News -- 2018
12/31 Asbury Park Press PARCC graduation requirement struck down by NJ court
12/31 Patch Black, Latino, anti-test groups dumb down NJ high school graduation requirements
12/31 Sing Tao 角逐市公益維護官 金兌錫訪8大道華社 (Ron Kim)
12/31 Washington Post Public chool grade inflation plagues Maryland; politicans want more studies
12/28 NTD TV 【2018紐約十大新聞】市長改革特殊高中考試 遭家長提告
12/27 Asia Times Affirmative action in New York schools upsets Asian Americans
12/26 New York Daily News De Blasio's plan to end SHSAT would devastate the best junior highs in New York
12/21 China Press 刘醇逸出席学区会 坚反取消SHSAT (John Liu)
12/21 Epoch Times 纽约实验中学问卷 99%家长反对废SHSAT (Resolution)
12/21 World Jouranl 將任州參議會紐約市教育委會主席 劉醇逸:支持考SHSAT進特殊高中 (John Liu)
12/20 Epoch Times 纽约“全民学前班”计划致公校拥挤
12/20 New York Post The lunacy of crying ‘racism’ over school suspensions
12/20 Queens Chronicle Liu: abolishing SHSAT is no way to improve elite schools’ demographic numbers (John Liu)
12/20 World Journal 紐約市實驗中學要求市府保持特殊高中學術標準 優質教育 (Resolution)
12/20 World Journal 美國亞裔教育聯盟 爭取聯署「非當事人意見陳述」
12/19 Epoch Times 華人就社區擬建監獄、大麻合法化、特殊高中招生、遊民所等議題表達關切
12/19 World Journal 州眾議會新領導層出爐 廢SHSAT議員掌教委會 (Michael Benedetto)
12/19 World Journal 反監獄 反大麻 反廢SHSAT 皇后區華人發聲 (Scott Stringer)
12/18 NYC Lab Middle School SLT and Parent Association Resolution to preserve Hecht-Calandra
12/18 Queens County Politics Ron Kim: City "scapegoating one test while vilifying an entire racial group"
12/17 Chalkbeat John Liu talks about his NYC education priorities
12/17 Kings County Politics Specialized High School Lawsuit Could Wake Asian Voters In PA Race
12/17 New York Dialy News de Blasio's pre-kindergarten expansion caused public school overcrowding
12/16 New York Post Parents hate de Blasio’s racist plans for the city’s top schools
12/15 New York Daily News De Blasio's attempt to reduce Asian-Americans in Discovery Program unconstitutional
12/14 Sing Tao 劉醇逸任州參院紐約市 教育小組委員會主席 (John Liu)
12/14 World Journal 市議長張晟:應設更多特殊高中 (Corey Johnson, Laurie Cumbo)
12/13 CACAGNY Joins Lawsuit to Stop Discrimination Against Asian Americans in Education
12/13 World Journal 非洲裔家長憂:子女在特殊高中受冷落
12/13 World Journal SHSAT改上學日考 亞裔依然受益最多
12/13 CACAGNY explains SHSAT in CEC 3/MS 54 meeting
12/12 NTD TV 金兌錫參選公益維護人 誓保民眾利益優先 (Ron Kim)
12/12 Wall Street Journal Educrats at it Again: Down With Homework!
12/12 West Side Rag Changes to Specialized High School Admissions Would Have Big Local Impact
12/11 New York Post The Regents’ farcical teacher-evaluation con
12/11 New York Post Black parent already blaming racism for failing kids in proposed Specialized HIgh Schools
12/10 Epoch Times 反对取消SHSAT意见 市长选择性听取
12/ 9 New York Post De Blasio doesn’t care what parents think about his elite-school-quota plans
12/ 9 Sing Tao 紐約市逾百高中 補學分增畢業率
12/ 9 World Journal 反廢SHSAT 史岱文森高中家長會要求公開透明對話
12/ 7 Epoch Times 史岱文森高中家委会决议 否市长改革方案
12/ 7 World Journal 反廢SHSAT 韓裔組織將與華社合作 (Barry Grodenchik)
12/ 6 China Press 上州一高中副校长擅自修改学生成绩
12/ 6 China Press 余炳文反对取消SHSAT考试制度 (Benjamin Yee)
12/ 6 City Journal De Blasio falsely promises that tech jobs will go to poorly educated city kids
12/ 6 Epoch Times 余炳文反对市长废除特殊高中录取考试 (Benjamin Yee)
12/ 6 SIng Tao 州會考合格率下跌 市府歸咎於試題難
12/ 5 New York Daily New New York City public schools pass rates slide on Regents exams
12/ 5 Stuyvesant PA Stuyvesant H.S. Parents' Association Opposes Bills to Change Hecht-Calandra
12/ 4 Chalkbeat Manhattan parents get heated over SHSAT proposal (IS 187 PTO Speech) (Girl Studying)
12/ 4 China Press 教育局研讨会 民众疾呼保留SHSAT
12/ 4 National Review An End to Racial Preferences at Last?
12/ 4 New York Post Angry parents lash out at DOE official over desegregation plan (Print: Front Page/Story)
12/ 4 Wall Street Journal Parents Vehemently Oppose Mayor’s SHSAT Plan
12/ 4 World Journal 特殊高中錄取改革 社區批紐約市教局假信息
12/ 3 New York School Talk If Grades & Test Scores Are “Better”, Why Aren’t Screened Schools “Better”?
11/30 China Press 余炳文拜访美国福建同乡会 主张保留特殊考试高中考试 (Benjamin Yee)
11/30 Weixin 第一学区教育委员举行会议 講市长废除特殊高中入学考试提案
11/29 Epoch Times 第一学区家长 反对取消特殊高中入学考
11/29 Epoch Times 曼哈顿千禧高中 招生政策突变 为了增加学校的“多元化”
11/29 New York Daily News State lawmakers want hearings on NYC public school wasteful spending
11/28 Chalkbeat Nicole Maliatokis: No mayoral control of public schools for De Blasio!
11/28 New York Daily News New York City school officials blew millions in travel expenses
11/28 New York Post Education officials ‘recklessly’ spent funds on lavish vacations
11/28 Sing Tao 教育局被揭亂花錢 市長揚言清理門戶
11/27 Think Law The Case for Gifted Education as an Equity Issue
11/26 Chalkbeat Surprise: Millennium HS changes admissions just weeks before deadline
11/26 New York Schol Talk Should Teachers Forbid Students From Learning Outside of School?
11/24 China Press 余炳文拜访美国福建联合总会 反对市长废除特殊高中录取考试(SHSAT) (Benjamin Yee)
11/23 World Journal 參選市公益維護人 訪福建聯合總會 堅決持反對廢除特殊高中入學考試 (Benjamin Yee)
11/21 China Press 余炳文拜访亚总会 反对市长废除特殊高中录取考试(SHSAT) (Benjamin Yee)
11/20 CEC 16 Bed-Stuy CEC shocked, dismayed at Department of Education on G&T disappointment
11/20 Epoch Times 第16学区教育委致信教育总监 要求披露信息
11/20 Success Academy De Blasio Loses in Court to Charter Schools
11/19 China Press 应对大雪失策 要取消特殊高中入学考试 华裔家长要卡兰纳下台 (登录)
11/18 China Press 公益维护官参选人余炳文 反对市长废除特殊高中录取考试(SHSAT) (Benjamin Yee)
11/17 World Journal 余炳文參選公益維護人 決反對廢除特殊高中入學考試 (Benjamin Yee)
11/16 AsAm News UCLA Professor Sues. Suspects Discrimination against Asian Americans
11/16 China Press 普选险胜 郭纳德谢票华社 (Andrew Gounardes)
11/16 China Press 卡兰纳强调纽约市公立教育系统多元化方向
11/16 WPIX Report on Christa McAuliffe PTO Discovery Lawsuit
11/15 China Press 郭纳德谢票华社 承诺为保留SHSAT而努力 (Andrew Gounardes)
11/15 China Press 亚裔儿童家庭联盟(CACF)发布SHSAT报告 (***亚裔儿童家庭联盟(CACF)获得市议会拨款***)
11/15 Chronicle of Higher Education Who Else Will Get Sued Over Their Admissions Policies?
11/15 Epoch Times 教育总监出席皇后区家长会议 否定SHSAT
11/15 Epoch Times 亚美联盟(CACF)废SHSAT: 钱权交易、逆向歧视 (***亚美联盟(CACF)获得市议会拨款***)
11/15 Epoch Times 亚美联盟(CACF)支持废除SHSAT (***亚美联盟(CACF)获得市议会拨款***)
11/15 LA Times UCLA professor wants data on whether UC illegally uses race in admissions
11/15 New York Times University of California Faces Admissions Scrutiny on Race
11/15 Wall Street Journal Discrimination Lawsuit Seeks Data on Admissions at UC System
11/15 World Journal CACF支持廢SHSAT 被批「有損亞裔利益」 (***CACF获得市议会拨款***)
11/15 World Journal 華裔質廢SHSAT涉歧視 卡蘭札:提供更多考取高中機會
11/14 China Press 布碌仑187初中家长会将提告市府
11/14 Epoich Times 特殊高中改革受害者 布碌崙187初中家长拟提讼市府
11/14 Epoch Times 律师:市长废除SHSAT违宪
11/14 New York Daily News De Blasio program to use English language admissions targets failed
11/14 New York Post Parents plan lawsuit against school diversity proposal
11/14 NTD TV 亚美儿童家庭联盟支持废除SHSAT (***亚美儿童家庭联盟获得市议会拨款***)
11/14 Sing Tao 郭納德8大道謝票 承諾爭取保留SHSAT (Andrew Gounardes)
11/14 Sing Tao 教育總監卡蘭扎強調公校多元化
11/14 World Journal 針對白思豪廢SHSAT 187初中家長會全票通過提告
11/13 Epoch Times 布碌崙15学区初中不按成绩录取 改抽签招生
11/13 Wall Street Journal Parents to Sue City Over Elite High-School Admissions
11/12 China Press 郭纳德 佛朗特斯拜访崇政会 誓言力保SHSAT (Andrew Gounardes, Mathylde Frontus)
11/12 China Press 高顿:感谢华裔义工付出 选举胜负未见分晓 (Martin Golden)
11/12 Epoch Times 寇顿:保卫SHSAT之战 家长需组织、行动起来 (Bill Colton)
11/12 New York Post NYC’s schools chief shows his ignorance
11/12 Wall Street Journal Parents Mull Suit Over City Plan to Boost Diversity at Elite Schools
11/12 World Journal 劉醇逸華埠謝票:承諾代表華人發聲 反廢SHSAT (John Liu)
11/11 China Press 寇顿开社区家长会 吁保卫SHSAT (Bill Colton)
11/11 New York Daily News Amazon, Google: New York City's schools aren't preparing kids for future
11/11 Sing Tao 劉醇逸: 在特殊高中改革問題上 「我是華人」(John Liu)
11/11 Sing Tao 民主黨成為州參議會多數 寇頓:保留SHSAT會更難 (Bill Colton)
11/11 World Journal 寇頓與華裔家長謀策 誓保SHSAT 籲更多人向市府表態 (Bill Colton)
11/11 World Journal 封面故事|上法庭力爭入學平權 華裔出人出錢出力
11/10 China Press 亚裔对废除SHSAT意见分裂
11/10 Epoch Times 明年表决SHSAT议案 家长如何做
11/10 Epoch Times 特殊高中多元化讨论 教育理念交锋
11/10 Sing Tao 特殊高中改革兩方「交戰」 亞平會社區發展大會嗨爆
11/ 9 City Journal The Chancellor Needs Some Schooling
11/ 9 New York Post Team de Blasio really doesn’t want to face angry CEC 15 parents
11/ 9 Sinovision 亚裔社区发展论坛纽约曼哈顿举办 聚焦贫困问题和特殊高中改革争议
11/ 9 World Journal 若廢SHSAT 曼哈頓2學區500學生恐錯失特殊高中
11/ 9 Sing Tao 寇頓: 要對郭納德進行監督, 確保他言行一致 (Bill Colton, Andrew Gounardes)
11/ 8 Epoch Times 中华总商会: “亚美儿童家庭联盟”(CACF) 对整个亚裔社区的出卖
11/ 8 Epoch Times 中华总商会: 市长白思豪要废除特殊高中入学测试 其实就是搞社会主义
11/ 7 Epoch Times SHSAT保卫战 推动华人投票
11/ 7 Epoch Times 艾维乐在捍卫特殊高中入学考试 表示感谢华裔、韩裔社区的支持
11/ 6 Epoch Times 选民:艾维乐胜选对保SHSAT至关重要 (Tony Avella)
11/ 6 Epoch Times 纽约市府多元化法案:家长会需捐出部分给贫困学校
11/ 6 New York Post Parents rip Carranza for short notice on Park Slope middle school "diveristy" forum
