SHSAT, Scapegoating, Rigorous Education, Meritocracy: Issues and Challenges

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Chinese American

    Citizens Alliance

               Greater New York 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​News -- 2019


12/ 29  New York School Talk  What is Computer Science? The DOE Doesn’t Know: CS4All (Part 2)

12/ 29  World Journal  州議會新會期將開議 特殊高中議案硝煙再起

12/ 27  World Journal  紐約年度10大新聞之5–特殊高中改革 市長放棄原計畫

12/ 26  New York Post  How tragic that NYC’s schools have given up on kids

12/ 26  New York School Talk  How the NYC DOE Doesn’t Understand Their Own CS4All Initiative! (Part 1)

12/ 26  Queens Ledger Holden slams DOE, Carranza at CEC 24 meeting  (Robert Holden, Lucy Accardo)
12/ 26  Wall Street Journal  Equal Opportunity Discrimination

12/ 26  Wall Street Journal  Charter Schools Keep Tabs on Grads to Keep Them in College

12/ 24  New York Post  Councilmen rip de Blasio over yeshiva probe ‘horse trading’  (Ritchie Torres, Mark Treyger)

12/ 23  Epoch Times  禁特殊高中「探索項目」擴招上訴被駁回 原訴訟繼續

12/ 23  New York Post  Bill de Blasio blasted as ‘corrupt’ for delaying yeshiva report

12/ 23  Sing Tao  皇后區28學區多元化計劃 家長組織批透明度不足

12/ 23  Wall Street Journal  Queens Parents Begin Campaign Challenging School Diversity Push

12/ 23  Wall Street Journal  The Most Agonizing Question on a College Application: What’s Your Race?

12/ 22  New York School Talk  State Senator Speaks On Future of SHSAT, Screening & G&T Programs (John Liu)

12/ 22  New York Post  Working Families Party pressuring candidates to oppose charter school

12/ 21  Epoch Times  学生迟交作业也不受罚?皇后区老师有怨言

12/ 21  New York Post  Parent scolds ‘toxic,’ ‘politically correct’ Beacon High School as students stage sit-in

12/ 21  World Journal   第28學區多元化 1300家長連署反黑箱作業

12/ 20  Chalkbeat  The big NYC education issues to watch in the new legislative session  (Barron, Simon, Liu, Comrie)

12/ 20  Epoch Times  要求学校多元化计划透明 皇后区家长发起请愿

12/ 20  NY1  One On One with Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza

12/ 20  Patch  Teachers Protest Plan To Bar Penalizing For Late Work

12/ 19  Epoch Times  華裔家長:紐約教育體制失敗 應改革市長控制權  (Michael Benedetto)

12/ 19  New York Daily News  Queens Teachers bemoan proposed policy to accept late work without penalty

12/ 19  New York Post   Queens parents say DOE is keeping them in the dark on diversity plan

12/ 19  NTD TV  紐約市超過140所中小學校 整年級州考不及格

12/ 19  Queens Chronicle  Parents petition to get diversity names

12/ 18  Epoch Times  24学区教育理事会表彰市议员霍登  (Robert Holden)

12/ 18  Harvard Crimson  Justice Department Continues Investigation Into Harvard Admissions

12/ 18  New York Post  Councilman: City Hall wants to nix standardized testing to hide school failures  (Robert Holden)

12/ 18  New York Post  Fixing these utterly failed NYC schools should be Carranza’s main agenda

12/ 17  Epoch Times  市長教育控制權 民代家長要求透明和制衡  (Benedetto, Malliotakis, Reilly, Treyger)

12/ 17  New York Post  Student at failing East Harlem school says teachers just don’t care anymore

12/ 17  New York Post  Over 140 NYC schools have grades with 90 percent state exam failure rate

12/ 17  World Journal  市長公校控制權公聽 華裔家長批:學生成白老鼠  (Nicole Malliotakis)

12/ 17  World Journal  貝肯高中種族紛爭 非裔教師籲罷課惹議

12/ 16  AnalyzingAmerica  Joe Biden: Yes, I’d Ban Standardized Testing Because Racism

12/ 16  EdSource  Don't blame tests for differences in educational quality and access

12/ 16  Medium  Looking Beyond the SHSAT: How Communities of Color Negotiate Lack of Resources

12/ 16  New York Post  New York needs to look hard at how middle schoolers became killers

12/ 16  New York Post  The madness at Beacon HS flows from the top of the NYC school system

12/ 16  ParentAdovates  Mayoral Control Of The NYC Department of Education Must End

12/ 16  Sing Tao  眾院公聽市長掌控教育 華裔家長稱完全失敗 (Michael Benedetto)

12/ 16  Sing Tao  增加家長話語權 教育理事會將改革

12/ 15  New York Post  Teacher tells students to boycott Beacon HS after white girl accused of racism

12/ 15  New York Post  Changes to NYC elite high school admissions inevitable: State senator  (John Liu)

12/ 14  China Press  刘醇逸曼哈顿参与谈论会 强调SHSAT不会被废  (John Liu)

12/ 14  Harvard Crimson  Admissions Office 'Moving Ahead' on Suggestions from Trial Ruling, Fitzsimmons Says

12/ 14  New York Post  ThriveNYC’s school ‘consultants’ are a $10M waste of time, say teachers

12/ 14  New York post  The insane, dishonest drive for a ‘full funding’ boost to state school aid

12/ 14  World Journal  劉醇逸:SHSAT短期內不取消…特殊高中爭議 明春恐重來  (John Liu)

12/ 13  China Press  曼哈顿学校生源大洗牌 新规改变学生结构

12/ 13  New York Post  Teacher pushed out of city school for reporting kids with guns: suit

12/ 13  QNS  Student allegedly suffered months of sexual harassment by classmate at M.S. 158 in Bayside

12/ 12  China Press  扩“探索计划”损害华生利益

12/ 12  China Press  状告特殊高中改革 华裔挤爆法庭

12/ 12  Epoch Times  「探索項目」 禁令案上訴開庭 原告:改招生規則歧視亞裔   (Video)

12/ 12  National Review  Race Rules the Day in Mr. de Blasio’s Neighborhood  (Robert Cornegy, Jr, Andy King, Ruben Diaz Sr.)

12/ 12  New York Daily News  Manhattan school district’s diversity plan changing student demographics

12/ 12  Queens Chronicle  Chaos at school diversity meeting

12/ 12  Sinovision  纽约SHSAT探索项目扩展法庭听证 律师:这伤害亚裔 我们能赢

12/ 12  World Journal   40年來第一宗 亞裔民權案首獲聯邦上訴法院審理 申請禁擴「探索項目」

12/ 12  World Journal   禁止擴大探索項目 若敗訴將上訴至最高法院

12/ 11  China Press  非裔学委辱亚裔 市议长 应解职  (Chaim Deutsch)

12/ 11  New York Post  The social justice drive to destroy American education

12/ 11  Sinovision  纽约SHSAT探索项目扩展法庭听证 律师:这伤害亚裔 我们能赢

12/ 11  World Journal  22學區教育理事科迪辱亞裔 市議長:應開除  (Chaim Deutsch, Peter Koo, Margaret Chin, Mark Treyger)

12/ 10  Brooklyn Eagle  Southern Brooklyn pol condemns ‘false’ email about her stance on the SHSAT  (Frontus, Barron)

12/ 10  Wall Street Journal  Students, Community Groups Sue University of California to Drop SAT, ACT

12/  8  New York School Talk  Carranza Offers To Accept Accountability…. After He’s Out Of Office?

12/  7  New York Post Schools watchdog allegedly dropped complaint of Carranza appointee’s lavish party (Torres, Treyger)

12/  6  Chalkbeat  Middle school integration effort sparked heated opposition at Queens meeting

12/  6  China Press  28学区多元化计划听取意见

12/  6  Epoch Times  校园多元化计划不透明 第28学区各族裔家长不满

12/  6  Gothamist  Queens Parents Vent Frustrations & Fears Over City Push To Desegregate Schools

12/  6  New York Post  Queens parents rage after being barred from school diversity meeting

12/  6  Wall Street Journal  Free College for All: In 1970 New York’s City College tried ‘open admissions’

12/  5  Chalkbeat  School integration presentation by $775K consultant sparked heated opposition in Queens

12/  5  CT Mirror  Judge hears arguments in suit challenging alleged school racial quotas

12/  5  Epoch Times  反对市长公校控制权延期 16日举办公听会   (Nicole Malliotakis)

12/  5  RANYC   Asian Americans protested at the CEC22 Meeting on December 3, 2019

12/  5  World Journal  市府推28學區多元改革 家長憂不利亞裔

12/  5  World Journal  挺華人 逼科迪道歉 康德全遭22學區教理會主席抨擊  (Chaim Deutsch)

12/  4  Chaz's School Daze  What Is The College Graduation Rate For NYC Students?
12/  4  China Press  促辱亚裔非裔学委下台 五区华裔示威  (Margaret Chin, Chaim Deutsch, Peter Koo, Mark Treyger)

12/  4  China Press  学生聚众捣乱 林肯高中附近商家苦不堪言

12/  4  Epoch Times  纽约公校经费最多 但毕业率平平

12/  4  National Review   An End to Racial Preferences at Last?

12/  4  New York Post  Councilman faces backlash for calling out board member’s ‘yellow folks’ comment (Deutsch, Johnson)

12/  4  Sing Tao  公校教材缺少數族裔內容 教育正義聯盟籲當局改進

12/  4  Stranger  The Battle Over Seattle Public School's Gifted Progams Heats Up

12/  4  Wall Street Journal  New York City Parents Wrestle With Diversity Push in Queens Middle Schools

12/  4  World Journal  反對延長白思豪公校控制權 16日公聽  (Nicole Malliotakis)

12/  4  World Journal  市府明推28學區「校園多元化計畫」 呼籲家長參與會議

12/  4  World Journal  「黃種人」涉歧視 華裔家長持續抗議 科迪仍拒絕回應

12/  4  World Journal  「黃種人」辱亞裔 4市議員促22學區教理會開除科迪   (Chin, Deutsch, Koo, Treyger)

12/  3  CBS New York  Parents Rally Against School Board Member Who Used Racial Slur Against Asians

12/  3  China Press  纽约州全美公共教育投钱最多 毕业率仅平均

12/  3  Gotham Gazette  Assembly to Evaluate Mayor Control of City Schools  (Benedetto, Treyger, Liu, Malliotakis)

12/  3  New York Times  ‘It Just Isn’t Working’: PISA Test Scores Cast Doubt on U.S. Education Efforts

12/  3  Sing Tao  非裔教委用黃種人形容亞裔 華裔民眾再度舉行抗議示威  (Chin, Deutsch, Koo, Treyger)

12/  3  Wall Street Journal  U.S. Students Fail to Make Gains Against International Peers

12/  3  World Journal  公校申請網站當機 延12月6日截止 新制考量族裔多元性 影響錄取結果

12/  3  World Journal  研究:紐約州公校花費高 但畢業率不佳

12/  2  China Press  冯特丝称从未决心支持取消SHSAT  (Mathylde Frontus)

12/  2  New York Post  DOE: Large gaps in Parent Teacher Association wealth depending on location

12/  2  NY1   Report: PTA Fundraising May Contribute to NYC School Inequities

12/  2  Sing Tao  公校PTA籌款 種族差異明顯

12/  2  Wall Street Journal Captain Obvious: Fundraising by Parent Associations in New York City Varies by School (Treyger)

12/  2  World Journal  被指支持廢SHSAT 州眾議員弗朗特斯:將開會聽民意  (Mathylde Frontus)

12/  1  China Press  社区组织号召华人游行迫科迪下台

12/  1  New York School Talk Second Round Shenanigans: Hunter & Other NYC Schools’ Subjective Admissions

12/  1  Sing Tao  因支持取消特殊高中入學考試遭反對 馮特絲稱望聆聽更多選民意見 (Mathylde Frontus)

12/  1  Sing Tao  州教育廳公布平等教育大綱 要求天才班以綜合標準錄取

12/  1  World Journal  華人聚居區民代支持廢SHSAT 被批背叛選民  (Mathylde Frontus)

12/  1  World Journal  稱亞裔「黃種人」 華社12/3大示威 促教理會開除科迪

11/ 30 New York Post  NYC schools watchdog to face public inquiry following whistleblower complaint

                       (Ritche Torres, Mark Treyger, Robert Holden, Gale Brewer, Joseph Borelli)

11/ 30  Sing Tao  公校調查專員被揭袒護 市議會將舉辦公聽徹查  (Ritchie Torres, Mark Treyger, Robert Holden)

11/ 30  Sing Tao  非裔教育理事黃種人形容華裔 亞裔維權聯盟下周示威促辭職

11/ 29  OCR  The University of California system should keep the SAT and ACT

11/ 28  New York Post   Special Commissioner of Investigation for NYC schools is a sleeping watchdog

11/ 28  Sing Tao  用「黃種人」及「黃種兒童」形容亞裔 當局稱科迪言論不違法不會遭開除  (Meng, Gounardes, Deutsch)

11/ 27  Bklyner  Lincoln High School Students Terrorize Businesses and Residents on Brighton Beach Block

11/ 27  CBS New York  School Board Member Apologizes For Use of Asian Slur

11/ 27  China Press  被曝支持取消SHSAT 选民轰冯特丝背叛  (Mathylde Frontus)

11/ 27  RANYC  November 26 2019 PEP meeting: Asians angry at missing Carranza

11/ 26  China Press  纽约亚裔高中生逾8成升学 创纪录

11/ 26  Hechinger Report  Up to 3.6 million students should be labeled gifted, but aren’t

11/ 26  Thomas B. Fordham Institute  Even more social engineering in New York schools

11/ 26  Wall Street Journal  What Happens if SAT Scores Consider Adversity? Find Your School

11/ 26  World Journal  亞裔生逾8成進大學 創歷史新高 領先其他族裔

11/ 25  Gothamist  The Schools Chancellor Goes Rogue on Specialized High School Admissions

11/ 25  National Review  The Silence of the School Reformers

11/ 25  New York Post  Record number of NYC’s Asian students are college-bound

11/ 24  Harvard Crimson  Asian Americans, Speak for Yourself!

11/ 24  New York Post  Quit the racial demagoguery and start working for better schools

11/ 24  New York Post  De Blasio’s empty schools ‘success’

11/ 24  Wall Street Journal  ‘Idea Laundering’ in Academia

11/ 24  World Journal  吹哨者爆料 公校調查員干預調查 保護市長及教育總監

11/ 23  New York Post  City investigators probed only 11 of 880 academic fraud complaints  (Robert Holden, Mark Treyger)

11/ 23  New York Post  City blocked investigations of de Blasio, Richard Carranza: whistleblowers  (Torres, Treyger, Holden)

11/ 23  Sing Tao  調查公校人員舉報 上司保護市長總監

11/ 23  US News & World Rerport  U. of California Leaders Support Dropping Use of SAT, ACT

11/ 21  Chalkbeat  At Harlem School, selective admissions opens old wounds

11/ 21  Chalkbeat  More NYC high school graduates are college-bound — and ‘college ready’

11/ 21  Epoch Times  教育总监卡兰萨 要求州议会扫除废SHSAT的障碍

11/ 21  New York Post  De Blasio’s slap in the face to schoolchildren who dare to dream

11/ 21  Sing Tao  教局公布公校報告 華埠學校優於平均

11/ 21  World Journal  卡蘭扎稱「反對廢SHSAT者都是百萬富翁」 顧雅明斥一派胡言、分裂社區 (Peter Koo)

11/ 21  World Journal  為上特殊高中參加「探索」項目 亞裔學生仍過半

11/ 20  New York Daily News  Schools chief, lobbyist lock horns over plan to scrap entrance exam

11/ 20  New York Post  Group backing high school exams calls Carranza ‘thin skinned’  (Leroy Comrie)

11/ 20  New York Post  Carranza keeps treating his minority critics like they’re un-persons

11/ 20  Sing Tao  特殊高中改革烽煙再起 拜倫提法案取消SHSAT

11/ 19  Chalkbeat  Selective High School wants to open in the Bronx, may have to rethink admissions policy

11/ 19  China Press  呼吁废中考 学生曼哈顿示威游行

11/ 19  IFS  The Black-White Divide in Suspensions: What Is the Role of Family?

11/ 19  New York Daily News  Expand gifted and talented education: scrapping it is wrong

11/ 19  Politico  Carranza tells state Legislature 'get out of the way' on admissions  (Charles Barron)

11/ 19  Wall Street Journal  The Big Lie About Charter Schools

11/ 18  China Press  非裔学委歧视亚裔 孟昭文:不能容忍  (Andrew Gounardes, Grace Meng, Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 18  New York School Talk  NYC Mandates All Districts Must Have a Diversity Plan

11/ 18  Wall Street Journal   The Attack on Asian-Americans

11/ 18  World Journal  科迪「黃種人」言論 民代譴責無法容忍 (Andrew Gounardes, Grace Meng)

11/ 17  Brooklyn News 12  Parents, leaders call for resignation of school board member for racial slur  (Deutsch)

11/ 17  New York Daily News  Social justice warriors’ silence on schools  (Joseph Borelli)

11/ 17  Sing Tao  用黃種人及黃種兒童形容亞裔 非裔教育委員科迪遭強烈譴責 (Andrew Gounardes, Grace Meng, Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 16  World Journal  歧視亞裔言論 康德全籲教育局採取行動   (Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 15  Epoch Times  布碌崙第15學區推多元化 部分學生轉去私立學校

11/ 15  Epoch Times  亞裔教育聯盟及紐約同源會 賀華州公投反種族配額獲勝

11/ 15  New York Post  De Blasio’s phony offer to give charter kids what they need

11/ 15  Reason  Brooklyn School Integration Is Totally Working! (Except . . . 

11/ 15  Wall Street Journal  Beware Warren’s ‘Madisonian’ Plan for Public Education

11/ 15  World Journal  多元化招生亮點學區 孩子難進優質高中 舉家逃離

11/ 15  World Journal  市議長批教理會成員 指「黃種人」稱呼語帶歧視 不可接受  (Corey Johnson)

11/ 14  CBS New York  Chancellor Still Not Commenting After School Board Member Uses Racial Slur

11/ 14  CBS New York  De Blasio Sounds Off On School Board Member’s Use Of Racial Slur  (Mark Treyger)

11/ 14  Chalkbeat Amid infighting, Carranza has stopped attending his own parent advisory group

11/ 14  Chalkbeat City Council: all school districts must have integration plans  (Brad Lander, Mark Treyger, Jumaane Williams)

11/ 14  KUOW   With R-88 defeated, what's next for affirmative action in WA?

11/ 14  New York Daily News  Brooklyn lawmaker condemns parent leader for anti-Asian slur  (Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 14  New York Post  Demographics changing at elite Park Slope schools amid city’s diversity push

11/ 13  CBS New York  School Board Member Uses Racial Slur Against Asians (Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 13  China Press  侮辱亚裔 华裔示威罢免非裔学委

11/ 13  LICPost  Carranza Holding Town Hall Meeting in Maspeth, Follows Allegations of Grade Fixing

11/ 13  New York Post  Protesters demand resignation of school board member who called Asians ‘yellow folks’  (Deutsch)

11/ 13  Wall Street Journal  Washington’s Affirmative Repudiation

11/ 13  World Journal  「黃種人」言論惹火華人 非裔學區理事道歉  (Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 12  MYNorthwest  Referendum 88 supporters admit defeat

11/ 12  Sing Tao  用「黃種兒童」形容亞裔 非裔教育委員科迪道歉  (Chaim Deutsch)

11/ 11  Epoch Times  纽约市议员要求联邦调查纽约公校作弊问题 

11/ 11  New York Post  A conspiracy for fraud at the city Department of Education

11/ 11  New York School Talk  It’s About Time: Education’s Latest Magic Bullets

11/ 10 New York Post  Warren’s ginormous school-choice hypocrisy

11/  9  New York Post  Queens lawmaker calls for federal probe of grade fraud in NYC schools

11/  7  City & State  Which promises will Bill de Blasio leave unkept?

11/  7  New York Post  De Blasio keeps trying to derail these kids’ path to college

11/  7  Queens Chronicle  Chronicle stood tall on SHSAT

11/  6  Education Week  Stop Scapegoating Gifted Students for Inequality

11/  6  Epoch Times  多元化计划对亚裔冲击 第28学区家长研讨

11/  6  Seattle Post-Intelligencer  Affirmative action referendum losing in Washington state

11/  5  Free Beacon  Harvard ‘Recruited to Reject’ Thousands of Black Kids, Study Shows

11/  5  New York Post   De Blasio’s sick school consistency: soft on bad teachers, misbehaving kids

11/  5  Sing Tao  州教育廳展開調研 或改變高中畢業標準

11/  5  World Journal  打「亞裔」名號卻反亞裔 CACF被斥市長劊子手

11/  5  World Journal  成「校園多元化」改革區 28學區華裔家長反對

11/  4  Epoch Times  明日普選 紐約市居民聯盟:投票不投機 按理念選人 (Joseph Borelli, Joseph Murray, Jumaane Williams)

11/  4  Epoch Times  孟昭文辦里民大會 民意關注交通和遊民收容所  (Grace Meng)

11/  4  New York Post  City parents lobby de Blasio to save gifted programs in schools

11/  4  Newsday  State Regents launch revamp of graduation, testing standards for students

11/  4  Sing Tao  家長領袖去信市長 促表態保留天才班

11/  4  Sing Tao  CACF籌款門外華人家長示威

11/  4  Sing Tao  亞裔兒童家庭聯盟頒獎晚宴 多名亞裔發表對SHSAT看法

11/  4  The Hill  Washington State voters reconsider affirmative action

11/  3  Fox News  Discrimination is wrong – Asian-Americans fight affirmative action, support equal opportunity

11/  3  New York Post  Carranza’s school misrule has city principals furious

11/  3  New York School Talk  School Choice Goes to the Movies: The Sequel!

