: rejected by Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton

      4/15 Epoch Times 紐約州大招生 不再要求SAT/ACT成績

      4/15 Epoch Times 古特曼:「覺醒」主義如何接管美國(上)   (中)  (3) (4) (5)

      4/15 New York Post  NYC hit with record number of complaints about misbehaving teachers in 2022

      4/14 China Press 紐約州立大學不再要求學生提交SAT或ACT成績

      4/14 Harvard Crimson More than 70 Harvard Faculty Form Council on Academic Freedom

      4/14 Fox News Biden's pick to lead Labor Department a leading proponent of critical race theory

      4/13 Fox News Canadian university hosts seminar asking, 'How can math be racist?'

      4/13 New York Post SUNY drops SAT, ACT testing requirement for admission

      4/13 Sing Tao 紐約州立大學改革招生制度 取消SAT及ACT成績要求

      4/13 Washington Examiner School districts to mark national Day of Silence in support of LGBT activism

      4/12 CIty Journal Inconvenient Discrimination

      4/12 Fox News Teachers' union want drag queen story hours in schools to further 'inclusive atmosphere'

      4/12 Wall Street Journal Harvard Has a Free Speech Moment

      4/11 City Journal Merit Over Identity

      4/11 College Fix U. Florida teachers' training course emphasizes ‘oppression, power, and privilege’

      4/11 Fox News  Maryland school district rescinds opt-out, pushes LGBTQ books as required reading

      4/11 New York Post  Soaring NYC school spending should outrage every New Yorker

      4/11 New York Post  NYC school spending soars 33% as enrollment, test scores dwindle

      4/10 College Fix  Affirmative action continues to hurt minorities

      4/10 The Hill Race-preferential admissions offer only a mirage of opportunity

      4/  9 World Journal  哈佛亞裔學生錄取人數 連兩年刷新紀錄

      4/  8 World Journal 占29.9% 哈佛錄取亞裔生創新高 專家憂壓縮其他族群

      4/  6 Chris Rufo DEI Captures the University of Florida

      4/  5 World Journal 紐約特許學校Charter Schools全市招生 招收學前班至高中各個年級

      4/  4 Fox News President of teacher union declares racial, social justice a 'pillar' of educators' efforts

      4/  2 National Review Woke Accreditors Are Coming for Medical Schools

      4/  1 City Journal Discrimination Forever?

      4/  1 Epoch Times  紐約家長憂極左派用英語課給新移民孩子洗腦

      4/  1 Fox News Sen. Marsha Blackburn exposes woke culture's dangers to women

      4/  1 New York Post New York progressives are anti-Asian across the board

      4/  1 New York Post UFT tries to block greenlit NYC charter schools

      3/31 New York Post Cornell’s classroom trigger warnings are a disaster for free speech

      3/30 China Press 市議員參選人陳偉怡獲50餘華社領袖背書  (Wai Yee Chan)

      3/30 Epoch Times 民調:美選民大多認為學校性別政策需家長同意

      3/30 New York Post Pols, teachers unions aim to scrap tests to hide huge learning loss

      3/29 College Fix South Carolina universities stay silent on DEI costs, but lawmaker says it’s $7.8 million

      3/29 Epoch Times 紐約市公校家長譚瑩瑩投身布碌崙議員共和黨初選  (Ying Tan)
      3/29 Epoch Times 鄭永佳社區聯絡主任何政傑加入布碌崙市議員選戰  (Jack Ho)

      3/29 New York Post  The UFT should stop trying to close excellent public schools

      3/28 Epoch Times 紐約華人參選人談孩子教育中的家長知情權 (Ying Tan, Wai Yee Chan)

      3/28 Epoch Times 美華裔小伙挑戰大學多元化政策 初戰告捷

      3/28 New York Post  UFT, Democrat lawmakers move to deny space for charter school kids

      3/27 College Fix UNC Chapel Hill opens academic program up to all races after civil rights complaint
      3/27 College Fix Colleges eliminate grading, cite students’ poor mental health, lack of preparation

      3/27 Fox News  Colleges cashing in on lucrative DEI programs: 'These are race hustlers'

      3/27 National Review 2 + 2 = White Supremacy: How Woke Ideologues Corrupted Canada’s Math Curriculum

      3/26 Quillete Dismantle DEI Ideology

      3/25 New York Post  NYC teachers union hosting seminar on ‘harmful effects of whiteness’  (Cancelled)