11/ 6 NTD TV 艾维乐胜选对保SHSAT至关重要 纽约华裔选民投票热 (Tony Avella)
11/ 6 Sing Tao 艾維拉強烈支持特殊高中考試 感謝華裔義工助選 (Tony Avella)
11/ 6 Sing Tao 艾維拉華裔支持者 願意與劉醇逸合作
11/ 6 World Journal 反移民、取消SHSAT 他們喚華裔選民普選日參與
11/ 5 China Press 高顿获美国香港总商会背书 坚持保留SHSAT (Martin Golden)
11/ 5 Daily Signal How Affirmative Action Backfires on Minority Students, and Why Colleges Do It Anyway
11/ 5 Epoch Times 民主黨 (Democrat): 多元化種族配額 / 共和黨 (Republican): 教育權利平等
11/ 5 Epoch Times "高顿是保住SHSAT的最关键一票" (Martin Golden)
11/ 5 Epoch Times 共和党联邦参议员候选人萧珐莉特殊高中考试: “要看成绩而不是肤色” (Chele Farley)
11/ 5 Epoch Times 共和党候选人挑战华埠选区民主党州参议员 支持现有的SHSAT (Anthony Arias)
11/ 5 NTD TV 国会参议员候选人法雷强烈支持保留特殊高中考试 (Chele Farley)
11/ 5 World Journal 高頓布碌崙拜票 對SHSAT 堅決與華裔家長站在同一戰線 (Martin Golden)
11/ 4 China Press 纽约联邦参议员共和党候选人萧法莉首访华社拜票 力挺SHSAT (Chele Farley)
11/ 4 NTD TV 民主党搞多元化的幌子来进行打压华裔孩子 (Dan Donovan)
11/ 4 World Journal 蕭法莉訪布碌崙華社 堅決反對市長白思豪的SHSAT改革政策 (Chele Farley)
11/ 3 Epoch Times 刘醇逸 (John Liu) 对SHSAT表示“应当考虑其他族裔社区的意见”
11./ 3 Epoch Times 华人家长成立基金会 募款雇说客保SHSAT
11/ 3 Epoch Times 教育专家11/8召开SHSAT讨论会
11/ 3 Sing Tao 抨擊白思豪系列政策 高頓:州議會將力阻 (Martin Golden)
11/ 2 Epoch Times 共和党州长候选人支持保留 SHSAT (Marc Molinaro)
11/ 2 National Interest Stop Using Diversity to Justify Racism at Harvard
11/ 2 Sinovision 哈佛案结案陈词 控辩双方:官司会打到底
11/ 2 USA Today Harvard shouldn't punish Asian-American students for achieving too much
11/ 2 Weekley Standard Twenty bad arguments in favor of discrimination against Asians
11/ 2 World Journal 斯靜格訪華社 反建監獄和廢SHSAT (Scott Stringer)
11/ 1 Chalkbeat Offering SHSAT during school hours to boost diversity backfires
11/ 1 Epoch Times 特殊高中校友会出报告 改州法不能增多元化
11/ 1 Epoch Times 华人医师集会: SHSAT给予人平等机会 艾维乐出席支持 (Tony Avella)
11/ 1 Epoch Times 挑战纳特勒 共和党候选人乐文访华社 反对取消 SHSAT (Naomi Levin)
11/ 1 NTD TV 争取平等入学机会 华人医师 艾维乐 支持保留SHSAT (Tony Avella)
11/ 1 Sing Tao 華人籌款聘游說公司 保特殊高中考試
11/ 1 Wall Street Journal Stuyvesant’s Admissions-Test Backers Hire Lobbyist
11/ 1 Wall Street Journal Republicans Court Asian Voters With a New Message: End Affirmative Action
11/ 1 World Journal 華裔醫師組同盟 全力支持SHSAT 艾維樂也到場支持 (Tony Avella)
11/ 1 World Journal 樂文進軍國會 訪中華總商會拜票 決捍衛SHSAT (Naomi Levin)
10/31 ITV Gold Vickie Paladino Supports the SHSAT (Vickie Paladino)
10/31 Sing Tao 擬選市長 訪福建僑聯總會 斯靜格支持保留SHSAT (Scott Stringer)
10/30 Epoch Times 参议员高顿(Golden)再申保留SHSAT、郭纳德 (Gounardes) 認為學校需更多元化
10/30 Epoch Times 法拉盛高中毕业率继续下降到55.73% 史塔文斯基关注
10/30 Queens Ledger Parents boo DOE officials during SHSAT presentation
10/29 Epoch Times 艾维乐反对SHSAT改革 华人支持者庆生及筹款 (Tony Avella)
10/28 China Press 艾维乐庆生并为11月普选筹款 关心SHSAT (Tony Avella)
10/28 New York Post Now they are going after LaGuardia High School
10/27 Epoch Times 市府官员令停止SHSAT讨论 第24学区教委主席投诉
10/27 World Journal 家長護SHSAT 官員阻發聲 教育總監道歉
10/26 Kings County Politics Repubican Saperstein supports SHSAT, Democrat Frontus says change it
10/26 New York Daily News Carranza says 'sorry' after city official is accused of intimidation at CEC meeting
10/26 New York Post De Blasio is repeat offender of educational malpractice
10/26 New York Times Another De Blasio education experiment goes down in flames
10/26 QNS Queens officials blast de Blasio staffer for interrupting meeting on SHSAT
10/26 Ridgewood Post City Official Accused of Silencing Critics of School Desegregation Plan
10/26 Sing Tao 「更新學校計劃」 白思豪又失敗收場
10/26 Times Ledger Queens officials blast de Blasio staffer for interrupting meeting on SHSAT
10/25 Epoch Times 艾维乐 访中华公所 捍卫SHSAT、反建监狱、反对游民庇护所 (Tony Avella)
10/25 Epoch Times 李罗莎、史塔文斯基提出立法 给所有学生考天才班机会
10/25 New York Daily News De Blasio: help the 575,000 kids in overcrowded public schools!
10/25 New York Post De Blasio can't save his failing schools by spreading Whites, Asians around
10/25 NTD TV 艾维乐竞选连任 拜访中华公所 关注华人议题 保持SHSAT考试 (Tony Avella)
10/25 World Journal 艾維樂訪中華公所 與華人同戰 反廢除SHSAT 反華埠建監獄 (Tony Avella)
10/24 Amsterdam News School Grading Practices Are Inaccurate and Inequitable to Black Children
10/24 World Journal 24學區會議 華裔家長、民代反廢SHSAT
10/24 World Journal 我們都是美國人」 亞裔聚波城爭平權
10/23 China Press 寇顿再发声明 呼吁留SHSAT
10/23 CNN Asian-Americans should be angry about allegations against Harvard
10/23 Harvard Crimson Should Race or Income Reign Supreme in Admissions?
10/23 Queens Chronicle Maintain elite HS admissions rules as they are!
10/23 Sinovision 特殊高中改革提案,刺激不少华裔民众政意觉醒
10/23 World Journal 州眾議員寇頓再發聲明 反對取消SHSAT
10/22 New York School Talk Changing Admission to Specialized High Schools Will Change The Schools
10/22 Sing Tao 州參議員卡凡納訪星島 稱將阻止取消特殊高中考試法案 (Brian Kavanagh)
10/22 World Journal SHSAT登場 華生處變不驚應試
10/21 Harvard Crimson Asian-Americans Earned Highest SATs at Harvard From 1995 to 2013
10/21 New York Daily News A simple step for Carranza if he cares about equity
10/21 New York Post De Blasio’s war on excellent schools (with mention of a "Plan B")
10/20 Epoch Times 古玉文:哈佛歧视案 平权法案的寒冬
10/20 World Journal 1995-2013年 哈佛亞裔錄取率最低
10/19 Bklyner Department of Education: We just don't LIKE test [that produced 14 Nobel Prize winners]
10/19 China Press 美国高中毕业生数学能力降至14年来最低点
10/19 China Press 哈佛对亚裔的个人评分存在明显的刻板印象因素
10/19 Epoch Times 招生改革后 恐有上千出色学生无缘特殊高中
10/19 Epoch Times 招生案庭审 哈佛承认亚裔SAT分数要更高
10/19 Epoch Times 哈佛招生办主任证实 不同族裔SAT要求不同
10/19 Harvard Crimson Asian-Americans: Lowest Admit Rate at Harvard of Any Racial Group
10/19 New York Post Harvard study reveals how race affected ‘personal rating’ scores
10/19 New York Times The Curse of Affirmative Action
10/19 World Journal SHSAT若廢 318州考未達標生仍可讀特殊高中
10/19 World Journal 只看成績 哈佛亞裔新生可升高至43%
10/18 China Press 捍卫SHSAT 布碌仑官民再抗议 (Martin Golden)
10/18 Epoch Times 布碌崙20学区家长激烈反对废SHSAT
10/18 Epoch Times 華社籌款晚宴 挺共和黨州長候選人 支持保留SHSAT (Marc Molinaro)
10/18 ==> Harvard Asian Discrimination – Molinaro: Review NY Schools (Marc Molinaro)
10/18 New York Post DOE staffers jeered at specialized high school diversity presentation
10/18 NTD TV Marc Molinaro 反对取消特殊高中考试制度 (Marc Molinaro)
10/18 Queens Chronicle Drop the anti-SHSAT crusade!
10/18 SIng Tao 特殊高中招生改革 將強塞300不合格生
10/18 Sing Tao 若僅憑學術成績錄取 哈佛新生43%應為亞裔
10/18 Sing Tao ACT成績整體滑坡 亞裔考生一枝獨秀
10/18 Wall Street Journal De Blasio would admit hundreds of non-proficient students to Stuyvesant, etc
10/18 World Journal 布碌崙20學區會議 華裔居民反對廢SHSAT (Martin Golden)
10/17 China Press 哈佛坦承亚裔生有更高录取门槛
10/17 Epoch Times 哈佛招生歧视案开庭 旧金山湾区华人也去声援
10/17 IS 187 PTA CEC 20's Adele Boyle grills DoE Bill Colton supports SHSAT Parents Angry at De Blasio
10/17 New York Daily News Schools chancellor fails big test
10/17 New York Post Harvard’s gatekeeper reveals SAT cutoff scores based on race
10/17 Sing Tao 哈佛不知道亞裔申請人的推薦信是否比非裔或西語裔申請人的弱
10/17 Sing Tao 若僅憑學術成績錄取 哈佛新生43%應為亞裔
10/17 Sing Tao SFFA哈佛大學訴訟案開庭審理 全美華人關注
10/17 Wall Street Journal Harvard Ignored Own Study on Discrimination against Asian-Americans
10/17 Wall Street Journal Asian students show better ACT scores; other groups all see drops
10/17 World Journal 亞裔控哈佛招生歧視案 灣區華人赴波士頓聲援
10/16 China Press 哈佛招生涉嫌歧视案开审
10/16 Epoch Times 除了看传单 还看价值理念 分辨候选人对SHSAT考试的确定态度
10/16 Epoch Times 共和党州长候选人支持特殊教育 (Marc Molinaro, Martin Golden)
10/16 Epoch Times 哈佛招生歧视案开庭 将审查是否歧视亚裔
10/16 Federalist Liberal Asian Elites to Less-Advantaged Asians: Accept College Discrimination
10/16 Harvard Magazine Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions Make Opening Arguments
10/16 Sing Tao 26選區州參議員共和黨參選人 艾瑞斯訪 (Anthony Arias)
10/16 Sing Tao 哈佛歧視亞裔案開審 控辯雙方均據理力爭
10/16 Sing Tao 招生應否考量族裔因素 高校爭議數十年仍無解
10/16 Sing Tao 否認反對平權法案 原告單為亞裔發聲
10/16 The 74 Million 12 Surprising Quotes From New York City Schools Chief Richard Carranza
10/16 World Journal 哈佛案華人分歧…學生:憑本事甭照顧 華團:哈佛答辯荒謬
10/16 World Journal 「個人評分」總給亞裔低分… 哈佛存偏見?庭審焦點
10/16 World Journal 華策會39周年慶 10/18表彰4傑
10/16 World Journal 哈佛案4大爭議 原、被告這樣說…
10/15 Epoch Times 哈佛歧视亚裔案将开庭 多组织波士顿集会
10/15 Harvard Crimson Here's What Happened in the Harvard Admissions Trial Today
10/15 New York Daily News De Blasio & Carranza vs. public school parents
10/15 Sinovision 州长候选人莫利那罗(Marc Molinaro),参议院候选人高顿(Marty Golden) 讨论保护特殊高中
10/15 Sinovision “哈佛招生歧视案”开审 美国亚裔维权迎来重要一役
10/15 World Journal 高頓華社拉票 打經驗、貢獻牌 (Martin Golden, Marc Molinaro)
10/15 World Journal 哈佛歧視亞裔案首日庭審
10/15 World Journal 控哈佛招生歧視今開審 兩代亞裔立場迥異
10/15 World Journal 哈佛面試官:歧視亞裔問題的確存在
10/15 World Journal 哈佛歧視亞裔案首日庭審 哈佛代表:招生程序合法
10/15 World Journal 亞裔聚波城轟哈佛招生歧視 高喊「我們都是美國人」
10/14 Wall Street Journal An Asian-American Dissident at Harvard
10/14 Wall Street Journal Brooklyn New York State Test Scores Jump Suspiciously
10/14 Washington Post ‘We’re here to say no’: Asian American rally against Harvard
10/14 World Journal 反平權措施 亞裔被當槍使?