11/  3  World Journal 孟昭文辦里民會 聆聽法拉盛民意 關注基建與噪音問題 (Grace Meng)

11/  2  New York Post  Parents outraged that DOE might oversee NYC private schools

11/  2  New York Post  NYC pays ‘rubber room’ teacher $1.7M over 20 years after sex abuse claims

11/  2  New York Post  Mayor de Blasio is firing fewer teachers accused of misconduct

11/  2  Sing Tao  涉不當行為老師 被解僱率僅得6%

11/  1  New Crietrion  Harvard admits its preferences

10/31 Epoch Times 市议会大会通过“特殊高中工作组”等多项法案  (Johnson, Borelli, Cabrera, Deutsch, Holden, Matteo, Perkins, Yeger)

10/31 Epoch Times 全美阅读数学测试 亚裔数学纽约市居首

10/31 World Journal  市議長:「特殊高中工作組」 將 "廣納各方意見"  (Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)

10/30 AP  American students’ performance lags on Nation’s Report Card

10/30 China Press  市议会投票成立特殊高中多元化工作组

10/30 Epoch Times  市议会教委通过设立“特殊高中工作组”  (Mark Treyger, Inez Barron, Joe Borelli)

10/30 Epoch Times  研究:紐約市高中申請程序 受初中輔導員質疑

10/30 New York Post  Final proof de Blasio has done nothing to improve NYC schools

10/30 Wall Street Journal  America’s Schools Flunk

10/30 Wall Street Journal  Students Show Declines in Nation’s Report Card

10/30 Wall Street Journal  Adios, Bias Response Team: Michigan concedes that speech police are indefensible

10/30 World Journal  成立特殊高中工作組 市議會教委會通過  (Corey Johnson, Joe Borelli)

10/29 Chalkbeat  City Council considers task force on specialized high school admissions (Johnson, Treyger)

10/29 Daily Caller Elizabeth Warren To Crack Down On School Choice, Sends Own Son To Elite Private School

10/29 Chalkbeat  NYC scores are flat on national reading and math test

10/29 Epoch Times  紐約市議長提出設工作組 檢查特殊高中招生制度  (Johnson, Treyger, Cornegy, Powers, Lander)

10/29 Forbes  Death to Merit! College Admissions Process Descends Into The Abyss

10/29 New York Post  City Council votes to create specialized high school diversity task force (Treyger, Borelli, Comrie)

10/29 Sing Tao  議會教育委員會通過法案 成立特殊高中特別工作組  (Corey Johnson)

10/29 Wall Street Journal  Social Justice Comes to Math Class

10/29 Wall Street Journal  Denver’s Education Stakes: Unions want to kill Bennet’s successful reforms

10/28 Daily Wire  Teachers Union Now Training Members To Use Identity Politics in The Classroom

10/28 National Review  A Charter-School Leader Was Fired for Publicly Worrying about Academic Excellence

10/28 New York Post  The numbers expose Team de Blasio’s ‘no room’ lies

10/28 Sing Tao 普及學前班社區日托中心 逾半數出現種族單一情況

10/27 Minding the Campus  A Duplicitous Attempt to Rescue Affirmative Action

10/26 New York Post  Why the professionals are fleeing the State Education Department

10/25 China Press  公益维护人威廉姆斯会见社区媒体  (Jumaane Williams)

10/25 College Fix  Teachers union instructs members how to push identity politics on students

10/25 Daily Caller  Half Truths And Lies Filled Pro-Harvard Ruling On Discrimination Against Asian Americans

10/25 Wall Street Journal  Tech Workers and Asians Against Racial Preferences

10/24 KIRO Radio  Sen. Ann Rivers: I-1000 will start a ‘race war’ in Washington

10/24 MRC TV  First Grading, Now Good Grammar is Racist, According to this College Professor

10/23 Epoch Times  华盛顿州公投拟推翻“种族优先”立法 意义重大

10/23 National Association of Scholars  Washington Voters: Vote NO on Referendum 88

10/23 New York Post  De Blasio hasn’t remotely abandoned his war on the city’s top schools

10/23 PLF  NYC Education Chancellor Carranza’s policies of racial discrimination are causing growing concern

10/23 Washington Examiner  Washington state banned racial discrimination 20 years ago; now it's back on the ballot

10/22 Claremont Institute  Harvard’s Perverse Affirmative Action and Multiculturalism   Amy Wax    Lee Cheng

10/22 National Review  A License to Discriminate

10/22 Natioanl Review  Seattle Public Schools Want to Teach Social Justice in Math Class. That Hurts Minorities

10/22 New York Post  Goodwin: Bill de Blasio puts politics before kids

10/21 New York Post  Fresh proof New York’s schools are run for the adults

10/21 New York Post  For shame: De Blasio treats hundreds of kids like un-persons

10/20 Wall Street Journal  Washington Legalizing Discrimination

10/19 Epoch Times  纽约同源会呼吁支持华盛顿州反抗种族配额

10/19 New York Post  NYC students can graduate without attending school

10/19 New York Post  DOE spends $100M per year keeping excess teachers on the payroll

10/19 NY1   Statewide English Test finds ELLs performed better than Native English Speakers

10/19 Sing Tao  教育制度嚴重漏洞 長期缺課仍可畢業

10/19 Sing Tao  930名超額教師 教育局年耗1億

10/19 World Journal  公平教育運動挺SHSAT 推動擴大免費輔導  (Leroy Comrie, Charles Barron)

10/19 World Journal  美華協會長島分會 致敬華裔維權傑出個人和組織

10/18 College Fix  Public university tells professors not to grade based on merit

10/18 Epoch Times  富裕的SHSAT支持者 准备奥本尼的第二轮较量   (Leroy Comrie)

10/18 Thomas B. Fordham Institute  Standardized tests remain the best way to fairly and equitably assess students

10/17 Chalkbeat  Wealthy group of SHSAT backers are ready for round two in Albany  (Leroy Comrie, Robert Cornegy)

10/17 CBS New York  Program Aims To Level Playing Field For Testing Into NYC’s Specialty High Schools

10/17 New York Post  Richard Parsons calls City Hall’s specialized HS plan ‘insulting’  (Leroy Comrie, Robert Cornegy)

10/17 Sing Tao  億萬富翁再發聲 反對取消SHSAT

10/16 City Journal  The Most Revealing Screen

10/16 Harvard Crimson  Harvard Law Students Debate Discrimination Against Asian Americans

10/16 James G. Martin Center  Round One—Harvard Beats Asian Americans

10/16 Sing Tao  跟市長白思豪達成共識 暫不取消減少公校天才班

10/15 ​Brooklyn Ink  The Future of Gifted Education in the Bronx
10/15 Minding the Campus  Why Harvard’s Affirmative Action Victory Should Be Overturned

10/15 Sing Tao  精英公立高中收生 錄取標準含糊不清

10/15 Wall Street Journal  Few Selective New York City Schools Post Precise Admissions Criteria  (John Liu)

10/14 Education Week  Seattle Schools Lead Controversial Push to 'Rehumanize' Math

10/14 Epoch Times  第28學區選出白人家長 入「多元化小組」立場不左傾 華人家長對結果滿意  (Toby Stavisky)

10/14 New York School Talk  Is Anyone Really Listening When It Comes To NYC Schools?

10/14 NY1  Attorney Launches Program to Help Underrepresented Students Prepare for SHSAT

10/14 World Journal  州會考表現 亞裔最佳 女生更優

10/12 Epoch Times  教育专家对教育局长说:让孩子们自己创造“身份”

10/11 Chalkbeat  Founder of Brooklyn’s high-performing Ascend charter network out as CEO  (read comments!)

10/10 Atlantic  The Contradiction at the Heart of Public Education

10/10 New York Post  Will de Blasio, Carranza put ideology ahead of children’s dreams?

10/ 9 China Press  教育局长卡兰纳称 今年SHSAT结果仍将和去年相似

10/ 9 Harvard Crimson  Lead Trial Lawyer for SFFA Criticizes Ruling in Harvard Admissions Lawsuit

10/ 9 Seattle Times  A high school is a ‘slave ship’? Seattle should be expanding its gifted programs

10/ 9 The 74 Million  A Modest Proposal for Turning NYC School Admissions Upside Down

10/ 8 Daily Signal  Harvard Says It Uses Racial Discrimination to Sculpt a ‘Diverse’ Class. This Is a Dangerous Path

10/ 8  New York Post  Charter CEO: Have schools refocus on achievement

10/ 8 New York Post  Charter-school CEO takes on Carranza, panel at ‘Sesame Street’ forum

10/ 8 Wall Street Journal  Harvard’s Asian Quotas Repeat an Ugly History

10/ 7 College Fix  Liberals are OK with racial discrimination as long as it’s against Asian Americans

10/ 7 New York School Talk  The Surprising Integration Sceptics Of NYC (It’s Not Who You Think!)

10/ 5 Harvard Crimson  Students for Fair Admissions Files Notice of Appeal in Harvard Admissions Case

10/ 5 World Journal  紐約市府校園更新計畫 打造40所一流公校

10/ 4 Epoch Times  州众议员巴伦拟用新策略废SHSAT  (Charles Barron William Colton)

10/ 4 New York Post  De Blasio embraced school innovation, but will he stay the course?

10/ 3 China Press  白思豪将用私人捐助建立20所新学校

10/ 3 China Press  废除特殊高中入学考试提案支持者再出新策略  (Charles Barron)

10/ 3 National Review  A Harvard Dean Applauds a Yale Dean’s Assessment of ‘Diversity’

10/ 3 New York Post  Bill de Blasio will tap private donors to help create new schools, expand 20 more

10/ 3 NY1  Assemblyman Pushes Elimination of Specialized High School Exam (Charles Barron, John Liu)

10/ 3 Queens Chronicle  On SHSAT, a win for our top students

10/ 3 Wall Street Journal  Charter Schools Ace Another Test

10/ 3 Wall Street Journal  Harvard’s Legal Discrimination

10/ 3 World Journal  紐約將建20所新校 包括改造老校 資金3200萬元

10/ 3 World Journal  改革特殊高中錄取 州議會醞釀新提案  (William Colton, Charles Barron)

10/ 3 World Journal 4優質高中多元化錄取 增貧困生比例  (Maud Maron)

10/ 2 Boston Herald  Harvard’s Asian student quota a lesson in liberal bias

10/ 2 China Press  SHSAT保卫战未结束 寇顿吁保持警惕  (William Colton)

10/ 2 Epoch Times  州众议员巴伦 拟废1971年确立SHSAT的州法  (Charles Barron)

10/ 2 James G. Martin Center  A Review of Anthony Kronman’s ‘The Assault on American Excellence’

10/ 2 Quartz  Harvard won the admissions trial but has changed its process anyway

10/ 2 Shorefront News  Assemblyman Colton is warning parents that SHSAT fight is not over (William Colton)

10/ 2 Sing Tao  多間高中調整招生政策 增收弱勢生提高多元化

10/ 2 World Journal  稱亞裔「黃種人」 非裔教育理事會成員被砲轟

10/ 1 Chalkbeat  The sponsor of de Blasio’s controversial SHSAT bill is backing a new strategy

10/ 1 National Review  Two Points about the Harvard Affirmative-Action Ruling

10/ 1  New York Post  Fourth white DOE executive sues over racial discrimination

 9/30 New York Post  De Blasio just admitted that his ‘team’ doesn’t care about school kids

 9/30 New York Post  Carranza accused of ‘pitting parents against each other’ along racial lines

 9/30 New York School Talk  Follow the Money and See Where It Goes: NYC Schools Edition

 9/30 Sing Tao  稱亞裔為黃種人朋友 華裔社區教委不滿

 9/29 The 74 Million  NYC Schools Hires Its First Student Voice Manager

 9/29 World Journal  亞裔對 "平權" 措施有代溝 研究:第一代反對 第三代最支持

 9/28 China Press  路易斯高中学生大规模斗殴

 9/28 Epoch Times  纽约市教育总监:目前资优班制度不是最佳

 9/28 New York Post  De Blasio knew of Maspeth HS alleged grade-fixing but failed to act (Robert Holden)

 9/28 New York Post  I quit Maspeth HS because I didn’t want to be complicit in corruption: Teacher

 9/28 New York Post  Reaction to Post’s Maspeth HS exposé
 9/28 Newsday Plan to revamp Regents exams alarms LI social studies teachers

 9/28 World Journal  與市長不同調? 教育總監:廢SHSAT立場不變

 9/27 China Press  卡兰纳坚持取消SHSAT 推行文化响应教育    白思豪教育计划失败 特殊高中考试仍将继续

 9/27 Epoch Times  纽约特殊高中招生改革 卡兰萨:市长没改变立场

 9/27 Patch  Fight Starts Outside Francis Lewis HS, Students Dismissed: NYPD

 9/27 Queens Chronicle  Brawl outside of Francis Lewis High School puts school on temporary lockdown

 9/27 Sing Tao  堅定立場反SHSAT與天才班 卡蘭札否認與種族有關

 9/27 World Journal  卡蘭扎: 取消SHSAT不關種族 單一考試制度無任何研究結果支撐

 9/26 Brooklyn Eagle  Brooklyn pols call for gifted program expansion (Colton, Treyger, Malliotakis, Barron)

 9/26 Chaz's School Daze  Mayor De Blasio Backs Away From Eliminating The SHSAT

 9/26 China Press  保留SHSAT?白思豪首松口  (Grace Meng)

 9/26 Councilman Robert Cornegy, Jr.  Statement upon News That Mayor de Blasio Will Not Eliminate the SHSAT

 9/26 Epoch Times  白思豪:特高改革重头来 听所有人意见  (Mark Treyger)

 9/26 Kings County Politics  Treyger Applauds De Blasio Decision To Drop SHSAT Plan  (Mark Treyger)

 9/26 NYC Council  Robert E. Cornegy, Jr. Statement upon News That Mayor de Blasio Will Not Eliminate the SHSAT

 9/26 Queens Chronicle  Mayor changes his mind about ending SHSAT  (Grace Meng)

 9/26 Sing Tao  取消特殊高中入學考試 白思豪轉口風立場軟化   市長軟化取消SHSAT立場 崔馬克讚揚白思豪改變  (Treyger)

 9/26 World Journal 白思豪首度鬆口:廢SHSAT無成效 將聽各方意見重啟改革 (Treyger, Meng, Malliotakis)

 9/26 World Journal 研究報告:白思豪錄取改革就算實施 公校仍難多元

 9/25 China Press  修改纽约市特殊高中录取政策将增非裔西裔学生

 9/25 Forbes  Why Integration Won’t Fix Educational Inequity

 9/25 New York Post  Bill de Blasio suddenly changes tune on testing for elite high schools

 9/25 Sinovision  纽约市长媒体圆桌会 白思豪或就特殊高中问题改口?

 9/24 Chalkbeat  Mayor’s plan to "diversify" specialized high school could raise admissions standards elsewhere


 9/24 Sing Tao  市議會教委會公聽 探討考試是否必要

 9/24 Wall Street Journal  SAT Scores Fall as More Students Take the Test

 9/23 China Press  纽约市高中博览会受欢迎 史岱文森依最受华人追捧


 9/23 National Review  Leave Every Child Behind

 9/23 New York Post DOE’s curricular diversity overhaul slated to begin this year

 9/23 New York School Talk  3 Things NYC Can Do TODAY To Integrate Public High Schools!

 9/23 Sing Tao  研究指取消SHSAT 特殊高中種族變天

 9/23 World Journal   紐約市高中博覽會登場 華裔鍾愛特殊高中   教局專員:申請特殊高中 志願表應填滿8校

 9/22 New York Post  Expect ‘post-presidential’ Blas to not change a single dysfunctional spot

 9/22 World Journal  亞裔青少年未來研討會 籲多元化不應犧牲教育品質  (Yuh-Line Niou)

 9/22 World Journal  全市公校申請改革 選校要注意是否先錄取學區申請者  (Peter Koo)

 9/21  New York Post  I was always stoned, drunk and skipping class — so they let me graduate early: Maspeth

 9/21  New York Post  Maspeth cheating expose opens floodgates for other examples of academic fraud

 9/19  Queens Chronicle  Cheating improved HS stats: report; DA looking into it  (Robert Holden)

 9/18  Epoch Times  麦斯佩斯高中被指学术造假 皇后区地检调查  (Robert Holden)

 9/18  Fox News  De Blasio's attempt to eliminate Gifted and Talented programs  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/18  The 74 Milllion  NYC Wants to "Integrate" Its Schools. Great. Now, Let's Talk About Why Kids Aren’t Learning?

 9/17  Epoch Times  四教师指控麦斯佩斯高中学术不当  (Robert Holden)

 9/17  New York Post ‘The Maspeth Minimum’: More fake diplomas the city never checked  (Robert Holden)

 9/17  New York Post  Get on board or be called a ‘bigot’: Dilemma facing parents against Carranza’s ‘Diversity’

 9/17  Reason  Is Everyone Who Opposes a New School Zoning Plan in Brooklyn Racist?

 9/17  Wall Street Journal Not All Gifted Children Are From Affluent Families

 9/16  Chaz's School Daze  Maspeth High School Cheats For The Illusion Of Success

 9/16  China Press  教师揭露皇后区高中高毕业率窍门

 9/16  New York Post  DA reviewing grade-fix allegations at Maspeth High School

 9/16  New York School Talk  What’s “Enrichment,” Anyway? Can It Really Replace G&T Programs?

 9/16  Russ Salzberg   Cheating the Elite

 9/15  New York Post  Bloomberg: Rage has free speech under siege on the American campus

 9/15  World Journal  公校若取消資優班 最傷少數族裔和低收

 9/14  Epoch Times  第二学区吁重组“学校多元化咨询小组”

 9/14  New York Post   Maspeth High School’s secret to high pass rates is cheating: teachers

 9/14  New York Post   New York City public schools ‘toothless’ on vaping despite national health crisis

 9/14  Sing Tao  禁止電子煙措施軟 公校被批無牙老虎

 9/14  World Journal  貝賽高中家長聯手民代 促市府公平撥款  (John Liu, Grace Meng, Paul Vallone, Edward Braunstein)

 9/13  New York Post  The Regents’ latest step on the road to ruin for New York schools

 9/13  Sing Tao  貝賽高中家長集會要求公平撥款 孟昭文劉醇逸瓦隆等出席聲援  (John Liu, Grace Meng, Paul Vallone)

 9/12  Chalkbeat  Gifted education scholars: NYC should not follow school diversity group’s recommendations

 9/12  Wall Street Journal  Manhattan Parents Resist Mayoral Panel’s Call to Phase Out Gifted Programs

 9/11  Epoch Times  州议员提立法 纽约市所有学区设资优班  (Addabbo, Stavisky, Hoylman, Colton, Arroyo, Aubry, Dinowitz, Reyes)

 9/11  New York Post  State hit with 140K public comments on bid to boost private school oversight

 9/11  QNS Bayside parents rally for equitable funding, consider legal action (Johnson, Meng, Katz, Liu, Braunstein, Vallone)

 9/10 China Press  专家:废除天才班计划引发“身份政治”担心

 9/10 Epoch Times  纽约州拟废高中毕业会考 教育理事:会引发热烈讨论

 9/10 Epoch Times  又一名市教育局高层离开卡兰萨团队

 9/10 New York Post  Call off the state bid to micromanage private schools

 9/10 World Journal  反對取消資優班 州參議員推法案  (Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic, Corey Johnson)

 9/10 World Journal  28學區公校最擠 市府斥資億元改善  (Corey Johnson)

 9/ 9  AM New York  Misguided effort to diversify NYC schools

 9/ 9  Epoch Times  申请高中填志愿 事先了解学校很重要  (Peter Koo)

 9/ 9  China Press  法拉盛举办免费高中招生研讨会  (Peter Koo)

 9/ 9  New York Post  Another top DOE official is leaving Richard Carranza’s team

 9/ 9  New York School Talk “Black, Hispanic Kids Only Do Better When They’re With White Kids" is Racist

 9/ 9  NY1  De Blasio's Not Committing to Deciding Yet on the Fate of G&T Programs

 9/ 9  World Journal  申請高中選校流程已變 專家建議分散志願  (Peter Koo)

 9/ 8  China Press  教育局因虚假免费血液检测遭指责  (Robert Holden)

 9/ 8  New York Post  Why won’t de Blasio, Carranza let Queens get another good middle school?