      3/24 World Journal 共和黨參戰 布碌崙4華人角逐市議員  (Ying Tan)

      3/23 Fox News Pentagon official reads anti-White statements from its diversity chief in congress

      3/23 Minding the Campus  How Junk Citations Have Discredited the Academy: Part 3

      3/22 Alliance Defending Freedom Debanking: Cancel Culture’s Newest Threat

      3/22 Federalist New Video Shows ‘Socio-Emotional Learning’ Is A Leftist Trojan Horse

      3/22 Fox Bangor School counselor association hosts group for White counselors to 'explore their privilege'

      3/22 Minding the Campus Can the US Afford to Politicize STEM Accreditation?

      3/22 National Association of Scholars UNC School of Medicine Creates and Hides Social Justice Plan

      3/22 New York Post  Majority of Americans don’t want public school teachers to discuss politics: poll

      3/22 Newsweek Did Stanford's Tantrum Blow Up the Affirmative Action Cases? 

      3/21 College Fix  Professor fired after tweeting about ‘black privilege’ sues university

      3/21 Fox News K-12 curriculum 'socially engineering' millions into enraged young 'social justice warriors'

      3/21 Fox News Professor fired for rejecting notion of systemic racism speaks out: 'Diversity is anti-White'

      3/21 New York Post Parents outraged after middle schoolers given inappropriate’ survey about sex, gender

      3/21 Newsweek The DEI Trojan Horse Is a University Leadership Failure

      3/20 College Fix OSU requires DEI statements from mechanical, aerospace engineer job applicants
      3/20 Fox News Republicans vs. wokeness: Here's what it will take to root out this dangerous ideology

      3/19 China Press 特殊高中放榜 探索計劃錄取引爭議

      3/19 Epoch Times Lawyer Network to Battle Racism in ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Mandates

      3/19 Medium Results from the 2023 NYC School Admission Lottery Surveys

      3/19 Sing Tao 特殊高中探索計劃不透明 華裔家長促教局解釋標準

      3/19 World Journal 州參議院預算 聚焦教育及安全  (John Liu)

      3/18 City Journal Victimhood Forever

      3/18 New York Post Black DEI director: I was called white supremacist for questioning woke policies

      3/17 Fox News Stanford Law protesters demand to have names redacted from news reports

      3/17 New York Post Define woke? Sure: It’s reducing all problems to oppressor vs. victim

      3/17 Wall Street Journal The Tyranny of the DEI Bureaucracy

      3/17 Wall Street Journal My Struggle Session at Stanford Law School

      3/16 City Journal Politically Correct Medical Scholarship Doesn’t Help Blacks

      3/16 Fox News Calif. parents slam 'divisive' ethnic studies curriculum: 'Teaching them to be hateful'

      3/16 New York Post NY’s education ‘leaders’ again prove to be anti-education

      3/16 New York Post Teach activist educrats a lesson: Parents matter not your ideological agenda

      3/16 New York Post Kenny Xu got UNC to ax DEI; now wants it gone at every medical school

      3/16 Queens Chronicle Bring back state tests

      3/16 World Journal 紐約4年級數學、閱讀 亞裔退步最多 疫情影響嚴重

      3/15 City Journal Shut Down Activist Academic Departments

      3/15 City Journal Book Bans? Baloney

      3/13 Daily Princetonian College admissions was fairer before COVID-19. Princeton should bring back SAT

      3/13 Fox News First-year medical school students exposed to woke 'sex and gender primer' lesson

      3/11 Epoch Times 低收入戶缺乏教育選擇 家長籲放寬紐約市特許學校上限
      3/11 Epoch Times 公校教育品質下滑 紐約華人家長搬離雷哥公園
      3/11 New York Post NY State test scores worse than they seem, analysis finds

      3/11 Sing Tao 多個團體教育局門前請願 特許學校擴建不該設上限
      3/11 Wall Street Journal Parents Challenge Lottery Systems Used to Diversify Elite High Schools

      3/11 World Journal 紐約華人團體示威 籲政治滾出教育
      3/11 World Journal  紐約教育衰退 家長:逼我們搬家
      3/10 AsAm News  Asian American parents rallied to call for more charter schools
      3/10 Fox News Stanford DEI dean slams invited federal judge, asks if free speech is 'worth it'