10/14 World Journal 「我們都是美國人」 亞裔聚波城爭平權
10/13 China Press 第15学区多元化计划引争议
10/13 China Press 哈佛涉招生歧视亚裔 15日开庭
10/13 New York Post De Blasio and Carranza’s plan to ‘save’ top schools will destroy them
10/13 Queens Civic Congress QCC passes resolution to support Hecht-Calandra (pg 4 of 8)
10/12 China Press 州参议员艾维乐中华总商会拜票(Tony Avella)
10/12 Epoch Times 艾维乐访中华总商会 吁选民11月6日投票给他 (Tony Avella)
10/12 Fox News Democrats object to Trump Asian American judge nominee over Affirmative Action
10/12 New York Post Parents are giving up on public schools to home-school their kids
10/12 Sinovision 《一刻》高校招生能否结束“看脸时代”? 哈佛诉讼案或改变历史
10/12 World Journal 艾維樂訪中華總商會:給選民第3選擇 (Tony Avella)
10/11 Epoch Times 布碌崙第20学区 10/17讨论特殊高中改革
10/11 Epoch Times 卡兰萨:可先废5特殊高中SHSAT 校长们:共进退
10/11 New York Post Teachers to get bonuses at 180 mostly Bronx ‘hard-to-staff’ schools
10/11 NTD TV 再战普选 参议员艾维乐拜访中华总商会 (Tony Avella)
10/11 Sing Tao 艾維拉訪中華總商會 11/6再次挑戰劉醇逸 (Tony Avella)
10/11 Sinovision 如何准备特殊高中考试? 听听专家怎么说
10/11 Wall Street Journal Trial Monday will examine how Harvard uses race to shape student body
10/10 China Press 布碌崙第20学区 10/17讨论特殊高中改革
10/10 China Press 哈佛期刊招学生编辑惹争议
10/10 Sinovision 反大麻、招生歧视 加州州长候选人考克斯华社争取支持
10/10 World Journal 華裔教育人士:教育總監只注重表面「平等」
10/10 World Journal 卡蘭扎:5特殊高中可先廢SHSAT
10/ 9 Chalkbeat Carranza: City could get rid of SHSAT at 5 specialized schools on its own
10/ 9 Epoch Times 州英文会考 纽约市近3成学生3题以上零分
10/ 9 Epoch Times 应社区呼声 艾维乐决定再战普选 (Tony Avella)
10/ 9 Harvard Crimson Harvard Law Review Sued for Using ‘Race and Sex’ to Select Members
10/ 9 Sinovision “川粉”帕拉迪诺:反大麻保SHSAT 无证移民犯罪必须遣返 (Vickie Paladino)
10/ 6 New York Post Many NYC students are bombing the writing portion of state exam
10/ 6 Sing Tao 近三成紐約市學生 州考英文3試題捧蛋
10/ 5 Harvard Crimson Harvard, Yale Probes Signal Future Federal Attacks On Affirmative Action
10/ 5 PRNewsWire Asian Americans to Rally in Boston to Protest Harvard's Discrimination
10/ 4 China Press 25学区月会 民众抗议取消SHSAT
10/ 4 Epoch Times 市教育局:特殊高中改革后 亚裔生降至三成
10/ 4 Heritage Foundation Are Asian Americans the New Jews?
(Why are Asians so stupid? / Montgomery County Public Schools)
10/ 4 Sing Tao 25學區社區教委公聽會 近百家長擔牌反對SHSAT
10/ 4 Sing Tao 教育正義聯盟集會 推公校多元文化課程
10/ 4 World Journal 25學區會議 華裔家長反對廢SHSAT
10/ 3 New York Post De Blasio, Carranza are leading NYC schools to a dead end
10/ 2 Atlantic The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action
10/ 2 NTD TV 纽约11区选民集会造势 挺艾维乐再选一次 (Tony Avella)
10/ 1 Epoch Times 选人不选党 各族裔集会挺艾维乐再战 (Tony Avella)
10/ 1 New York Daily News De Blasio, Carranza hate schools where Black kids do well
10/ 1 New York Post De Blasio’s failed to cut education gap’ and hates the only proven solution
10/ 1 New York School Talk Who Will (And Won’t) Benefit From Unscreened NYC Schools
9/30 China Press 高顿布碌仑宾臣墟华社举行圆桌会议 (Martin Golden)
9/30 China Press 艾维乐支持者北法拉盛集会鼓励其再披战袍 (Tony Avella)
9/30 World Journal 支持者不甘 推艾維樂再戰 (Tony Avella)
9/29 China Press 获联成公所背书 高顿述政见 (Martin Golden)
9/29 China Press 州参议员共和党候选人帕拉迪诺 州众议员共和党候选 (Vickie Paladino)
9/29 Epoch Times 高顿获美东联成公所背书 (Martin Golden)
9/29 New York Post NYC’s school diversity plan could lead to another ‘white flight’
9/29 Sing Tao 近百人法拉盛集會造勢 支持艾維拉再戰劉醇逸 (Tony Avella)
9/29 Sing Tao 各族裔會考成績差距擴大 學者批評教育局空談口號
9/28 New York Post DOE’s fight against racial proficiency gap stagnates
9/28 Sing Tao 州參議員高頓訪聯成獲背書 反對取消特殊高中考試 (Martin Golden)
9/27 China Press 亚裔学生州考成绩表现优异
9/27 China Press 耶鲁也涉歧视亚裔?联邦介入调查
9/27 Crain's New York Schoolyard bullies Billy (De Blasio) and Richie (Carranza)
9/27 Epoch Times 共和党州长候选人访华埠 获掌声 (Marc Molinaro)
9/27 Epoch Times 纽约市州考成绩发榜 亚裔稳居首位
9/27 Harvard Crimson Yale Joins Harvard as Target of Probe Into Discrimination Against Asian-Americans
9/27 NTD TV 英文数学不及格人数过半 纽约市公校教育遭质疑
9/27 Sinovision 耶鲁录取学生歧视亚裔被调查 亚裔组织:这是一个警告
9/27 World Journal 共和黨州長候選人訪華社 挺SHSAT (Marc Molinaro)
9/27 World Journal 亞裔學生州會考亮眼 但遭州教育廳忽視
9/26 Candidate for governor Marc Molinaro tours Chinatown, supports SHSAT, opposes jail
9/26 New York Daily News Why are de Blasio and Carranza leaving an integrated school hanging?
9/26 New York Post Startling number of city public school students don’t understand basic math, English
9/26 New York Post More schools are nixing homework because parents say it’s annoying
9/26 New York Post State scores again show charter schools doing exactly what New York needs
9/26 Politico Trump administration probes complaint that Yale discriminates against Asian-Americans
9/26 Sing Tao 反對取消特殊高中入學考試 州長候選人馬利納羅訪華埠 (Marc Molinaro)
9/26 Sing Tao 紐約市會考成績提高 亞裔學生表現最好
9/26 Sinovision 纽约州长共和党候选人拜访华埠 回应华裔民众关注议题 (Marc Molinaro)
9/26 Sinovision 耶鲁大学歧视亚裔? 联邦机构介入调查
9/26 Washington Post Trump administration opens probe of Yale University
9/26 World Journal 州會考成績公布 紐約市亞裔學生亮眼
9/26 World Journal 繼哈佛後…耶魯招生也傳歧視亞裔 聯邦調查
9/25 Epoch Times 第25学区10/3办社区教育会议 讨论特殊高中招生改革
9/24 Epoch Times 纽约州长共和党候选人 26日将访中华公所 (Marc Molinaro)
9/24 New Republic Whose Side Are Asian-Americans On?
9/24 New York Daily News School boards wants limits on de Blasio's control
9/24 New York Post Democrats see chance to knock out Marty Golden
9/22 New York Post The city could pay billions for a test that didn’t really discriminate
9/21 China Press 布碌仑第15学区将抽签招生
9/21 Epoch Times 廢初中篩選錄取 布碌崙第15學區推多元化
9/21 Brookings Institution Magnets for Discrimination? Affirmative Action in Maryland
9/21 New York Post Diversity plan mayhem: Arts school can’t audition applicants anymore
9/21 Sing Tao 布碌崙第15學區 率先推多元化收生
9/21 World Journal 布碌崙第15學區初中 廢學術入學標準
9/21 World Journal 華裔民眾看「校園多元化計畫」改革 弊大於利
9/20 New York Post De Blasio kills admissions standards to diversify Brooklyn school district
9/20 New York Post De Blasio’s Brooklyn schools plan is all about ideology
9/20 Sinovision 《一刻》哈佛诉讼开庭在即 什么让亚裔“鸡蛋碰石头”?
9/20 Wall Street Journal New York City Makes Big Diversity Push in Brooklyn School District
9/19 City Journal Bill De Blasio’s “Woke” Education Boss
9/19 Thomas Fordham Institute Grades are inflated, especially for the rich
9/18 Daily Californian UC Berkeley diversity plan sparks criticism from Asian American advocacy group
9/18 Epoch Times “非改善而是改变” 卡兰萨重申废SHSAT
9/16 World Journal 「不可靠也不有效」卡蘭扎誓廢SHSAT
9/15 China Press 布碌仑南区优质教育联盟成立 力保SHSAT
9/15 Epoch Times 初选落幕 布碌崙家长组团保SHSAT
9/15 New York Daily News Carranza wants more blacks, Latinos in specialized high schools
9/15 New York Post Carranza says schools aren’t serving black and Latino students
9/15 World Journal 劉醇逸:特殊高中錄取改革 聽各族裔民意
9/15 World Journal 寇頓成立新聯盟 誓言保衛SHSAT
9/12 China Press 纽约同源会力挺艾维乐连任
9/12 Epoch Times 纽约同源会:看清谁真正捍卫SHSAT
9/12 Epoch Times 艾维乐质疑刘醇逸 对SHSAT的立场模糊
9/12 Fordham Institute Stuyvesant High School et. al: The inevitability of selectivity
9/12 Sinovision 纽约同源会 联同教育联盟讨论如何保护特殊高中现有录取标准
9/12 World Journal 紐約同源會、教育聯盟 挺艾維樂連任
9/11 NTD TV 纽约SHSAT去留 刘醇逸立场反覆 被评不可信任
9/10 China Press 华人冒雨抗议取消SHSAT
9/10 Epoch Times 数百华人冒雨集会 再吁保留SHSAT 艾维乐顾雅明等与数百华人无惧风雨集会
9/10 Sing Tao 百餘人冒雨聚市府 反特殊高中錄取改革
9/10 Sinovision 艾维拉:考试应为特殊高中唯一录取标准
9/10 World Journal 反廢SHSAT 亞裔群體再示威
9/ 9 Daily Pennsylvanian Response to 'I don't support the Harvard affirmative action lawsuit'
9/ 9 New York Post De Blasio attacks Jesse Hamilton
9/ 9 New York Post De Blasio’s school-desegregation push won’t remotely solve the real problem
9/ 9 New York Post De Blasio isn’t even trying to deliver good schools for black kids
9/ 9 Sinovision 纽约亚裔再度集会 抗议特殊高中改革
9/ 8 China Press 保留SHSAT考试大示威明日曼哈顿富利广场举行
9/ 8 China Press 州参议员韩文顿访问侨报
9/ 8 Epoch Times 非裔家长不赞成废SHSAT 批市长挑起种族间矛盾
9/ 8 Epoch Times 白思豪:筛选入学的做法要改变
9/ 8 Sinivision 纽约州长共和党候选人拜访华社 坚决反对废除SHSAT
9/ 8 World Journal 紐約華社周日再上街頭 反對取消SHSAT
9/ 7 American Renaissance Black Parents Come Out Against De Blasio’s Desegregation Plan
9/ 7 Epoch Times 莫里纳罗法拉盛拉票 反对废特殊高中考试
9/ 7 Epoch Times 尼克森支持华埠建监狱 反对SHSAT
9/ 7 New York Daily News Black parents against de Blasio's SHSAT plan ( Letter to De Blasio )
9/ 6 China Press 马利纳罗首访法拉盛亚裔社区
9/ 6 NTD TV 尼克森选州长 华社忧纽约走向极左 支持库默连任
9/ 6 World Journal 共和黨州長候選人 莫利那羅訪法拉盛 反對廢除SHSAT
9/ 5 China Press 竞选连任 艾维乐访侨报说政见
9/ 5 China Press 角逐州长 莫利纳罗今晚会亚裔社区
9/ 5 Epoch Times 艾维乐访大纪元媒体集团 强调SHSAT对亚裔很重要
9/ 5 Wall Street Journal Chancellor, Mayor Emphasize School Equity ( See reader comments! )
9/ 4 China Press 入学人数下滑 教育局员工经费上涨
9/ 4 Epoch Times 州长共和党候选人5日法拉盛亚裔见面会
9/ 4 Epoch Times 史岱文森高中每学生一年花财政1.7万
9/ 3 Epoch Times 加强多元化 今年更多学校优先招非裔西裔
9/ 3 New York Post Carranza: Parents who disagree with me are racists
9/ 3 New York Post NYC’s schools bureaucracy creates horror for parents and kids
9/ 3 Wall Street Journal NYC Education Department Raises Staff Funding as Enrollment Slips
9/ 3 World Journal 公校族裔多元化 華人家長斥摧毀好學區
9/ 3 World Journal 抗議華埠建監獄 紐約亞裔維權組織12日示威
9/ 2 New York Post NYC schools to give priority to black and Hispanic kids
9/ 2 World Journal 鼓勵華裔參政 商家辦「你投票我買單」活動
8/ 31 Epoch Times 哈佛录取歧视案 美司法部长支持亚裔学生
8/ 31 Sinovision 亚裔学生控哈佛获司法支持 十月开庭或“打”到最高法院
8/ 31 World Journal 告哈佛案針對所有名校 反對「招生考量種族」
8/ 31 World Journal 非裔生捍衛哈佛:沒平權的哈佛 整間教室恐都是亞裔
8/ 31 World Journal 代表亞裔生告哈佛 布朗姆:基於種族的政策 違反平等基礎
8/ 30 China Press 美国司法部点名批哈佛:招生政策歧视亚裔申请人
8/ 30 Fox News DOJ sides with Asian-American students
8/ 30 Sinovision 司法部公开表态:哈佛大学招生政策歧视亚裔申请人
8/ 30 Sinovision 司法部支持就能赢?这场攸关华裔利益的案件被政治化后 将何去何从...