 9/ 7  New York Post  De Blasio wants to snuff out charter schools — the bright light of NYC schools

 9/ 7  New York Post  New book tells secrets and surprises of Success Academy’s winning academics

 9/ 6  Brooklyn Reporter  Opposition mounts against elimination of G&T program (Kagan, Malliotakis, Cornegy, Tregyer)

 9/ 6  China Press  州议员推新法案 普及资优班考试  (Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic)

 9/ 6  China Press  反取消资优班 布碌仑华裔同声  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 6  China Press  白思豪参观双语课 称赞全民平等与杰出计划Corey Johnson

 9/ 6  Epoch Times  两州议员提法案 资优班选拔扩大到每个学生  (Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic)

 9/ 6  New York Post  De Blasio: I may scrap gifted and talented testing for 4-year-olds   

 9/ 6  NTD TV  紐約市百萬學生開學 市長首度回應天才班計畫

 9/ 6  Sing Tao  白思豪首次表態 擬取消天才班計劃   (Robert Cornegy

 9/ 6  The 74 Million  De Blasio: How to Make Every School Good ‘Has Not Been the Essence of the Conversation’

 9/ 5  Chief  Council Members Rip Panel's Plan To Eliminate G&T Classes  (Cornegy, Koo, Grodenchik, Holden, Kallos)

 9/ 5  China Press  保留资优班 议员联名致市长  (Cornegy, Koo, Grodenchik, Kallos, King, Brannan, Rose)

 9/ 5  China Press  反取消资优班 布碌仑华裔同声  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 5  Councilman Robert Cornegy, Jr.  Standing United Against Eliminated Gifted and Talented in New York Schools

 9/ 5  Epoch Times  14位市议员吁白思豪扩大资优班  (Cornegy, Koo, Grodenchik, Vallone, Holden, King)

 9/ 5  Epoch Times  布碌崙集会 反对取消资优班  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 5  Information Processing  Ex-Yale Dean on Asian discrimination case: The facts are so embarrassing to Harvard

 9/ 5  New York Daily News  What Richard Carranza ought to be most concerned about this school year

 9/ 5  NTD TV  市長籲廢天才班 布魯克林家長學生集會反對  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 5  QNS  Lawmakers introduce legislation to boost diversity for G&T Programs  (Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic)

 9/ 5  Sing Tao  民代史塔文斯基及李羅莎 強烈表達支持天才班課程  (Toby Stavisky, Nily Rozic)

 9/ 5  World Journal   14市議員聯名致函 促市府擴大資優班  (Cornegy, Koo, King)

 9/ 5  World Journal   瑪麗奧聯手華裔組織 促市府增設資優班  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 4  China Press  卡兰纳宣布本学年资优班将不会受影响

 9/ 4  Citizens Budget Commission  Educating a NYC Public Elementary School Class Costs About $560K

 9/ 4  Epoch Times  卡兰萨:今年不会启动取消资优班

 9/ 4  Epoch Times  紐約明年普高招生簡化 特高測試錄取減千人  (Peter Koo)

 9/ 4  Fox News  Plan to scrap NYC’s G&T program on hold (Cornegy, Grodenchik, Holden, Kallos, King, Koo, Malliotakis)

 9/ 4  Kings County Politics  Cornegy Says Expand Don’t Eliminate G&T (R. Cornegy, A. Maisel, R. Holden, A. Adams)

 9/ 4  Kings County Politics  Brooklyn Lawmakers On The Move Sept. 4, 2019  (Malliotakis, Colton, Cornegy & 11 others)

 9/ 4  National Review  In New York City, an Attack on Programs for Gifted Students

 9/ 4  New York Daily News  De Blasio’s diversity advisory group didn’t want to hear from many parents  (Maron)

 9/ 4  New York Daily News  Critics hit proposal to overhaul G&T program  (Cornegy, Koo, Adams, Diaz, Rozic, Stavisky)

 9/ 4  New York Post  Carranza doesn’t even get the point of Gifted & Talented programs

 9/ 4  New York Post  New school year opens with controversies and questions

 9/ 4  NY1   City Council Members Urge Expansion, Not Elimination, of G&T Programs (Cornegy, Holden, Koo)

 9/ 4  Queens County Politics  Expand, Don’t Eliminate G&T Programs  (Holden, Koo, Comrie, Meng, 12 others)

 9/ 4  QNS  Council members oppose eliminating G&T Programs (Cornegy, Grodenchik, Kallos, Meng, Holden)

 9/ 4  SI Live  Island officials to city: Don’t eliminate Gifted & Talented programs (Malliotakis, Matteo, Borelli, Rose)

 9/ 4  Sing Tao  民選官員與家長市府集會 保衛天才班批多元小組建議  (Cornegy, Koo, King, Kallos)

 9/ 4  Sing Tao  史島議員馬麗奧 砲轟取消「天才班」報告  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 9/ 4  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩向家長派定心丸 天才班計劃不會突然喊停

 9/ 4  Sing Tao  紐約州公校入學率 創30年來最低位

 9/ 4  Sing Tao  講解申請流程和注意事項 高中入學研討會9/8展開  (Peter Koo)

 9/ 4  World Journal  市教育總監:本學年不取消資優班

 9/ 4  World Journal  紐約州人口流失 公校新生30年新低   紐約州公校學生數 三十年最低

 9/ 4  WPIX  Carranza: School diversity, gifted and talented program remains an ‘ongoing conversation’

 9/ 4  WPIX  More push back against elimination of ‘gifted and talented’ programs  (Cornegy, King, Malliotakis)

 9/ 3  CBS New York  De Blasio Gets Earful From Lawmakers On Lead In Schools, G&T Programs (Treyger, Miller)

 9/ 3  New York Daily News  The SHSAT isn’t racist

 9/ 3  New York Post  De Blasio and Carranza should heed the wisdom of ‘Dear White Teacher’

 9/ 3  New York Post  New NYC teachers given book with essay titled ‘Dear White Teacher’

 9/ 3  New York Post  Carranza says gifted, talented programs safe for this school year

 9/ 3  New York Post  NY public schools have lowest enrollment in decades: study

 9/ 2  China Press  华社筹款 支持寇顿竞选连任  (William Colton)

 9/ 2  Epoch Times  New York’s School Desegregation Plan Raises Concern Of Identity Politics

 9/ 2  New York Post  How de Blasio is driving city parents crazy

 9/ 2  New York Times  Don’t Eliminate Gifted Programs

 9/ 2  Wall Street Journal  Education Reform Will Weather the Left’s Assault

 9/ 2  World Journal  州眾議員寇頓競選連任 華人籌款支持  (William Colton)

 9/ 1   Sing Tao  南布碌崙華人 為寇頓競選籌款  (William Colton)

 8/31  China Press  公校近千教室爆铅漆超标  (Andrew Gounardes, Justin Brannan)

 8/31  Epoch Times  “探索”扩招致失学额? 七生申诉受挫  (对联邦诉讼没有影响)

 8/31  New York Daily News  Readers sound off on Gifted and Talented programs

 8/31  New York Post  De Blasio is out to destroy NYC’s public schools

 8/31  New York Post  City probing DOE pension fund exec’s ‘crazy’ pay rise

 8/31  New York Post  Lead paint found in dozens of classrooms at Queens special-needs school  (Robert Holden)

 8/31  NTD TV  紐約擬廢天才班 教育家憂逃離公校潮再現

 8/31  Sing Tao  皇后區特殊學校 32間教室有鉛漆  (Robert Holden)

 8/31  World Journal  「探索」擠占特殊高中學位?7生投訴遭駁回  (對聯邦訴訟沒有影響)
 8/30  Chalkbeat  State rejects claims students were unfairly denied admission to NYC elite high schools

 8/30  Ed Notes Online  Daily Howler on Elimination of G&T - Trashes NYT coverage, How WIll teachers teach?

 8/30  Epoch Times  亚裔教育联盟:撤天才班将削弱竞争力

 8/30  Epoch Times  市教育局承诺 开学前修复所有铅教室 (Mark Treyger)

 8/30  New York Daily News  Protect gifted and talented education: Bronx’s borough president  (Ruben Diaz, Jr.)

 8/30  New York Daily News  Brooklyn teacher racks up $78,000 in overtime and back pay

 8/30  New York Post  City DOE warns that 900 more classrooms need lead treatment

 8/30  Sing Tao 指擴展「探索項目」違法 7學生上訴被州教育廳駁回  (對聯邦訴訟沒有影響)
 8/30  Sing Tao 公校900課室鉛漆超標 灣脊2議員抨擊教育局  (Andrew Gounardes, Justin Brannan)

 8/30  World Journal  華人家長遞交教育草案 保SHSAT、促公校改革  (John Liu)

 8/29  China Press  天才班如被废除 亚裔家庭将搬离纽约市

 8/29  Epoch Times  多名议员致信白思豪 吁其放弃取消资优班 (Malliotakis, Lanza, Reilly, Matteo, Borelli, Ulrich, Holden)

 8/29  Federalist  Bill DeBlasio: Merit Is Racist, So We Won’t Allow It In NYC Public Schools

 8/29  New York School Talk  Calls For Closing All NYC G&T/Screened Schools – Where Does Hunter Fit In?

 8/29  NTD TV  推公校多元化 紐約欲取消天才班 多方反對

 8/29  Queens Chronicle  SHSAT: Who has the answers?  (John Liu)

 8/29  Queens Chronicle  Scrap gifted and talented classes? (Robert Holden, Eric Ulrich)

 8/29  Sinovision  纽约华裔家长见州参议员刘醇逸 递交特殊高中入学考试建议书  (John Liu)
 8/28  AM Metro  Smart kids, clueless NYC education leaders?

 8/28  China Press  市府拟废除资优班 华裔访民代反对  (Stavisky, Koslowitz, Hevesi, Addabbo)

 8/28  China Press  废资优班?市议长发声明反对 (Nicole Malliotakis, Corey Johnson)

 8/28  City Journal  How to Destroy a School System

 8/28  Epoch Times  纽约市公校多元化咨询小组 提取消资优班  (Corey Johnson, Peter Koo)

 8/28  Epoch Times  废“资优班” 纽约恐现第二次“逃离公校潮”

 8/28  Epoch Times  纽约公校多元化咨询小组 提限制初高中“筛选”录取

 8/28  Fox News  De Blasio backs proposal to eliminate G&T programs from New York City schools

 8/28  Kings County Politics  Treyger, Cornegy Weigh In On G&T Recommendations (Treyger, Cornegy, Johnson)
 8/28  Kings County Politics  Malliotakis Decries Proposal to Shutter Gifted & Talented Programs  (
Nicole Malliotakis)

 8/28  New York Daily News  Keep gifted and talented: diversity panel's recommendation invites brain drain

 8/28  New York Post  Killing G&T is de Blasio's next step in war on excellence in education

 8/28  New York Post  Gifted-and-talented purge will spark Asian exodus: activist

 8/28  New York Post  SAT drops supplemental ‘adversity score’ amid criticism

 8/28  Reason  De Blasio Advisory Group Wants To Abolish Gifted Classes in NYC Public Schools

 8/28  Sing Tao  SAT取消逆境指數華人叫好 反對「全面考量」數據濫用

 8/28  World Journal  28學區家長向民代陳情 反對市府校園多元化計畫 (Stavisky, Kowlowiz, Hevesi, Addabbo)

 8/28  World Journal  反彈強烈 大學理事會取消SAT「逆境分數」

 8/27  Chalkbeat  Eliminate gifted, scrap middle school screening — but only study high school admissions?

 8/27  Chalkbeat  Carranza hints at support for SDAG proposals as backlash grows against gifted changes

 8/27  China Press  学校多元咨询小组建议废除天才班 张晟表示反对 (Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)

 8/27  Commentary  The Beatings Will Continue

 8/27  East Bay Times  College Board modifies controversial SAT ‘adversity score’ after criticism

 8/27  New York Daily News  Readers sound off on Carranza

 8/27  New York Post  De Blasio dodges questions about scrapping city's gifted programs 

 8/27  New York Post  ‘Diversity’ plan would destroy the city’s school system to ‘save’ it

 8/27  New York Post  City teachers union opposes plan to cut gifted school programs

 8/27  New York Post  How Gifted & Talented programs boost minorities  (Robert Cornegy Jr.)
27  New York Post  The city needs more Gifted & Talented programs like the one that worked for me

 8/27  New York Post  The radical plan to redistrict New York City schools

 8/27  New York Post  Mayoral panel calls for redistricting of NYC's 'highly segregated' schools

 8/27  New York Times  De Blasio Weighs Eliminating Gifted Programs (Johnson, Diaz, Adams, Stringer, Cornegy)

 8/27  Sing Tao  取消天才班建議 反對聲浪四起  (Corey Johnson, Peter Koo)

 8/27  Sing Tao  公校多元化小組建議取消天才班和擇生校

 8/27  Sinovision  炸锅了! 纽约教育新报告再提议取消天才班

 8/27  Wall Street Journal  De Blasio Gives Up on Educating Poor Kids

 8/27  Wall Street Journal  Mayor Doesn’t Commit to Panel’s Call to End Gifted Programs in Schools

 8/27  Wall Street Journal  College Board Drops Plans for SAT Student Adversity Scores

 8/27  World Journal  「學校多元化顧問小組」建議取消資優班項目

 8/26  Epoch Times  纽约市超1/4学生 读私立及特许学校

 8/26  New York Post  School diversity panel wants city to scrap gifted programs

 8/26  New York Post  The war on charters is a war to deny minority opportunity
 8/26  New York Times  Desegregation Plan: Eliminate All Gifted Programs in New York

 8/26  Sing Tao  市長任命多元化教育小組 建議取消資優計劃增公平

 8/26  Wall Street Journal  Mayor’s Panel Recommends Scrapping Gifted Programs at New York City Schools

 8/25  New York Post  No one fails at Success (Academy)

 8/25 Wall Street Journal  More Than a Quarter of New York City Students Attend Private or Charter Schools

 8/25  World Journal  市議員提議取消高中畢業會考  (Mark Treyger)

 8/24  China Press  纽约州州考成绩公布 华人聚居学区成绩佳

 8/24  China Press  崔马克立场疑转向 支持废纽约州统考  (Mark Treyger)

 8/24  New York Post  The kids keep failing — but Dept. of Ed honchos do pretty well
 8/24  New York Post  Public schools are 'ripping parents off' with classroom supplies scheme
 8/24  World Journal  特殊高中錄取改革持久戰 寇頓籲亞裔勿鬆懈  (
William Colton)

 8/23  Epoch Times  议员推动在南布碌崙增设特殊高中  (Andrew Gounardes, Justin Brannan)

 8/23  Epoch Times  纽约市过半学生英数不合格 但亚裔表现亮眼

 8/23  Shorefront News  Gounardes, Brannan Want Specialized High School in Brooklyn (Gounardes, Brannan)

 8/23  Sing Tao  以更創意方式評估學生表現 崔馬克建議取消州高中會考 (Mark Treyger)

 8/23  World Journal  3至8年級州會考成績公布 亞裔生遙遙領先  各族裔學生成績提高 白思豪歸功免費學前班

 8/22  Bklyner  Could Bishop Kearney High School Be Turned Into A Specialized High School? (Gounardes, Brannan)

 8/22  Brooklyn News 12  Future unsure for Bishop Kearney High School in Brooklyn (Gounardes, Brannan)

 8/22  Brooklyn Reporter  Push to turn Bishop Kearney into specialized high school (Gounardes, Brannan)

 8/22  China Press  州考试成绩出炉 约市教育官员宣传学生分数有所提高

 8/22  Guardian  Controversial Michaela free school delights in GCSE success

 8/22  New York Daily News  Brooklyn politicians call for new specialized high school (Gounardes, Brannan)

 8/22  New York Post  NY schools bomb out again — even if officials pretend otherwise

 8/22  New York Post  Over half of NYC kids can’t handle basic English, math on state tests

 8/22  New York Post  Left-wing activists trying to hijack kids’ minds with ‘ethnic studies’

 8/22  Sing Tao  紐市會考成績提高 亞裔學生成績最好

 8/22  World Journal  州會考成績放榜 亞裔遙遙領先

 8/21  China Press  纽约市校园性犯罪案连涨三年

 8/20  China Press  市议长要求教育局全面检测校园铅害  (Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)

 8/20  Epoch Times  张晟、崔马克要求教育局全面检测校园铅害 (Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)

 8/20  New York Post  Dear Mayor de Blasio: An open letter to our hapless presidential candidate

 8/20  New York Post  Number of NYC students busted for sex crimes increases for third year

 8/20  New York Post  CUNY has betrayed its greatest reformer
 8/20  Sing Tao  公立學校性犯罪案令人擔憂 被捕學生人數連續3年攀升

 8/19  Chief  City Council Concerns About Lead Paint In School Hallways Downplayed by Mayor

 8/19  New York Post  Hey, Mr. Mayor: Please don’t make me send my son to a rotten school

 8/17  New York Post  Salaries ‘gone wild’: Carranza cronies pocket pay hikes as high as 35%

 8/17  New York Post  NYC public school caught tossing books, unused supplies while asking for donations

 8/17  World Journal  華人家長會攜手紐約學院 辦SHSAT、SAT模擬考

 8/17  Sing Tao  亞裔高度關注SHSAT命運 特殊高中模擬考試31日舉行

 8/16  Chief  De Blasio's Neverland: A Long, Strange Trip

 8/16  China Press  刘醇逸批市府公校学生族裔多元化政策  (John Liu)

 8/16  City & State  Liu: No quick fix to specialized high schools exam (audio) (John Liu, Michael Benedetto)

 8/16  New York Post  State to probe DOE special-education schools after Post exposé (Robert Holden)

 8/16  World Journal  特殊高中錄取改革 劉醇逸:亞裔社區應當領頭羊  (John Liu)

 8/15  China Press  陈慧华谈反对卡兰纳政策重要性   (Justin Yu)

 8/15  China Press  纽约初高中招生流程变化 申请更简单直接

 8/15  Epoch Times  陈慧华鼓励华裔实习生 拒绝因能力肤色遭歧视  (Justin Yu)

 8/15  New York Daily News  NYC program meant to diversify elite high schools comes up short

 8/15  Sing Tao  教育峰會探討標準化考試未來 劉醇逸稱尚無解決SHSAT方案 (John Liu)

 8/15  World Journal  特殊高中「太多亞裔」? 陳慧華籲駁歧視性說法  (Justin Yu)
 8/14  China Press  (非原頭條) 亚裔儿童家庭联盟(CACF) 支持 De Blasio SHSAT提案  纽约市议增50万元

 8/14  Epoch Times  专家担心纽约教室防铅措施不足
 8/14  New York Post  Queens principal who passed kids through bogus online classes finally ousted

 8/14  Town Hall  Fire Carranza!  (Robert Holden)

 8/14  World Journal  特殊高中「太多亞裔」? 歧視性說法應回擊   (Justin Yu)

 8/14  World Journal  市議會進步黨團促公校多元化 反對只憑成績招生

 8/14  World Journal  (非原頭條) 亚裔儿童家庭联盟(CACF) 支持 De Blasio SHSAT提案  纽约市议增50万元

 8/13  Epoch Times  皇后特殊儿童学校环境差 议员批评教育局  (Robert Holden)

 8/13  New York Daily News  Progressives call for admissions policies to increase ‘academic diversity’

 8/13  New York Post NYC schools: reading, writing ... knives   Most ‘violent and disruptive’ in state last year   

 8/13   Sing Tao  (非原頭條) 亚裔儿童家庭联盟(CACF) 支持 De Blasio SHSAT提案  纽约市议增50万元

 8/13  Wall Street Journal  New York City Teachers Get ‘Culturally Responsive’ Training

 8/13  Wall Street Journal  The Smear Campaign Against Charters

 8/12  New York Post  Cops confiscated over 1,600 knives from schools, a five-year high

 8/12  Wall Street Journal  New Data Show Few New York Teachers of Color in the Pipeline

 8/12  World Journal  公校多元化新報告 將對招生政策提建議

 8/11  New York Daily News  The Daily News went easy on Carranza

 8/11  World Journal  居民聯盟夏令營結業 下一代不當啞裔   居民聯盟:培育下一代不當啞裔   (Ron Kim, Peter Koo)

 8/10  New York Post  Principal ousted from out-of-control high school where kids threatened staff

 8/10  New York Post  Mom blasts Carranza over refusal to meet parents at decaying PS 9: ‘He’s a chicken’

 8/10  Sing Tao  青少年領袖夏令營結業 州市民意代表頒感謝狀

 8/10  Sinovision  纽约华人组织夏令营 从小这样培养公民意识   “要抗争也要自救” 这个数千人组织一年做了这些...

