10/ 9/20 Queens Chronicle DOE commits to pursuing SE Queens diversity plan after pandemic
2/23/20 New York Post Still-rising public fury will cripple de Blasio unless he changes course
2/22/20 China Press 森林小丘开里民会 民众炮轰多项议题
2/20/20 Epoch Times 第28学区“多元化计划”方案 再推迟到12月出炉
2/20/20 NY1 Queens Residents Press Mayor Hard on Homelessness, Schools
2/19/20 China Press 父母择校看重教学质量 而非学校种族结构
2/19/20 Sing Tao 皇后區學校多元化計劃 教局推遲半年化解爭議
2/13/20 Queens Chronicle Parents’ protest gets city to budge
2/12/20 The 74 Million Diversity Plans: NYC Admits There’s Not Enough ‘Good’ Education to Go Around
2/ 8/20 Epoch Times 反对声下 第28学区“多元化计划”推进延缓
2/ 8/20 World Journal 28學區多元化計畫延後 家長:獲階段性勝利
2/ 7/20 Chalkbeat After parent opposition, Queens integration plans are delayed
2/ 7/20 Wall Street Journal Backlash From Parents Delays Effort to Integrate Queens Schools
2/ 2/20 New York Post Queens is seeing through Richard Carranza’s bull
1/ 9/20 Queens Chronicle Outraged parents at diversity forum
1/ 3/20 China Press 28学区家长抗议多元化计划
1/ 3/20 Epoch Times 28学区家长抗议“校园多元化计划”黑箱作业
1/ 3/20 Gothamist Angry Queens Parents Wage Campaign Against City's Plan To Desegregate School District
1/ 3/20 Sinovision “别想暗箱操纵!” 纽约家长要求“多元化”计划全公开
1/ 3/20 World Journal 批多元化計畫暗箱操作 28學區家長示威請願
1/ 2/20 CBS New York Queens Parents Demand A Say In City’s Plan To Diversify School District
1/ 2/20 NY1 Tensions High at Meeting in Queens About Increasing Classroom Diversity
1/ 1/20 World Journal 28學區家長2日集會 籲校園改革作業透明化
12/12/19 Patch Queens Pols Rip City's Handling Of School Integration Process
12/12/19 Queens Chronicle Chaos at school diversity meeting
12/ 6/19 New York Post Queens parents rage after being barred from school diversity meeting
12/ 6/19 Patch Queens Middle School Integration Effort Sparked Heated Opposition
12/ 4/19 Wall Street Journal NYC Parents Wrestle With Diversity Push in Queens Middle Schools
9/24/19 Cato Institute The Problems with Economic Integration and Controlled Choice
8/28/19 City Journal How to Destroy a School System
8/24/19 New York Post Another oddity of that Brooklyn desegregation plan: funky funding
Visit: Queens Parents United
Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York
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