      3/10 New York Post Asian parents to New York Democrats: ‘We have a right’ to charter school choice
      3/10 World Journal 華人挺紐約市取消特許學校上限 示威:政治滾出教育

      3/  9 Daily Caller  ‘Genderqueer Shapeshifter’ Provided Professional Development Training For Teachers

      3/  9 New York Post Asian-American parents latest group to rally to increase NYC charter schools

      3/  8 Campus Reform Historic decline in IQ could stem from poor education

      3/  8 New York Post Critical race theory is teaching kids to hate each other

      3/  8 New York Post Ax the SAT to enable quotas: college-industrial complex’s next trick

      3/  8 San Francisco Examiner SFUSD's delay of algebra 1 has created a nightmare of workarounds

      3/  8 Wall Street Journal How a Teachers Union Promotes Critical Race Theory

      3/  8 Wall Street Journal Why Don’t We Teach About the Crimes of Communism?

      3/  8 Washington Examiner Suppression of parental rights isn't just a blue state problem

      3/  7 Minding the Campus In the Face of Indoctrination: Fight, Not Flight

      3/  7 New York Post Let charter schools flourish so NYC’s children can

      3/  7 New York Post Over 500 NYC parents, students rally at City Hall to lift charter school cap

      3/  6 City Journal Unpopular, Polarizing, and Ineffective

      3/  5 City Journal In Loco Masculi: The feminization of the American university is all but complete

      3/  5 New York Post Mass. high school accused of barring white student actors from production

      3/  5 New York Post CUNY embraces mediocrity in the name of equity — at students’ expense

      3/  5 New York Post Teachers’ union treated RI mom like ‘enemy of the state’ after asking about curriculum

      3/  3 Fox News School under investigation after student play limits auditions to persons of color

      3/  3 New York Times Defending Its Rankings, U.S. News Takes Aim at Top Law Schools

      3/  2 Fox News Delaware lowers passing score on bar exam in push for racial diversity

      3/  2 Fox News WA teacher rips priority to recruit teachers of color, evaluate candidate's 'equity lens'

      3/  2 Fox News I'm a college professor cheering on this great American pushback against woke education

      3/  2 Fox News Critical race theory has taken over academic life at this Florida university

      3/  2 Fox News Biden's Education Secretary lobbies colleges to drop out of US News ranking in name of equity

      3/  2 New York Post A university finally stands up to woke virtue signaling

      3/  1 City Journal Law, Betrayed

      3/  1 Columbia Spectator Columbia first Ivy to go permanently test-optional

      3/  1 Fox News Doctor sounds the alarm on push to hire based on race, not qualifications

      3/  1 Fox News Dem legislation declares racism as a public health crisis in America

      3/  1 Manhattan Institute Even Republican and Private School Kids Are Being Taught CRT

      3/  1 National Association of Scholars The NIH's DEI Litmus Tests

      3/  1 Wall Street Journal How the NIH Pushes DEI on Scientists

      2/28 College Fix Racism keeps black people awake: Northwestern scholar

      2/28 New York Post NY pols rake in donations from teachers union while bashing charter schools  (John Liu)

      2/28 Wall Street Journal  Why Elite Law and Medical Schools Can’t Stand U.S. News

      2/27 Minding the Campus REU: Racist Equity for Undergraduates

      2/27 New York Post  ‘1619 Project’ creator lectures survivor of China’s Cultural Revolution on oppression

      2/27 Washington Examiner DEI is poisoning college campuses

      2/26 New York Post  Free the charters: The right choice for New York’s families is obvious

      2/26 New York Post  Republicans will help pass Hochul’s charter-school plan — it’s a no-brainer  (Rob Ortt)

      2/26 Sing Tao  州教師工會成政治金主 力抗特許學校擴充計劃

      2/25 New York Post Nearly half of NYC DOE grads at CUNY need remedial classes

      2/25 New York Post University of North Carolina cancels woke diversity in hiring

      2/25 New York Post Teachers union cash to Heastie, Stewart-Cousins could doom Hochul charter plan

      2/25 New York Post Anti-charter teachers’ union cashing in on donations to lefty politicians to kill Hochul plan

      2/25 Sing Tao 高中教育被批嚴重摻水 近半社區大學生須補課

      2/24 Daily Caller  Colleges ‘Scrambling’ For New Ways To Discriminate With Race-Based Admissions

      2/24 Fox News California school district divides students into categories of 'privilege' or 'oppression'