8/ 30 Wall Street Journal Justice Department Says Harvard Hurts Asian Americans
8/ 29 China Press 布碌仑为寇顿竞选连任筹款 布碌仑为寇顿竞选连任筹款
8/ 29 New York Post Success Academy touts its ‘voluntary diversity’
8/ 29 Qgazette Avella: Include Additional SHSAT Funding In State Budget!
8/ 28 China Press 捍卫SHSAT 逾百社团9月9日再示威
8/ 28 CIty Journal Richard Carranza is fixated on race
8/ 28 World Journal 艾維樂訪世界日報 反廢SHSAT 為華裔發聲
8/ 28 World Journal 反對取消SHSAT 紐約亞裔團體9/9再示威
8/ 27 China Press 州长葛谟竞选团队访大鹏同乡会
8/ 27 NTD TV 哈佛招生歧视亚裔案将开庭 专访发起人
8/ 27 New York School Talk Why NYC School Chancellor Is Right About G&T And Why He Is Wrong
8/ 27 Pocono Record Race-based school criteria roils Asian-Americans - again
8/ 27 QNS Bayside lawmaker pushes for better test prep over elimination of of high school exam
8/ 26 Sinovision 哈佛招生歧视诉讼发起人访加州 湾区600华人家长望为子女谋公平
8/ 26 Western Journal Parents Joining Forces To Fight Against Affirmative Action Nonsense
8/ 26 World Journal 紐約公校教師工會主席:廢SHSAT難過關
8/ 25 Epoch Times 教师联合工会主席:废除SHSAT计划难在州议会通过
8/ 24 China Press 华裔家长集会 吁拨款DREAM计划
8/ 24 China Press 纽约州副州长霍楚拜访侨报
8/ 24 Epoch Times 艾维乐吁州府拨1千万给“梦想计划” 让更多学生获补习考SHSAT
8/ 24 Epoch Times 州参议会第11选区辩论会 华人挺艾维乐
8/ 24 World Journal 艾維樂籲州府撥款 助SHSAT免費輔導
8/ 23 China Press 极左州长女参选人尼克松八大道畅谈政纲
8/ 23 Epoch Times 库默缺席州长辩论 尼克森支持改革特殊高中
8/ 23 New York Post There’s nothing democratic about Brooklyn’s ‘desegregation’ plan
8/ 23 NTD TV 艾维乐吁州长 拨款千万帮助特殊高中考试生
8/ 23 Sinovision 保留特殊高中考试 艾维拉吁州府拨款1000万
8/ 23 World Journal 寄百封信反對廢除SHSAT 華生現身說法
8/ 23 World Journal 民主黨州長參選人 尼克森反對SHSAT
8/ 22 China Press 国会第14选区民主党新秀柯提兹首访华埠吁取消ICE, SHSAT
8/ 22 Sing Tao 25名華裔高中生暑期策劃 反取消特殊高中考試運動
8/ 22 NTD TV 库默缺席州长辩论 尼克森支持改革特殊高中
8/ 22 Sinovision SHSAT和多元化不冲突 纽约高中生呼吁保留SHSAT
8/ 22 Sinovision 纽约州长参选人布鲁克林华社开讲 尼克松:支持废除SHSAT
8/ 21 New York Times Diversity Debate: Hunter High School Is 9 Percent Black or Hispanic
8/ 20 Bklyner Carranza takes issue with admissions to New York City’s gifted programs
8/ 20 China Press 纽约州副州长霍楚拜访孔子大厦和纽约中华总商会 (Kathy Hochul)
8/ 20 Epoch Times 副州长胡楚访中华总商会 侨社:望保SHSAT、阻华埠建监狱 (Kathy Hochul)
8/ 20 Fox News Yes, it's time for affirmative action to end -- finally
8/ 20 New York Post Even when Carranza has a point, he misses the real issue
8/ 20 New York School Talk NYC’s High-School "Diversity" Initiative
8/ 20 World Journal 紐約市教育總監卡蘭扎 批資優班錄取方式不公
8/ 20 World Journal 副州長霍楚 訪中華總商會 籲華人投票 (Kathy Hochul)
8/ 19 China Press 亚裔民选官员背书刘醇逸 造势活动遇艾维乐支持者
8/ 19 New York Post Park Slope now ground zero in de Blasio’s drive to impose quotas on schools
8/ 18 Epoch Times 取消单一考试 教育总监要向天才班开刀?
8/ 18 Epoch Times 今夏“探索项目” 亚裔生比例超六成
8/ 18 Epoch Times 艾维乐获警察工会背书 并获华裔冲刺选民登记力挺
8/ 18 Sing Tao 天才班考試招生 卡蘭扎稱「也非好主意」
8/ 18 Wall Street Journal Carranza unwittingly unmasks his plan for Stuyvesant: Crown Jewel No More
8/ 17 China Press “发掘计划”64%为亚裔 明夏起仅招贫困生
8/ 17 China Press 居民联盟贝赛火车站作选民登记冲刺
8/ 17 China Press 森林小丘居民拜访民选官员讨论特殊高中入学考试
8/ 17 China Press 纪思庭会晤华文媒体谈就任以来工作成绩
8/ 17 World Journal 艾維樂偕華人支持者 動員選民登記
8/ 16 Epoch Times 捍卫SHSAT 第26学区华人居民今在贝赛协助选民登记
8/ 16 Queens Chronicle Guv hopeful Molinaro campaigns in Maspeth
8/ 16 World Journal 華裔孩子看在美華人處境 — 從「醜陋的中國人」投書說起
8/ 15 China Press 争夺州参议员艾维乐位置 共和党参选人获华裔支持
8/ 15 China Press 26学区居民联盟帮助符合资格者进行选民登记服务
8/ 15 Epoch Times 教育局扩探索项目 增特殊高中多元化
8/ 15 Qgazette Rally To Save Specialized High School Exam
8/ 15 World Journal 華裔家長:探索生進特殊高中 小心跟不上
8/ 15 World Journal 進特殊高中捷徑 探索生將增至20%
8/ 14 Chalkbeat Data show few blacks and Hispanics benefit from specialized high school diversity program
8/ 14 Sing Tao 特殊高中多元招生計劃 首年實施被批成效不彰
8/ 13 China Press 高顿举办亚太裔传统节
8/ 12 China Press 州参议员韩文顿八大道华社拜票
8/ 12 World Journal 韓文頓訪華社盟友 盼支持連任
8/ 11 Sing Tao 支持特殊高中考試 議員韓文頓競選連任獲華裔支持
8/ 10 Daily Signal Asian-American Parents Join Forces to Fight for ‘Education Fairness’
8/ 10 New York Times They Left China for the American Dream. Now They’re Fighting Affirmative Action
8/ 10 New York Times 他们离开中国追逐美国梦,如今为何反对教育平权
8/ 10 News Observer UNC has spent $16.8 million on affirmative action lawsuit
8/ 10 SI Live Malliotakis: De Blasio, Carrranza turn blind eye to violence and drugs in high schools
8/ 10 Wall Street Journal ‘Diversity’ Looks a Lot Like Old-Fashioned Discrimination
8/ 9 CGTN America CACAGNY: DeBlasio's SHSAT proposal is like putting on band-aid for cancer
8/ 9 CGTN America Yukong Zhao talks about discrimination against Asian-Americans
8/ 9 China Press 公益机构在109分局办数学英文补习班 顾雅明 局长夏恩
8/ 9 Epoch Times 州议员参选人坚持废SHSAT 获白思豪支持 ( 请支持 Jessie Hamilton! )
8/ 9 Queens Chronicle Keep the SHSAT and build more elite high schools
8/ 9 Times Ledger Avella ready for primary challenge from Liu
8/ 8 Kings County Politics Marty Golden Gives Mayor’s Plan For Specialized High Schools An “F” (scroll down)
8/ 7 Epoch Times 纽约5年前调查曝光 通过SHSAT的学生成绩更优
8/ 7 New York Daily News Winging the test: De Blasio's SHSAT reform ignored key evidence
8/ 7 Voices of NY Tony Avella and John Liu Fight Over Chinese Voters
8/ 6 China Press 支持SHSAT 佩拉尔塔免费发书包(图)
8/ 6 Epoch Times 纽约5年前调查曝光 通过SHSAT的学生成绩更优
8/ 6 Epoch Times 華裔民眾造勢捐款 力挺艾維樂競選連任
8/ 6 New York Daily News Critics blast de Blasio for hiding study that debunks his plan on SHSAT
8/ 6 New York Daily News Carranza hires "deputy chancellor for empowerment" for $220,000/year
8/ 6 New York Post What de Blasio didn’t want you to know: high school admissions tests work
8/ 6 Sing Tao 白思豪亮環保政績 華人批不務正業
8/ 6 World Journal 紐約市16高中 明年優先錄取移民、貧困生
8/ 6 World Journal (影音)「一直為民服務」 華裔挺艾維樂連任
8/ 5 China Press 通过SHSAT考试的学生学业表现更好 市教育局首次
8/ 5 Riverdale Press Best schools should keep SHSAT
8/ 5 Sing Tao 為艾維拉籌款 華人熱情高
8/ 5 Sing Tao 稱SHSAT可有效預測學生成績 華人團體批市長故意隱瞞報告
8/ 5 World Journal 隱瞞SHSAT報告 市教育局挨轟
8/ 5 World Journal 華裔教育人士批理虧 取消考試不合理
8/ 4 Epoch Times 纽约“招生多元化”扩大 70多所中小学实施
8/ 4 Epoch Times 忧“招生多元化”损纽约公校质量 华人集结要选代表华人利益的议员
8/ 4 Epoch Times 美纽约参议员褒奖华文媒体 盛赞大纪元新唐人
8/ 4 Wall Street Journal Study Shows Scores on Elite High School Test Predict Success
8/ 3 DeBlasio releases long-suppressed study proving SHSAT works (CACAGNY Statement)
8/ 3 China Press 纪思庭拜访美国亚总会 并拨款一万元
8/ 3 Gotham Gazette More Feeder Schools Will Improve Diversity at the Specialized High Schools
8/ 3 New York Times SHSAT Predicts Whether Students Will Succeed in School
8/ 3 World Journal 紀思庭撥款萬元 助亞總會服務社區
8/ 3 SIng Tao 史塔文斯基撰文力挺 保留特殊高中入學考試
8/ 3 Sing Tao 拒絕再當「啞裔」 挺身捍衛權益
8/ 3 Sinovision 《一刻》增“天才班”保“入学考” 特殊高中改革现转机
8/ 3 Sinovision 从力挺SHSAT到选择参议员 纽约华人:手握2000票就有话语权
8/ 3 Times Ledger Avella, Holden stand against mayor’s plan to abolish SHSAT
8/ 2 China Press 州参议员高顿访问侨报 畅谈连任竞选主张及社区发展
8/ 2 China Press 州长参选人尼克松支持废除特殊高中考试 被称是亚裔的敌人
8/ 2 China Press 反对取消SHSAT
8/ 2 China Press 一起努力,保卫特殊高中!