 8/ 9  China Press  受害家长举行新闻发布会 痛批卡兰纳坐车鲁莽行驶

 8/ 9  China Press  郭纳德访华社 重申反废SHSAT  (Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 9  Epoch Times  指卡兰萨座驾撞人 抗议者报警

 8/ 9  New York Post  Carranza uses his power to ignore prove the protests of the powerless

 8/ 9  New York Post  DOE pours $16M into rotting school after Post report  (Robert Holden)

 8/ 9  NTD TV   紐約市教育局長撞人不停車? 華裔家長報案

 8/ 9  Queens Chronicle  Protester claims hit by Carranza's DOE car, pressing charges

 8/ 9  World Journal  布碌崙南區建特殊高中 郭納德:進行中  (Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 9  World Journal  企業家砸150萬助考SHSAT 市府不領情

 8/ 8  Chalkbeat  Many NYC teachers undecided about chancellor’s leadership  (Chaz's School Daze Comments)

 8/ 8  Chalkbeat  ‘The sky isn’t falling’:  Carranza on peeling lead paint in nearly 1,000 classrooms

 8/ 8  China Press  教长座车撞翻示威者 华女伤

 8/ 8  Epoch Times  卡兰萨车辆撞倒示威者 扬长而去

 8/ 8  Patch  DOE: Carranza popular - but survey conducted largely under predecessor  (see note at end of article)

 8/ 8  Queens Eagle  Queens parents say they were abruptly cut out of meeting with Schools chancellor

 8/ 8  SI Live  35 Staten Island schools had high lead levels in water, data shows

 8/ 8  Sing Tao  郭納德拜訪賓臣墟華社稱 正爭取布碌崙南區建特殊高中  (Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 8  Wall Strreet Journal  NYC Considers Rezoning for Admission to Some Brooklyn Schools

 8/ 8  World Journal  卡蘭扎座車被指撞倒示威者 駁「自導自演」

 8/ 7  China Press  教长社区畅谈搞暗箱 引爆抗议  (Nicole Malliotakis, Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 7  Epoch Times  学监开“黑箱”会议 华人炮轰  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 8/ 7  Wall Street Journal  Philanthropists Putting $1.5 Million Toward Prep for Specialized High Schools’ Test

 8/ 7  World Journal  教局閉門會 華裔場外喊「卡蘭扎下台」 教育總監一度躲車內  (Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 6  Epoch Times  学监推种族主义教学 专家分析后果

 8/ 6  Manhattan Institute  Report Proves Trump Was Right to Rescind Obama School Discipline Policies

 8/ 6  New York Post  Angry Asian-American protesters swarm Richard Carranza’s car  (Malliotakis, Gounardes)

 8/ 6  Sing Tao  卡蘭扎布碌崙閉門會未邀華人 遭華人家長抗議學監種族歧視

 8/ 6  Sing Tao  卡蘭扎開閉門會議 華人委員吃「閉門羹」  (Andrew Gounardes)

 8/ 5  Breitbart  More Than 900 NYC Classrooms Contaminated with Lead

 8/ 5  Epoch Times  55所纽约市初中 10/30上学日考SHSAT

 8/ 5  New York School Talk  NYC School Hypocrisy Continued: Universal Pre-K Edition

 8/ 5  World Journal  上學日考SHSAT 全市55所初中10月舉行

 8/ 4  China Press  竞选市长 亚当斯福建公所拜票  (Eric Adams)

 8/ 4  New York Post   CUNY reverting to bad old days with no tests for remedial courses

 8/ 3  Epoch Times  中华总商会第二次致函市长:开除教育局总监  (Justin Yu)

 8/ 3  New York Post  DOE to roll out contentious admission test to more schools across city

 8/ 3  New York Post  Carranza refuses to meet councilman at decaying special-needs school  (Robert Holden)

 8/ 3  Sing Tao  特殊高中考試擴規模 55公校10月30日舉行

 8/ 3  Sing Tao  改善殘疾兒童服務 皇后區議員籲建新校  (Robert Holden)

 8/ 3  World Journal  亞當斯拜會華社 若當選市長華埠、法拉盛建唐人街牌樓  (Eric Adams)

 8/ 2  AsAm News  NYC Scrambled for Chinese Translators at Meeting on Culturally Responsive Curriculum

 8/ 2  China Press  文化响应持续教育项目通过 华裔家长抗议未征询其意

 8/ 2  Fox News  D'Souza: 'Culturally responsive' education limits job choices to Antifa, Black Lives Matter

 8/ 2  New York Post  DOE panel approves diversity policy at raucous Chinatown meeting

 8/ 2  New York Times  Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Excellence

 8/ 2  Sunnyside Post  Nearly 50 Queens Public Schools Tested Positive for Lead: DOE

 8/ 2  Wall Street Journal  The Downside of Diversity

 8/ 2  Welcome to the Bronx  90 Bronx School Buildings Test Positive for Lead Paint

 8/  1  China Press  百名家长要求解雇卡兰纳

 8/  1  Epoch Times  华人集会 质疑卡兰萨以种族为中心推公校多元文化教学  (Maud Maron)

 8/  1  Epoch Times   “文化响应持续教育”项目11:2通过

 8/  1  New York Daily News  NYC education panel agrees to "diversify" curriculum after contentious meeting

 8/  1  NY1  Schools Chancellor Criticized at Curriculum Meeting in Chinatown

 8/  1  Patch  These Brooklyn Schools Have Deteriorating Lead-Based Paint

 8/  1  Patch  These Manhattan Schools Have Deteriorating Lead-Based Paint

 8/  1  Sing Tao  卡蘭扎近距離領教華人家長火力

 8/  1  Sinovision  纽约教育局长推多元化教学获通过 华裔民众:又是针对我们

 8/  1  Wall Street Journal  938 New York City Classrooms Tested Positive For Lead

 8/  1  Wall Street Journal  New York City Adopts ‘Culturally Responsive’ Education in Schools  (Maud Maron)

 8/  1  World Journal 卡蘭扎華埠會議 西語發言引激烈抗議 等中文翻譯到場再繼續  (video)

 7/ 31  New York Daily News  Manhattan teens call for ouster of school council rep who opposes DOE  (Maud Maron)

 7/ 31 World Journal  降低高中畢業門檻 州會考或取消  /  教育界、家長齊反對:降低標準不負責任

 7/ 31 Sing Tao  卡蘭扎力推「文化響應持續教育」 數十華人家長怒吼抗議

 7/ 30 New York Post  Fudging the facts on school discipline

 7/ 30 World Journal  紐約州重審高中畢業要求 或取消州會考

 7/ 29 China Press  残疾学生上学条件恶劣 卡兰纳遭猛批 (Robert Holden, Joseph Addabbo, Joseph Borelli)

 7/ 29 New York Post  Richard Carranza is bungling the ABCs of his job (Robert Holden)

 7/ 29 New York Post  How to save Queens’ horror school — move buildings and leave it to rot (Robert Holden)

 7/ 29 New York School Talk  Should the NYC Department of Education Be In Charge of Private Schools Too?

 7/ 29 Sing Tao  公校多元文化教學明投票 華裔擬孫逸仙中學門前示威  (Maud Maron)

 7/ 29 Wall Street Journal  California Wants to Teach Your Kids That Capitalism Is Racist

 7/ 28 New York Post Carranza under fire for conditions at school for disabled (Holden, Addabbo, Borelli, Treyger, Ortiz)

 7/ 28 Sing Tao  卡蘭薩被批辦事不力 忽視特殊學生遭劣待  (Joseph Addabbo, Joseph Borelli, Mark Treyger)

 7/ 27 New York Post City exiles disabled students to ‘dilapidated’ school building in Queens (Robert Holden)

 7/ 26 New York Post  Carranza’s ugly new ‘R’ for city schools  (Maud Maron)

 7/ 25 Epoch Times  “不管阅读数学只搞种族主义”卡兰萨又挨轰  (Maud Maron)

 7/ 25 New York Post  The push to make New York high school diplomas completely meaningless

 7/ 25 New York Post  Please, give New York a state Education commish who puts kids first

 7/ 24 Chalkbeat  NYC ditched its school turnaround program. Principals are wondering what comes next (read comments)

 7/ 23 Chaz's School Daze  Will The Chancellor's Desegregation Plan Cause "White Flight?"

 7/ 23 Education Post  NAACP: Don’t Make Black Kids the New ‘Cotton’ That Funds Failing Public Schools

 7/ 23 New York Post  Forget reading and math — Carranza wants focus on racial privilege, activism (Maud Maron)

 7/ 23 Times Union Rethinking the Regents exams in New York: State Ed considers scrapping test

 7/ 22 City Journal  Classrooms of the Absurd

 7/ 21  Chaz's School Daze  Chinese-American Community Rise Up Due To The SHSAT Debate

 7/ 21  New York Post  Regents get set to guarantee even more bad New York schools

 7/ 21  Sing Tao  華人新移民保守派崛起  / 新移民站穩腳跟變保守 /  華人傳統價值觀已改變

 7/ 20 New York Post  City probe targets ‘discriminatory’ DOE emails and tweets

 7/ 20 Sing Tao  阻白思豪特殊高中改革計劃 反對者斥資百萬辦宣傳運動

 7/ 20 World Journal  廢SHSAT提案 公平教育運動砸百萬擋下了

 7/ 19  New York Post  City deserves answers on the scandalous hiring of Abram Jimenez

 7/ 19  World Journal  揭教育總監黑歷史 近百家長喊下台

 7/ 18  Brooklyn Eagle  What’s next for the SHSAT? (Andrew Gounardes)

 7/ 18  Politico  The seven-figure campaign to thwart NYC elite school plan

 7/ 18  Sing Tao  華人市府門前集會 要求解僱教育總監

 7/ 17  Epoch Times  居民联盟“Youth4AM”夏令营 培养孩子领导力

 7/ 17  National Review  The Rise of the Chinese-American Right

 7/ 16  Chaz's School Daze  New York State Wants To Drop High School Regents Exams

 7/ 15  Newsday  State education officials call for revamping high school Regents exam system

 7/ 14  World Journal  反對妖魔化SHSAT 華人家長學生組夏令營 分享備考經驗

 7/ 13  New York Post  Carranza crony hired, made millions in business with DOE (Holden, Borelli)

 7/ 12  Chief  Asian Activists: Mayor Playing Racial Politics

 7/ 12  Epoch Times  纽约学校如用旧设备可节约二十多亿美元

 7/ 12  Lohud  New Rochelle: Community activists want new schools superintendent replaced

 7/ 12  World Journal  28學區委員改選 華裔家長:要真正的多元化

 7/ 11  Chalkbeat  NYC parent leaders seek — and receive — new assurance about Carranza’s future

 7/ 11  China Press  刘醇逸拜访长乐公会  (John Liu)

 7/ 11  China Press  纽约市教育局花数十亿建新校 仍分配不均

 7/ 11  New York Daily News  In turning his back on charter schools, de Blasio harms black and Latino kids

 7/ 11  New York Post  Private schools angry over state proposal to give city more oversight

 7/ 11  Sing Tao  教育局只顧大興土木 未充分利用現有設施

 7/ 11  Wave  Carranza Blitz Rolls On: Pol rep, RRC demand Chancellor’s ouster

 7/ 10  Boston Globe  New superintendent open to replacing entrance test for exam schools

 7/ 10  China Press  于金山与刘林剑虹成功连任地区党代表  (Justin Yu)

 7/ 10  City Journal  “Woke” Politics Over Progress in New York Schools

 7/ 10  Epoch Times  于金山、刘林剑虹连任民主党65D区领袖  (Justin Yu)

 7/ 10  Epoch Times《邮报》批白思豪扭曲特许学校

 7/ 10  New York Post  NYC schools could save billions by using existing facilities: report

 7/ 10  World Journal  聯合民主黨當選人答謝社區 籲華裔參政

 7/ 10  Sing Tao  劉醇逸為競選連任籌款 「SHSAT壓力將繼續增加」  (John Liu)

 7/   9  New York Daily News  De Blasio’s kids benefited from quality public schools he wants to deny others

 7/   9  Ridgewood Post  DOE Responds to Holden’s Concerns Over Grade Inflation

 7/   9  World Journal  紐約市居民聯盟 辦暑期SHSAT課程

 7/   8  New York Post  De Blasio’s charter school lies

 7/   8  New York Post  De Blasio shouts that he ‘hates’ charter schools at campaign event

 7/   8  Sing Tao  回擊反考試者說詞 居民聯盟辦SHSAT夏令營

 7/   8  Sing Tao  白思豪向特許學校開火 憎恨把公共教育私有化

 7/   7  Chaz's School Daze  The Carranza Hypocrites

 7/   7  New York Post  High-priced hires drive gender pay gap in de Blasio administration

 7/   6  New York Post  Top Carranza executives ditched their residential zones for ‘whiter’ schools

 7/   5  New York Post  Carranza has no plan at all for making the city’s schools do better

 7/   4  China Press  州议会新案 特殊高中再建十所  (Leroy Comrie, Peter Abbate)

 7/   4  Epoch Times   州众议员白彼得提案 让八年级学生都考SHSAT  (Leroy Comrie, Peter Abbate)

 7/   4  World Journal  白彼得提案 為初中生免費輔導SHSAT  (Leroy Comrie, Peter Abbate)

 7/   4  World Journal  卡蘭扎引進 教局「黑官」年薪逾20萬 紀錄差將離職

 7/   3  Epoch Times  于金山喊话崔马克:别支持卡兰萨  (Justin Yu, Mark Treyger, Robert Holden)

 7/   3  Epoch Times  州级数学会考 布朗士一中学全班取得最高成绩

 7/   3  Gothamist  Opponents Of LaGuardia Pri ncipal Say Ouster Was Over Diversity, Not Just Arts

 7/   3  New York Post   Carranza protégé is leaving DOE after checkered past exposed

 7/   2  Epoch Times  纽约学校虚夸成绩?!学生难过州级考试

 7/   2  Chalkbeat  With new grants, these five NYC districts are taking their own approaches to school integration 

 7/   2  City Journal   Richard Carranza’s Deflections

 7/   2  New York Post  Proof charters deliver opportunity and regular public schools fake it

 7/   2  New York Post  Half of public school kids in  Bronx District 9 fail state math test

 7/   1  Chaz's School Daze  Schools Still Practicing Academic Fraud

 7/   1  New York Post  Entire Bronx Success Academy class aces statewide math exam

 7/   1  New York Post  The grand swindle of ‘progress’ in the city’s public schools

 7/   1  Sing Tao  家長狠批市府處理不力 校園欺凌問題嚴重失控

 7/   1  Wall Street Journal  New York City Struggles to End Bullying in Schools

 6/30  ICEUFT “They’re inflating the grades and passing all the kids. It’s fake": anonymous DOE administrator

 6/30  Morano in the Morning  Wai Wah Chin on Morano in the Morning, Topic: Carranza! (Audio Only)

 6/29  New York Post  Critics cry ‘grade inflation’ at NYC schools as students pass without meeting standards

 6/28  Chief  Bill to Add Specialized Schools And Expand Test-Prep Counters Mayor

 6/28  New York Post  DOE official who sued Carranza for ‘white bias’ gets promotion — in Westchester


 6/27  China Press  家长再次要求解雇卡兰纳  (Mark Treyger)

 6/27  Education Week  What's Next fNow That De Blasio's Plan Is Dead (read comments)

 6/27  Epoch Times  家长示威 要求白思豪解雇卡兰萨

 6/27  Hopclear  Asian parents want Richard Carranza fired for ant-Asian racism

 6/27  Nation  90% of his high school grads aren't college ready, and putting them in Stuyvesant is the solution?!

 6/27  News 12 Brooklyn  Keep it or scrap it: Debate rages over specialized high school admissions test

 6/27  World Journal  捍衛SHSAT 200家長市府前示威  (Mark Treyger, Brad Lander)

 6/27  World Journal  資優教育不足 學生跨區上學通勤苦

 6/26  Chaz's School Daze  New York City Cannot Retain Teachers

 6/26  China Press  同源会会长:卡兰纳点燃种族偏见的火焰

 6/26  Epoch Times  陈慧华投书呼吁市长撤换卡兰萨

 6/26  Joe Borelli  Students from Carranza's "excellent schools" fail State Tests, take remedial courses in college

 6/26  New York Post  Asian parents call for Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza’s firing

 6/26  News 12 Bronx  Biased journalist gives only 2 of 12 paragraphs to pro-SHSAT side (William Colton)

 6/26  Sing Tao  300家長學童齊集市府公園 高聲叫喊「解僱學監卡蘭扎」

 6/26  Sing Tao  為捍衛保留考試 大家繼續努力  (William Colton)

 6/25  Chalkbeat  ‘We’re going to move the agenda’: Carranza speaks at top screened school (Ydanis Rodriguez)

 6/25  China Press  取消特殊高中入学考试计划宣告失败  (John Liu)

 6/25  Epoch Times  纽约时报:种族分裂 市长废SHSAT计划失败

 6/25  New York Daily News  De Blasio’s and Richard Carranza should back down on SHSAT

 6/25  NY1  School Year and Session in Albany End without Any Legislation on SHSAT (John Liu)

 6/24  Chief  'Blunt Talk' by Carranza Distraction Over Action

 6/24  Epoch Times  第15学区初中招生废学术标准后 不满录取的学生增

 6/24  National Review  Racial Bean-Counting in New York City Schools

 6/24  New York Post  Richard Carranza’s racial arson

 6/24  New York School Talk  A Child’s Education: Whose Job Is It Anyway – The Parents’ or the School’s?

 6/24  New York Daily News What the school discipline fix gets right, and what it gets wrong

 6/24  New York Times  Eliza Shapiro blames everyone and everything except for the racist bogus bill itself

 6/24  WNYC  WNYC Finds High Levels Of Lead-Paint Contamination In Four NYC Schools

 6/23  New York Post  ‘White privilege’ survey posted in mostly minority school in Manhattan

 6/22  China Press  布碌仑举行保卫SHSAT论坛及筹款会  (William Colton)

 6/22  Daily Wire  WILLIAMS: Black Education Decline
 6/22  Epoch Times  州议会会期结束 废SHSAT提案未表决  (Charles Barron)

 6/22  Epoch Times  于金山致信白思豪 要求其放弃废SHSAT  (Justin Yu)

 6/22  New York Post  Mom accuses DOE of ‘disrespecting’ Asian-American community

 6/22  Wall Street Journal  Rise in Requests for Different School Seats After District’s New Admission Lottery

 6/22  World Journal  學術優異基金籌款 續為SHSAT奮戰  (William Colton)

 6/22  World Journal  剛愎決策等同歧視 亞裔籲市長道歉 卡蘭扎下台  (Justin Yu)

 6/21  China Press  学生校园携带抽食大麻 不再交市警逮捕

 6/21  Epoch Times  教育官员发动支持卡兰萨集会 市议员要求调查  (Robert Holden, Joseph Borelli)

 6/21  New York Post  De Blasio’s latest push to make schools less safe

 6/21  Wall Street Journal  Albany Passes on Changing Admissions to New York City’s Elite Schools

 6/21  Sing Tao  學術優異基金辦募款餐會 為爭取保留SHSAT籌經費  (William Colton)

 6/20  Chalkbeat  Carranza — and his critics — dig in as controversy over racism (Joseph Borelli)

 6/20  Chief  Carranza: Critics Attack Based on My Skin Color

 6/20  China Press  亚裔律师协会联合谴责 白思豪

 6/20  China Press  白思豪联手卡兰纳 纽约市限制警察进入学校

 6/20  NTD TV  要紐約教育總監下台 亞裔家長雨中抗議  (Robert Holden, Mark Treyger)

 6/20  New York Post  Indecisive politicians extend Albany legislative session

 6/20  New York Post  De Blasio says DOE official wrong for promoting pro-Carranza rally

 6/20  New York Post  NYPD won’t arrest students for low-level offenses in schools

 6/20  Queens Chronicle  Council members call out Carranza  (Holden, Vallone, Koslowitz, Koo, Ulrich)

 6/20  Sing Tao  特殊高中案未在州議會通過 市長:不到休會不知鹿死誰手

 6/20  Town Hall  Bronx Tales: Black School Reformers Confirm Admissions Test's Door-opening Power

 6/19  Chalkbeat  Clock running out in New York legislature for SHSAT bill, even as sponsor looks to future

 6/19  China Press  民众示威罢免卡兰纳 22市议员现身挺卡 

            (Holden, Treyger, Rodriguez, Miller, Koo, Chin, Johnson)

 6/19  China Press  废除SHSAT案 州众院教委会通过  (John Liu, Ron Kim)

 6/19  Epoch Times  家长市议会前雨中示威 吁教育总监下台

            (Holden, Koo, Vallone, Deutsch, Koslowitz, Ulrich, Borelli, Colton, Abbate, 

​                Treyger, Gibson, Inez Barron, Dromm, King, Miller, Johnson)

 6/19  Epoch Times  白思豪废SHSAT计划今年再泡汤

​            (Charles Barron, John Liu, Ron Kim, Alicia Hyndman, Rebecca Seawright, Sean Ryan)

 6/19  Epoch Times  州众议会教育委通过废SHSAT

            (Charles Barron, Carl Heastie, Kevin Parker, Justin Yu, Ron Kim, Alicia Hyndman)

 6/19  Kings County Politics  Lawmakers Increasingly Split On Carranza Initiative To Diversify Schools

            (Miller, Reynoso, Adams, Holden, Lander, Koo, Chin, Koslowitz, Vallone, Borelli, Ulrich, Deutsch, Abbate, Colton)

 6/19  New York Post  Lawmaker calls for ethics probe of aide to Richard Carranza  (Robert Holden, Joseph Borelli)

 6/19  NY1  Brooklyn School Votes to End Gifted and Talented Programs to Diversify Classrooms

 6/19  Roll Call  Bill de Blasio is wrong about New York City’s schools

 6/19  SI Live  Bill to scrap specialized high school exam unlikely to pass (Malliotakis, Barron, Holden, Borelli)

 6/19  Sing Tao  SHSAT法案未上州議會投票 華社保留SHSAT支持者勝利日  (Charles Barron)

 6/19  Sing Tao  多個亞裔律師協會發聯合聲明 譴責SHSAT立法排除亞裔意見

 6/19  Sinovision 废除SHSAT投票通过 华人家长“特别震惊”  (John Liu)

 6/19  World Journal  亞裔家長示威 要卡蘭扎下台

 6/19  World Journal  特殊高中改革案 州眾議會教委會過關

            (Ron Kim, John Liu, Peter Koo, Margaret Chin, Corey Johnson, Charles Barron, Leroy Comrie)

 6/18  Bklyner  Too ‘Divisive’ or Just Honest? Local Pols Split on Carranza

            (Deutsche, Colton, Abbate, Holden; Reynoso, Espinal, Menchaca, Barron, Amry-Samuel, Lander, Levin, Cornegy)

 6/18  Chaz's School Daze  Should Richard Carranza Resign As Chancellor?