      2/24 Epoch Times 反對特許學校卻送子女上私立 部分民主黨州議員惹議  (Robert Jackson, etc)

      2/24 Sing Tao 反對特許學校民主黨人 被揭送子女讀昂貴私校  (Robert Jackson, etc)

      2/23 City Journal School Choice Is Not Enough

      2/23 New York Post Anti-charter NY pols send kids to $60K private schools: ‘Pure hypocrisy’ (Robert Jackson, etc)

      2/23 Washington Examiner University of Texas System halts all DEI programs following backlash

      2/22 College Fix Florida bill would ban mandatory DEI statements for hiring, tenure in higher ed

      2/22 Fox Business Risk of Chinese education outpacing American’s

      2/22 Fox News Virginia Dems rejects anti-communism curriculum after teachers union said it could offend Asians

      2/22 New York Post  Resisting the growth of charter schools is racist, supporters claim

      2/22 Tablet Welcome to America’s Racialized Medical Schools

      2/22 Washington Post I’m a Black physician, and I’m appalled by mandated implicit bias training

      2/21 Daily Caller Youngkin Joins Growing Number Of Governors Calling For Review Of Controlversial AP Course

      2/21 Fox News Parents speak out against school canceling honors classes in the name of equity

      2/21 National Review The War on Merit Turns into Systemic Injustice

      2/21 New York Post Parents speak out against school canceling honors classes in the name of racial equity

      2/21 Washington Examiner If equity is so important, why not eliminate varsity sports?

      2/20 Columbia Spectator Let’s fix our education system instead of getting rid of the SHSAT (Susan Lee)

      2/20 Fox News Chicago Democrat sounds alarm as 55 schools report no proficiency in math or reading

      2/20 Hechinger Report New higher ed data by race and ethnicity

      2/19 New York Post  China’s spy balloon should be a wake-up call — about US schools

      2/19 World Journal  最新民調:種族列大學招生考慮因素 62%美國人說No

      2/18 New York Post  The UFT’s racist effort to crush charter schools

      2/18 Yale Daily News Quinlan testifies in support of legacy admissions

      2/17 Epoch Times 增設特許學校多花10億?紐約市長說詞遭反駁  (Eric Adams, John Liu)

      2/17 Fox News School choice gives parents the power to break teachers unions' chokeholds on students

      2/17 Fox News Eric Adams refusing to support funding for NYC charter school

      2/17 Wall Street Journal To Increase Equity, School Districts Eliminate Honors Classes

      2/16 City Journal Militants, Not Educators

      2/16 Fox News University tells students to report ‘race-related stress’ like not getting called on by professor

      2/16 MInding the Campus Research, Teaching, and DEI

      2/15 College Fix  Harvard law journal requires applicants’ race, sexual orientation to submit articles
      2/15 Manhattan Institute Parents want charters because schools are for kids, not unions — politicians, wake up!

      2/15 Tablet The Dangers of a Sentimental Education

      2/14 City Journal  Perpetuating a Lie

      2/14 College Fix Black students call white people ‘maggots’ and ‘vermin’ in multi-university group chat
      2/14 Fox News Outrage on Twitter after Baltimore reveals zero students proficient in math across 23 schools

      2/14 New York Post Eric Adams sowing fear over cost of more NYC charter schools

      2/13 Minding the Campus UT Austin Sued Over First Amendment Violations

      2/13 New York Post Teachers unions are baldly lying about charter-school costs — here’s why

      2/12 Fox News Oxford University chancellor sounds off on 'safe spaces' at college: 'It’s mad'

      2/11 New York Post North Korea defector compares woke US ideology, education to regime tactics

      2/10 College Fix The E in DEI — Equity — limits achievements, excellence and individual rights

      2/10 College Fix Despite massive DEI efforts, UMich students report feeling worse about themselves

      2/10 Empire Center Collapse in NYC Schools Pulls NY School Enrollment To Modern Low 

      2/10 Free Press Actually, Color-Blindness Isn’t Racist

      2/10 RealClear Education The Equity Delusion and Its Marxist Roots  (Also Students for Fair Admissions)

      2/ 8 New York Post NYC schools ignore parents unless they parrot the teacher union

      2/ 7 Wall Street Journal Black Students Need Better Schools, Not Lower Standards

      2/ 6 Epoch Times  華人社團支持紐約州長取消特許學校數量上限

      2/ 6 Fox Business Universities suppress achievement by putting a 'political straitjacket' on students

      2/ 6 New York Post Albany’s war on charter schools is a war on kids

      2/ 6 New York Post Lawmakers in hock to teachers’ union make hysterical claims against charter schools

      2/ 6 Sing Tao  非裔西裔教育者挺法案 加強特許學校種族公平

      2/ 6 The Hill Must an Antioch student bow down to ‘social justice’ dogma to graduate?