8/ 2 China Press 亚裔的声音
8/ 2 CNW 紐約州、市議員提案公校普設天才班
8/ 2 Epoch Times 艾维乐竞选发言人:刘醇逸长期反对SHSAT (John Liu on SHSAT)
8/ 2 Epoch Times 高顿褒奖《大纪元》 诺立法护SHSAT
8/ 2 Epoch Times 尼克森支持巴伦提案废SHSAT
8/ 2 Forest Hills Post Avella, Holden Introduce Legislation to Expand G&T Program, Advocate for SHSAT
8/ 2 NTD TV 纽约州参议员艾维乐竞选连任 获党部背书
8/ 2 NTD TV 独立真实 纽约州参议员高顿褒奖新唐人 大纪元
8/ 2 Sing Tao 「廢除種族隔離計劃」 卡蘭薩︰明年78校參與
8/ 2 Sinovision 本期看点:增设纽约天才班促特殊高中族裔多元?
8/ 2 Sinovision 亚裔社区分裂?有学生及组织告哈佛招生歧视 也有人称自己受益
8/ 2 Voice of America 纽约市长废除特殊高中考试遭遇新挑战
8/ 1 AM New York Specialized High School Admissions Test would be preserved in new bill
8/ 1 China Press 州议会新案 各校须设天才班
8/ 1 China Press 官民齐呼 扩建天才班才能提高教育质量
8/ 1 Epoch Times 扩大天才班 保护SHSAT 艾维乐提新法案
8/ 1 Epoch Times 哈佛招生潜规则? 亚裔录取似当年犹太人
8/ 1 Kings County Politics Colton Introduces Legislation to Save Specialized High Schools Exam
8/ 1 Ming Pao 白思豪特殊高中改革再遭集中反對
8/ 1 QNS Lawmakers rally at City Hall for more Gifted and Talented programs to save the SHSAT
8/ 1 Sing Tao 指劉醇逸支持取消SHSAT 劉指責對手歪曲其觀點 (John Liu on SHSAT)
8/ 1 Sinovision 纽约州议会提出双法案 增设纽约天才班 保留特殊高中考试
8/ 1 Sinovision 联邦起诉哈佛“招生歧视” 156个亚裔组织力挺
8/ 1 World Journal 州、市議會提案 每個學區都設資優班 助特殊高中多元化
8/ 1 World Journal 加州高中畢業報告:亞裔畢業率最高 輟學率最低
7/ 31 Chalkbeat Can a proposal to expand gifted classes help integrate specialized high schools?
7/ 31 China Press 35个亚太裔团体发表声明 呼吁教育局与其进行对话
7/ 31 NTD TV 市长欲废纽约特殊高中考试 艾维乐推新提案反对
7/ 31 NY1 State senator pushes to preserve SHSAT, require schools to expand gifted programs
7/ 31 New York Daily News Pols, activists rally against de Blasio's plan for elite public schools
7/ 31 Sing Tao 艾維拉寇頓分提法案 要求擴展天才班項目
7/ 31 Sinovision 美多所名校力挺哈佛:招生不考虑种族因素是“侵犯学术自由”
7/ 31 World Journal 廢除SHSAT 35亞裔社團籲對話
7/ 31 World Journal 州會考成績延後公布 影響申請初高中
7/ 31 WPIX Lawmaker works to bring more gifted programs to NYC schools
7/ 31 > > > > > > > > CACAGNY Supports Bills that Improve Education for ALL < < < < < < < <
7/ 30 Forbes Race and College Admissions: Harvard and Chicago
7/ 30 New York Daily News Lawmakers stage push against de Blasio's school desegregation plan
7/ 30 Sing Tao 亞裔團體發SHSAT聲明 獨漏亞平會簽名惹猜疑
7/ 30 Wall Street Journal Lawmaker Seeks to Expand Gifted Programs in New York City
7/ 30 WNYC Who Goes to Summer Test Prep Can Depend on Race
7/ 26 China Press 选区家长:刘醇逸关于特高考试立场模棱两可不清晰 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 26 China Press 高顿拜访美东联成公所
7/ 26 New York Daily News How about building more great high schools?
7/ 25 Epoch Times 艾維樂:將立法捍衛SHSAT
7/ 25 Epoch Times 高頓:家後院不該是監獄
7/ 25 Epoch Times 華裔朱寶玲獲「自由勳章」紐約議員艾維樂頒獎
7/ 25 NTD TV 丑闻缠身 刘醇逸再参选 连署被质疑造假 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 25 Sinovision 第22选区州参议员高顿联成拉票 反对特殊高中改革及取消小费抵薪
7/ 25 World Journal 州參議員高頓訪世報 反對取消SHSAT
7/ 24 China Press 华人家长会前会长朱宝玲获参议员艾维乐颁发自由奖
7/ 24 Sing Tao 華人家長會董事長朱寶玲 獲州參議會頒發「自由獎章」
7/ 23 China Press 教育局长:高中选拔导致种族隔离
7/ 23 China Press 教育局新增岗位年预算高达250万
7/ 23 Epoch Times 卡兰萨批“择优录取”歧视 遭纽约市数据驳斥
7/ 23 Epoch Times 艾维乐与华人对话 强调维护华人利益
7/ 23 Epoch Times 华人选民:刘醇逸不代表华人 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 23 New York Post Carranza just proved he doesn’t understand NYC’s schools
7/ 23 Sing Tao 印小冊子拍攝宣傳 卡蘭薩被批亂花錢
7/ 23 World Journal 艾維樂力保SHSAT 轟紐約市長瘋狂 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 22 New York Post Schools Chancellor: Schools that screen for best students are racially biased
7/ 22 Sing Tao 支持起訴哈佛大學徵連署 五天六十多組織簽名
7/ 22 World Journal 艾維樂:力保SHSAT 爭取州經費提高基礎教育 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 22 World Journal 艾維樂:與亞裔站一起 9月初選見真章 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 21 Chalkbeat New York State’s low test standards misled thousands of students
7/ 21 Epoch Times 四十年前 史岱文森高中白人学生占八成
7/ 20 Epoch Times 教育局网站主图缺亚裔白人 惹争议
7/ 20 Epoch Times 艾维乐竞选发言人质疑刘醇逸有竞选违规
7/ 20 NTD TV 反对纽约成庇护州 共和党人竞选26选区州众议员
7/ 20 World Journal 教育局網站主圖惹議 急撤換
7/ 19 Epoch Times 前史岱文森校长质疑纽约特殊高中招生改革
7/ 19 New York Post Don’t let lowered math standards become a trend (CUNY)
7/ 19 Queens Chronicle CEC 26 votes against city’s anti-SHSAT plan
7/ 19 Sinovision 抗议哈佛招生歧视 多地华人酝酿千人大游行
7/ 19 Washington Examiner Time to junk racial quotas in higher education
7/ 18 China Press 史岱文森高中前校长质疑招生改革
7/ 18 World Journal 史岱文森校友會理事廖蘊韶:若廢SHSAT 恐衍生新問題
7/ 18 World Journal 張潔:勉強進入特殊高中 強烈競爭可引發精神問題
7/ 17 Harvard Crimson Harvard hiding more stuff
7/ 17 Sing Tao 市府改革特殊高中招生 史蒂文生前校長表擔憂
7/ 17 Sing Tao 白思豪工作小組建議 性教育課擴至幼兒園
7/ 17 Wall Street Journal Former Stuyvesant Principal Questions Changes to School Admissions
7/ 16 China Press 暑期实习生拜访中华公所与纽约李氏总分所
7/ 16 New York Daily News Success Academy kids deserve better than they're getting from Richard Carranza
7/ 16 New York Post City dumbs down education while making numbers look good (CUNY)
7/ 16 New York School Talk The Lottery: A NYC Schools Horror Story (With Apologies to Shirley Jackson)
7/ 14 China Press 刘醇逸正式参选州参议员 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 14 Epoch Times 进步主义者选日落公园参议员 支持废除SHSAT
7/ 14 Epoch Times 艾维乐回应竞选挑战:专注做好该做的
7/ 14 Epoch Times 刘醇逸欲挑战艾维乐 纽约华社掀抵制声浪 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 14 Epoch Times 布碌崙15学区初中或废入学筛选 专家忧质量下滑
7/ 14 Harvard Crimson Kavanaugh could stop affirmative action at high schools and colleges
7/ 14 New York Post DeBlasio hired 12,322 at Department of Education while enrolment fell 11,000
7/ 14 World Journal 市議會促增資優班 同源會:多元化正確途徑
7/ 14 World Journal 公立精英學校再成箭靶!亨特錄取也遭質疑不多元
7/ 14 World Journal 劉醇逸再戰艾維樂 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 13 Epoch Times 刘醇逸欲挑战艾维乐 华社掀抵制声浪 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 13 Harvard Crimson It’s Not Asians Who ‘Game the System’
7/ 13 Sing Tao 出席劉醇逸宣布參選現場,華人及韓裔人數極少 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 13 Sing Tao 劉曾支持特殊高中多元化 部分華人力挺艾維拉連任 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 13 Times Ledger Queens Assembly candidate David Bressler strongly supports SHSAT
7/ 13 World Journal 劉醇逸出馬再戰艾維樂 改稱反對取消SHSAT (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 12 China Press 亚裔顾问委员会为韩文頓竞选连任筹款
7/ 12 Queens Chronicle Cuomo directs colleges to continue diversity in admissions
7/ 12 Sing Tao 市議會提決議案擴展天才班 同源會稱有利特殊高中多元化
7/ 12 Sinovision 刘醇逸再战艾维拉 特殊高中议题或定成败 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 12 World Journal [優投房UTOFUN專欄] 3分鐘瞭解紐約市學區
7/ 12 World Journal Politico網站批市長廢SHSAT 只為多元化
7/ 11 Epoch Times 高顿访中华公所:支持SHSAT、小费抵薪
7/ 11 Minding the Campus Harvard, Not Trump, Could Kill Affirmative Action
7/ 11 World Journal 高頓:捍衛SHSAT 紐約州參議會將封堵
7/ 11 World Journal 州參議員韓文頓挺SHSAT 華社籌款支持連任
7/ 10 Kings County Politics Hamilton, Myrie Weigh In on SHSAT Changes
7/ 10 Sing Tao 高頓向《星島》頒發嘉獎狀
7/ 9 AP DeBlasio on holistic admissions: "What's good enough for Harvard is good enough for Stuyvesant"
7/ 9 Boston Herald Affirmative action can still discriminate
7/ 9 China Press 第26学区委吁葛谟反对废除特高考试
7/ 9 Epoch Times “周一热点互动直播预告”川普取消大学平权政策 对亚裔有何影响?
7/ 9 Fox News Harvard, Yale defy Trump guidelines, continue to use race in admissions
7/ 9 KanNewYork(看紐約) 纽约市特殊高中向何方去
7/ 9 Kings County Politics Golden, Gounardes, Barkan On SHS Changes (watch for "sincer1ty gap")
7/ 9 New York Post Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza can’t stop playing the race card
7/ 9 Politico What are DeBlasio's true motives?
7/ 8 New York Post How serious is DeBlasio about actually educating students?