 6/18  China Press  对话华裔论坛 教育局被批无诚意

 6/18  China Press  21名市议员支持卡兰纳 市议会分成两大阵营  (Robert Holden, Mark Treyger)

 6/18  Epoch Times  特殊学生考特殊高中增答题时间 白人占四成

 6/18  New York Post  De Blasio seeks City Council support for Carranza amid racial divide (Holden, Reynoso)

 6/18  New York Post  State Senate won’t back de Blasio on high school admissions  (Liu, Barron, Mosley, Taylor, Kim)

 6/18  New York Post  Carranza protégé takes ‘personal time’ after prior scandals exposed

 6/18  New York Post  School chancellor Richard Carranza brings racial divide to City Hall

 6/18  NTD TV  紐約州參議員提案:增加特殊高中 學生都考SHSAT  (Leroy Comrie)

 6/18  Sing Tao 華人家長高聲抗議 要求教育總監下台 (Holden, Koo, Vallone, Colton, Abbate)

 6/18  Sing Tao 26位市議員聯署致函市長 支持卡蘭扎促進種族融合公平 (Holden, Treyger, Dromm, Gibson, Inez Barron)

 6/18  Sing Tao 取消特殊高中入學試 劉醇逸明言不會過關  (John Liu, Ron Kim)

 6/18  Sing Tao 州眾議會教育組16比13 通過取消特殊高中考試 (Carl Heastie, Charles Barron, Ron Kim, Justin Yu, John Liu)

 6/18  Sinovision  罢不罢免卡兰萨? 支持与反对阵营隔空喊话  (Daneek Miller, Adrienne Adams, BLAC)
 6/18  World Journal  SHSAT改革提案 州眾議會教育委員會投票通過  (John Liu, Charles Barron, Leroy Comrie)

 6/18  World Journal  SHSAT改革提案 今州眾議會教育委員會投票  (John Liu, Charles Barron, Leroy Comrie)

 6/18  WPIX  De Blasio doubles down on defense of schools chancellor  (Robert Holden, Daneek Miller)

 6/17  CBS New York  Council Members Call For Chancellor Richard Carranza To Be Fired

 6/17  Chalkbeat  Dividing the city or bold intervention? (As usual with Chalkbeat, read the comments)

 6/17  China Press  州议员推新案 增建10所特殊高中  (Leroy Comrie)

 6/17  China Press  市议员要求解雇教育局长卡兰纳  (Robert Holden, William Colton, Peter Koo)

 6/17  Chronicle Review  Affirmative Action Is Not About Equality. It’s About Covering Ass.

 6/17  Epoch Times  皇后区州议员提案:增十所特高 八年级生全须考SHSAT

 6/17  Epoch Times  议员联署致函市长 解雇卡兰萨 

                 (Councilmen, Holden, Colton, Koo, Vallone, Deutsch, Koslowitz, Ulrich, Borelli, Abbate)

 6/17  MSN  Council Members Call For Carranza To Be Fired

 6/17  New York Post  Carranza’s ideology insults the people he claims to help

 6/17  New York Post  De Blasio defends Richard Carranza’s race agenda

 6/17  New York School Talk  Parents Helping Parents – When the DOE Won’t (Gifted & Talented Edition)

 6/17  Politico  Elite high schools admissions bill is stalled again and it might be de Blasio’s fault

                (Benedetto, Barron, Bichotte, Rozic, Blake, Liu, Stewart-Cousins, Comrie, Heastie, Cuomo)

 6/17  Sing Tao  特殊高中入學試504規條 延長作答時間白人佔四成

 6/16  1010 WINS Lawmakers slam ‘divisive’ DOE chancellor in letter to de Blasio  (Holden, Colton)

 6/16  New York Post  Comrie wants more opportunity — Carranza’s just finding jobs for cronies

 6/16  New York Post  Queens pol pushing bill to save specialized HS exam  (Leroy Comrie)

 6/16  New York Post  Richard Carranza’s race-baiting politics are wearing thin

 6/16  NY1  City Council Members Pen Letter Calling for Firing of Schools Chancellor  (Holden, Ulrich, Koo

 6/16  Shorefront News  Colton Calling to Remove Education Chancellor (William Colton)

 6/16  Sing Tao  廢特殊高中入學試做法 州參議員提議案否定  (Leroy Comrie)

 6/16  World Journal  「不斷挑起族裔爭端」…紐約議員聯名致函市長 要教育總監下課

                 (Councilmen Holden, Colton, Abbate, Koo, Vallone, Deutsch, Koslowitz, Ulrich, Borelli)

 6/15  Sing Tao  兩黨政客聯署 促卡蘭薩下台  (Robert Holden)

 6/15  New York Post  Council members turn on ‘divisive’ Carranza in searing letter to de Blasio

                 (Councilmen Holden, Vallone, Koo, Ulrich, Borelli, Deutsch, Koslowitz, Colton, Abbate)

 6/15  New York Post  Carranza protégé once quit job in ‘mismanaged’ funds scandal

 6/15  New York Post  Dept. of Entertainment’s Carranza hires Disney exec as ‘chief experience officer’

 6/15  World Journal  州眾議會少數族裔黨團支持廢SHSAT 牛毓琳、金兌錫反對  (John Liu, Ron Kim, Yuh-Line Niou)

 6/14  China Press  白思豪邀谈特高改革 亚裔冒雨抗议

 6/14  Epoch Times  市长与亚裔开闭门会 场外抗议废SHSAT

 6/14  Epoch Times  州议长:不以扩天才班交换废SHSAT

 6/14  New York Post  Carranza’s friends keep cashing in

 6/14  World Journal  不滿被代表 場外華人家長冒雨示威

 6/14  World Journal  廢SHSAT方式欠妥 白思豪閉門道歉

 6/14  World Journal  特殊高中改革案 州眾議長:拒拿資優班交換廢SHSAT

 6/13  Chalkbeat  SHSAT debate heats up with close-door meeting at Gracie Mansion

 6/13  China Press  教育局长亲往州议会游说取消特殊高中入学考试

 6/13  Epoch Times  市長今邀亞裔團體 討論特殊高中招生改革

 6/13  Kings County Politics  De Blasio Should Not Be Using G & T Programs As Bargaining Chip

 6/13  New York Post  De Blasio’s bogus bid at appeasing Asian-American anger

 6/13  New York Post  De Blasio blames ‘tabloid media’ for elite school scheme backlash

 6/13  NY1  De Blasio Meets with Asian Community Leaders Over SHSAT

 6/13  Queens Chronicle  Carranza’s racial approach is wrong for schools

 6/13  Sing Tao  市長閉門討論SHSAT 華人家長冒雨示威

 6/13  World Journal  特殊高中改革╱州眾議長:不拿資優班項目換廢SHSAT

 6/12  Chalkbeat  De Blasio invites Asian advocates to Gracie Mansion as SHSAT plan hangs in balance in Albany

 6/12  New York Post  Richard Carranza lobbies Albany to scrap entrance exam for top high schools

 6/12  Wall Street Journal  Elite High-School Debate Simmers as Albany Session Winds Down

 6/11  China Press  教育局长卡兰纳被控任人唯亲

 6/11  China Press  卡兰纳宣布采纳学校多元化建议

 6/11  Epoch Times  市长向五学区拨款 效仿第15学区推“多元化”

 6/11  NTD TV  紐約市長推動下 公立學校多元化再進一步

 6/11  World Journal  紐約市教育局推校園多元化 納顧問小組62建議

 6/10  AZNews  Richard Carranza slams allegations of cronyism as racist 

 6/10  Brooklyn Eagle  Forum on diversity in specialized high schools favors ‘objective’ admissions exam

 6/10  CBS New York  Carranza On Race-Based Agenda Criticism: ‘I Will Not Be Silenced, I Will Not Be Quiet’

 6/10  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩猛烈反駁 反白人種族指控

 6/10  New York Post  Richard Carranza slams allegations of cronyism as racist

 6/  9  New York Post  De Blasio’s latest hostage: opportunity for poor and minority kids

 6/  9  New York Post  De Blasio refuses to see what’s needed for racial justice at NYC’s schools

 6/  9  New York School Talk  Algebra in 8th Grade Is Good! Algebra in 8th Grade is Bad! Pick One, Mr. Chancellor.

 6/  8  China Press  郭纳德举行特殊高中入学考试与多元化论坛  (John Liu, Andrew Gounardes, Robert Jackson)

 6/  8  New York Post  Richard Carranza scrambling to thwart The Post’s coverage of the DOE

 6/  8  New York Post  Richard Carranza accused of waiving protocol to hire pals in high-ranking jobs

 6/  8  World Journal  特殊高中改革論壇 華裔:好成績來自努力 非補習  (John Liu, Andrew Gounardes, Robert Jackson)

 6/  7  New York School Talk  Democrats Won’t Dictate Where My Black Children Go to School

 6/  7  Epoch Times  森林小丘高中校长 调往市教育局总部

 6/  7  NTD TV  籲取消特殊高中考試 合法大麻 白思豪州府遊說

 6/  7  Sing Tao 灣脊特殊高中改革論壇 華裔發言怒嗆市長教局 (John Liu, Andrew Gounardes, Peter Abbate, Robert Jackson)

 6/  6  Manhattan Institute  Heather Mac Donald on Tucker: Racial Division in NYC Public Schools

 6/  6  New York Post  Richard Carranza joins anti-bias rally amid controversy over trainings

 6/  6  World Journal  初中生升學 亞裔偏愛特殊高中 非裔生興趣不大

 6/  6  World Journal  亞裔生受益白人特權? 華人團體公開信駁教育總監

 6/  5  Kings County Politics  Colton Mobilizes Parents To Keep The SHSAT  (William Colton)

 6/  4  Chalkbeat  Where do NYC’s top-scoring middle schoolers go to high school?

 6/  4  China Press  教育局发广告专招有色人种教师引争议

 6/  4  Epoch Times  探索生入读特殊高中 平时成绩比同学稍低

 6/  4  Epoch Times  吁取消特殊高中考试 合法大麻 白思豪州府游说
 6/  4  Gotham Gazette  De Blasio's End-of-Session Albany Agenda

 6/  4  New York Post  The tone for this illegal ad came from the top of DOE

 6/  4  New York Post   Racial division is Richard Carranza’s only agenda

 6/  4  Sinovision  斯静格: 建低收入住房 特殊高中问题需解决  (Scott Stringer)

 6/  4  Sinovision  特殊高中应效仿藤校录取标准

 6/  3  Brooklyn Eagle  Parents step up fight with mayor over elite high school test  (William Colton, Peter Abbate)

 6/  3  Chief  White Female Execs Sue Carranza, DOE On 'Racist' Demotions

 6/  3  China Press  拉瓜迪亚高中艺术生质疑学校重视文化课

 6/  3  City Journal  New York’s Toxic Schools Chancellor

 6/  3  Epoch Temes  纽约州众议员寇顿开里民会 誓保SHSAT  (William Colton)

 6/  3  ICEUFT  "We have students graduating high school unable to formulate a sentence"

 6/  3  New York Post  DOE job ad sought ‘teachers of color’ for NYC schools

 6/  3  New York Post  Exploiting kids to push racial division: Team de Blasio’s new low

 6/  3  New York Post  Forest Hills HS ‘pot principal’ steps down after months of controversy

 6/  3  Sing Tao  教育局招聘廣告 列明請有色人種

 6/  3  Sing Tao  森林小丘高中校長 大麻爭議聲中調任

 6/  3  Wall Street Journal  Discovery student GPAs were about one to five points lower at most schools

 6/  3  World Journal  名校競爭激烈 並非適合每個人

 6/  2  China Press  州议员寇顿动员社区民众全力支持SHSAT  (William Colton)

 6/  2  New York Daily News  De Blasio, Carranza opt for symbolism on school integration and equal opportunity

 6/  2  World Journal  市府找高中生拍視頻反SHSAT 被指「北韓式文宣」

 6/  2  World Journal  寇頓開里民會 動員保衛SHSAT   (William Colton)

 6/  2  World Journal  想考特殊高中 六年級就該準備

 6/  1  American Bazaar  We can spell but we do not count? Asian Americans scapegoated for failing education system

 6/  1  BBC  Bangladeshi American kids excel at NY School entrance tests

 6/  1  Brooklyn News 12  Families, officials host meeting to voice support for SHSAT  (William Colton)

 6/  1  Chalkbeat  What’s happened since Bill de Blasio called for overhauling specialized high school admissions

 6/  1  China Press  白思豪特殊高中入学改革 过半纽约选民反对

 6/  1  China Press  白思豪一心拼大选 忽略本地施政

 6/  1  Epoch Times   新民调:半数以上纽约人反对取消SHSAT

 6/  1  New York Post  Carranza should be fixing special education instead of playing race games

 6/  1  New York Post   School superintendent celebrated promotion with ‘extravagant’ gala

 6/  1  Sing Tao  寇頓再辦支持SHSAT大會 籲民眾持續抗爭不鬆懈   (William Colton)

 6/  1  Sing Tao  紐約市教育局宣布 教育理事會選舉結果

 6/  1  World Journal  教育組織調查 紐約特殊高中錄取改革案 逾半反對

 6/  1  World Journal  紐約教育理事會選舉 華裔當選多

 5/ 31  AM New York  City in a muddle over 'anti-racist' thinking

 5/ 31  California Political Review  Democrat Racism is Rampant in California and New York

 5/ 31  China Press  教育局长遭起诉索赔9000万美元 白思豪出面力挺斥

 5/ 31  Epoch Times  政论家:纽约市极端“平等”政策就是“种族主义”

 5/ 31  New York Post  Poll says majority of voters oppose de Blasio’s high school admissions plan

 5/ 31  New York Post  De Blasio defends Carranza against ‘outrageous’ anti-white bias lawsuit

 5/ 31  New York Post  De Blasio ramps up ‘propaganda’ against specialized ‘admit’ exams
 5/ 31  New York Post  LaGuardia HS kids make noise over lack of arts emphasis

 5/ 31  Sing Tao  白思豪特殊高中改革 逾半選民表態不支持

 5/ 30  ABC New York  Senior New York City education executives file discrimination lawsuit against DOE

 5/ 30  CBS New York   Lawyer For Women Suing Dept. Of Education Speaks Out

 5/ 30  Federalist  NYC’s Racist Dept. Of Ed. Shows The Perils Of Privilege Theory

 5/ 30  Fox News  New York City's radical push for 'equity' in schools is the very definition of racism

 5/ 30  New York Post  $90M lawsuit aims to nail Carranza for false denials of anti-white bias

 5/ 30  New York Post  Flame-throwing is no way to lead the schools

 5/ 30  World Journal  張晟挺亞裔學生:未受益白人特權  (Corey Johnson)

 5/ 29  Blaze  $90 million lawsuit: 'Toxic' whiteness purge at NYC education department / 'Get on board ... or leave'

 5/ 29  CBS New York  Carranza Denies Claims Of Toxic Work Environment For Whites In $90 Million Lawsuit

 5/ 29  China Press  市教育局3白人女高管被降职 卡兰纳遭起诉索赔9000万

 5/ 29  China Press  保卫SHSAT会 1日布碌仑召开  (William Colton)

 5/ 29  Newsday  Diversity training goes overboard

 5/ 29  Fox News  New York City's radical push for 'equity' in schools is the very definition of racism

 5/ 29  World Journal  寇頓6/1開大會 誓死捍衛SHSAT  (William Colton)

 5/ 28  BPR  NYC’s Dept of Education panel reportedly accused Asians of benefiting from white supremacy

 5/ 28  China Press  支持市教育局组织称 亚裔生受益种族特权

 5/ 28  City Journal  Diversity Over Quality

 5/ 28  Epoch Times  市教育局反种族主义培训 称亚裔受惠于白人特权

 5/ 28  MEAWW  Asians benefit from white privilege and white supremacy, NYC DOE-sponsored group says

 5/ 28  New York Post  Bombshell suit claims Carranza’s ‘toxic’ whiteness purge cost DOE execs their jobs
 5/ 28  New York Post  Richard Carranza’s prejudicial race politics have gone too far

 5/ 28  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩「白人有毒」文化 3女高層提9000萬訴訟

 5/ 28  World Journal  稱亞裔生從白人至上獲益 受教局贊助機構挨轟

 5/ 27  Sing Tao  「亞裔生受益白人優勢」 反歧視組織說法惹不滿

 5/ 26  Atlantic  Letters: Should NYC Change the Admissions Process for Its Specialized High Schools?

 5/ 26  New York Post  DOE-sponsored group said Asians benefit from white privilege: parent

 5/ 26  Sing Tao  市教育局反歧視培訓 偏重非裔似矯枉過正

 5/ 26  Sing Tao  首屆平等教育權益研討會 聚焦大學招生種族問題

 5/ 26  Sing Tao  白思豪打教育種族牌 愛荷華州選民不領情

 5/ 25  China Press  纽约中华总商会致信白思豪 要求解雇市教育局长卡兰纳Justin Yu)

 5/ 25  Epoch Times  中华总商会致函市长:辞退市教育总监卡兰萨   (Justin Yu)

 5/ 25  New York Post  Teachers allegedly told to favor black students in ‘racial equity’ training

 5/ 25  New York Post  Staffers at ‘out of control’ Brooklyn school threatened, injured by students
 5/ 25  New York Post  Iowa voters confused by de Blasio’s crusade against ‘toxic whiteness’

 5/ 25  World Journal  紐約中華總商會等聯合去函市長 要求辭退卡蘭扎  

 5/ 24  Gothamist  Brooklyn Parents Pull Kids Into Private School

 5/ 24  NTD TV  爭取教育平等 美國亞裔籲改善教育政策

 9/ 24  World Journal  亞裔兒童與家庭聯盟(CACF)公開信 再聲援特殊高中改革

 5/ 23  Epoch Times  多名华人当选纽约市学区教育委员

 5/ 23  Sing Tao  第4場校園特殊高中討論會 學生談自身經歷斥體制弊端  (John Liu, Robert Jackson)

 5/ 23  Sing Tao  教育理事會選舉結果出爐 多名華裔當選大豐收

 5/ 22  Breitbart  NYC Department of Education: ‘Individualism’ Is ‘White Supremacy Culture’

 5/ 22  Epoch Times  5/25民主正义论坛 交流亚裔关心议题

 5/ 22  New York Daily News  Carranza: to root out ‘white supremacy’, look at the top of the administration

 5/ 22  NTD TV  討論特殊高中走向 紐約法拉盛5月25日講座

 5/ 22  Sing Tao  富裕社區學生SAT考試 較易獲加時優待

 5/ 22  Wall Street Journal  The College-Admissions Mess

 5/ 22  World Journal  美華民主正義聯盟 華社議題3場講座 

 5/ 21  China Press  卡兰纳重组教育局被指种族歧视

 5/ 21  Epoch Times  非裔众议员撰文 改革后的招生方式复杂打开多个主观标准的大门 无法监督  (Latrice Walker)

 5/ 21  New York Post  This ‘white-supremacy culture’ training is far worse than nonsense

 5/ 21  New York Post  NYC spends double the national average on education, has little to show for it

 5/ 21  New York Post  Richard Carranza is stomping on Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream

 5/ 21  Wall Street Journal  Many More Students, Especially the Affluent, Get Extra Time to Take the SAT

 5/ 20 CBS New York  NYC May Face Lawsuit Over Carranza’s Reorganization Of Department Of Education

 5/ 20 Epoch Times   卡兰萨被指歧视白人 教育局四高层拟诉市府

 5/ 20 New York School Talk  It’s the Hypocrisy, Stupid: NYC School Choice For… Some

 5/ 20 New York Post  Richard Carranza held ‘white-supremacy culture’ training for school admins

