June 1, 2019:  CACAGNY Participates in

                        Assemblyman William Colton's SHSAT and G&T Forum 

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Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 



 6/  5    Kings County Politics  Colton Mobilizes Parents To Keep The SHSAT

 6/  3    Brooklyn Eagle  Parents step up fight with mayor over elite high school test

 6/  3    Epoch Times  纽约州众议员寇顿开里民会 誓保SHSAT

 6/  2    China Press    州议员寇顿动员社区民众全力支持SHSAT
 6/  2    World Journal    寇頓開里民會 動員保衛SHSAT

 6/  1    Brooklyn News 12   Families, officials host meeting to voice support for SHSAT

 6/  1    Sing Tao    寇頓再辦支持SHSAT大會 籲民眾持續抗爭不鬆懈 

 5/ 29   China Press    保卫SHSAT会 1日布碌仑召开 

 5/ 29   World Journal    寇頓6/1開大會 誓死捍衛SHSAT