7/ 8 NY1 Inside City Hall with Errol Lewis
7/ 7 China Press 第26学区委吁葛谟反对废除特高考试
7/ 7 New York Daily News School boards to Mayor de Blasio: abandon desegregation tactics
7/ 7 New York Post Trump has made colleges truly color-blind at last
7/ 7 Riverdale Press Expand specialized school options
7/ 7 Sinovision 纽约26学区委员会高票通过反对废SHSAT 学区家长踊跃登记选民
7/ 7 Voice of America 纽约华人集会抗议市长废除特殊高中考试
7/ 7 World Journal 特殊高中議題是關鍵 劉醇逸「應多聽同胞意見」 (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 6 China Press 震撼!特朗普撤平权法案指导方针
7/ 6 Epoch Times 第26学区通过维持SHSAT决议
7/ 6 New York Post John Liu is planning a political comeback (John Liu on SHSAT)
7/ 6 New York Post Harvard’s ‘secret sauce’ is a secret shame
7/ 6 New York Times Carranza rises to protect school where no student passed math in 3 years
7/ 6 Queens Chronicle CEC 26 votes against mayor's plan to kill the SHSAT
7/ 6 World Journal 紐約26學區會議 高票通過反對廢SHSAT
7/ 6 World Journal 紐時頭版關注特殊高中風波 亞裔不斷被忽視
7/ 5 Albuquerque Journal It’s better to be judged on merit than privileged, old-boy networks
7/ 5 China Press 大学招生 种族因素靠边站
7/ 5 Federalist Asian Americans Are The Tipping Point For Rejecting Affirmative Action
7/ 5 Queens Chronicle Crowd: The elite HS exam must stay
7/ 5 WQXR News Asian-Americans Rally in Opposition to Reform Specialized High Schools
7/ 5 Sing Tao 反對取消特殊高中考試制度 26學區會議7比1票決通過
7/ 5 Sing Tao 備戰特殊高中考試 補習學校人頭攢動
7/ 5 UFT Keep the SHSAT: Ranks and statewide tests would lower academic standards
7/ 5 Wall Street Journal Students Head to Test-Taking Camp with Eyes on Coveted City Schools
7/ 5 Yale Daily News Yale to continue using race in admissions, defying Trump administration
7/ 4 CBS Trump administration urges schools to ignore race in admissions
7/ 4 CNW 紐約華人社區決以選票捍衞入學權
7/ 4 Epoch Times 华人家长:废SHSAT 会重蹈卡多索高中教训
7/ 4 Epoch Times 奥巴马鼓励大学招生考虑种族 川普推翻
7/ 4 New York Times ‘A Huge Blind Spot’: Why New York Asians Feel Overlooked
7/ 4 Sing Tao 挺大學種族中性原則 美廢除平權招生指引
7/ 4 World Journal 平權措施 反成優秀亞裔生入學障礙
7/ 4 Wold Journal 亞裔遭逆向歧視?大學招生考慮種族…廢除!
7/ 3 AACE AACE Hails the Policy Reform Announced by the Trump Administration
7/ 3 Chalkbeat Borough President Adams says SHSAT legislation should not move forward (video)
7/ 3 China Press 艾维乐明确表示支持保留SHSAT
7/ 3 China Press 布碌仑社区服务中心举办移民问题座谈
7/ 3 China Press 特朗普政府拟撤销高校招生“平权政策”
7/ 3 Epoch Times 华人家长:废SHSAT 会重蹈卡多索高中教训
7/ 3 Fox News Trump administration is breaking from Obama-era affirmative action policies
7/ 3 Los Angeles Times Trump administration backs race-neutral school admissions
7/ 3 New York Post De Blasio has lost the city’s faith – now it’s up to us
7/ 3 NTDTV 哈佛招生遭控歧视 川普撤销奥巴马平权指南州议员再提废除SHSAT案
7/ 3 NTDTV 川普政府摒平权法案 白人和亚裔上大学机会更多
7/ 3 Politico Affirmative action guidelines dropped by Trump administration
7/ 3 Sinovision 重磅!川普政府拟撤销高校招生“平权法案”指导方针
7/ 3 Sinovision 亚裔迎重大利好?川普政府废高校平权录取指导意见
7/ 3 Wall Street Journal Trump to Rescind Obama Guidelines on Race in College Admissions
7/ 3 World Journal 州參議員艾維樂:會盡全力保留SHSAT
7/ 3 World Journal 美司法部宣布 廢除大學種族平權入學指導方針
7/ 3 World Journal 美大學招生考慮種族政策 傳川普擬廢除
7/ 2 Amsterdam News Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams states his SHSAT position (video)
7/ 2 China Press 特殊高中校友 SHSAT遭「妖魔化」
7/ 2 Sing Tao 第26學區家長面見艾維拉 力爭保住SHSAT
7/ 2 Sinovision 一周集结四百人 反特殊高中改革 纽约26学区家长获州参议员支持
7/ 2 Wall Street Journal Will New York’s Mayor Erase Real Diversity?
7/ 2 World Journal 州參議員艾維樂:會盡全力保留SHSAT
7/ 1 CNN Fareed Zakaria The idea of meritocracy is under siege
7/ 1 New York Post Chancellor’s doomed plan for bureaucrats to save NYC’s sinking schools
7/ 1 Sing Tao 同源會播放影片「Tested」 討論關於特殊高中話題
6/30 China Press 郭登祺接受本报记者专访 强调不支持取消特高考试
6/30 Times Ledger VOTE THEM OUT: Alicia Hyndman (Assembly), Donovan Richards (City Council)
6/30 Times Ledger Bayside rallies in support of specialized exam
6/30 World Journal 特殊高中改變無證男孩一生 民選官員力挺
6/29 China Press 第26学区家长前往市议员办公室表达心声 促郭登祺不支持取消特高考试
6/29 CIty & State Specialized high schools and race
6/29 UFT (Reader Comment) Keep the admissions tests
6/29 World Journal 訪郭登祺辦公室 26學區家長抗議特殊高中改革
6/28 China Press 公校问题多 议员吁政府确保教学质量
6/28 China Press 支持白彼得连任 义工上街募签名
6/28 China Press “我与华裔并肩作战”纽约布鲁克林区长亚当斯分享执政理念 (Eric Adams)
6/28 Epoch Times 特殊高中改革? 不如打造优良学风
6/28 New York Post De Blasio to look at how ‘screened’ high schools admit students
6/28 Queens Chronicle Crowd: The elite HS exam must stay
6/28 Star Tribune Zakaria: An assault on meritocracy
6/28 Washington Post Meritocracy is under attack (video)
6/28 World Journal 廢除SHSAT 陳倩雯:應傾聽社區真實聲音
6/28 World Journal 廢除SAT呼聲高 亞裔生恐失優勢
6/27 Chicago Tribune Betrayed Asian-Americans should turn their backs on Democrats
6/27 China Press 不懂规则 八大道投票站零投票
6/27 Crain's Specialized high schools' admissions policy requires a nuanced approach
6/27 Daily Beast Standardized Tests Aren’t Racist: How Brown Kids Can Ace the Test
6/27 New York Post Principal: I'm passing students because summer school is too expensive
6/27 New York Post A Brooklyn principal shares a depressing truth
6/27 New York Post Make way for another layer of bureaucracy at the Department of Education
6/27 New Yorker Why Asian-Americans Feel Powerless in the Battle over New York’s High Schools
6/27 Quillette Bill de Blasio’s Plan to Displace Asians In New York’s Top Schools
6/27 World Journal 大學藉口多元化 變相限制亞裔入學
6/26 Commentary The Ugly Condescension of the Enlightened
6/26 Epoch Times 反对废除SHSAT 印度裔社团也发声
6/26 The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC): more specialized high school seats
6/26 New York Daily News The SHSAT is fair — so keep it, argues a student at a specialized high school
6/26 New York Times Letters from three people who actually want to solve the problem
6/26 SI Live Let's not forget the gifted students (letter to the editor)
6/26 Sing Tao 特殊高中考試 一場理念之爭
6/26 World Journal 取消SHSAT 華人區學生難進特殊高中
6/25 China News 美纽约华裔家长涌学区会议 力保特殊高中入学考试
6/25 China Press 各族裔人士集会 吁保留特高考试
6/25 Daily Caller Democrats face their own Proposition 187 by discriminating against Asian Americans
6/25 Epoch Times 废SHSAT皇后区受影响最大 居民吁增优质高中
6/25 Epoch Times 紐約廢考爭議:機會公平或結果公平?
6/25 National Review Harvard’s Admissions Bigotry — A Partial Theory
6/25 New York Daily News Think the SHSAT is not your issue? Can you spell B A C K F L O W?
6/25 New York Daily News Bass-ackward Bill: de Blasio's school priorities are out of order
6/25 New York Times Harvard Is Wrong That Asians Have Terrible Personalities
6/25 Wall Street Journal The Democrats’ Racial Fault Line
6/25 World Journal(影音)華裔家長轟 廢SHSAT才是歧視
6/24 China Press 26学区委员会讨论反对取消特高考试决议
6/24 Crain's Don't mess with specialized high schools
6/24 Los Angeles Times Asian Americans need to end blind loyalty to the Democratic Party
6/24 World Journal 同源會談特殊高中:非種族之爭
6/24 World Journal 3大特殊高中校友會 聯手抵抗廢除SHSAT
6/23 China Press 24学区委员会通过决议 呼吁市府投票反对取消特殊高中考
6/23 Eastern News 罗维宗:用选票表明立场争取权益
6/23 National Review Max Boot’s Weak Defense of Harvard’s Affirmative Action
6/23 New York Post The right way to get minorities into NYC’s top high schools
6/23 Sing Tao 為保住高中畢業率 州會考再降合格線
6/23 Sinovision 纽约同源会高中生作文大赛今颁奖 学生探讨华埠未来及特殊高中改革
6/23 Spectator The diversity trap
6/23 Times Ledger Specialized test prep program a real success
6/23 World Journal 廢SHSAT引不滿 華人掀選民登記熱
6/22 China Press 曼哈顿顶级学区 1/4座位给低收入差生, 布碌崙15学区入学也将生变
6/22 Epoch Times 公校治学品质成忧 特许学校申请创新高
6/22 New York Post Scoring 30% on a test is enough to graduate high school in New York City
6/22 New York Post Inside the state’s system for inflating Regents scores
6/22 QNS Queens education council takes a stand against removing the SHSAT exams
6/22 Real Clear Investigations Why Asians Excel at Scholastic Tests (Money Has Little to Do With It)
6/22 Riverdale Press Dinowitz disses mayor’s plan for specialized high schools
6/22 Sinovision 紐約市第26學區家長抗議 反對特殊高中改革
6/22 Sun-Gazette NYC’s war on academic excellence
6/22 Wall Street Journal Truly Elite Schools Are Best Opportunity for the Poor
6/22 World Journal 華裔家長湧26學區會議 力保特殊高中入學考試 (Video) (Video)
6/22 World Journal 廢SHSAT 教育團體籲白思豪對話
6/21 Brooklyn Eagle Coalition forms to fight de Blasio plan to overhaul elite schools
6/21 China Press 市长办公室与亚裔组织会面 要求支持取消特殊高中考试计划
6/21 Commentary Social Justice vs. Human Nature: Downward Leveling
6/21 Crimson SFFA: 'Holistic' Admissions Rooted In Tactics Once Used to Limit Jews
6/21 New York Post De Blasio only cares about the headlines — not your needs
6/21 Sing Tao 就特殊高中改革 亞裔代表盼與市府對話
6/21 Sing Tao 教育總監討論學校多元性 將改革與政治議題「掛鉤」
6/21 Sing Tao 非議市長特殊高中改革 郭納德絕不同意取消SHSAT
6/21 World Journal 廢SHSAT 教育團體憂不公
6/21 World Journal 公校族裔多元化 第三學區先行
6/21 World Journal 名校入學潛規則 華人社區熱議
6/20 Epoch Times 五所特殊高中系纽约市自定 白思豪:最好通过立法修改
6/20 Epoch Times 日裔教育专家致信白思豪谈SHSAT:勿分隔亚裔
6/20 New York Post Families continue to flee DeBlasio's schools for charter schools
6/20 New York Post DeBlasio wants to "desegregate" high performing schools with low performing students
6/20 NY1 DeBlasio starts to wreck good middle schools
6/20 People's Daily 美华裔反对特殊高中多元化改革
6/20 Wall Street Journal Alumni From New York City High Schools Unite to Fight Admissions Changes
6/20 Wall Street Journal City to Diversify Upper West Side Middle Schools with Low Performing Students
6/19 Brooklyn Reporter Coalition forms to fight de Blasio plan to overhaul elite schools
6/19 Center for Equal Opportunity “Too Many Asian Americans”? (at Harvard and Stuyvesant)
6/19 Chalkbeat I’m also Asian-American. Mayor de Blasio, let’s talk.
6/19 Crimson Harvard would be 51% Asian based on academics, AND Asians are better at extra-curriculars!