 5/ 19  City & State  Keep the SHSAT and give black and Latino students a fair chance at passing (Latrice Walker)

 5/ 19  Federalist  Reporters Should Press Presidential Candidate Bill De Blasio On ‘Toxic Whiteness’

 5/ 19  New York Post  Carranza’s lunatic war on ‘toxic whiteness’

 5/ 19  Sing Tao  招生弊案涉謊報種族 考生假冒非裔騙錄取

 5/ 19  Wall Street Journal  Students Were Advised to Claim to Be Minorities in College-Admissions Scandal

 5/ 18  New York Post  Richard Carranza accused of demoting admins because they were white

 5/ 18  New York Post  College admissions scam mastermind reportedly told clients to lie about ethnicity

 5/ 18  Sing Tao  卡蘭薩被指歧視白人 4名高層擬興訟市府

 5/ 18  Wall Street Journal  Inside the Effort to Diversify Middle School in New York

 5/ 18  World Journal  反白思豪廢SHSAT 非裔領袖日增

 5/ 18  World Journal  「青少年做主」,亞裔兒童與家庭聯盟(CACF)  晤卡蘭扎 促公校多元化  (Mark Treyger)
 5/ 18  WPIX  Hearing on specialized high school admissions gets heated  (John Liu, Jamaal Bailey)
 5/ 17  China Press  民众:极左治市 白思豪让纽约一团糟  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 5/ 17  China Press  白思豪选总统 华社不看好

 5/ 17  China Press  SAT加逆境分缺透明性 华社忧虑

 5/ 17  New York Post  Why adding an ‘adversity score’ to the SATs is a terrible idea

 5/ 17  New York Times   The SAT’s Bogus ‘Adversity Score’

 5/ 17  Sing Tao  州議員布朗士辦SHSAT討論會 社區齊指錯不在考試在體制  (John Liu, Jamaal Bailey)

 5/ 16  Chalkbeat  "It’s time to start ‘hard work of rethinking’ Regents exams": Betty Rosa, Regents Chancellor

 5/ 16  New York Post  Jumaane Williams joins chorus of critics after de Blasio announces 2020 run  (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 16  Wall Street Journal  “The purpose is to get to race without using race:"  SAT to Give ‘Adversity Score’

 5/ 15  Epoch Times 非裔哥大教授:不废考试 帮助孩子战胜它

 5/ 15  New York Post  ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is Bill de Blasio rule for governing


 5/ 14  Federalist  Asian Americans Push Back Against Identity Politics In Washington State

 5/ 14  World Journal  IBO:廢SHSAT 特殊高中非裔生可增5倍

 5/ 13  Bklyner  Heated Exchanges As Senators Listen To Brooklynites On SHSAT Exam

 5/ 13  Epoch Times  教育局推小学数学新课程 教师忧内容不足

 5/ 13  Sing Tao 教育局新數學課程 老師批評內容不足

 5/ 12  China Press 布碌仑华策会举办教育资源展  (Peter Abbate)

 5/ 11  China Press  州参议会听取民众对特高录取改革意见  (Liu, Montgomery, Gounardes, Colton, Myrie, Salazar, Parker, Simon)

 5/ 11  China Press 新任民选官员纷纷支持SHSAT获好评

 5/ 11  China Press 州众议会公听特高入学考试 (William Colton, Peter Abbate, Ron Kim, Jumaane Williams, Ben Kallos, Peter Koo)

 5/ 11  Epoch Times 州众议会讨论SHSAT 各执一词   (Jumaane Wiliiams)

 5/ 11  Epoch Times 顾雅明反对废SHSAT 金兑锡批市长未征求亚裔意见  (Ron Kim, Peter Koo)

 5/ 11  Epoch Times 反对废SHSAT 各族裔家长州议会公听会场外发声  (William Colton, Ben Kallos, Jumaane Willams)

 5/ 11  Epoch Times 特殊高中招生诉讼 家长挺原告上诉  

 5/ 11  New York Daily News  Put NYC in charge of elite schools: Repeal state law in five years

 5/ 11  New York Post   New York City schools chief’s top deputy got her children into selective middle schools

 5/ 11  New York Post   Staffers at violent Brooklyn HS fear retaliation from politically connected principal

 5/ 11  NTD TV  紐約特殊高中考試聽證 教育委員會聽各方聲音

 5/ 11  Wall Street Journal  NYC changes math curriculum: some say it doesn’t stress concepts enough

 5/ 11  World Journal  特殊高中錄取改革 家長嗆:SHSAT不是問題   (William Colton, Peter Abbate, John Liu)

 5/ 11  World Journal  州議會公聽 卡蘭扎批SHSAT應試教育民選官員  (Petr Koo, Grace Meng)

 5/ 11  World Journal  華策會布碌崙辦教育展 現場模考SHSAT  (Peter Abbate, Justin Brannan)

 5/ 10 Chalkbeat  Carranza in the hot seat during Assembly’s specialized high school hearing

                                (Ron Kim, Rebecca Seawright, William Colton, Jumaane Williams, Latrice Walker,

                                                   Jo Anne Simon, Rodneyse Bichotte, Charles Barron)

 5/ 10  Flushing Post  U.S. Rep. Meng Calls on State Assembly to Protect Specialized High School Exam

 5/ 10  Sing Tao  州參眾院公聽 近百家長示威 稱特殊高中改革是種族歧視  (Ron Kim, William Colton, Andrew Gounardes)

 5/ 10  NBC  Public Advocate Surprisingly Supports Standardized Test  (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 10  New York Daily News  NY politicians spar over elite high school admission testing  (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 10  New York Post  Admissions test change sends message ‘your kids are too dumb to pass’ (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 10  New York Post  Jumaane Williams stands tall for real justice in education  (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 10  NY1  Politicians Point Fingers at Hearing on Specialized High School Admissions  (Jumaane Williams)

 5/ 10  Parent Organizations Open Letter to NYC, NYS on Specialized High School Bills

 5/   9  Amsterdam News  Carranza sticks to his guns, fights for change to SHSAT

 5/   9  Atlantic  Don’t Scrap the Test, Help Black Kids Ace It
 5/   9  Harvard Crimson Harvard enrolls record 25.6% Asians after lawsuit

 5/   9   Sing Tao  華裔家長發動網上請願 籲民眾參與今日SHSAT公聽

 5/   8  Epoch Times  反对废SHSAT 倡议者揭“数学门”丑闻

 5/   8  Fox  Sheep enrolled at school in France as students to save classes

 5/   8  Politico  Fight over specialized schools reveals rift among black leaders

 5/   8  The 74 Million  78 Percent of NYC Kids Who Qualify for Gifted Education Are Denied Seats

 5/   7   Amici Curaie Filed on Behalf of Middle Schoool Parents' Associations

 5/   7   Epoch Times  教育联盟:取消SHSAT前 市长应先改善基础教育

 5/   6   Epoch Times  观点:保SHSAT非仅为亚裔 且为纽约教育质量

 5/   5   Chicago Sun Times  We can do more for Chicago’s gifted students

 5/   5   New York Schol Talk  True Equality Means Everyone Is Equally Unhappy

 5/   5   Sing Tao  亞裔教育聯盟將辦 首屆平等教育權益研討會

 5/   4   China Press  华社吁民众踊跃出席SHSAT听证会

 5/   4   Epoch Times  保留SHSAT 抗议亚裔传统月亚裔不受尊重

 5/   4   Epoch Times  5/10两场特高招生制度公听及论坛

 5/   4   NYSUT   State teachers' union calls on Regents to "overhaul" (dumb down) testing system

 5/   4   World Journal  下周起連辦五場! 特殊高中改革公聽會 籲華裔齊發聲

 5/   3   Sing Tao  取消SHSAT 市長等一意孤行 團體呼籲杯葛亞太裔月慶典

 5/   3   New York Post   More reason for NYC parents to worry about school safety

 5/   3   Sinovision  如果你支持SHSAT 你需要关注这两场活动

 5/   2   China Press  多华裔组织集会示威 吁保留特殊高中考试  (Jumaane Williams, Robert Holden, Joe Borelli)
 5/   2   China Press  卡兰纳表示坚决取消SHSAT

 5/   2   Epoch Times   华裔社团保SHSAT 市府前再示威  (Peter Koo, Andy King, Joe Borelli)

 5/   2   Epoch Times  听证公校隔离 市议长:须改特殊高中招生  (Corey Johnson, Peter Koo, Justin Yu, Steve Wong)

 5/   2   Kings County Politics  NYC Schools Head Doubles Down on Elimination of SHSAT  (Peter Koo)

 5/   2   Legislative Gazette  Report takes hard look at who is scoring “well below proficient” on state’s ELA exams

 5/   2   New York School Talk  The Hypocrisy of Progressives 

 5/   2   Sinovision  华人这样游说非裔议员 这段辩论你挺谁?  (Kimberly Jean-Pierre; against us!)

 5/   2   World Journal  紐約市公校多元公聽會 亞裔團體場外高喊「保留SHSAT」 (Robert Holden, Joseph Borelli, Peter Koo)
 5/   2   World Journal  紐約市公校多元公聽會 議會圍剿卡蘭扎  (
Corey Johnson)
 5/   1   American Spectator  Mathgate: Bill de Blasio Caught in Massive Grade Fraud Scandal

 5/   1   Brooklyn Reporter  Education coalition plans next step in fight to save SHSAT  (William Colton)

 5/   1   Council Member Robert Holden  Proud to support SHSAT and G&T for all  (Robert Holden)

 5/   1   Epoch Times  华人家长到州府发声 抵制取消SHSAT  (William Colton, Peter Abbate, Harry Bronson)

 5/   1   Epoch Times  为捍卫SHSAT而走出来的纽约华人 

 5/   1   Epoch Times  纽约市公立学校收缴器械 四年来暴增26.7%

 5/   1   Minding the Campus  News and Fake News About College Admissions

 5/   1   Sing Tao  反對取消特殊高中考試 華人家長議會發強音
 5/   1   Sing Tao  教育總監議會發言 強調考試必須取消  (
Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)
 5/   1   Sinovision  纽约市议会讨论公校问题 华裔社团高呼保留SHSAT (
Joe Borelli, Peter Koo)
 5/   1   Sinovision  “SHSAT与我选区无关”? 纽约家长这样游说议员

 5/   1   Sinovision  “特殊高中种族隔离错不在亚裔” 纽约市议会公听拟提案根除弊病

 5/   1   New York Daily News  Testing the proposition: Expand, don’t limit access to, the city’s top schools

 5/   1   New York Post  Richard Carranza slams parents who question admissions changes
 5/   1   Wall Street Journal  New York City Chancellor Affirms Push to End Elite-Schools Test

 5/   1   World Journal  呼籲保留SHSAT 華人家長赴州府請願  (Abbate, Gounardes, Stavisky, Colton)

 5/   1   WPIX  Council speaker gets testy with chancellor at hearing on schools (Peter Koo, Corey Johnson)

 4/ 30  China Press  保卫SHSAT 寇顿6月1日举办社区会议  (William Colton)

 4/ 30  Sing Tao  反對取消特殊高中入學考試 近200華人奧本尼集會遊說  (Liu, Abbate, Stavisky, Colton, Niou)

 4/ 30  Sinovision  首次州府游说 逾150纽约民众挺SHSAT  (Liu, Stavisky, Abbate, but Jean-Pierre is against us) 

 4/ 30  World Journal  公校多元化問題 市議會5/1辦公聽

 4/ 29  Epoch Times  布碌崙和布朗士区长 呼吁更多天才班  (Eric Adams, Ruben Diaz Jr)

 4/ 29  Epoch Times  两富豪出资游说州议会 阻挡纽约市阻取消SHSAT

 4/ 29  New York Post  Numbers show increased weapons busts at NYC schools

 4/ 29  New York School Talk  The Privilege (and Cost) Of Being “Well-Rounded"

 4/ 29  Sing Tao  市議會公聽教育議題 議長呼籲民眾參與

 4/ 29  Wall Street Journal  Always blame racism

 4/ 28  New York Daily News  NYC can test all students for G&T. So why won’t de Blasio do it?  (Eric Adams)

 4/ 27  Caribbean Life News  Our children can do this work: give us back our G&T programs!  (Ruben Diaz Jr.)

 4/ 27  China Press  于金山华埠举办筹款会竞选连任党代表  (Justin Yu)

 4/ 27  Epoch Times  力保SHSAT 寇顿邀家长6月1日开会  (William Colton)

 4/ 27  New York Times   Five days later, NYT covers Lauder/Parsons' campaign to keep SHSAT, educate Blacks

 4/ 27  Reporter News  Affirmative Action is systematic racial discrimination

 4/ 27  World Journal  于金山籌款 拚連任民主黨代表  (Justin Yu)

 4/ 26  Los Angeles Times  A sixth-grader was sick of coloring. So she skipped six grades to attend Cal State
 4/ 26  New York Post  Corey Johnson’s rotten ‘solution’ for the city’s top high schools  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 26  New York Post  Secular universities now demand a ‘profession of faith’

 4/ 25  Chalkbeat  Carranza Steps on Banana Peel Again: Lab Middle School experiences admissions snafu

 4/ 25  China Press  张晟吁组建专家小组 研究特殊高中招生  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 25  Epoch Times  市议长提成立特别小组 制定特殊高中新招生标准  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 25  New York Times  Carranza's San Francisco Had Plan to Tackle School Segregation. It Made It Worse

 4/ 25  World Journal  特殊高中改革工作組 成立草案擬定  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 24  Epoch Times  卡兰萨:在特殊高中族裔多元化上不退缩

 4/ 24  Fox News  Louisiana high school student accepted into 115 colleges, offered over $3M in scholarships

 4/ 24  Sing Tao  莊遜倡設特別工作小組 為特殊高中招生提建議  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 24  Wall Street Journal   City Council Speaker Calls For Diversity Study on Elite Schools  (Corey Johnson)

 4/ 23  Atlantic  The Other Segregation

 4/ 23  Epoch Times  阻市长取消SHSAT 倩碧老板洒大钱买广告

 4/ 23  NY1   The Fight to Keep the Spe­cialized High Schools Ad­mis­sions Exam   ( facebook )

 4/ 23  World Journal  紐約富商反廢SHSAT 發起「公平教育運動」

 4/ 22  Baltimore Sun  Montgomery County schools investigated for discrimination against Asian Americans

 4/ 22  Chalkbeat  Effort to save the SHSAT gets deep-pocketed allies

 4/ 22  China Press  亿万富豪提供数百万支持保留SHSAT

 4/ 22  China Press 郭纳德下月2日将举办家长邻里大会  (Andrew Gounardes)

 4/ 22  Epoch Times  不满“探索计划”扩招 7学生追特殊高中学额

 4/ 22  New York Post  Standing up for excellence and opportunity at NYC’s top high schools

 4/ 22  New York Post  Billionaire joins push to stop de Blasio’s high school admissions test plan

 4/ 22  World Journal   2企業家撥款百萬元製作廣告 阻紐約市長取消SHSAT

 4/ 22  World Journal  「探索」項目擴大致落榜 7學生請願要入學

 4/ 21  China Press  七学生未获特高学位 州教育厅讨说法

 4/ 21  Sing Tao  七高中落榜生上書州教局 告市府「發現項目」違法

 4/ 21  Washington Post  U.S. officials probe alleged discrimination against Asian American students in Md

 4/ 20  New York Post  ‘Out of control’ Brooklyn HS has teachers battered and students skipping class

 4/ 20  New York Post  Albany Dems are slapping minority kids by not lifting the charter cap

 4/ 20  Sing Tao  不滿市府亂擴「探索計劃」 7學生追討特殊高中學額

 4/ 20  Wall Street Journal  Seven NYC Students Didn’t Get Seats in Elite Schools, So They Asked State for Help

                                                CACAGNY Statement of Support

 4/ 19  China Press 谈SHSAT斯静格批教改区分族裔  (Scott Stringer)

 4/ 19  WNYC  CACF's Vanesa Leung Attacks SHSAT Again

 4/ 18  City & State  Queens lawmaker weighs in on the SHSAT  (John Liu)

 4/ 18  Epoch Times  中华总商会致函市长 反盖社区监狱和废SHSAT (Justin Yu)

 4/ 18  Epoch Times  特殊高中非裔校友:支持保留特殊高中入学考试  (video from 4/11 Queens Forum)

 4/ 18  Epoch Times  史岱文森高中非裔女生被八所藤校录取

 4/ 18  Queens Chronicle  Keep SHSAT, pols told at HS forum  (video)

 4/ 17  China Press  史岱文森高中女生被8所藤校录取

 4/ 17  Epoch Times  天才班入学考试发榜 招生引入多元化

 4/ 17  New York Daily News Kids can rise to challenge: The right response to Specialized High Schools admissions

 4/ 17  Sing Tao  教育理事會選舉 26學區華人踴躍

 4/ 17  World Journal  非洲裔律師: SHSAT對所有族裔都公平  (video from 4/11 Queens Forum)

 4/ 16  China Press 纽约部分优质中学生源多样性有所提高

 4/ 16  Education Equity  Launch Video with Kirsten John Foy

 4/ 16  Epoch Times  要发声 十多名华裔家长参选第26学区教育委员

 4/ 16  Sing Tao  190初中舉辦SHSAT論壇 劉醇逸:「市長方案已死」 (John Liu)

 4/ 16  Sing Tao  資優班放榜 第二學區耀眼

 4/ 15  New York Daily News  NYC middle school "integration" plan on target

 4/ 15  New York Post  City middle schools radically reshaped admissions offers after diversity push

 4/ 15  QNS  ‘We can do better’: Parents, educators and lawmakers at hearing over specialized school tests

 4/ 15  Wall Street Journal  Some High-Performing New York City Middle Schools Make "Diversity" Gains

 4/ 13  Korea Times  “SHSAT 폐지는 아시안 역차별… 즉각 철회하라”


 4/ 13  New York Post  Parents say Richard Carranza calls them racist for opposing diversity program

 4/ 12  ABC NY  Angry parents rally against plan to do away with SHSAT specialized admissions testing

 4/ 12  Epoch Times  纽约州参议会公听会场外 数百家长示威吁保SHSAT

 4/ 12  China Press  SHSAT保留现转机 主废议员态度变

 4/ 12  New York Post  De Blasio’s school plan slammed by parents at Queens rally

 4/ 12  Sinovision  纽约特殊高中教育论坛 各族裔集结挤爆会场

 4/ 12  WNBC  Mayor, chancellor found "little support" on specialized high schools admissions

 4/ 12  NY1  SHSAT Forum Gets Heated in Queens as Test Supporters Call Out Mayor

 4/ 12  Queens County Politics  Parents Demand More Specialized High Schools At Raucous Forum  (John Liu)

 4/ 12  World Journal  特殊高中招生論壇 華裔集結誓保SHSAT

 4/ 12  World Journal  通過市長辦公室拿撥款的CACF促擴大「探索」項目 必須取消SHSAT

 4/ 11  Chalkbeat  Opposition abounds against specialized high school admissions changes at Senate forum

 4/ 11  Epoch Times  纽约922学生获“探索项目”入场券 亚裔过半

 4/ 11  Sing Tao  劉醇逸辦首場SHSAT論壇 各族裔參與者擠爆會場

 4/ 11  WNYC Supporters of the SHSAT Make Their Presence Known at Queens Forum

 4/ 11  World Journal  紐約市「探索」項目922人獲選 亞裔仍逾半

 4/ 10  China Press  教育局无能!  精英高中招生出错 144名学生被拒收

 4/ 10  CNN  New Jersey teen gets accepted by all 8 Ivy League schools

 4/ 10  Epoch Times  史岱文森高中校友:1960年毕业生亦仅7名非裔 但并没有今天种族的争议

 4/ 10  New York Daily News  NYC program to diversify elite high schools comes up short: should educate instead

 4/ 10  New York Post  Despite diversity efforts, Asian students still lead elite enrollment: DOE

 4/ 10  Wall Street Journal  Expanded Diversity Initiative at NYC’s Elite Schools Yields Few Gains

 4/   9  Bloomberg  The Test is Not the Problem:  Charter Schools Create Opportunity for Minority Students

 4/   9  New York Post  NYC’s schools chancellor is a total pathetic twit

 4/   9  New York Post  Richard Carranza’s black and white approach is ruining city schools

 4/   9  Our Time Press  How I Got into Stuyvesant High School

 4/   9  Sing Tao  教育局無能!  名高中系統擺烏龍 144學生錯收錄取信

 4/   9  Wall Street Journal  Top New York City School Makes Big Admissions Error

 4/   9  Wall Street Journal  U.S. Requires Texas Tech Med School to End Use of Race in Admissions Decisions

 4/   8  China Press  布碌仑区长亚当斯再挺特殊高中入学考  (Eric Adams)

 4/   8  Epoch Times  史岱文森高中家长会春宴 “KEEP SHSAT”T恤赠民代及官员  (Bill Colton, Peter Koo, John Liu)

 4/   8  Epoch Times  非裔教育界人士:别取消SHSAT 要扩大天才班  (Robert Cornegy)

 4/   8  Fox News  Hypocritical Democrats ignore the biggest threat to black and brown children

 4/   8  Minding the Campus  Harvard Flinches and Admits a Few More Asians

 4/   8  New York Post  Schools chief Richard Carranza ‘surprised’ NYC isn’t all liberal

 4/   8  Queens County Politics  Liu Gets CACAGNY Applause for Calling Out SHSAT Changes as Racist  (John Liu)

 4/   8  Wall Street Journal  Cheating on the SATs, Abolishing the SHSAT -- Both Are Side Doors

 4/   8  World Journal  紐約市特殊高中 低收入社區學生難進  (Eric Adams)

 4/   8  World Journal  紐約中華總商會 新職員就職 特殊高中錄取改革 繼續為華人社區奮鬥

 4/   7  Brooklyn Tech Homecoming  Larry Cary Address

 4/   6  KBOI CBS   Boise teen accepted to EVERY Ivy League school

 4/   6  New York Post  ‘Educational genocide’: NYC schools leave black and Hispanic students behind

 4/   6  New York Post  De Blasio’s meddling with elite-high-school admissions hurts the kids it claims to help

 4/   6  NYC School Help  Black Students and the SHSAT

 4/   6  World Journal   搶救SHSAT 社區民代發聲團結  (John Liu)

 4/   5  World Journal  公益維護人威廉姆斯、劉醇逸:紐約市好像教育只有SHSAT問題  (John Liu, Jumaane Williams)

 4/   4  AM New York  A Latino student's journey to Stuyvesant High

 4/   4  Baltimore Sun  Baltimore student accepted into all eight Ivy League colleges

 4/   4  Chalkbeat   State Sen. John Liu calls New York City’s specialized high school overhaul ‘racist’  (John Liu)

 4/   4  Queens Chronicle  Lawmaker forum on SHSAT (John Liu, Velmanette Montgomery, Kevin Parker, Jessica Ramos)
 4/   4  Sing Tao   顧雅明發表聲明 反對廢除SHSAT


 4/   4  World Journal   劉醇逸:反廢SHSAT 在州參議會成少數

 4/   4  World Journal   教育作家:非裔生難進特殊高中不怪SHSAT 是基礎教育太失敗

 4/   3  China Press  捍卫SHSAT 亚裔家长拟州府请愿

 4/   3  Epoch Times  保SHSAT 社团定4月30日州府抗议

 4/   3  NYC Democratic Conference  Expand G&T to improve education for black, brown students!  (Robert Cornegy)

 4/   3  New York Daily News  Advocates of changing Specialized High Schools have questions to answer first
 4/   3  Quillette  What New York’s Public Schools Could Learn From Stuyvesant

 4/   3  Sing Tao  反對取消特殊高中考試 華裔4/30赴奧本尼示威

 4/   3  Sinovision   刘醇逸:特殊高中问题需要亚裔的声音

 4/   3  World Journal  搶救SHSAT 亞裔組織30日集會赴州府陳情

 4/   2  China Press  第二学区教委竞选 多名华人家长参选 “亚裔不是哑裔”

 4/   2  Daily Pennsylvanian  Texas high school student accepted to all eight Ivy League schools

 4/   2  EdNavigator  Can We Stop Pretending Fraud in Education Is Victimless?

