Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York
Why it's important for Students for Fair Admissions to win its discrimination case against Harvard
Rally Video Recordings (List of Speakers)
Rally Organizer Asian American Coalition for Education
October 31 Oral Arguments Audio Recordings and Transcripts
Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina
Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College
Post-Argument Analysis Of SFFA V. Harvard/UNC (A Manhattan Institute Eventcast)
11/10 Yuan Media 全美亚裔齐聚最高法,声援起诉哈佛、北卡大学法庭辩论,抗议平权“招生”歧视亚裔学生!
11/ 3 Fox News Supreme Court could finally fire racialist university bureaucrats
11/ 2 Fox News Asian Americans optimistic Supreme Court will end race-based college admissions
11/ 1 Epoch Times 美國最高法院就哈佛及北卡招生案辯論5小時
10/31 Epoch Times 哈佛案今聽審 反AA團體高院前集會撐亞裔
10/31 Epoch Times 紐約華人家長組團赴DC 聲援吿哈佛招生歧視
10/31 Fox News Justices hear arguments over affirmative action in Harvard, UNC Supreme Court cases
10/31 Harvard Crimson Hundreds Rally in D.C. as Supreme Court Prepares to Hear Affirmative Action Cases
10/31 Queens Chronicle Anti-affirmative action rally held in Bayside
10/31 Sing Tao 高院今開始聆訊哈佛大學收生政策訴訟 300多人華盛頓集會呼籲教育平等權利
10/30 World Journal 哈佛招生歧視案將開庭 皇后區華裔家長集會聲援
10/30 Yahoo News Asian American groups rally before the Supreme Court to protest affirmative action
10/29 World Journal 最高院10月31日審哈佛招生歧視案 學生社團聲援
10/28 Epoch Times 哈佛案下週一聽審 AA平權學生受資助到DC集會
10/25 PRNewswire AACE, Partners to hold Rally to support SFFA's lawsuit against Harvard, UNC
10/20 Epoch Times 哈佛校報揭新生左傾多 打臉多元化招生成效
CACAGNY's Suport of SFFA
5/ 5/2022 Amicus Brief at the Supreme Court in support of SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC
4/21/2022 Litigating Affirmative Action: The Road To SCOTUS (A Manhattan Institute Forum)
4/ 6/2022 Press Conference to Urge Students to join SFFA (Epoch Times, Sing Tao, World Journal) (Statement)
12/14/2021 Amicus Brief at the Supreme Court in support of petition to hear SFFA v. UNC (Amicus)
3/30/2021 Amicus Brief at the Supreme Court in support of petition to hear SFFA v. Harvard (Amicus)
2/25/2020 Amicus Brief in District Court in support of SFFA vs. Harvard