      2/ 6 Wall Street Journal How ‘Diversity’ Policing Fails Science

      2/ 5 Wall Street Journal Kathy Hochul Charters a Way Forward

      2/ 4 Epoch Times 反對增加特許學校 紐約民主黨州議員集會抗議

      2/ 4 World Journal 紐約特許學校教學優 就讀華生漸增

      2/ 4 World Journal 紐約民代:設1特許學校 能蓋3公校

      2/ 3 Epoch Times  House Judiciary Subpoenas FBI Director Wray and AG Garland for Targeting Parents

      2/ 3 Sing Tao 紐約市特許學校中心指斥政客 誤導群眾 阻止家庭進入特許學校

      2/ 3 Sing Tao 取消特許學校上限建議 遭政客及教師團體反對

      2/ 3 Sing Tao 劉醇逸等多位州立法者和教育倡導者 呼籲州長撤除「特許學校」擴建建議

      2/ 3 Wall Street Journal School Vouchers Gain Momentum as States Look at Learning Options

      2/ 2 City Journal  The Highest Principle

      2/ 2 City Journal  History, Not Ideology

      2/ 2 World Journal 家長添選擇 霍楚擬取消特許學校上限

      2/ 2 Yale Daily News ANALYSIS: The legacy of affirmative action

      2/ 1 BPR Professor slammed for touting public schools as ‘the best,’ sending her kids to private school

      2/ 1 Claremont Review The Affirmative Action Regime -- How diversity derailed the Constitution

      2/ 1 New York Post Dems allied with teachers union vow to block  Hochul’s NYC charter school plan

      2/ 1 New York Post Kathy Hochul has plan to open NYC charter school spots through budget

      2/ 1 New York Post Social-justice programming for every college student

     1/31 Chalkbeat NYC schools to grade their own Regents exams again. Will score manipulation surge?

     1/31 City Journal From School Choice to Parent Choice

     1/31 Fox News California school district to raise Black Lives Matter flag for Black History month

     1/31 New York Post SUNY makes new racial equity class mandatory for graduation at all schools

     1/31 World Journal 紐約市府族裔批判培訓 華人:搞分裂、假平等

     1/30 The 74 Million Schools Have Been Adding Teachers Even as They Serve Fewer Students

     1/29 New York Post Don’t let parents voices, cries for charter schools fall on deaf Democratic ears

     1/29 New York Post Over 60% of NYC parents want more charter schools, state cap lifted

     1/29 Wall Street Journal Medical Schools Bail on Academic Merit and Intellectual Rigor

     1/28 PLACE PLACE NYC Testimony on Admissions Changes

     1/27 China Press 亞潮聯盟譴責班克斯不尊重亞裔社區

     1/27 Education Week The Push for School Choice Is Accelerating

     1/27 Epoch Times  紐約市公立130小學新年節目爭議 亞潮萌批紐約市教育局

     1/27 Fordham Institute Interpreting the Covid impact on achievement

     1/27 Newsweek Med School Departures From Rankings System Is Symptom of Bad Medicine

     1/27 Wall Street Journal The School Choice Drive Accelerates

     1/27 Wall Street Journal Ron DeSantis, Black History and CRT

     1/26 Daily Caller Our Children Deserve The Best Opportunities. Let’s Start With School Choice

     1/26 Epoch Times 紐約市議員黃敏儀向教育局了解天才班和篩選錄取方式 (Sandra Ung)

     1/26 Fox News California lawmaker wants reparations to be nationwide ‘blueprint,’ beyond ‘financial’

     1/26 Fox News School board member ripped for saying public education is 'not to teach kids what parents want’

     1/26 New York Post NYC parents give Mayor Eric Adams an ‘F’ for handling of new charter schools

     1/26 Washington Examiner 'Equity': Fairfax County school's admissions policies discriminate against students
     1/26 Washington Examiner School district sued for barring student from opt-out of social emotional learning

     1/26 Washington Examiner University medical school lobbying for diversity initiatives in 'wokeness' inventory