 4/   2  New York Daily News  Boys need test-based Specialized High School admissions

 4/   2  Sing Tao  顧雅明發表聲明 反對廢除SHSAT  (Peter Koo)

 4/   2  Sinovision  华裔社团力保SHSAT 吁社区贡献力量

 4/   2  Sinovision  纽约市第二学区学委竞选 8华裔家长参选反废SHSAT

 4/   2  The 74 Million  Eliminating Merit in Admissions Will Only Boost Privilege's Advantage

 4/   2  World Journal  華裔家長爭權益 參選教育理事委員

 4/   1  Blogginheads TV  Grievance Politics | Glenn Loury & Amy Wax

 4/   1  New York Post  Give more kids a chance at a good public school: Lift the charter cap

 4/   1  New York School Talk   Math the NYC Department of Education Really Doesn’t Want Parents To Do
 ​4 /  1  World Journal  挺錄取改革 NAACP等欲加入訴訟 華裔反對

 3/ 31  Town Hall  Fuzzy Math: New York Times Cites Dodgy Data to Push Race Quotas

 3/ 30  Epoch Times  特殊高中诉讼 非西裔团体欲介入撑市长

 3/ 30  New York Post  NYC public schools logged 464 ‘major crimes’ last year

 3/ 30  Sing Tao  去年紐約市公立學校 「重大犯罪」464宗

 3/ 30  Wall Street Journal  New York Tutoring Firm Helps Low-Income Minority Students

 3/ 29  Chalkbeat  Organizations join battle to "integrate" specialized high schools (skip article, read comments)

 3/ 29  China Press 白思豪承认SHSAT改革未考虑亚裔

 3/ 29  City Journal  Discriminating By Race


 3/ 29  Epoch Times  纽约市公立学校问题 为什么左翼政客无法解决?

 3/ 29  Epoch Times  特殊高中多元化 白思豪坦承没多征询亚裔意见

 3/ 29  Epoch Times  10学区非裔西语裔学生超九成 天才班寥寥无几

 3/ 29  Gotham Gazette  Where Top Officials Stand on the SHSAT:

             (Andrew Cuomo, Carl Heastie, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, John Liu,

              Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger, Jumaane Williams,

              Eric Adams, Ruben Diaz Jr, Gale Brewer)

 3/ 29  New York Post  De Blasio’s record-setting week of hogwash

 3/ 29  New York Times  An alumnus explains why SHSAT diversity was achieved in the 1970s till the 1990s

 3/ 29  World Journal  教委會主席崔馬克:不接受損害亞裔的公校改革案  (Mark Treyger)

 3/ 29  World Journal  市議長張晟:廢SHSAT 增特殊高中 亞裔生成功 非問題所在  (Corey Johnson)

 3/ 28  Amsterdam News  New SHSAT results show low admission numbers of Black/Brown students

 3/ 28  China Press  市议长主张废除SHSAT 市公益维护人建议保留

 3/ 28  Epoch Times  公益维护人:没有SHSAT 便没有今天的我  (Jumaane Wiliiams)

 3/ 28  Sing Tao  特殊高中改革爭議 白思豪承認欠溝通

 3/ 28  New York post  De Blasio admits he failed outreach to Asians before plan to diversify schools

 3/ 28  Queens Chronicle  Where does AOC stand on NY tests?  (Video)

 3/ 28  Sinovision  是否取消SHSAT 纽约市议会下月展开公听 (Corey Johnson, Mark Treyger)

 3/ 28  World Journal  誓廢SHSAT 教育總監:推進中

 3/ 28  World Journal  公益維護人:SHSAT不能取消   (Jumaane Williams)

 3/ 28  World Journal  紐約市議長:建更多特殊高中 廢唯SHSAT錄取制度  (Corey Johnson)

 3/ 27  Epoch Times  教育失調 抹殺非裔學生SHSAT競爭力?

 3/ 27  Epoch Times  近50年前 確立SHSAT的理由:消種族隔離

 3/ 27  Sing Tao  新任公益維護官力挺SHSAT 「沒考試我進不了特殊高中」   (Jumaane Williams)

 3/ 27  New York Daily News  Keep the test, change the system (specialized high schools)  (Jumaane Williams)

 3/ 27  World Journal  特殊高中錄取改革 新財年預算不討論

 3/ 26  New York Times  For an Asian-American Family, the Cost of Education

 3/ 26  Wall Street Journal  Culture Explains Asians’ Educational Success

 3/ 25  American Renaissance  Loudoun County NAACP Calls for Investigation into Academies’ Admissions Process

 3/ 25  Kings County Politics  Two Bed-Stuy Programs Prove Black Students Can Compete In SHSAT

 3/ 25  New York Post  What Brooklyn Tech tells you about de Blasio’s ‘massive segregation’ claim

 3/ 25  New York School Talk  The Sorting Hat: How NYC’s Kindergarten Admission Really Works

 3/ 25  The 74 Million  How Exams Forced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s School to See Beyond Stereotypes
 3/ 24  New York 12  
‘I literally just yelled’: 13-year-old celebrates admission to top high school

 3/ 24  New York Daily News  De Blasio should not attack the Specialized High School admissions process

 3/ 23  China Press  白思豪:特殊高中施行“种族隔离”

 3/ 23  Epoch Times  三大特殊高中招生决定权 白思豪欲纽约市控制

 3/ 23  Epoch Times  16纽约市议员致信卡兰萨 吁增补习班 助弱势生

 3/ 23  New York Post  Teen gets into Stuyvesant after being told ‘it’s practically impossible’

 3/ 23  New York Post  The racially diverse, high-achieving schools of NYC’s past have vanished

 3/ 23  Town Hall  AOC Gives Ammo To School-Choice And Standardized Test Advocates

 3/ 23  World Journal  15市議員致函教育總監 促增非裔西裔教育資源

 3/ 22  Chalkbeat  De Blasio decries ‘segregation’ on specialized high schools — a term he has avoided

 3/ 22  China Press  刘醇逸:教育社区论坛下月起每区一场   (John Liu)

 3/ 22  China Press  特殊高中非裔西裔学生少 教育局长质疑一考定前途

 3/ 22  CNS   Indeed Something Ought to Be Done to Fix Ailing Public Schools in NYC


 3/ 22  Epoch Times  特殊高中招生政策 纽约州参议会将办系列听证

 3/ 22  Epoch Times  史岱文森高中非裔家长:特高放榜结果 凸显教育局无能

 3/ 22  Kings County Politics  Brooklyn Lawmakers On The Move March 22, 2019  (Andrew Gounardes)

 3/ 22  NY1  Should the SHSAT Determine Entrance to NYC's Elite High Schools?  Bias Alert!!! )

 3/ 22  New York Post  De Blasio says specialized high schools practice ‘massive segregation’

 3/ 22  New York Times  Questions and Answers About Black Admission to Stuyvesant High

 3/ 22  Quillette   In Defense of New York City’s Elite Public High Schools

 3/ 22  Vito LaBella  IS 187 PTO Presents NYS Senator Andrew Gounardes

 3/ 22  Washington Post  No one likes the SAT. It’s still the fairest thing about admissions.

 3/ 22  World Journal  州參議會辦社區教育論壇 SHSAT存廢聽民意

 3/ 22  World Journal  不滿特殊高中錄取結果 多名州、市議員聲討SHSAT

 3/ 22  World Journal  特殊高中入學制 白思豪再開砲

 3/ 21  America Can We Talk  AOC Merges Socialism With Racism – Asians in NYC Schools

 3/ 21   Chalkbeat  As controversy over the SHSAT heats up, lawmakers call for forums to ‘hear every single voice’

 3/ 21   China Press  亚裔学生占半边天 葛谟称特殊高中录取政策令人不快

 3/ 21   Daily Signal  Why Politicians on the Left Can’t Fix What Ails Public Schools in New York City

 3/ 21   Epoch Times  库默谈特高招生:纽约市本来就可定那5所高中的招生

 3/ 21   New York Post  City accused of keeping Asian-Americans in dark over changes to school admissions

 3/ 21   Sing Tao  州參議員聯手辦論壇 特殊高中錄取傾聽民意

 3/ 21   Sing Tao  非裔州眾議員發起集會 為取消SHSAT法案造勢

 3/ 21   World Journal  卡蘭扎喊話廢SHSAT 家長應找隱藏鑽石

 3/ 21   World Journal  特殊高中入學制 白思豪再開砲

 3/ 21   World Journal  特殊高中錄取分數線 史岱文森最高

 3/ 20  China Press   坚废SHSAT 市府遭批政治凌辱优秀学生

 3/ 20  China Pres  特殊高中录取分数线公布!史岱文森高中最高

 3/ 20  Epoch Times  特殊高中录取政策 州众议长拟5月召开听证

 3/ 20  Epoch Times  特殊高中发榜 华裔教育团体强调保留SHSAT

 3/ 20  Fly Nubian Queen  Why Are Black Kids Being EXCLUDED From Specialized High Schools?!!

 3/ 20  Letter to Carranza from 19 New York City Council  Members on SHSAT, G&T Programs  (Robert Corney et al.)

 3/ 20  New York Post  The drive to change elite-school admissions is all about killing the messenger

 3/ 20  New York Post  Cuomo calls on city to fix ‘obnoxious problem’ in high school admissions

 3/ 20  NTD TV  紐約市特殊高中考試發榜 亞裔人數仍過半

 3/ 20  Success Academies  We Got into One of NYC’s Elite High Schools, But Chose to Stay at Success Academy

 3/ 20  Wall Street Journal  Top Lawmakers Open to Diversity Fix at New York City’s Elite Schools

 3/ 20  World Journal  特殊高中錄取分數:史岱文森高中557分領頭

 3/ 20  World Journal  特殊高中錄取結果出爐 歐凱秀批不公  (AOC thanks testing?/AOC's white flight/AOC on SHSAT)

 3/ 19   AM New York  An idea for NYC's specialized high schools

 3/ 19   CACAGNY  CACAGNY Congratulates Students, Holds De Blasio Accountable

 3/ 19   China Press  特殊高中放榜 亚裔生大减

 3/ 19   Epoch Times  非裔西語裔考入特殊高中比例 無起色
 3/ 19   Fox News  Ocasio-Cortez blasts 'injustice' that prestigious NYC high school admitted few black students

              ==> AOC thanks standardized tesing? / defends own white flight / asks why 100% can't be top 5%

 3/ 19   New York Post  The real issue on elite high-school admissions

 3/ 19   New York Post  Heastie wants hearings on NYC high school admissions policy

 3/ 19   New York Post  School safety is another reason to lift the charter cap

 3/ 19   QVGOP News  AOC Education Town Hall Draws Asian Protests to Defend Academic Merit, Opportunity

 3/ 19   Sing Tao  希斯特擬開聽證會 審查特殊高中收生

 3/ 19   Sing Tao  錄取名額削減幅度最大 布朗士科學高中家長擔心

 3/ 19   Sinovision  纽约市特殊高中放榜 亚裔又占一半 这回政客能正视问题了吗?

 3/ 19   World Journal   紐約市特殊高中錄取結果公布 白思豪:須大改革

 3/ 19   World Journal   看特殊高中放榜亞裔仍過半…教育總監無法接受、誓廢SHSAT

 3/ 18   Chalkbeat  Specialized high schools continue to accept few black, Hispanic students (read comments!)

 3/ 18  China Press  特殊高中放榜亚裔生大减(图)

 3/ 18   Gothamist  Latest Specialized High School Acceptance Rates Still Don't Reflect NYC's Diversity

 3/ 18   New York Post  Asian students received most offers to city’s elite high schools

 3/ 18   New York School Talk  How Much For a ‘Good’ NYC Public School?  (de BLasio, Brad Lander, Richard Buery)

 3/ 18   New York Times  Only 7 Black Students Got Into N.Y.’s Most Selective School  (Jumaane Williams, John Liu)

 3/​​ 18   Public School Review  College Readiness Lacking in New York City Schools
 3/ 18   Sing Tao  高中放榜七成獲前三志願 亞裔特殊高中錄取率首降

 3/ 18   Wall Street Journal  NYC’s Elite Public High Schools Admit a New Class—With Little Change in Diversity

 3/ 18   World Journal 避談SHSAT 歐凱秀:應提升公校整體質量

                                        (AOC thanks testing?/AOC's white flight/AOC on SHSAT)

 3/ 17   New York Post  The arguments against charter schools show why we need more of them

 3/ 16   Chalkbeat Fake News Ocasio-Cortez, other politicians debate SHSAT at lively education town hall

              ==> Real Videos:  AOC thanks testing? / AOC's white flight / Ramos, AOC Make No Sense

 3/ 16   China Press  反对延长市长公校控制权 华裔家长公听会表达不满

 3/ 16   Epoch Times  公聽「市長公校控制權」家長和公益官籲予限制

 3/ 16   Epoch Times  大学录取丑闻暴腐败 美国亚裔教育联盟谴责

 3/ 16   New York Post  Ocasio-Cortez scorches NYC schools at Queens town hall 

                 ==> Videos:  AOC thanks testing? / AOC's white flight / Ramos, AOC make no sense

 3/ 16   World Journal   廢除SHSAT案 州議會今年沒戲

 3/ 16   World Journal  公校市長控制權 華裔家長反對延期3年

 3/ 15   Bloomberg  The 1590 SAT Score Blues: College Scam Betrays American Strivers

 3/ 15   Epoch Times  州参议会教委今听证市长公校控制权 华人家长将发声

 3/ 15   Epoch Times  州众议员玛丽奥提出 延市长公校控制权前应先公听  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 3/ 15   Epoch Times  纽约州主计长:公立学校未如实提交霸凌报告

 3/ 15   Fox News  Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance proves college admissions fraud is the symptom, not cause

 3/ 15   New York Post   College scam ‘mastermind’ faked ethnicity of students: docs

 3/ 15   New York Post  State senators go easy on de Blasio at school control hearing

 3/ 15   Sing Tao  市長公校控制權有讚有彈 白思豪卡蘭扎籲再延3年

 3/ 15   World Journal  延長市長公校控制權 議員提案先聽民意  (Nicole Malliotakis)

 3/ 14   AACE  AACE Condemns Appalling Corruption Exposed by the College Admissions Scandal

 3/ 14   Daily Mail   Multiple lawsuits are filed for more than $500 billion accusing Yale, USC and more

 3/ 14   Sing Tao   不堪欺凌刺死同學少年 起訴市教育局疏於保護

 3/ 14   World Journal   州主計長:紐約市公校隱瞞校園霸凌事件

 3/ 13   Epoch Times  放任学生吸大麻 森林小丘高中教师吁换校长

 3/ 13   Fox News   Dershowitz: the real victims in this admissions scandal were qualified students who worked hard

 3/ 13   New York Post   Politicians skeptical of NYC schools’ bullying report

 3/ 13   New York Post   Classroom chaos — de Blasio’s poisonous ‘gift’ to NY kids

 3/ 13   New York Post   How ‘suspension schools’ smash the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’

 3/ 13   Harvard Crimson   University Presidents: Only 37% Confident in Harvard’s Admissions Trial Defense

 3/ 13   Sing Tao  州主計長指責市公校 未妥善報告校園欺凌

 3/ 12   Sing Tao  同源會長陳慧華批市長教育總監 取消特殊高中入學試涉種族歧視

 3/ 11   New York Post  We need to fix NYC’s school discipline policy as soon as possible  (Leroy Comrie)

 3/ 11   New York School Talk  How Sharper Than a Serpent’s Tooth It Is To Have Ungrateful NYC Families!

 3/  8   Brooklyn Eagle  Chancellor defends plan to scrap elite school test; audience boos

 3/  8   Brooklyn Reporter  Chancellor defends plan to scrap elite school test at Bensonhurst town hall

 3/  8   Epoch Times  布碌崙D20学区会议 卡兰萨出席难解疑惑

 3/  8   Harvard Crimson   Here we go again:  Harvard Business School Plans New Position on Diversity

 3/  8   New York Post  State senate to de Blasio: Get school discipline under control or else

 3/  8   SIng Tao  公校老師訴慘痛經歷 遭學生打罵不能處分

 3/  8   World Jouranl  公校控制權 市長、教育總監要求延長至少三年

 3/  7   Bklyner  Heated Meeting Between Carranza And Parents Over Admissions to Specialized High Schools

 3/  7   Chalkbeat  In New York legislature, little apparent momentum behind bills to eliminate the SHSAT

 3/  7   China Press   卡兰纳里民会强推特高改革

 3/  7   China Press   多位民代反对改革特殊高中录取规则

 3/  7   New York Post  New York is shutting the door on schools that deliver for kids

 3/  7   New York Post  NYC teachers speak out about their horrific experiences in class

 3/  7   New York Post  UFT boss: City’s approach to school discipline is ‘broken’

 3/  7   World Journal   20學區鄰里大會狂噓卡蘭扎 怒轟教育總監廢SHSAT

 3/  7   Youtube   Carranza plays race card in District 20 town hall

 3/  6   Chalkbeat  In hotbed of  SHSAT opposition, Carranza doesn’t back down

                                 (Watch how Carranza "listens" to parents)

 3/  6   Epoch Times  同源会会长撰文 批市长改革SHSAT涉歧视违宪

 3/  6   Epoch Times  今年纽约市高中录取发榜推迟

 3/  6   New York Post   Don’t slam the door on new hope for NYC’s kids: Lift the charter cap

 3/  6   New York Post   NYC private schools fear state may disrupt ‘classroom excellence’
 3/  6   Sina 纽约取消特殊高中入学考试提案引华裔反对

 3/  6   Sing Tao   教育總監稱特殊高中改革可商量 眾多華人家長齊喝倒采

 3/  6   The 74 Million  NYC’ Plan to Diversify High Schools Becomes Fodder for Advocates

 3/  5   China Press  取消SHSAT 陈慧华纽约邮报撰文批违宪

 3/  5   City & State  Treyger’s take on school aid, the charter cap and the SHSAT  (Mark Treyger)

 3/  5   New York Post   My students know they’re in charge — and there’s nothing I can do

 3/  5   New York Post   NYC’s ‘progress’ in cutting school suspensions comes at the expense of education

 3/  5   New York Post   We got our plan to open a good school ok’d — but the charter cap leaves our kids in limbo

 3/  4   Chalkbeat   DOE uses lawsuit as excuse for delay on SHSAT results; fools Chalkbeat (see comments)

 3/  4   China Press  非法和种族歧视!纽约同源会会长撰文痛批白思豪废除SHSAT 计划...