6/19 Daily Signal De Blasio’s Diversity School Solution Ignores the Real Problem
6/19 Federalist Asian Americans are Finally Cluing Into the Racism Underlying Identity Politics
6/19 New York Post DeBlasio: "If multiple criteria is good enough for Harvard, it's good enough for Stuyvesant"
6/19 News Sentinel The far left and NYC’s war on academic excellence
6/19 Newsday Bill de Blasio is wrong about New York City's elite public schools
6/19 World Journal 白思豪:避免「一試定生死」 消除特殊高中排他性
6/18 Crain's Mayor aims to avoid specialized high schools lawsuit
6/18 Epoch Times SHSAT辩论升温 社区批市长:玩政治
6/18 Huaren Forums 白丝毫太恶心了, 居然用funding 来要挟华人组织出去给他站台。
6/18 Hill Time for racism at Harvard and our American education system to end
6/18 New York Post Brooklyn president reverses himself on SHSAT after donor backlash (Eric Adams)
6/18 New York School Talk Who Will Win & Who Will Lose When It Passes?
6/18 News Sentinel The far left and NYC’s war on academic excellence
6/18 SI Live At Staten Island Tech, using SHSAT increased, not decreased, diversity
6/18 USA Today 'Diversity' is no excuse for racial bias
6/18 Yahoo News Racial imbalance? Admissions policies at Harvard and Stuyvesant HS under scrutiny
6/18 Wall Street Journal Harvard Is Too Discriminating
6/17 GJCZZ 白丝毫太恶心了, 居然用funding 来要挟华人组织出去给他站太
6/17 New York Post Engaging in blatant, egregious racism in the name of "diversity": Harvard
6/17 Sing Tao 市長特殊高中改革引恐慌 家長擔心下一步要動天才班
6/17 Sing Tao 市長鼓動華人反SHSAT? 亞平會拒絕 華策會未表態
6/17 Wall Street Journal Asian-Americans Suffer Under School Quotas
6/17 World Journal 反廢SHSAT 民代社區籲組「南布碌崙學校質量聯盟」抗爭
6/16 China Pres 社区会议炮轰纽约市长特高废考误人子弟
6/16 China Press 抗议废考提案 华裔带头示威
6/16 Daily Journal NYC's war on academic excellence
6/16 Dyske More on the Proficiency Rates for NYC Students
6/16 Epoch Times 三百学生和家长参加 吁保留公平竞争机会
6/16 Times Ledger Electeds rally against mayor’s plan to change admissions for elite high schools
6/16 Sing Tao 賓臣墟特殊高中社區會議 議員怒責市長 號召持續抗爭
6/16 WABC Officials hold emergency meeting over specialized admissions test debate
6/16 World Journal 搶救SHSAT 學生大軍上街頭
6/15 Bloomberg Harvard Study Found Asian-American Admissions Bias, Suit Claims
6/15 Brooklyn Eagle Malliotakis: The test is not the problem with specialized high schools
6/15 China Press 20学区委吁否决废特高考议案
6/15 China Press 布碌仑区长亚当斯谈特殊高中
6/15 China Press 百余华人抗议取消特高考试
6/15 Epoch Times 非裔学生家长反对废SHSAT:即使我孩子受益也要讲公平
6/15 Federalist Kick Asian Americans Out of Selective Schools to Give Preferences to Blacks, Hispanics
6/15 New York Post Protesters rip de Blasio’s proposed admissions overhaul
6/15 NTD TV 抗议废除特殊高中考试 布鲁克林大桥游行
6/15 NY1 Republican Running for Governor Calls for City to Keep SHSAT
6/15 Patch Hundreds Protest Elite School Diversity Plan On Brooklyn Bridge
6/15 Sing Tao 從布碌崙遊行至曼哈頓 數百亞裔再抗議廢除SHSAT
6/15 Sinovision《一刻》對話普林斯頓教授: 從特殊高中改革看美國教育新趨勢
6/15 Sinovision 取消SHSAT是掩蓋教育缺陷 特殊高中學生加入抗議隊伍
6/15 WABC Parents, students protest plan to eliminate specialized high school admissions test
6/15 WABC Local leaders hold emergency meeting over specialized admissions test debate
6/14 Atlantic What’s Going On With New York’s Elite Public High Schools?
6/14 Brooklyn Eagle The test is not the problem with specialized high schools (Nicole Malliotakis)
6/14 Brooklyn Reporter Tensions rise during town hall in Sunset over controversial SHSAT plan
6/14 Business Insider Bill de Blasio has a plan that would destroy New York City's elite high schools
6/14 Chief Don't Be Quiet, Just Smarter
6/14 China Press 卡兰纳里民会接受废考质询
6/14 China Press 韩裔加入反对取消特殊高中考试示威行列
6/14 China Press 百余华人抗议取消特高考试
6/14 Epoch Times 法拉盛韩裔抗议市长拟废SHSAT
6/14 Epoch Times 取消特殊高中考试 犹如“饥饿游戏”
6/14 Kings County Politics De Blasio Obstructs Expansion of Successful, Diverse Charter School
6/14 Lowell Sun NYC's war on academic excellence in public schools
6/14 New York Daily News Keep the specialized high school test; fix K-8 education throughout the city
6/14 New York Post Corey Johnson wants city to expand specialized schools for minorities
6/14 Queens Chronicle Parents rally in Flushing against move to eliminate the specialized high school test
6/14 Queens Chronicle Pols blast Blaz’s plan to toss the SHSAT
6/14 SF Shibao 律师解读纽约特殊高中改革:涉种族配额 可诉诸法律维权
6/14 Sing Tao 白思豪特殊高中改革 激起華人反民主黨情緒
6/14 Sing Tao《一刻》本期看點:普林斯頓教授質疑特殊高中改革數據
6/14 Sinovision 紐約市教育局長堅決否定SHSAT 日落公園逾百民衆抗議
6/14 Sinovision 律师解读纽约特殊高中改革:涉种族配额 可诉诸法律维权
6/14 West Indian Khan’s Tutorial Rallies with Asian American Community Organizations to Keep SHSAT
6/14 World Journal 場外兩派人馬對峙 火藥味十足
6/14 World Journal 卡蘭扎現身學區會議 抗議人潮擠爆
6/14 World Journal SHSAT擬廢除 華韓裔聯手抗議
6/14 World Journal 史岱文森校友:紐約市長將毀滅最好高中
6/14 Xinhua News Proposal to reform New York high schools sparks uproar in Asian American Community
6/13 China Press 孟昭文会晤卡兰纳 反对取消SHSAT (Statement)
6/13 China Press 卡兰納今天与第15学区委员会举行市政会议
6/13 China Press 布碌仑区长亚当斯出席侨报访谈 分享执政理念 强调耐 (Eric Adams)
6/13 Conservative Review NYC’s war on academic excellence
6/13 Jewish World Review Discrimination against the high-achieving in name of 'diversity'
6/13 Manhattan Institute The Attack on Educational Excellence
6/13 Mother Jones New York City’s Elite High School Problem Isn’t a High School Problem
6/13 New York Post De Blasio’s ‘desegregation’ plan is an insult to Asian-Americans
6/13 New York Post Think public school grades should be used for high school admissions?
6/13 New York Times Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan would destroy the best high schools in New York City
6/13 Newsmax Lower Standards Endanger Nation's Safety, Security
6/13 NY Radio Korea 한인 사회, 뉴욕시 특목고 입학 시험 폐지 반대
6/13 NY1 Sunset Park protesters slam schools chancellor's support for plan to eliminate SHSAT
6/13 Queens Gazette Senator Stavisky and Community Leaders Rally to Save the SHSAT
6/13 SIng Tao 紐約市教育總監 明年到奧本尼遊說特殊高中改革
6/13 Sing Tao 教育總監開里民會 數百華裔門外示威
6/13 Sing Tao 眾家長梅利山集會抗議取消特殊高中試
6/13 Sinovision 特殊高中改革反對陣營再添新磚 韓裔社區紐約法拉盛集會抗議
6/13 Times Ledger De Blasio proposal to phase out SHSAT fails to resonate with Queens lawmakers
6/13 Washington Post New York’s mayor wants to demolish a school system that lifts kids out of poverty
6/13 World Journal 廢SHSAT 面對亞裔反彈 教育總監堅持立場
6/13 World Journal 20學區投票 反對取消特殊高中入學考試
6/13 World Journal 孟昭文會紐約市教育總監 聚焦SHSAT (Statement)
6/13 World Journal <特殊高中改革案>華爾街日報:亞裔正在覺醒
6/12 AM New York Mayor’s elite-school plan doesn’t make the grade
6/12 Brooklyn Eagle Asians call Chancellor’s Specialized High School remarks divisive, disrespectful
6/12 Epoch Times 紐約市精英學校--特殊高中的歷史沿革
6/12 New York Daily News NYC's own 'Hunger Games'
6/12 New York Post Teachers nailed for giving midterm questions to kids in advance
6/12 Our Town Asian-Americans assail schools plan
6/12 QNS Parents rally in Flushing against city’s move to eliminate the specialized high school test
6/12 Wall Street Journal The Attack on Educational Excellence
6/12 Wall Street Journal Dumbing Down New York’s Public Schools
6/12 West Side Spirit Asian-Americans assail schools plan
6/12 World Journal 華社施壓初見效 廢SHSAT共同提案人退縮
6/11 Broadsheet Assemblywoman Niou, City Councilwoman Chin Criticize DeBlasion on SHSAT
6/11 China Press 抗议废考现场 逾百人登记选民
6/11 China Press 抗议废SHSAT 华裔大示威
6/11 China Press 冒雨抗议 群情激奋
6/11 CNW 紐約五千人示威抗議特殊高中改革法
6/11 Community Digital News NY specialized high schools are under attack by Identity Politics
6/11 Eastern News 纽约民众聚集市府广场 抗议市长白思豪取消SHSAT
6/11 Epoch Times 紐約2千人市府集會 反對廢特殊高中入學考試
6/11 Lo-Down Council Member Chin Asks Mayor For Meeting on Specialized High School Plan
6/11 National Review De Blasio’s Plan to Destroy New York’s Best Schools
6/11 New China TV Parents, students protest against canceling admission test for Specialized High Schools
6/11 New York Daily News Without the test, Stuyvesant won't work
6/11 New York School Talk The Mayor’s Hidden Agenda
6/11 Our Town Asian-Americans assail schools plan
6/11 Politico De Blasio’s quixotic specialized school journey
6/11 Wall Street Journal An Asian-American Awakening
6/11 World Journal 用選票發聲 亞裔不做啞裔 快去登記選民
6/11 World Journal 《新聞眼》廢SHSAT危機未除 下一步該如何走?
6/11 World Journal 保SHSAT 5000家長、學生示威
6/11 China Press: 抗议废SHSAT 华裔大示威
6/10 City & State The way to diversify specialized high schools is to open more of them
6/10 New York Post Protesters gather at City Hall to oppose de Blasio’s no-test plan
6/10 New York Post When grades and scores come from the school themselves ...
6/10 NTD TV 反對廢除特殊高中考試 紐約學生家長抗議
6/10 NY1 Specialized High School Admission Changes Effect All High Schools (Recorded by onlooker)
6/10 SF Gate Plan to diversify elite NYC schools draws fire from Asians
6/10 Sing Tao 「沒有人能隨隨便便成功」 亞裔家長談為教育做犧牲
6/10 Sing Tao 數千人冒雨聚市府 反特殊高中錄取改革
6/10 Sinovision 逾五千民衆紐約市府前抗議 反對取消特殊高中入學考試
6/10 Sinovision 抗議市長廢除特殊高中入學考試計劃 逾千家長紐約市府門前集結抗議
6/10 Villager ‘Keep the test!’ Asian-Americans slam mayor’s plan on elite schools
6/10 WPIX What do you think of de Blasio's plan to diversity the city's eight specialized high schools?
6/10 World Journal 紐約市擬廢特殊高中入學測驗 各族裔家長千人聚市府前抗議
6/ 9 China Press 寇顿 唐凤巧要求教育局长为无礼言论道歉
6/ 9 China Press 民代亚裔民众法拉盛示威
6/ 9 China Press 亚当斯新建议:8所特高保留SHSAT录取方式不变
6/ 9 Epoch Times 華人法拉盛抗議 強烈反對廢SHSAT
6/ 9 Epoch Times 拯救特殊高中 寇頓下週六召開緊急會議
6/ 9 Journal Times Plan to diversify elite NYC schools draws fire from Asians
6/ 9 New York Post 27% of Blacks, Latinos accepted into Specialized High Schools don't want to go there
6/ 9 New York Post De Blasio’s school admissions plan would slash enrollment of white kids
6/ 9 Newsmax Plan to Diversify Elite NYC Schools Draws Fire From Asians
6/ 9 NTD TV 紐約市長改革特殊高中 家長民代齊抗議
6/ 9 NY1 Queens residents and lawmakers protest proposed changes to SHSAT
6/ 9 World Journal AngelList創始人:考試入學最公平
6/ 9 World Journal 布碌崙區長改口保留SHSAT 稱與華人取消籌款無關
6/ 9 World Journal 廢特殊高中考試 亞裔集會法拉盛抗議
6/ 9 World Journal 非裔校友:SHSAT沒錯 是市長改革有誤
6/ 9 World Journal《新聞眼》改革之路 應展誠意
6/ 8 American Conservative Is Mayor De Blasio an Anti-Asian Bigot?