     1/25 Reason Brooklyn's Much-Copied Diversity Plan Helped Throw its Best Middle School Into Chaos

     1/24 Daily Caller Prestigious High School Fails To Mark ‘Honors’ Courses On Official Transcripts

     1/24 Daily Caller DeSantis Proposes Legislation To Limit Teachers Unions

     1/24 New York Post  Eric Adams wimps out on fight for the good schools his core NYC voters demand

     1/24 New York Post  School choice just came to Iowa: Here’s how even blue states can win for their kids

     1/23 College Fix Liberal professor fired after protesting his university’s DEI dogma
     1/23 Daily Caller University Requires Photos Of Applicants For ‘Diversity In Surgery’ Internship

     1/23 Daily Caller 'Rise of Illiberalism’: Professor Rails Explains Exit From Major University

     1/23 National Review AP Teacher’s Guide Proves DeSantis Right in African-American Studies Clash

     1/23 The 74 Million Seizing on Parents' Frustration, GOP Governors Push for Education Savings Accounts

     1/23 Wall Street Journal The Numbers Show That MIT Has a Free-Speech Problem

     1/22 Fox News California administrator calls for 'privileged white voices' to be dismissed from curriculum

     1/22 New York Post Every parent should fight back vs. the left’s war on merit

     1/22 New York Post California educator slams ‘privileged white voices’ in ethnic studies curriculum

     1/22 Wall Street Journal Iowa’s School Choice Comeback

     1/21 Fox News Get your kid the heck out of traditional public schools

     1/20 College Fix  Math a ‘white, cisheteropatriarchal space,’ Vanderbilt professor says at conference
     1/20 Daily Caller Florida School Choice Bill Would Make Every Student Eligible For Vouchers

     1/20 Epoch Times  Florida’s College System Vows Not to ‘Fund or Support’ Critical Race Theory

     1/20 Epoch Times  Former Medical Educator Criticizes Harvard’s Withdrawal From College Ranking

     1/20 Washington Examiner Parents want a complete overhaul of the education system

     1/19 College Fix ‘Structural racism’ study pays black diabetics money to get healthier

     1/19 Daily Caller Florida Rejects AP African American Studies That Contained Section On ‘Queer Theory’

     1/19 Heartland Daily News  Declining Admissions Standards at Select Public High Schools

     1/18 City Journal DEI in the Heart of Texas

     1/18 Daily Caller Florida College Presidents Pledge To Not Fund CRT, DEI On Campus

     1/18 Epoch Times The Great Dropout: Why 1.4 Million Children Left Public Schools in 2020 and Where They Went

     1/18 Fox News Teacher union contracts aimed to indoctrinate students in 'leftist ideas'

     1/18 Fox News School boards increasingly restricting comments from concerned parents

     1/18 Fox News Virginia school awards scandal deepens, draws outrage from governor, AG

     1/18 Fox News Virginia mom shreds 'equity warriors' after son's merit award was kept secret for 2 years

     1/18 Fox News Democrat on menstrual products in boys' bathrooms: 'Not all who menstruate are female'

     1/18 Manhattan Institute Abolish DEI Bureaucracies and Restore Colorblind Equality in Public Universities

     1/18 New York Post Parents revolted against critical race theory. Here's how they won

     1/18 Newsweek 'I Was a Teacher, I Abandoned Being "Woke" For My Students' Sake'

     1/18 Washington Examiner  To the Left's there's no difference between excellence and incompetence

     1/17 Daily Caller New Poll Reveals What Americans Think About Critical Race Theory In Schools

     1/17 Daily Caller Parents Protest Against Gov. Katie Hobbs’ Move To Scrap Key School Choice Program

     1/17 Epoch Times  時隔五年 律師團再戰紐約特殊高中探索項目

     1/17 Fox News Colleges only getting worse by 'manifesting authoritarianism' with 'word policing'

     1/17 New York Post Astrophysicist Natalie Gosnell says field is riddled with ‘white supremacy’

     1/17 Wall Street Journal State Lawmakers Can Reform Higher Ed

     1/17 Wall Street Journal Biden Gives a Boost to Schoolyard Bullies

     1/16 Daily Caller Gov. Glenn Youngkin Slams Liberal Educators For Withholding Merit Awards

     1/16 MSN The proof that woke ideology is rampant on campus

     1/16 The 74 Million NYC Could Find Out if ‘Gifted & Talented’ Is Good for All Kids. But Will It?