 3/  4   New York School Talk  Universal Pre-K Closes Without Warning, Kids Left With Nowhere To Go

 3/  4   The 74 Million  Everything Carranza Doesn’t Understand About His Own District’s G&T Program

 3/  4   World Journal  紐約新科公益維護人威廉姆斯 反對廢SHSAT  (Jumaane Williams)

 3/  3   New York Post   If you want to support schools that deliver, lift the charter cap

 3/  3   New York Post   Why did it take a Post exposé to get action at Forest Hills HS? 

 3/  3   New York Post   NYC students caught with weed are receiving ‘warning cards’

 3/  3   New York Post   The pathetic rush to finally handle the horrors at Forest Hills High

 3/  2   China Press  调查:70%人认为美大学录取不应考虑种族因素

 3/  2   New York Post   The mayor’s new scheme for top NYC schools is illegal and racist

 3/  1   New York Post   Team de Blasio’s Asian-discrimination problem

 2/27   New York Post  De Blasio's makes $773 Million Renewal fiasco after Bloomberg had it right before

 2/27   New York P[ost  Malliotakis asks city to probe de Blasio’s failed $773 Million Renewal Schools program

 2/26   China Press   教育专家批特高改革歧视亚裔

 2/26   Epoch Times  冲刺公益维护人 欧瑞曲法拉盛造势  (Eric Ulrich)

 2/26   New York Post   De Blasio cancels embattled, $773 million Renewal school program

 2/26   New York Post  ‘Renewal Schools’ con game will go on — only without the name

 2/26   New York Post  Cops clean up school with rampant drug use  ("Diversity" panel wants cops out of schools)

 2/26   New York Times  $773 Million Later, de Blasio Ends Signature Initiative to Improve Failing Schools

 2/26   World Journal   劉醇逸:廢SHSAT提案 今年不會過關  (John Liu, Mark Tregyer)

 2/26   World Journal  唯一華裔 余炳文獲紐約溫州同鄉會力挺  (Benjamin Yee)

 2/25   New York Post  I didn’t smoke pot until I came to Queens high school: students

 2/25   New York Post  Marijuana madness at Forest Hills HS

 2/25   New York School Talk   A SHSAT School For All Who Want One!

 2/25   Pew Research Center  Most Americans say colleges should not consider race or ethnicity in admissions

 2/25   PragerU  Is Harvard Racist?

 2/25   Sing Tao  保衛特殊高中入學考試 劉醇逸崔馬克聯手把關  (John Liu, Mark Treyger)

 2/25   Sing Tao  皇后區高中大麻風波 學生揭發工會戰內幕

 2/25   World Journal  公益維護人26日選舉 紐約美華婦女會挺烏爾里希  (Eric Ulrich)

 2/24   Breitbart  University of North Carolina admission emails full of racial comments

 2/24   China Press  森林小丘高中校长与吸麻学生称兄道弟

 2/24   New York Post  De Blasio’s out to discriminate against Asian-American kids   (video)

 2/24   New York Post  De Blasio's excuse on school overflowing with pot: I don't know what goes on in my schools

 2/24   World Journal   公校多元化報告出爐 白思豪:續遊說州府 定改特殊高中

 2/24   World Journal   公益維護人候選人問卷 烏爾里希:改特殊高中錄取 傷害亞裔  (Eric Ulrich)

 2/23   China Press  余炳文访侨报分享政见主张  (Benjamin Yee)

 2/23   Epoch Times  冲刺竞选市公益维护人 金兑锡法拉盛造势  (Ron Kim)

 2/23   New York Post  Queens high school "spiraling downhill" because of marijuana

 2/23   Sing Tao   皇后區高中大麻風波 學生揭發工會戰內幕

 2/23   Sing Tao   森林小丘名高中 默許學生抽大麻

 2/22   China Press  教育局长称天才班名不副实

 2/22   China Press  金兑锡访中华总商会  (Ron Kim)

 2/22   Wall Street Journal   AP Tests Are Still a Great American Equalizer

 2/22   World Journal  公益維護人選舉 金兌錫訪中華總商會 反對特殊高中改革  (Ron Kim)

 2/21   China Press  金兑锡侨报论政 反大麻合法挺SHSAT  (Ron Kim)

 2/21   China Press  艾森巴赫访华社 争取华裔支持  (David Eisenbach)

 2/21   Manhattan Institute   Diversity By Decree:  Is NYC's New Policy For Elite High Schools Constitutional?

 2/21   New York Post  Richard Carranza: Too many NYC students qualify as ‘gifted’

 2/21   Queens Chronicle   Vote Eric Ulrich for public advocate Feb. 26  (Eric Ulrich)

 2/21   Sing Tao  取消SHSAT是當代排華法案 專家稱市府犯了訴訟大忌

 2/21   Sing Tao  卡蘭薩批資優計劃 「太多學生資優」

 2/21   World Journal  市公益維護人候選人余炳文訪世報 要讓華人更具影響力  (Benjamin Yee)

 2/21   World Journal  市公益維護人候選人 艾森巴赫反華埠建監獄  (David Eisenbach)

 2/20  Chalkbeat   Only 1 candidate gave the right answer to educational question  (Eric Ulrich)

 2/20  China Press  布碌仑第20学区(CEC 20)3月6日办邻里大会

 2/20  SI Live  Staten Island Tech outreach program mentors underrepresented students

 2/20  World Journal  20學區教育里民會(CEC 20) 3/6登場 籲華人家長參與 捍衛特殊高中入學考試

 2/20  World Journal  參選人艾森巴赫:選出為社區發聲 是華社大好機會  (David Eisenbach)

 2/19   Epoch Times  紐約市教育總監談天才班要族裔多元化

 2/19   New York School Talk  NYC Parents Sound Off On Department Of Education Incompetence! (Part #2)

 2/19   WPIX  Why one Brooklyn school is embracing the separation of people of color from other groups

 2/18   Epich Times  布碌崙科技高中春宴 与会者:今年继续打拼捍卫SHSAT  (Bill Colton, Andrew Gounardes)

 2/18   Epoch Times   共和党在取消特殊高中考试这方面持续对抗市长白思豪

 2/18   New York Post   Parents say city’s new admissions plans will hurt boys more than girls

 2/18   New York Post  De Blasio hates schools that are helping Blacks and Hispanics the most 

 2/18   Sing Tao  特殊高中收生改革 恐致學生女多為62%

 2/17   New York Post  De Blasio’s latest ridiculous NYC school "diversity" report

 2/16   Medium  Teardown of NYC DOE Chancellor Comments to CEC 4 on G&T Schools and SHSAT

 2/16   WPIX   Will the city’s plan to change SHSAT make its best schools worse?

 2/15   Brooklyn Eagle   Public advocate candidates blast mayor’s SHSAT plan   (David Eisenbach, Jard Rich, Benjamin Yee)

 2/15   Brooklyn Reporter  PA candidates blast mayor’s SHSAT plan (Colton, Eisenbach, Espinal, Rich, Williams, Yee)

 2/15   Epoch Times   第二学区通过决议 支持修订市长改革特高计划  (决议案)

 2/15   National Review  If NYC had good schools, etc,  it wouldn't have needed to bribe Amazon to come

 2/15   World Journal   郭納德訪至孝篤親公所 感謝支持   (Andrew Gounardes)

 2/14   China Press  纽约市公益维护人竞选论坛3参选人就各议题各抒己见David Eisenbach, Jard Rich, Benjamin Yee)

 2/14   Epoch Times  公益官候选人辩论会 聚焦SHSAT  (David Eisenbach, Jard Rich, Benjamin Yee)

 2/14   Sing Tao  促進公校多元化 研究機構籲擴展優質校

 2/13   China Press  白思豪顾问小组呼吁教育局接手学校安保: 结果将惨淡

 2/13   CEC 2  CEC 2 Passes Resolution Urging De Blasio to Address Issues with His SHSAT Proposals 

 2/13   Queens Eagle  None of 11 Public Advocate candidates called for city to eliminate SHSAT

 2/13   The 74 Million   New Study Says Homework Too Easy, Favors Lower-Level Skills

 2/13   Thomas B. Fordham Institute  Rampant grade inflation is harming vulnerable high schoolers

 2/13   World Journal  多元化報告促公校融合 被批無實質意義
 2/13   World Journal  改革特殊高中錄取 市府被指掩蓋失職

 2/13   World Journal  紐約最佳學校排行榜 三一學校居冠 史岱文森公校第一  (Niche)

 2/12   China Press  纽约市公立学校评估应基于多元化

 2/12   New York Post   "Diversity" panel wants police out of public schools

 2/12   Sing Tao  白思豪小組建議學校保安移到教育局: 只會減低校園犯罪率透明度

 2/11    InsideHigherEd   More AP Success; Racial Disparities Remain

 2/10   China Press  资优班项目在市贫困区铺开

 2/10   New York Post  Carranza’s ‘give me more money’ game (NY already leads nation in per-student spending)

 2/10   Quillette   These are the "wonderfully talented kids" Carranza says are missed by the SHSAT

 2/  9   Wall Street Journal  Gifted Programs in High-Poverty Districts Aim to Create Pipeline to Opportunity

 2/  8   Manhattan Institute  Barriers To Black Progress: Structural, Cultural, Or Both?  (video)

 2/  8   Public Advocate Debate on Specialized High Schools   Video

      For SHSAT as only measure:  Ron Kim, Eric Ulrich, Ydanis Rodriguez, Rafael Espinal
      For De Blasio's proposal to eliminate SHSAT : Michael Blake, Danny O’Donnell, Nomiki Konst
      Against De Blasio but Against SHSAT as only measure: Melissa Mark-Viverito, Jumaane Williams, Dawn Smalls
      Not at debate but For SHSAT as only measure:  Benjamin Yee, David Eisenbach, Manny Alicandro, Anthony Herbert
  2/  8   Epoch Times  公益官候选人见社区媒体 再谈特殊高中与社区监狱

  2/  7   Chalkbeat  Debate over SHSAT divides candidates for public advocate during NY1 debate

  2/  7   City & State  Nomiki Konst fact-checked WRONG that SHSAT favors the rich (Wrong: Nomiki Konst)

  2/  7   Queens Chronicle  Anti-SHSAT plan dissed at CEC 26

  2/  7   World Journal  公益維護人候選人 激辯特殊高中錄取議題

  2/  7   World Journal  劉醇逸:取消SHSAT涉種族歧視 不公平  (John Liu)

  2/  6   Gotham Gazette  Enough DOE Deception Around Admittance to Specialized High Schools

  2/  6   New York School Talk  NYC Wants to Reserve Seats in Elite High Schools By Race. Here’s Why That’s Wrong

  2/  6   New York Times  John Liu: De Blasio's SHSAT proposals "an absolutely non-starter"  (John Liu)

  2/  6   Sing Tao  市長特殊高中招生改革 亞裔批與公平背道而馳

  2/  5   World Journal 馬麗桃訪世報 強調與民溝通重要  (Melissa Mark-Viverito changes on SHSAT!)

  2/  4   Epoch Times  牛毓琳:紐約教育問題要從根上解決  (Right: Yuh-Line Niou /Wrong: Deborah Glick)

  2/  4   New York School Talk  NYC’s Plan For Raising Student Achievement Isn’t Close To Good Enough

  2/  4   NY1  Without Lowering Standards: New Program Aims to Diversify Admissions at NYC's Elite High Schools

  2/  4   Queens Chronicle  Corey Johnson wants more specialized high schools built  (Corey Johnson)

  2/  4   World Journal   反廢SHSAT 牛毓琳:紐約教育制度應從根本改革  (RightYuh-Line Niou /Wrong: Deborah Glick)

  2/  3   New York Post  The ugly truth about de Blasio’s ‘equity’ agenda

  2/  3   New York Post  Carranza is picking more fights than he can possibly hope to win

  2/  3   Sing Tao  牛毓琳里民會 SHSAT引發討論  (RightYuh-Line Niou /Wrong: Deborah Glick)

  2/  3   World Journal  白思豪改革特殊高中 亞裔錄取率腰斬

  2/  2   China Press  特殊高中改革 亚裔录取率将腰斩

  2/  2   Epoch Times  独立预算办:废SHSAT后 绩优生读特殊高中比例降
  2/  2   New York Post  Black, Hispanic students still struggling despite rising graduation rates
  2/  2   Sing Tao  反考試成績評估教育 紐約州成改革排頭兵

  2/  1   China Press  民代强烈反对《特殊高中考试提案》

  2/  1   Commentary  De Blasio’s Plan Would Destroy Asian-American Admissions

  2/  1   Epoch Times  第26学区教委会议 家长民代继续奋争保SHSAT   (Videos)

  2/  1   New York Daily News  More proof the mayor's plan to eliminate the SHSAT is a bad idea
  2/  1   New York Post  Carranza’s poisonous charter school lie
  2/  1   Sing Tao  特殊高中若招生改革 研究:亞裔生將減半

  2/  1   Sinovision   纽约皇后区第26学区例会 逾百家长到场力保SHSAT
  2/  1   World Journal  馬麗桃支持華埠建監獄 中華公所不滿意  (
Wrong: Melissa Mark-Viverito, Margaret Chin)

  1/31   China Press  市教育局长反对支付特许学校租金

  1/31   Daily Wire  DIversity? University of California Emloyees Donated Nearly 100% to Democrats

  1/31   Epoch Times  纽约高中生毕业率创纪录 亚裔毕业率最高

  1/31   New York Post  Asians in specialized high schools would plummet under admissions changes

  1/31   Sing Tao  公聽「特殊高中考試提案」 逾百不同族裔家長嗆聲反對   (Videos)

  1/31   Sing Tao  馬麗桃訪中華公所 伍銳賢「對她的回答不滿意」(Wrong: Melissa Mark-Viverito, Margaret Chin)

  1/31   World Journal  加入州參議會市教育委會 郭納德重申反廢SHSAT  (Andrew Gounardes)

  1/31   World Journal  紐約市高中畢業率創新高 族裔差距仍大

  1/30   New York Post  De Blasio’s empty boasts about graduation rates

  1/28   Brooklyn Eagle  Parents fight de Blasio effort to change elite school admissions  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/28   China Press  角逐公益维护人 布碌仑拼人气  (Benjamin Yee)

  1/27   New York Post  DOE incompetence makes a mockery of all de Blasio’s grand school visions

  1/26   Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis facebook (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   China Press  玛丽奥与师生家长抗议示威 反对废除特殊高中录取考试  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   Epoch Times  捍卫SHSAT 华人新年重燃战火  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   IS 187 PTO  Press Conference: Opposition to New Proposed SHSAT Legislation (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   News 12 Brooklyn  Critics slam city's plan to eliminate specialized HS admissions test  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   NTD TV  紐約華裔家長集會反對改革SHSAT 州眾議員助陣  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   Sing Tao  州議會再提特殊高中改革案 議員率華裔家長冒嚴寒示威  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/26   World Jouirnal  反廢SHSAT 民代、家長批市府治標不治本  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/25   Epoch Times  特殊高中招生改革 众议员巴伦再提案  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/25   CACAGNY, IS 187 Christa McAuliffe PTO Host Assembly Member Malliotakis on SHSAT, G&T Programs

  1/25   Kings County Politics  Malliotakis To Discuss Mayor's, Schools Chancellor’s Quota Plan  (Nicole Malliotakis)

  1/25  World Journal  單憑SHSAT進特殊高中 白思豪:必須廢除

  1/24   Wall Street Journal  India's Ethnic Quotas vs Chinese Test Scores: A Cautionary Tale

  1/23   Sing Tao  州議會改革教師評估 下一目標取消州統考

  1/23   Sing Tao  再生元科學獎決賽入圍 華裔學生佔四分之一

  1/21    New York Daily News  Readers sound off on SHSAT   ( link )

  1/20   China {ress  竞选市公益维护人 金兑锡法拉盛造势  (Ron Kim)

  1/19   Epoch Times  特殊高中招生歧視案 紐約市教育局回應

  1/18   China Press  纽约市84所小学被列为问题学校

​​  1/18  Epoch Times  特殊高中官司 或致高中放榜延遲

  1/18   New York Daily News   CUNY Harlem Medical School achieves "diversity" by skipping the MCAT exam

  1/18   New York Post  DOE isn’t inviting charter school parents to listening tour: critics

​  1/18   News Observer  UNC defends itself after lawsuit claims admissions process unfairly uses race

  1/18   Wall Street Journal  UNC Defends Admissions Policies in Suit Alleging Unfair Racial Preferences

  1/18   Washington Post  University of North Carolina defends race-conscious admissions in federal lawsuit

  1/17   Boston Globe  You think public school good grades mean anything? Read this!

  1/17   China Press  取消SHSAT?刘醇逸:本会期不考虑  (John Liu)

  1/17   Epoch Times  公校种族隔离严重?第15学区教育委员会召开会议华人反驳

  1/17   Epoch Times  第二学区关于SHSAT的表决 延至2月13日

  1/17   NY1   Parents Accuse de Blasio of Placing Diversity Quota Ahead of Merit Based Education

  1/17   Queens Chronicle  De Blasio is issue No.1 in Ulrich campaign  (Eric Ulrich)

  1/17   Patch   All 21 parents who spoke at Park Slope had a problem with mayor's specialized high schools plan

  1/17   Sing Tao  州教育廳公布最差名單 紐約市124間學校上榜

  1/17   Sinovision   SHSAT斗争再起 刘醇逸:SHSAT今年不会改变  (John Liu)
  1/17  World Journal  劉醇逸談新職 選舉改革法案讓投票變簡單  (
John Liu

  1/17   World Journal  特殊高中錄取 亞裔最受惠? 第二學區家長不滿

  1/16   China Press  保卫SHSAT 第15学区今办专场会

  1/16   China Press  州议员再提废除SHSAT案

  1/16   Epoch Times   特殊高中录取线以下学生 “探索”项目提供1/5席位 

  1/16   Epoch Times  取消SHSAT的提案又出现在州参议会

  1/16   Patch  Meeting will let public weigh in on De Blasio's controversial plan to diversify city's top high schools

  1/16   Sing Tao  特殊高中考試錄取制度 劉醇逸稱今年不會有改變

  1/16   World Journal   劉醇逸:特殊高中廢除SHSAT 今年別想  (John Liu)

  1/15   Epoch Times   第二學區16日開會 擬決議促廢SHSAT 用詞微妙

  1/15   New York Post   De Blasio fumbled rollout of elite high schools’ admissions plan: parents

  1/15   Sing Tao  廢特殊高中入學試 白思豪支持者倒戈

  1/15   World Journal  特殊高中改革硝煙再起 非裔參議員重提廢SHSAT

  1/13   Wall Street Journal  Failing Law Schools Lose Fight to Lower Standards

  1/12   China Press  金兑錫访中华公所联成公所 拜票阐述政见  (Ron Kim)

  1/12   Epoch Times  在特殊高中入学考SHSAT命运未卜的情况下 亨特高中更受热捧

  1/12   Epoch Times  公益官皇后区唯一参选人 金兑锡华埠拜票  (Ron Kim)

  1/12   Our Time Press  Why Not Have a REAL NYC Specialized High School Integration Plan?  

  1/10   Broadsheet  CB1 Asks City Hall to Pause Effort on Specialized Schools  (Yuh-line Niou, Margaret Chin)

  1/10   Epoch Times  州议会2019会期开启 SHSAT命运受关注

  1/10   Epoch Times  公益维护官论坛 南布碌崙2/13举办  (William Colton)

  1/10  World Journal  反哈佛招生歧視 270個亞裔組織聲援

  1/10   New York Daily News  De Blasio/Carranza "listen" to parent input -- in invitation-only meetings

  1/  9   Epoch Tiems  特殊高中3月發榜 改革博弈升級

  1/  9   WGBH  Asian American Support for Lawsuit Against Harvard Now Up to 270 Groups

  1/  9   World Journal  活動分子促公立中學取消甄選

  1/  8   Chalkbeat  Teacher's union sets Albany agenda to make themselves look good (damn real education!)

  1/  6   New York Post  The hypocrisy behind Bill de Blasio's and Richard Carranza’s quota drive

  1/  5   Epoch Times  余炳文参选 欲改变公益维护官功能  (Benjamin Yee)

  1/  4   New York Daily News  Carranza to buy "independent" student input with $70K "job"; fools Daily News 

  1/  3   Cato Institute  Many states spend half as much as New York but students score higher

  1/  2   China Press  新州高中毕业PARCC测试规则改变

  1/  1   China Press  角逐公益维护人 金兑锡访布碌仑华社  (Ron Kim)

  1/  1   World Journal  金兌錫競選公益維護人 訪華社爭取支持  (Ron Kim)

  1/  1   World Journal  州參議員韓文頓離任 答謝華社  (Jesse Hamilton)

​News -- 2018