6/ 8 Bklyner Why Southern Brooklyn parents worry about Mayor’s plan on Specialized High Schools
6/ 8 Brooklyn Eagle City’s plan to change specialized high school admissions exposes DOE failings
6/ 8 Brooklyn Reporter GOP pushes back on de Blasio elite schools plan
6/ 8 China Daily NYC school-diversity plan challenged
6/ 8 China Press 因对特殊高中改革态度模棱两可 亚当斯竞选市长筹款活动
6/ 8 China Press 特殊高中改革议案被叫停
6/ 8 China Press 布碌仑第20学委全票反对白思豪取消SHSAT考试
6/ 8 China Press 陈倩雯吁白思豪与亚裔对话 修改特殊高中入学程序问题
6/ 8 Epoch Times 漠视选民嘘声四起 亚当斯支持废SHSAT
6/ 8 New American Mayor de Blasio: Diversity Over Merit at NYC’s Best Schools
6/ 8 Newsmax Is NYC Mayor de Blasio Anti-Asian?
6/ 8 SF Shibao 纽约市布鲁克林区长亚当斯突改口 反对取消特殊高中入学考试
6/ 8 SF Shibao 纽约法拉盛逾百民众集会 反对取消特殊高中考试
6/ 8 Sing Tao 建議5區各建一所新特殊高中 亞當斯重申支持保留SHSAT (Eric Adams) (Video 1, Video 2)
6/ 8 Sing Tao 史塔文斯基指責 白思豪一意孤行
6/ 8 Sing Tao 近300民眾法拉盛集會 反對取消特殊高中考試
6/ 8 Sinovision《一刻》紐約亞裔的特殊高中保衛戰
6/ 8 Standard Examiner Is Mayor de Blasio an Anti-Asian Bigot?
6/ 8 World Journal 布碌崙20學區決議 反對廢除SHSAT
6/ 8 World Journal 廢SHSAT 中華公所批「本末倒置」盼聽民意
6/ 8 World Journal 廢除特殊高中考試 亞裔法拉盛抗議
6/ 8 World Journal《新聞眼》有理更要聲高 亞裔不再啞裔
6/ 7 Amsterdam News Fix the pipeline for specialized high schools
6/ 7 Amsterdam News Specialized Prejudice: Protest as Mayor calls to end specialized high school test
6/ 7 Chalkbeat Cynthia Nixon on specialized schools: ‘We need them to be more racially diverse’
6/ 7 China Press 亚当斯对话华社 听取废考争议
6/ 7 China Press 施压州参议员 封杀A10427A案关键
6/ 7 China Press 取消入学考 州议会过首关
6/ 7 China Press 华人学生告危!是谁总把华裔放在“公正”的对立面?
6/ 7 City & State A guide to the controversy around NYC’s specialized high schools
6/ 7 Epoch Times 反對廢SHSAT 史塔文斯基組織抗議
6/ 7 Epoch Times 市長強推特殊高中入學改革 州議員批「政治秀」
6/ 7 Epoch Times 廢除SHSAT提案 州眾議院教委會通過
6/ 7 Epoch Times 中華主席:政客不正釀矛盾 兩頭不是人
6/ 7 Forest Hills Post Meng Pans De Blasio’s Plan to Scrap High School Admissions Test (Statement)
6/ 7 Kings County Politics City Can Learn From Asian Education Process
6/ 7 kknews 美國僑領關注紐約教育水平 建議特殊高中應保持原狀
6/ 7 Michelle Malkin Dullard de Blasio's Dumbass Plan to Throw Smart Asian-Americans Under the Bus
6/ 7 National Review ‘Too Many Asian Americans’: Bill de Blasio Edition
6/ 7 New York Daily News Chinese-American group demands apology from Carranza after comment
6/ 7 New York Daily News State Assembly puts off action on de Blasio's desegregation plan
6/ 7 New York Post De Blasio’s plan to ban high school admissions tests put on hold
6/ 7 NTD TV 多方反改革特殊高中 紐約州議會本立法季不予討論
6/ 7 Queens Chronicle Defeat de Blasio’s plot against the ‘elite eight’
6/ 7 Queens Chronicle City Hall wants to ax elite eight’s SHSAT
6/ 7 SF Shibao 纽约州众议长希斯提搁置特殊高中改革 卡兰萨回应称不会放弃
6/ 7 Sing Tao 聲稱亞裔掌控特殊高中取錄 指引述錯誤教育總監拒道歉
6/ 7 Sinovision 紐約州衆議長希斯提擱置特殊高中改革 卡蘭薩稱不會放棄
6/ 7 Sinovision 取消特殊高中入學考試提案擱置到明年 紐約亞裔社區将辦兩場示威
6/ 7 USA Today Lowering school standards for diversity's sake hurts all students
6/ 7 Voices of NY Opinion: Elite High School Test ‘Not a Problem Then’ or Now
6/ 7 World Journal 布碌崙區長支持廢SHSAT 華社砲轟
6/ 7 World Journal 特殊高中改革效應 學區房市恐洗牌
6/ 7 World Journal 白思豪特殊高中改革案過首關 州眾議會教委會通過廢SHSAT
6/ 7 World Journal 投票中/紐約州眾議會亞裔議員出手 攔下特殊高中改革提案
6/ 6 AACE AACE Condemns Proposed Changes on Specialized High School Admissions
6/ 6 Breitbart Asian-Americans: Mayor Bill de Blasio ‘Pitting Minority Against Minority’
6/ 6 Chalkbeat The scene at Stuyvesant
6/ 6 China Press 家长示威 抗议取消入学考
6/ 6 China Press 取消特殊高中入学考 华人家长怒火烧
6/ 6 China Press 支持取消入学考 亚当斯引争议
6/ 6 Epoch Times 華人家長市府抗議 反對廢除入學考
6/ 6 Hot Air In New York, Even Cuomo Can’t Stomach NYC Plan For School Admissions
6/ 6 New York Post NYC’s top schools wouldn’t survive de Blasio’s testing plan
6/ 6 New York Post Grace Meng slams de Blasio’s plan to scrap admissions testing (Statement)
6/ 6 New York Post De Blasio’s plan to ditch admission test for top high schools wins approval
6/ 6 NTD TV 白思豪要廢紐約特殊高中考試 華人家長市政廳遊行抗議
6/ 6 NTD TV 一票之差 紐約州教育委員會通過改革特殊高中
6/ 6 One News Now De Blasio ripped for plan to diversify elite NYC high schools
6/ 6 Qgazette Stavisky: Keep SHSAT, And Help More Students Pass It
6/ 6 Sing Tao 紐約同源會陳慧華建議 關注97%非裔不及格問題
6/ 6 Sing Tao 是時候,亞裔共同站起來 向議員 Barron及市長白思豪 齊聲怒吼
6/ 6 Sing Tao 特殊高中改革法案引發華人怒潮 華人網上集結 周五周日2場示威
6/ 6 Voices of NY Specialized High School Reform Proposal Triggers Outcry
6/ 6 Wall Street Journal Progressive Education: How to ruin New York’s best high schools in the name of equality
6/ 6 Wall Street Journal Parents at Sunset Park Meeting Call for Keeping High School Admission Test
6/ 6 World Journal 市府擬廢SHSAT 華人家長怒吼
6/ 6 World Journal 市教育總監:學生不應補習
6/ 6 World Journal 家長:學生成績好壞都受罪
6/ 5 Amsterdam News De Blasio’s plan to make elite high schools more diverse meets opposition, criticism
6/ 5 Blaze De Blasio's plan to diversify elite high schools draws sharp criticism from NYC families
6/ 5 China Press 抗议取消特殊高中入学考 亚裔大示威
6/ 5 Crain's New York Five flaws in de Blasio's plan for specialized high schools
6/ 5 Dyske Let’s Not Be Fooled by De Blasio’s “Solution” to Diversity Problem in Elite NYC High Schools
6/ 5 Epoch Times 多名紐約州議員反對廢SHSAT
6/ 5 Epoch Times 紐約市改革特殊高中錄取 華社強烈反對
6/ 5 Epoch Times 紐約要改革SHSAT 華裔家長緊急聯署要求保留
6/ 5 Fox News New York mayor unveils plan to scrap admissions testing
6/ 5 Gothamist Asian-American Groups Protest Plan To Diversify Specialized High Schools
6/ 5 Kings County Politics Asian Community Pushes Back Against Elite Schools Plan
6/ 5 New York Daily News Bill games the elite high school admissions test
6/ 5 New York Daily News More diverse specialized schools, without scrapping the admissions test
6/ 5 New York Daily News Chancellor Carranza to desegregation plan foes: You don't own these classrooms
6/ 5 New York Post De Blasio’s latest bad idea will hurt city’s elite schools
6/ 5 New York Post De Blasio’s plan to get rid of admissions tests faces strong opposition
6/ 5 New York Post Cuomo has little faith in de Blasio’s elite-HS admission plan
6/ 5 New York Times Asian Groups See Bias in Plan to Diversify New York’s Elite Schools
6/ 5 NY1 SHSAT overhaul plan: Hearing from the alumni of specialized high schools
6/ 5 SI Live Tech grads, parents, students slam mayor's plan to scrap elite school's exam
6/ 5 SI Live De Blasio turning specialized high schools into nothing special
6/ 5 Sing Tao 市長公布特殊高中改革方案 華人暴怒數百人市府前抗議
6/ 5 QNS Queens residents, lawmakers unhappy with city’s plan to eliminate specialized schools tests
6/ 5 Sing Tao 布碌崙華社議員群起怒責 區長︰華裔非裔不應對立
6/ 5 Sinovision 反對取消特殊高中入學考試 逾百民衆紐約市府抗議
6/ 5 WABC Protest over plan to revamp admissions testing for elite high schools in New York City
6/ 5 Wall Street Journal Cuomo Wants Mayor’s Elite High-School Plan to Be Part of Larger Policy Talks
6/ 5 World Journal 市教育總監談SHSAT:學生不應補習
6/ 5 World Journal 廢除特殊高中入學測驗 葛謨:今年難
6/ 4 Brooklyn Eagle De Blasio seeks to eliminate high-stakes test for NYC’s specialized high schools
6/ 4 CBS New York De Blasio’s Plan For Elite New York City High Schools Met With Anger By Many
6/ 4 China Press 华社及大批民代痛批废SHSAT考试计划
6/ 4 City Journal Diversity, Not Merit
6/ 4 Inside Higher Ed Who Should Get In?
6/ 4 New York Daily News Critics blast Mayor de Blasio’s school desegregation plan
6/ 4 New York Post Bill de Blasio’s schools plan is brutally unjust
6/ 4 New York Post Activists slam de Blasio plan to end school admissions tests
6/ 4 NTD TV 白思豪廢除紐約特殊高中考試 反對聲音四起
6/ 4 NY1 Parents, alumni slam proposal to change admissions for NYC specialized high schools
6/ 4 Patch Elite High School Alumni To Fight Mayor's Diversity Bill
6/ 4 Sing Tao 抗議市長取消特殊高中入學試 亞裔維權大聯盟今辦示威遊行
6/ 4 Sinovision 特殊高中學生反對改革: 降低标準錄取了也跟不上
6/ 4 Sinovision 白思豪特殊高中改革惹衆怒 紐約華社6/5市政廳前抗議
6/ 4 WABC Protest over plan to revamp admissions testing for elite high schools in New York City
6/ 4 WCBS Criticism Mounts Over Mayor De Blasio's Plan For Elite New York City High Schools
6/ 4 WNYC Outrage, Applause Greets de Blasio's Bid to Reform Elite High Schools
6/ 4 WPIX De Blasio’s plan to make city’s elite high schools more diverse meets opposition, criticism
6/ 4 World Journal 不滿市府廢SHSAT 未徵詢華社 亞裔維權聯盟上街頭
6/ 4 World Journal 白思豪動刀特殊高中 家長學生齊轟
6/ 4 World Journal 張潔:特殊高中錄取標準需公平 莫打「族裔」牌
6/ 3 China Press 市长将废除特殊高中入学考试
6/ 3 New York Post De Blasio’s plan to destroy New York’s top high schools
6/ 3 Wall Street Journal New York City Mayor Alters Exam-School Admissions
6/ 3 World Journal 取消考試「拉低特殊高中水準 」 亞裔認遭歧視
6/ 2 New York Post De Blasio wants to scrap admissions testing for elite high schools
Chinese American
Citizens Alliance
Greater New York