     1/16 Wall Street Journal  The New Structural Racism

     1/16 Washington Examiner Failing grade: What is DEI and how has it spread across college campuses?
     1/15 Fox News NEA teachers union creates 'Race-Based Trauma' learning course

     1/14 New York Post The Critical Race Theory debate is turning parents into unlikely activists

     1/12 Epoch Times Loudoun County Father Arrested at 2021 School Board Meeting Reacts to Acquittal

     1/10 Daily Caller Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Introduces Executive Order Combatting CRT

     1/10 Washington Examiner  USC's nonsensical decision to declare the word 'field' as racist

     1/ 9 Fox News California public schools ‘saturated’ with teachers who learned critical race theory

     1/ 9 Free Press  How DEI Is Supplanting Truth as the Mission of American Universities

     1/ 7 Fairfax County Times  Area principals admit to withholding National Merit Awards from students

     1/ 5 Wall Street Journal  Public Schools Lost More Than One Million Students During Pandemic

     1/ 4 Chalkbeat  Marijuana spills into NYC classrooms as educators grapple with new cannabis landscape

     1/ 4 Daily Caller Virginia AG Announces Investigation Into School That Hid Merit Awards From Students

     1/ 4 RealClear Investigations With Schools Ditching Merit for Diversity, Families Head for the Door

     1/ 3 Daily Caller Youngkin Asks AG To Investigate School That Withheld Merit Awards From Students

     1/ 3 Daily Caller Las Vegas Parents Sue School After Daughter Allegedly Given ‘Pornographic’ Assignment

     1/ 3 Fox News Virginia Lt. Gov. Sears torches high school's equity-based rule on merit awards

February 6  CACAGNY Opposes Governor Hochul’s 10% Scheme for SUNY, CUNY

​    February 6  New York Post  Hochul’s SUNY admission scheme is simply more racial discrimination

Education Updates



CACAGNY Sues DOE, NYC Over Discrimination Against Asians in Specialized High Schools

Related Links

Parents Demand Carranza's Resignation​       * * * * * VICTORY! * * * * *

DeBlasio releases long-suppressed study on SHSAT:  The test is VALID (and he knew all along) !!!

                             NYT :  SHSAT predicts whether students will succeed in school

                             WSJ:  Study Shows Scores on Elite High School Test Predict Success

                             CACAGNY Statement

                                      . . . . . while  Class grades are inflated, especially for the rich

                                              and  Grades are outright fraudulent in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods

De Blasio's Education Chancellor Carranza Insults Asian Americans  . . . CACAGNY Demands Apology

                                     Queens officials blast de Blasio staffer for interrupting meeting on SHSAT

                              Carranza says 'sorry' after city official is accused of intimidation at community meeting

                              De Blasio calls Park Slope White parents racist

                              Carranza calls Upper West Side White parents racist

Blame private schools? 27% of Blacks & Latinos get into the Specialized High Schools but don't go there!

In San Francisco, Carranza banned Algebra to dumb down Middle Schools, despite parent objections

CACAGNY Statement on SHSAT

CACAGNY strongly objects to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s proposals on Sunday June 3 to change the admissions policy to the NYC Specialized High Schools.

His proposal to expand vastly the Discovery Program and set aside 20% of the seats for selected students who fail to meet the admission scores is unfair and unjust to the thousands of students who score higher than these favored students and would have otherwise been admitted.

His further proposal to undo the fair and objective Hecht-Calandra Act with secretive, inconsistent admission criteria reverse-engineered to achieve racial targets masks his devastating failure to provide even basic K-8 education to vast numbers of communities in NYC, let alone the highly competitive academics needed for the Specialized High Schools. In one of his middle schools, only two 8th graders demonstrated math proficiency in five years.

More than half the students in the Specialized High Schools qualify as poor. Many are immigrants who rely on the objectivity guaranteed by Hecht-Calandra to compete on a level playing field for educational opportunities. Despite his denials, Bill de Blasio's proposals target Asian American kids and callously toss out their hard-won achievements.

We call on Bill de Blasio to respect students who achieve, no matter their ethnicity, to stop pitting one disadvantaged minority against another, and to do something constructive instead: improve education for all communities, starting from the lowest grades!

​​A Quick Introduction to the SHSAT:   Dream Factories (A Documentary Short)

Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York