Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

CACAGNY Statement


11 /15/19  CACAGNY Supports NUBC's Lawsuit Against New Jail

10/23/19  China Press  四区监狱发酵 社区机构告市府

10/23/19  Epoch Times  四区监狱计划通过 纽约社区机构拟提告

10/23/19  World Journal  力阻新建監獄 華埠團體將狀告市府

10/21/19  China Press  三区华社人士布碌仑举行华人参政研讨会

10/21/19  World Journal  城區監獄案通過敲警鐘 紐約華社動員華人參政

10/20/19 New York Post  NYC lawmakers live more than a mile from approved Rikers replacement jails

10/20/19 Sing Tao  華人僑團南布碌崙繼續論華人參政 鼓勵居民來年選舉積極參選和投票

10/20/19 Tribeca Trib  Council Approves Jail Tower Plan and Downtown Group Will Sue to Stop It

10/18/19  CBS New York  De Blasio Downplays O’Neill’s Concerns About Closing Rikers

10/18/19  MSN   De Blasio, Police Commissioner Disagree On Impact Of Smaller Jails In Boroughs

10/18/19  Sing Tao  憂關雷島影響治安 奧尼爾遭市長冷遇

Protest Rally at City Council on Date of Vote

10/18/19  China Press  反对四区社区监狱项目 社区人士市议会外集会

10/18/19  Epoch Times  纽约五区居民反建监狱 市议会外逾百人抗议示威
10/18/19  World Journal  監獄建案市議會過關 社區誓言續抗爭

At Press Conference with Councilmen Andy King, Ruben Diaz Sr,, and Robert Holden

10/17/19  Epoch Times  多位市议员及华埠社区领袖 吁对社区监狱投反对票

10/16/19  Sing Tao  民代社團齊集市府前 抗議當局建監獄方案

10/17/19  World Journal  華埠社區抗議 盼市議會全會封殺監獄建案

Photos of Rally

October 17, 2019:  CACAGNY Demands City Council to Vote No on New Jails

(November 15, 2019:  CACAGNY Supports NUBC Lawsuit Against New Jail)